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08-17 投稿


acetabular 发音

英:[[?s?'t?bj?l?]]  美:[[?s?'t?bj?l?]]

英:  美:

acetabular 中文意思翻译



acetabular 短语词组

1、acetabular artery ─── [医]髋臼动脉

2、acetabular angle ─── 髋臼角度

3、acetabular abduction ─── 髋臼外展

4、acetabular anteversion ─── 髋臼前倾角

5、acetabular shell sector ─── 髋臼部

6、acetabular cup ─── [医]基节杯(半翅目)

7、acetabular plate ─── 殖吸盘板

8、acetabular liner ─── 髋臼衬

9、acetabular fractures ─── 髋臼骨折

10、acetabular recess ─── [医]髋臼窝

11、acetabular index ─── 腹吸盘指数

12、acetabular notch ─── [医] 髋臼切迹

13、acetabular branch ─── 髋臼支

14、acetabular cavity ─── 髋臼腔

15、acetabular lip ─── 髋臼唇

16、acetabular sulcus ─── 髋臼沟

17、acetabular labrum ─── [解剖]髋臼唇

acetabular 相似词语短语

1、acetabula ─── n.髋臼;吸盘

2、constabular ─── 警察

3、incunabular ─── adj.最早期的;初期的

4、acellular ─── adj.[生物]非细胞的;非细胞组成的

5、acetabulums ─── n.[解剖]髋臼;[无脊椎]吸盘;关节窝

6、acetabulum ─── n.[解剖]髋臼;[无脊椎]吸盘;关节窝

7、acetal ─── n.乙缩醛

8、receptacular ─── adj.花托的,在花托

9、tabular ─── adj.扁平的;列成表格的

acetabular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thus, for a given acetabular shell size, a large head diameter can be used (fi gure 6), which provides enhanced joint stability and a large range of movement before the neck impinges on the socket. ─── 因此,同样的髋臼型号,金属假体可以使用更大的股骨头匹配,这既增强了关节的稳定性,也减少了股骨颈-髋臼缘的撞击而允许更大的活动范围。

2、Methods: From June 1994 to February 1999,36 patients with acetabular fracture were treated through Kocher Langenbeck approach. ─── 方法 :1994年 6月 - 1999年 2月使用Kocher Langenbeck入路治疗 36例髋臼骨折。

3、Comparative analysis of X-ray plain film,2D-CT and 3D-CT in diagnosis of acetabular fractures.J Pract Radiol, 2004, 20: 88-90. ─── X线平片、二维CT及三维CT诊断髋臼骨折的对比分析.实用放射学杂志,2004,20:88-90.

4、Conclusions: The combined hip procedure is an option for acetabular fractures in elderly patients. ─── 结论:髋关节联合治疗是老年病人髋臼骨折的一个选择。

5、Besides the ordinary positions seen in X-ray, the extensive focus positions found in CT and MRI included pelvis, acetabulum,knee cap and marrow cavity. ─── CT检查病灶发生部位除X线检查中常见部位外,还有一些新增部位出现,如骨盆、髋臼、髌骨、股骨髓腔等。

6、Method:Around the application unites into the road treatment acetabulum double strut compound fracture 6 examples. ─── 方法:应用前后联合入路治疗髋臼双柱复杂骨折6例。

7、Cementless acetabular cups were introduced to alleviate the difficulty with fixation failure of cemented polyethylene sockets. ─── 为了减少骨水泥聚乙烯套固定的失败率,推荐使用非骨水泥髋臼杯。

8、On the other hand, injuries of the acetabulum, if left untreated are associated with long term morbidity. ─── 另一方面,髋臼损伤,如果不做处理,这和长期的病态是有关系的。

9、CT scans showed that there were 4 caes of fracture of acetabular bone,10 cases of fracture of iliac bone,2 cases of sacrococcyx fracture and 2 cases of transverse fracture of pubic bone. ─── CT发现髋臼骨折 4例 ,髂骨骨折 10例 ,骶尾骨骨折 2例 ,耻骨横形骨折 2例。

