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chalcopyrite 发音

英:[?k?lko??pa?ra?t]  美:[?k?lk??pa?ra?t]

英:  美:

chalcopyrite 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 黄铜矿


chalcopyrite 短语词组

1、chalcopyrite mohs hardness ─── 黄铜矿莫氏硬度

2、chalcopyrite sg ─── 黄铜矿sg

3、chalcopyrite crystal ─── 黄铜矿晶体

4、chalcopyrite type ─── 黄铜矿式

5、chalcopyrite definition ─── 黄铜矿定义

6、chalcopyrite healing properties ─── 黄铜矿愈合性能

7、chalcopyrite pics ─── 黄铜矿图片

chalcopyrite 相似词语短语

1、chalcocite ─── n.[矿物]辉铜矿

2、chalcanthite ─── n.[矿物][中医]胆矾;蓝矾(等于bluevitriol)

3、chalcogenides ─── n.[无化]硫属化合物(chalcogenide的复数形式)

4、chalcophile ─── [地质]亲铜的

5、chlorite ─── n.[矿物]绿泥石;[无化]亚氯酸盐

6、chalcolite ─── n.铜铀云母

7、chalybite ─── n.[矿物]球菱铁矿

8、chalcogenide ─── n.氧属化物;硫族化物

9、chalcostibite ─── n.硫铜锑矿

chalcopyrite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The disseminated blebs are generally composed of one pyrrhotite individual accompanied by varying amounts of pentandite and chalcopyrite ─── 分散的泡体常由磁黄铁矿个体与多少不等的镍黄铁矿及黄铜矿共生。

2、All the deposits of the said mining area are multi-mineral ore bearing mainly sphalerite, galena, pyrite, magnetite pyrite, chalcopyrite, magnetite iron ore, etc. ─── 该采区均属硫化物多金属矿床,主要金属矿物有:闪锌矿、方铅矿、黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿、磁铁矿等。

3、Usually as intergrowths with quartz, pyrite, galena, sphalerite, cinnabar, chalcopyrite tec, various shapes . ─── 常与石英、黄铁矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿、辰砂、黄铜矿等共生。

4、The major ore mineral in the Shijuli copper deposit is chalcopyrite, copperas stone and so on. ─── 石居里铜矿床矿石中主要矿石矿物由黄铜矿及黄铁矿等组成。

5、The induced-flotation behavior of chalcopyrite and pyrite was investigated. ─── 考察了黄铜矿和黄铁矿的诱导浮选行为。

6、Electrochemical behavior of chalcopyrite at normal temperature in acidic solution ─── 常温酸性条件下黄铜矿的电化学行为

7、The effect of several oxidizers, KMnO4 , H2O2, CaCl2, Ca ( CIO)2 on flotability of pyrite and chalcopyrite was studied. ─── 研究了KMnO4、H2O2、CaCl2、Ca(ClO)2等多种无机氧化剂对黄铁矿、黄铜矿可浮性的影响。

8、Ore minerals are mainly magnetite, chalcopyrite and azurite etc. ─── 矿石矿物主要为磁铁矿,次为黄铜矿、蓝铜矿;

9、The Kinetic Research on Bacteria Leaching of Chalcopyrite ─── 细菌浸出硫化铜矿的动力学研究

10、By determining adsorption amount, infrared spectrum and calculating of collector molecular properties, mechanism of collector " CSU-A " reaction with chalcopyrite and pyrite has been systematically studied in this paper. ─── 本文通过吸附量、红外光谱测定以及捕收剂分子结构计算,系统研究了捕收剂CSU-A与黄铜矿、黄铁矿的作用机理。

11、The result show that the moderate thermophilic bacteria used in bioleaching is one of the effective ways for chalcopyrite bioleaching. ─── 研究结果表明:中等嗜热菌是解决黄铜矿生物浸出难题的有效途径之一。

12、While chalcopyrite adsorbs gold most weakly with its adsorption capacity 9% only. ─── 吸附性相对最弱的是黄铜矿,吸附量仅为9 %。

13、Because of chalcopyrite and pyrite have different electron numbers in their molecular d- orbits, collector " CSU-A " has selectivity for them. ─── 同时由于捕收剂CSU-A的非极性基的空间位阻效应增强,对黄铜矿、黄铁矿的选择性作用增强。

