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08-17 投稿


counterpoint 发音

英:[?ka?nt?rp??nt]  美:[?ka?nt?p??nt]

英:  美:

counterpoint 中文意思翻译



counterpoint 网络释义

n. 复调;对位法;旋律配合;对应物

counterpoint 词性/词形变化,counterpoint变形


counterpoint 短语词组

1、counterpoint music ─── 对位音乐

2、counterpoint research ─── 对位研究

3、triple counterpoint ─── 三重对位

4、counterpoint motions ─── 对位运动

5、counterpoint series ─── 对位序列

6、dissonant counterpoint ─── 不和谐对位

7、counterpoint define ─── 对位定义

8、counterpoint to …… ─── 的对比

9、counterpoint game ─── 对位游戏

counterpoint 相似词语短语

1、counterposing ─── vt.使对立;对比;并列

2、to counterpoint ─── 对位

3、counterpin ─── 抗辩

4、counterpointed ─── 反对的

5、counterpoising ─── n.平衡;秤锤;抗衡力;vt.使平衡;均衡;平均;补偿

6、countermoving ─── 反向运动

7、counterpoints ─── n.复调;对位法;旋律配合;对应物

8、counterpointing ─── 对位

9、counterpoise ─── n.平衡;秤锤;抗衡力;vt.使平衡;均衡;平均;补偿

counterpoint 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In odd counterpoint, colorful tapestries and paintings, masterworks all, hung undisturbed except where bulging walls had pushed them awry. ─── 然而奇怪的是,那些颜色光鲜的挂毯和油画,以及所有无与伦比的杰作,除了一些因为墙壁凸起而歪歪斜斜,其余全部安然无恙。

2、counterpoint of sound and picture ─── 声画对位

3、She seemed a counterpoint to Mr. Strauss-Kahn, whose male foibles were all too apparent. ─── 她似乎与卡恩正相反,后者身上的男性弱点太过明显。

4、Based on above facts, in part 1 the author combs out the relationship between harmonics and counterpoint method, and then divides counterpoint into three kinds of states. ─── 基于上述事实,本文首先将和声学与对位法的关系进行了梳理,将对位分为三种形态。

5、polytonality counterpoint ─── 多调性对位

6、"contrapuntal:Of, relating to, or incorporating counterpoint." ─── 对位的:对位的、与之有关的或体现对位法的.

7、The next track, entitled “Love is not a Crime”, is a gorgeous duet, with lovely vocal counterpoint provided by underrated songstress Chen Fei Ping. ─── 下一首歌名叫“爱本无罪”,是一支精致的对唱曲目,由一位歌声纯美却不很有名的实力歌手陈妃平提供女声部合音。

8、(fig)The dark curtains make an interesting counterpoint to(ie contrast with)the lighter walls. ─── 深色的窗帘与浅色的墙壁形成有趣的对比.

9、To write or arrange(music) in counterpoint. ─── 用对位法写或安排(音乐)

10、In Egypt, president offers eloquent counterpoint to bin Laden's venom. ─── 在埃及,奥巴马总统雄辩地驳斥本拉登的怨毒。

11、The dark curtains make an interesting counterpoint to the lighter walls. ─── 深色的窗帘与浅色的墙壁形成有趣的对比。

12、That Shchedrin's24 Prelude and Fugue is an important work of the counterpoint music in20 th century. ─── 前苏联作曲家谢德林的《24首前奏曲与赋格》,是20世纪钢琴复调音乐中的重要文献。

13、relating to or characteristic of or according to the rules of counterpoint. ─── 关于对位,有对位特征,或依照对位规则。

14、The container is held in a counterpoint and the suface to be printed is horizontal. ─── 容器在对应位置,表面便以水平印出。

15、True love is your soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another. ─── 看完,片子上映还真是有点速度的,哈哈,辛苦辛苦!顶了

16、In counterpoint the central connecting corridor is double height with a series of generous roof lights and windows revealing glimpses of sky and activity on the upper walkway. ─── 与之相反,倾斜的走廊延伸至另外一端时,已有两倍层高,建筑师在走廊的屋顶上设置了一系列巨大的天窗。它们将天空中的景色、屋顶走廊上的行人,一并引入建筑。