10、Methods:The angle of the acetabular abduction of 21 pelvis all 42 hip joints were measured with the manual devices when facing the 9 different pelvic obliqueness angles. ─── 方法:手动测量21具骨盆标本共42髋在骨盆绕身体矢状轴向头侧和尾侧歪斜的9个不同角度时的髋臼外展角的度数。

11、Historically, metal rings, wire mesh, and other materials hae been used to improe acetabular fixation. ─── 以往,金属环、钢丝网和其他材料被用于加强髋臼固定。

12、Objective To sum up the clinical practical value of internal fixation for the treatment of acetabular fractures. ─── 摘要目的总结髋臼骨折内固定治疗的临床实用价值。

13、However, it is now mainly used to expose the anterolateral aspect of the head and neck of the femur and acetabulum for biopsy or excision of bone in this area. ─── 但现在主要用于股骨头、颈和髋臼的前外侧面,并在区域内行活检和骨切除。

14、Developmental dislocation of the hip(DDH) is the most common disease in pediatric orthopedics, acetabular dysplasia, nonconcentric hip-joint articulation and approximate femoral deformity are the main pathologic morphology abnormality. ─── 发育性髋关节脱位是小儿骨科最常见的先天性畸形之一,髋臼发育不良、股骨头脱位和股骨近端改变是髋关节脱位的主要骨性病理变化。

15、Abstract: To investigate the etiology of abnormal morp hology of acetabulum outer margin in congential dislocation of hip (CDH) by MRI. ─── 文摘:研究先天性髋关节脱位骨性髋臼上缘异常形态的形成原因和髋臼软骨形态学变化对其产生的影响。

16、Methods Three-D finite element model was established to simulate four types of the acetabulum implantation methods. ─── 方法建立髋关节三维有限元模型,模拟四种不同髋臼安装方式,在单髋站立位时,分析髋臼假体周围的等效应力和位移大小。

17、The resurfacing acetabular component has performed well and is unlikely to require revision during conersion for a femoral-side failure. ─── 在对股骨侧失败进行翻修时,表面置换的髋臼假体仍表现出较好的状态,可能并不是一定要进行翻修。

18、We have gained valuable experiences in the treatment of pelvic and acetabular fractures, delayed fractures and complicated intraarticular fractures. ─── 对于骨盆髋臼骨折、陈旧骨折、复杂关节内骨折有丰富的临床经验和良好的疗效。

19、Three acetabular components required reision not because of loosening, but because the conersion surgery predated the aailability of matching large femoral heads to mate with the existing shell. ─── 3例髋臼假体必须翻修不是由于松动,而是因为翻修手术使得匹配的大的股骨头缩短了其有效期,以紧密配合已经存在的臼杯。

20、Obejective To quantitatively research the deformation distribution of the outside pelvis around the replaced artificial acetabulum joint under static loads. ─── 摘要目的研究三翼臼髋关节假体植入后在静载荷作用下骨盆结合处周围的变形状态。

21、Methods The osteotomy was performed along margin of acetabulum with acetabular wholism rotary to improve acetabulum to cover head of femur. ─── 方法沿髋臼缘截骨,通过髋臼的整体旋转来加大髋臼对股骨头的包容。

22、Acetabular bone stock is further compromised by osteolysis resulting from wear of the thin polyethylene. ─── 因薄壁聚乙烯磨损造成的骨溶解可使髋臼骨质受到更严重的破坏。

23、We investigatedwhether this technique was safe and successful with regard tominimizing tissue trauma and, more importantly, whether it waspossible to obtain optimal reorientation of the acetabulum. ─── 我们研究了这种方法在组织创伤最小化以及更重要的获得最佳的髋臼再定向方面是否是安全和成功的。

24、Until the middle of the 20th century, surgical treatment of pelvic and acetabular fractures was non-existent. ─── 20世纪中期以前,一直不存在骨盆和髋臼骨折的手术治疗。

25、To deepen acetabulum,we turned over the external ilium lamina as a hinging graft coving on the femoral head when performing iliumotomy. ─── 加之手术切开复位时切开关节囊,对关节囊的动脉也有一定的影响,这样就会造成股骨头的血供相对不足;