14、The main gold-carrying minerals are pyrite,chalcopyrite and telluride.The best gold-carrying rock is the biotite-albit schist. ─── 主要的载金矿物有黄铜矿、黄铁矿、叶碲铋矿,含金性最好的岩石类型为只云母钠长片岩。

15、Bioleaching Oxidation of Low Grade Chalcopyrite with Thermoacidophile ─── 嗜热嗜酸菌生物浸出低品位原生硫化铜矿

16、Chalcopyrite replacement zones grade into similar, but sphalerite-rich, zones on the fringes of the deposit. ─── 黄铜矿置换带与矿床边缘富含闪锌矿的类似层带混为一体。

17、Keywords metallurgical technology;Thiobacillus ferrooxidans;microwave mutation;bio-leaching;chalcopyrite;low-grade copper ore; ─── 冶金技术;氧化铁硫杆菌;微波诱变;生物浸出;黄铜矿;低品位铜矿石;

18、The results show that in the presence of bacteria the pyrite will be oxidized greatly, but when mixed with chalcopyrite, few pyrite is oxidized, however the oxidation of chalcopyrite is increased. ─── 单一黄铁矿细菌浸出时, 黄铁矿会被大量氧化分解, 而当与黄铜矿混合浸出时, 黄铜矿氧化加快, 黄铁矿氧化速率降低;

19、The invention provides a method for manufacturing a nano chalcopyrite structure powder body and a macromolecular film solar battery. ─── 本发明提供一种纳米级黄铜矿结构粉体及高分子薄膜太阳能电池的制造方法。

20、Leaching Process and Kinetics Analysis for Sulfidation Roasted Chalcopyrite ─── 加硫焙烧黄铜矿的溶浸过程及其动力学分析

21、Different methods of microbial comprehensive bioleaching are used to increase the leaching rate of chalcopyrite. ─── 为了提高黄铜矿的浸出率,可以施加许多微生物强化浸出方法。

22、adsorption behavior of bacteria on the surface of chalcopyrite was studied. ─── 黄铜矿表面吸附细菌的特性进行了研究。

23、Keywords flotation separation;organic depressant;molybdenite;chalcopyrite; ─── 浮选分离;有机抑制剂;辉钼矿;黄铜矿;

24、An investigation is made of the catalyzing behavior of silver ions in bacterial leaching of chalcopyrite. ─── 对银离子催化细菌浸出黄铜矿进行了研究。

25、Low - grade chalcopyrite ore ─── 低品位黄铜矿矿石

26、The CV curve demonstrates that when pyrite and carbon are added, the current of oxidation peak of chalcopyrite increases, the potential decreases and the reaction rate increases. ─── 加入C及黄铁矿与黄铜矿混合时, 由于接触电位的影响, 黄铜矿氧化反应电流增大、 反应起始电位负移, 反应加剧, 而黄铁矿的氧化反应受到抑制;

27、ore body consists of pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite. ─── 矿体包含黄铁矿,黄铜矿和闪锌矿。

28、Practice shows that the application of frequency spectrum characteristics to the evaluation of IP anomalies caused by sulfide mineralized bodies (chalcopyrite) and graphite-bearing dolomitic marble is effective. ─── 实践证明,利用频率谱定性评价硫化物矿化体(黄铜矿)与含石墨白云质大理岩激电异常源取得较佳效果。

29、Au and Ag in ore occur mainly in more than 11 Au Ag minerals; a few in lattice of chalcopyrite、 bornite、 chalcocite、 pyrite and galena in isomorphism. ─── 矿石中的金银主要以金银的独立矿物形式存在,少数以类质同象赋存于黄铜矿、斑铜矿、辉铜矿、黄铁矿和方铅矿的晶格中。

30、Effects of DL Depressant on the Flotation of Chalcopyrite and Arsenopyrite ─── DL抑制剂对黄铜矿和毒砂浮选分离的研究

31、Reacting mechanism of new collector CSU-A with chalcopyrite ─── 捕收剂CSU-A与黄铜矿作用机理

32、According to the principles of electrochemistry and surface chemistry, a new agent with SH and OH function groups (CD) is prepared for depressing chalcopyrite in bulk sulfide concentrate. ─── 综合运用电化学和表面化学原理,开发了一种适应于硫化矿混合精矿中抑制黄铜矿的新药剂CD(带有SH,OH官能团)。

33、The results show that adsorption of collector "CSU-A" on chalcopyrite surface is chemical adsorption and on pyrite surface is physical adsorption. ─── 吸附量的测定以及矿物表面与捕收剂作用产物的红外光谱测定发现,捕收剂CSU-A在黄铜矿表面的吸附为化学吸附,在黄铁矿表面的吸附为物理吸附。

34、Pyrrhotite,Pentlandite and chalcopyrite are main metallic minerals in cop-per-nickel sulfide deposits. ─── 磁黄铁矿、镍黄铁矿、黄铜矿是这类矿床的主要金属矿物。

35、Keywords FD-LH;bioleaching;chalcopyrite;acidophilic thermophile;Meizhou; ─── LH菌;生物浸矿;黄铜矿;嗜酸嗜热菌;梅州;

36、There are pyrite and chalcopyrite as sulphide minerals,and apatite as harmful impurity occuring as independent mineral. ─── 本研究采用合理多段、适当细磨工艺,强化微、细粒赤铁矿及假象赤铁矿的回收。

37、The metal minerals of Inner Mongolia Copper and Molybdenum ore mainly exist in pyrite, next in chalcopyrite and molybdenite. ─── 内蒙某铜钼矿石中金属矿物以为黄铁矿为主,其次为黄铜矿和辉钼矿等。

38、Photo 10 Phase analysis of sphalerite with chalcopyrite inclusions. ─── 照片10含黄铜矿乳滴的闪锌矿的相分析图。

39、Sulfide-melt inclusions are mainly composed of pentlandite, with small amounts of chalcopyrite and talnakhite. ─── 硫化物包裹体以镍黄铁矿为主,并有黄铜矿、硫铜铁矿出现;

40、The effect of combined reagent and magnetization on flotation behaviour of pyrite and chalcopyrite was investigated with pure mineral. ─── 本文利用单矿物研究了腐植酸钠、次氯酸钙以及它们的组合和磁场对黄铁矿、黄铜矿浮选行为的影响。

41、Research on A New Organic Depressant ASC for Separation Chalcopyrite and Galena ─── 新型铜铅分离有机抑制剂ASC的研究

42、Intensified Bioleaching of Low Grade Chalcopyrite with Thermoacidophile ─── 低品位原生硫化铜矿嗜热嗜酸菌强化浸出

43、The induced-flotation behavior of chalcopyrite and pyrite was investigated.The action mechanism of them has been demonstrated. ─── 考察了黄铜矿和黄铁矿的诱导浮选行为,并对其机理进行探讨。

44、Keywords Na2S-induced flotation;sulphide ore;chalcopyrite;gold;pyrite; ─── 硫诱导浮选;硫化矿;黄铜矿;金;黄铁矿;

45、The main copper minerals are malachite, chrysocolla, little chalcopyrite, chalcosine and even little bornite and covellite. ─── 矿石主要含铜矿物为孔雀石、硅孔雀石,少量的黄铜矿、辉铜矿及极少量的斑铜矿和铜蓝等。

46、Separation of Molybdenite From Chalcopyrite Using New Depressant DPS ─── 新型抑制剂浮选分离黄铜矿和辉钼矿的研究

47、Keywords microorganism-mining;chalcopyrite;adaptable experiment; ─── 微生物冶金;黄铜矿;适应性实验;

48、Most of them are highly silicified and sometimes mineralized with pyrite and chalcopyrite. ─── 大部分的扭折条带遭受强烈的硅化作用,有时还具有矿化现象,并含黄铁矿和黄铜矿。

49、The Practice of Low Grade Primary Chalcopyrite Bacteria Leaching Technology ─── 低品位原生黄铜矿生物浸出技术的应用实践

50、The results show that sulfides with industrial significance include sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite. ─── 研究表明具有工业意义的硫化物主要有方铅矿、铁闪锌矿、黄铜矿。