26、Surgical treatment of complex acetabular fractures ─── 复杂髋臼骨折的手术治疗

27、For 30 cases of acetabular fractures, the fracture quantity of SSD and VRT was 158,169,while in X-ray plains,spiral CT and MPR was 133,169 and 169. Fracture detection rates of X-ray plains and SSD were 78.7% and 93.5%. ─── 3 0例髋臼骨折 ,2DCT、MPR、VRT检查共发现了 169处骨折 ,X线发现 13 3处骨折 ,检出率是 78.7%。 SSD发现 15 8处 ,检出率 93 .5%。

28、Combined injuries included ectopic ossification(27 cases),traumatic arthritis(19 cases),acetabular erosion(1 case),femoral head necrosis(3 cases),fat liquefaction(3 cases) and superficial infection(1 case). ─── 并发异位骨化27例,创伤性关节炎19例,髋臼坏死1例,股骨头坏死3例,术后脂肪液化3例,浅表感染1例。

29、Methods Acetabular anteversion was measured by computed tomography(CT) in 18 patients with unilateral hip dysplasia. ─── 方法对18例先天性单侧髋脱位患儿作CT检查,比较其患侧与健侧的髋臼前倾角;

30、The preseration of subchondral bone in the acetabulum, as well as the use of a metal-backed cup or thick-walled polyethylene cup, decreases the peak stress leels in the trabecular bone of the pelis. ─── 保留髋臼内的软骨下骨及采用金属帽髋臼或厚壁聚乙烯臼均可降低骨盆小梁骨内的峰应力水平。

31、The 3D reconstruction techniques can intuitionistic reveal the change of structure and shape of femoral head and acetabulum. ─── 3DCT可以直观地显示髋臼以及股骨近端的结构形态改变,通过多平面重建技术(MPR),可以精确地测量股骨颈前倾角的大小以及髋臼在不同的旋转角度的髋臼指数。

32、In addition, the effect of total hip replacement is highly correlated with acetabular anteversion angle, femoral head rotation center and eccentricity, and force. ─── 全髋关节置换的效果与髋臼前倾角、外展角、股骨头旋转中心及偏心距、假体的受力密切相关。

33、Infection must be suspected if part of the subchondral bone of the acetabulum or femoral head is eroded or if bone has been resorbed about an internal fixation deice. ─── 如果髋臼或股骨头软骨下骨被侵蚀或内固定物周围骨质吸收,应除外感染。

34、Cemented acetabular components were used initially to restore hip function, but, in more recent procedures, unipolar replacements and uncemented implants were used. ─── 21例存活并随访3-21年,最初,使用骨水泥型髋臼构件以恢复髋关节的功能,但目前,单极置换和非骨水泥形构件更为常用。

35、Methods Acetabular anteversion was measured by computed tomography (CT) in 18 patients with unilateral hip dysplasia.The acetabular anteversion was analyzed in the dysplasia hips and the normal side. ─── 方法对18例先天性单侧髋脱位患儿作CT检查,比较其患侧与健侧的髋臼前倾角;

36、Pelvic acetabulum fracture is inside-articular fractures, its morbidity and mortality rates are very high.The treatment is a difficult problem. ─── 摘要骨盆髋臼骨折属于关节内骨折,致残率和死亡率都非常高,它的临床治疗是一个难题。

37、Articulatory dish be located in condyle shape dash forward and acetabulum between, show egg circle and two sides caves. ─── 关节盘位于髁状突和关节窝之间,呈卵圆形而两面凹陷。

38、Methods Dissection of 28 adult hip joint specimens (56 sides) was conducted.The position, courses, subordinate branches, and refluxes of the acetabulum vein were observed and recorded. ─── 方法对28例(56侧)成人髋关节标本解剖,观察记录髋臼静脉的位置、走行、属支及回流。

39、Methods:Respectively analyzed the treatment and clinical results of 46 cases of complex acetabular fractures. ─── 方法:回顾性分析46例复杂髋臼骨折的治疗方法及临床结果。

40、Methods The CT and clinical manifestations of 36 cases of acetabular fracture were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾分析36例髋臼骨折的CT表现及临床表现。

41、Wang G,Chen B,Wang HM,Wang QL.Exposure and treatment of complicated acetabular fractures by improved iliofemoral approach.Zhonghua Chuangshang Guke Zazhi(Chin J Orthop Trauma),2002,4:181- 184. ─── [4]王钢,陈滨,王华民,汪群力 .改良髂股入路前后显露治疗复杂髋臼骨折 .中华创伤骨科杂志,2002,4: 181- 184.

42、Figure 7-43 GAP (graft augmentation prosthesis) acetabular cup has titanium ring with inferior hook and two superiorly placed plates with additional dome screw holes. ─── 图7-43GAP(植骨加强假体)髋臼杯。臼杯有钛加强网,下方有钩,上方有两根板条,臼顶另有螺丝孔。

43、Methods Retrospective study was made on 65 cases of acetabular fractures. ─── 方法对65例髋臼骨折进行回顾性研究。

44、During my early years of operating acetabular fractures I was assisted for the first time by my chief, Gus Sarmiento on a Kocher-Langenbeck approach to a transverse plus posterior wall fracture. ─── 在我做髋臼骨折的早期,第一次是有我主任GusSarmiento帮助我采用Kocher-Langenbeck入路完成一例后壁+横行骨折病例。

45、From five aspects,operative indication,opportunity,approach and procedure,the paper reviewed the progress for treatment of shifting fracture of acetabulum with operation. ─── 从手术指征、手术时机、手术入路、手术操作和术后处理5个方面综述了移位型髋臼骨折手术治疗的进展。

46、"Atoll acetabular valley Natural Beauty" at the Ming Tombs about 4 km northwest. ─── “碓臼峪自然风景区”在明十三陵西北约4公里处。

47、In CT films, development of acetabulum and femoral head were unsufficient and hip joint spaces were widen or emptied. ─── 在软组织窗位和骨窗位观察髋臼及股骨头的发育,并进行股骨颈前倾角的测量。

48、In the early 1960s, the management of acetabular fractures was reolutionised by the work of Judet and Letournel. ─── 1960年代早期,由于Judet和Letournel的工作而使髋臼骨折的治疗产生了个革命性的变化。

49、The Young-Burgess system may be optimal for the learning surgeon.The Tile classification system is more beneficial for specialists in pelvic and acetabular surgery. ─── Young-Burgess分型最适用于实习医生,而Tile分型更适用于骨盆和髋臼外科的专家。

50、Improperly placed acetabular component in THA could lead to dislocation, abnormal stress concentration and increased wear of the lining. ─── 摘要全髋关节置换时臼假体的位置安放不当可导致术后脱位、增加骨-假体的应力,加快假体磨损。

51、The operation to correct hip dysplasia produced an abnormality in acetabular anteversion. ─── 手术可改变髋臼前倾角,部分会至异常范围。

52、Mayo KA.Fractures of the acetabulum Ortop Clin Norto Am 1987;18:43. ─── 姚伦龙,等.髋臼骨折85例分析.骨与关节损伤杂志1994;9(1):19.

53、Methods: 14 acetabular fracture patients with dislocation were treated with open reduction and internal fixation by using surgical AO reconstructive plate. ─── 方法:对14例髋臼骨折采用切开复位AO重建钢板内固定术治疗。

54、The imagesof EBCT 3D reconstruction might provide exact guidance to formulate operative plan,thusEBCT 3D reconstuction now was the best method in the diagnosis of acetabular fractures. ─── EBCT三维重建对制定详细的手术计划可提供正确指导,是目前最理想的诊断髋臼骨折的方法。

55、The Bernese osteotomy has the advantages that are beyond other osteotomies. So it is the best to choose Bernese osteotomy for the treatment of teenaged or adult acetabular dysplasia. ─── Bernese术具有其它截骨术不可比拟的优势 ,是目前治疗青少年及成年髋臼发育不良的最佳选择。

56、Assessment of articular fragment displacement in acetabular fractures: a comparison between computerized tomography and plain radiographs.Chin J Orthop Trauma,2004,6:851-854. ─── CT和X线片对髋臼骨折移位程度评价的比较.中华创伤骨科杂志,2004,6:851-854.