51、Ag-bearing chalcopyrite occurs in the gold-silver ores and silver ores of the deposit. ─── 含银黄铜矿产于该矿床的金银矿石和银矿石中。

52、The ore structural fabric mainly behaves in form of filling action with minerals such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, salenite, blende and electrum, which typomorphic feature shows a hypothermal pattern of metallogeny. ─── 矿区内矿体规模巨大,矿石组构主要为以充填交代作用为主,矿石矿物主要为黄铁矿、黄铜矿、闪锌矿、方铅矿和银金矿。 而且矿物的标型特征显示了低温成矿的特点。

53、Keywords Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans;Bio-oxidation;pyrite;chalcopyrite;pyrrhotite;galena; ─── 氧化亚铁硫杆菌;生物氧化;黄铁矿;黄铜矿;磁黄铁矿;方铅矿;

54、The induced-flotation behavior of chalcopyrite and pyrite was investigated. ─── 了黄铜矿和黄铁矿的诱导浮选行为。

55、Low grade chalcopyrite ─── 低品位黄铜矿

56、Wait like chalcopyrite, chalcocite, azurite, bornite. ─── 如黄铜矿、辉铜矿、蓝铜矿、斑铜矿等。

57、The unique geological structures in chalcopyrite mines in the Ural region are responsible for low mining productivity and ore spontaneous combustion. ─── 本文叙述了鸟拉尔地区黄铜矿床的地质特征及其给采矿带来的开采强度低、有自燃发火倾向等问题。

58、Keywords collectorless flotation;chalcopyrite;pyrite;electrochemistry;quantumchemistry; ─── 无捕收剂浮选;黄铜矿;黄铁矿;电化学;量子化学;

59、Key words: chalcopyrite; ─── 关键字: 黄铜矿;

60、Experimental investigation on chloride leaching of chalcopyrite ─── 氯化物浸出黄铜矿的试验研究

61、Keywords Copper sulfide;Chalcopyrite;Chemistry leaching;Passivation; ─── 硫化矿;黄铜矿;化学浸出;钝化;

62、Keywords Chalcopyrite rich in silver;Gong Ding gold ore deposit. Xiasai silver ore deposit exsolution;Yunnan Province; ─── 云南省;富银黄铜矿;拱丁金矿床;出溶作用;

63、In the concentrator handling ore of Daye Iron Ore of WISCO, the main ore minerals are chalcopyrite and pyrite, and its mechanical characters are very complicated. ─── 武汉钢铁(集团)公司所属的大冶铁矿选厂所处理的矿石中的金属矿物以磁铁矿和硫化矿物为主,原矿性质较为复杂;

64、6. The results show that adsorption of collector "CSU-A" on chalcopyrite surface is chemical adsorption and on pyrite surface is physical adsorption. ─── 吸附量的测定以及矿物表面与捕收剂作用产物的红外光谱测定发现,捕收剂CSU-A在黄铜矿表面的吸附为化学吸附,在黄铁矿表面的吸附为物理吸附。收藏指正

65、Keywords chalcopyrite,bioleaching,bacterial ultrastructure,bacterial attachment,purify,hydrogen sulfide: ferric ion oxidoreductase(SFORase); ─── 硫化铜矿;细菌浸矿;细菌超微结构;细菌吸附机理;硫化氢-三价铁氧化还原酶;纯化;

66、Keywords metallurgical technology;chalcopyrite;leaching;kinetics;sulfidation roasting; ─── 冶金技术;黄铜矿;浸出;动力学;加硫焙烧;

67、The characteristics of chalcopyrite in Linglong Goldfield, Zhaoyuan, Shandong Province ─── 山东招远玲珑金矿田黄铜矿特征研究

68、Keywords Copper sulphide ore Chalcopyrite Bacterial leaching Silver ion; ─── 残留硫化铜矿;黄铜矿;细菌浸出;银离子;

69、The kinetics of sulfuric acid leaching chalcopyrite in the microwave field was studied. ─── 研究了微波场中硫酸浸溶黄铜矿的动力学,结果表明微波加热提高了铜浸溶速率和浸出率。