57、Despite improements in component designs and cement technique, the long-term suriorship of cemented acetabular components has not substantially improed. ─── 尽管假体设计和骨水泥技术得到了改进,骨水泥固定髋臼假体的长期使用寿命并未得到实质性增加。

58、Methods The feature of CT findings on MPR and VR were analyzed in 37 cases with acetabular fractures. ─── 方法分析37例髋臼骨折多层螺旋CT容积再现(VR)及多平面重建( MPR)的影像特点。

59、Assessed by Merle d,Aubigne acetabular scoring system,18 cases were rated as excellent,2 case as good,1 case as fair. ─── 按Merled,Aubigne髋关节评分系统评分标准评定:优18例,良2例,可1例,差0例。

60、Three acetabulum fractures,15 tibial plateau fractures and 7 subtalar fractures were perfomed operations. ─── 4例髋臼骨折中 3例行手术治疗 ,2 0例胫骨平台骨折中 15例行手术治疗 (12例行植骨 ) ,11例距下关节骨折 7例行手术治疗。

61、Examination of the polyethylene acetabular shells from patients with resurfacing procedures has reealed considerable wear, indicating that thin-walled, unsupported polyethylene is to be aoided. ─── 对表面置换病人体内取出的聚乙烯髋臼帽进行检测,也发现有明显的磨损,提示应淘汰薄壁、无支撑的聚乙烯臼杯。

62、Most deficient acetabula can be restored to a hemispherical shape, and a standard, albeit large, acetabular component can be inserted. ─── 多数有骨缺损的髋臼仍能保持半球形,因而可植入大的标准髋臼假体。

63、Objective: To investigate the techniques in surgical treatment of acetabular fractures. ─── 摘要目的:探讨髓臼骨折的手术治疗方法。

64、In order to improve the precision of the current computer simulation study of hip joint, a novel acetabular surface model-a rotating ellipsoid model was developed. ─── 摘要为了提高髋关节模拟研究精度,提出一种基于逆向工程技术建立和验证髋臼软骨参数化曲面模型的新方法。

65、Abstract: Objective: To discuss the clinical characteristic, mechanism of injuries and methods of prevention of heterotopic ossification associated with acetabular fracture. ─── 文章摘要: 目的:探讨髋臼骨折后异位骨化的临床特点、创伤机制和预防方法。

66、Although gender did not reach statistical significance, women trended toward higher femoral and acetabular wear rates. ─── 虽然性别不具有明显的统计学特征,但女性具有更高的股骨侧及髋臼侧的磨损倾向。

67、All patients were operated on to correct hip dysplasia.CT were used in 6 patients in 6 months after the operation and the changes of the acetabular anteversion were analyzed. ─── 18例患儿均做手术切开复位,对其中6例患儿术后半年作CT随访,比较其手术前后髋臼前倾角的变化。

68、Methods: The location, attachment and blood supplies of the gluteus minimus and the upper part of the ilium the acetabulum were observed and measured in 40 sides of adult gluteal specimens. ─── 方法:在40侧成人臀部标本上对臀小肌的起点、位置、血供、髋臼上方臀小肌深面髂骨的血供等进行了观测,并在标本上进行模拟术式设计。

69、Transportation: Changping by direct acetabular valley of the small atoll 5 end road that is to get off. ─── 交通:昌平乘坐直达碓臼峪的小5路终点下车即到。

70、Examination of the right hip showed no acetabular tenderness or edema and revealed a normal range of motion. ─── 右髋检查表明,没有髋臼压痛或水肿,并显示关节活动范围正常。

71、He later resurfaced the acetabulum with a plastic shell and the femoral head with a metallic cup but abandoned this procedure because of aascular necrosis of the femoral head. ─── 他后来在髋臼内使用塑料杯,而股骨头用金属杯,但随后因出现股骨头缺血性坏死而将其淘汰。