70、The sulfide assemblage consists largely of pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite ─── 硫化物集体大部由磁黄铁矿、镍黄铁矿、黄铜矿及黄铁矿组成。

71、Keywords low molecular organic depressant;DPS;molybdenite;chalcopyrite;galena`; ─── 有机小分子抑制剂DPS;辉钼矿;黄铜矿;方铅矿;


73、The chalcopyrite crystals in quartz phenocryst fluid inclusions indicate the high concentration of ore metals in the inclusions rather than the beginning of copper mineralization. ─── 冈底斯成矿带内斑岩铜矿的成矿始于岩浆期后高温阶段,随后的高_中温热液阶段是流体大量沉淀矿质的重要时期。

74、This paper studies the determination of major and minor elements in sphalerite and chalcopyrite etc. monominerals by XRFS-absolute quantity thin sample method. ─── 本文用XRFS-绝对量薄样法研究了闪锌矿、黄铜矿等单矿物中主元素和次元素的测定。

75、Keywords sodium humate;calium hypochlorate;depressants;pyrite;chalcopyrite;synergism; ─── 腐殖酸钠;此氯酸钙;抑制剂;黄铁矿;协同作用;

76、While chalcopyrite adsorbs gold most weakly with its adsorption capacity 9%only. ─── 吸附性相对最弱的是黄铜矿,吸附量仅为9%。

77、Practice proved, the new technology of instant flotation for chalcopyrite and pyrite with the character of collector "CSU-A" has reasonable flowsheet structure and advanced technique indexes. ─── 实践证明,以捕收剂CSU-A为特征的黄铜矿、黄铁矿快速浮选分离新技术,流程结构合理,工艺指标先进。

78、Chalcopyrite ore ─── 原生硫化铜矿

79、A new technology of catalytic decomposing chalcopyrite with pyrolusite in acidic medium is introduced.The effect of main factors is elucidated emphatically and optimum process conditions are proposed. ─── 介绍用软锰矿在酸性介质中催化分解黄铜矿的新工艺,着重阐述各主要因素的影响情况,并提出最佳工艺条件。

80、The Role of New-type Organic Restrainer RC on Separation of Pyrite from Chalcopyrite ─── 新型有机抑制剂RC在铜硫矿物浮选分离中的抑制作用

81、The adsorption behavior of bacteria on the surface of chalcopyrite was studied. ─── 摘要 对黄铜矿表面吸附细菌的特性进行了研究。

82、The chalcopyrite associated with the andesite of the Mesozoic continental strata in Lujiang region,Anhui,belongs to a primary mineral of the volcanogene hydrothermal copper deposit. ─── 矿床技术经济评价在地质勘查工作中占有重要地位。

83、Study on ferric sulfate electrochemical process for leaching chalcopyrite concentrate ─── 硫酸铁电化浸出黄铜矿精矿工艺研究

84、Associated minerals are mainly magnetite and ilmenite, subordinately pyrite and rarely chalcopyrite. ─── 主要伴生矿物为磁铁矿、钛铁矿,少量黄铁矿和微量黄铜矿。


86、Abstract: The galvanic effect of pyrite and chalcopyrite mixed sulfide at bio-leaching was investigated. ─── 摘 要: 研究了黄铜矿与黄铁矿混合矿细菌浸出过程的原电池效应, 提出了原电池效应模型。

87、They had been mainly wrapped in chalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite , The shape of golds are irregular Granular, small micro-particles. ─── 金矿物以银金矿为主,少量自然金,主要包裹于黄铜矿、斑铜矿、辉铜矿中,形态不规则,微细粒。

88、At pegmatite contacts the composition changes to chalcopyrite, millerite, pyrite, and violarite accompanied by magnetite and hematite ─── 在伟晶岩接触带,硫化物成分变为黄铜矿、针镍矿、黄铁矿及硫镍铁矿,伴生有磁铁矿和赤铁矿。

89、The directly sign of deposits is that the contact-belt of magma with stratums, the areas where have been had the mineralization such as molybdenite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, silicon, limonite and so on. ─── 直接找矿标志为岩体与地层接触带及具辉钼矿化、黄铁矿化、黄铜矿化、硅化、褐铁矿化地段。



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