72、The highest stresses in the cement and trabecular bone deelop when a thin-walled, polyethylene acetabular component is used and when the subchondral bone has been remoed. ─── 当软骨下骨被除去且使用薄的聚乙烯髋臼假体时,骨水泥和小梁骨内产生的应力最高。

73、Methods The experience in treatment of 56 cases of acetabular fractures was summarized. ─── 方法总结56例髋臼骨折的手术治疗效果。

74、Acetabular retroversion in hip dysplasia ─── 对髋臼发育不良患者髋臼后倾的临床研究

75、Historically, metal rings, wire mesh, and other materials hae been used to improve acetabular fixation. ─── 以往,金属环、钢丝网和其他材料被用于加强髋臼固定。

76、Method 12 cases with congenital acetabular dysplasia were treated with rotational acetabular osteotomy.All patients were clinically reviewed after operation. ─── 方法:对我院应用髋臼旋转截骨术治疗的12例髋臼发育不良患者的疗效进行回顾性分析。

77、Bioresorbable poly(l-lactide) screws were used for fixation of the acetabular bone grafts to prevent any possible delayed remodeling. ─── 我们应用生物可吸收接骨材料左旋聚丙交酯螺钉固定髋臼骨移植物以防止可能的滑脱。

78、Consequently, there has been a trend toward cementless fixation of acetabular components in younger, active patients. ─── 人们开始倾向于在年轻、活动量大的病人中采用无骨水泥固定髋臼假体。

79、Objective To investigate a special optimized technique for computer aided measure, and provide an anatomical basis for the placement of lag screw in the posterior column of the acetabulum. ─── 摘要 目的 研究专门的最优化计算机辅助解剖测量技术,为髋臼后柱拉力螺钉内固定提供解剖学基础。

80、The resurfacing acetabular component has performed well and is unlikely to require reision during conersion for a femoral-side failure. ─── 在对股骨侧失败进行翻修时,表面置换的髋臼假体仍表现出较好的状态,可能并不是一定要进行翻修。

81、In Dalian, we are the first hospital developing acetabular rotary ostectomy to treat with adult acetabular dysplasia. ─── 在创伤骨科方面,在各种复杂骨折的治疗上积累了丰富的经验,包括髋臼骨折、涉及关节的粉碎性骨折等。

82、Conclusion: The technique of acetabular bone cement pressurization is closely related to the long-term survival of the prosthesis. ─── 结论:髋臼侧骨水泥加压灌注技术与假体的远期生存率密切相关。

83、The sum of acetabular and femoral anteversion was found to be out of the safe zone regarding dislocation risk in 47% of patients. ─── 从髋臼和股骨前倾角度来看,有47%的患者的存在一定程度上的脱位风险。

84、Among 14 cases who had single lesion, 3 cases were located in crinial bone, 2 cases in acetabular bone, 3 cases in vertebral column, 1 case in rib and 5 cases in long bones of extremities. ─── 单发者其中颅骨3例,髋臼2例,脊柱3例,肋骨1例,四肢长骨5例。

85、Until the middle of the 20th century, surgical treatment of pelic and acetabular fractures was non-existent. ─── 在20世纪中期以前,一直不存在骨盆和髋臼骨折的手术治疗。

86、Methods:Taking advantage of biomemorial effect of nitinol and anatomic character of acetabulum,a new internal fixation system for ac-etabular fracture was designed,named acetabular tridimensional system (ATM). ─── 方法:依髋臼的解剖特点与镍钛合金特性,研制髋臼三维记忆内固定系统:由前柱臼A;

87、Wu Y, Tong X, Fu C, et al.Operative treatment of acetabular fractures through the ilioinguinal approach.J Clin Orthop,2002, 5: 138-140. ─── [3]吴恙,童鑫,付驰,等.髂腹股沟入路手术治疗髋臼骨折.临床骨科杂志,2002,5:138-140.

88、According to the result , a conclusion is obtained that Hipbone and Acetabulum are homocentric. ─── 分析和实验结果初步显示,股骨头与髋臼存在着共心关系。

89、During the last 20 years pelvic and acetabular surgery has continued to evolve. ─── 在过去的20年间,骨盆和髋臼外科得到了进一步的发展。

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