17、thinking with counterpoint ─── 复调思维

18、The two melodies are played in counterpoint. ─── 用对位法来演奏这两首曲调。

19、Henry Purcell was a most outstanding Briton composer in 17th century, and also a key man exist period between two stages of counterpoint music high development during history. ─── 亨利·浦塞尔是 17世纪最杰出的英国作曲家 ,也是一个处于历史上两个复调音乐发展高峰之间的重要人物。

20、"the gummy surfaces, spectral smudges and woozy contours that . . . appear in counterpoint to the clear, bright facture that had heretofore been[the artist's] hallmark" (Robert Shorr) ─── “涂有树胶的表面,如鬼怪妖魔般的污迹及模糊的轮廓...与清楚、明亮的制作方呈现强烈的对比,这一直到现在都是[某位艺术家]的特色” (罗伯特·萧尔)

21、reference counterpoint ─── 参照对比

22、is when in one of the parts in imitative counterpoint the notes are reduced in duration compared to the rate at which they were sounded when introduced. ─── 时至今日,对位法原理仍然是调性音乐的基础,也是作曲的必修课。


24、It is the necessary counterpoint to intimacy, what allows us to have a self worthy of sharing.Solitude gives us a chance to regain perspective.It renews us for the challenges of life. ─── 同时,他们也常常必须提醒自己,因为有自己的努力,这个世界才能充满希望;而自己花在冷门议题上的精力,不见得可以产生实际上的助益。

25、(5) Harmony or counterpoint songs.Two voices, one high and the other low, sing different melodies. ─── (5)和声或对位织体。高低两声部各有自己的旋律进行状态

26、He licked his dry lips again, in counterpoint to the tears that started to stream down her face, as he continued. ─── 他又舔了舔干燥的嘴唇,当他继续说的时候,泪水早已模糊了她的脸。

27、s music was not only returned to the early counterpoint, but also an indication to the renascent counterpoint music in 20th century at hand. ─── 在晚期浪漫派这一过渡时期,他的出现无疑对音乐创作风格的演变起到了不可忽视的作用。

28、The two melodies are played in counterpoint. ─── 用对位法来演奏这两首曲调。

29、an ornamental melody or counterpoint sung or played above a theme ─── 歌唱或演奏中高于主旋律的装饰性曲调或对位音

30、technique of counterpoint in modern music ─── 现代音乐复调技法

31、The only carved decoration is the single acanthus leaf found on the hips that serve as a classical counterpoint to the shiny brass caps opposite. ─── 唯一的雕刻装饰是单叶上发现老鼠的髋部,作为一个经典的旋律向闪亮的黄铜帽相反。

32、The counterpoint is called pun.It often happens to make signan and designatum confused. ─── 在符号热的今天,把所指和关涉相混淆的做法经常出现。

33、relating to or characteristic of or according to the rules of counterpoint ─── 关于对位,有对位特征,或依照对位规则

34、monophonic counterpoint ─── 单声复调

35、Will the surprise be planned, like the magnificent Beijing Olympics Games, whose nearly flawless execution set a counterpoint to China’s image as an economic laggard buoyed mainly by cheap labor? ─── 今日世界各大报章的日常新闻充斥着惊讶于中国近些年所取得的巨大成就或唱衰中国崩溃的观点。

36、This work is in austere counterpoint to that of Gaudi. ─── 这件作品的质朴风格与高迪的形成了有趣的对比。

37、In imitative counterpoint, two or more voices enter at different times, and (especially when entering) each voice repeats some version of the same melodic element. ─── 在“对位”的概念被人们提出之前,应用对位法原理的音乐作品早已存在。

38、I am right sufficient follow bone fracture 2 years, swollen still now ache pat piece say counterpoint is good can be you cured excuse me? ─── 我右足跟骨骨折2年了,现在还肿疼拍片说对位良好请问能治愈吗?

39、The painting portray the beauty of nature AS counterpoint to that of a human body. ─── 这幅画将自然美作为人体美的对比物。

40、a composer who specializes in counterpoint. ─── 专攻于对位法的作曲家。

41、But what's often overlooked is a common-sense counterpoint: in some circumstances, it can be good for you, too. ─── 但是,一个普通的感觉点常常忽视:在某些情况中,压力同样对你来说也可能是好事。

42、This is verified by its application to the analysis of a wide variety of conventional forms of music: Gregorian chant, Mediaeval polyphony, Back counterpoint, and sonata form. ─── 我们利用影像处理中的各种技巧,建立成一套辨识系统。当机器人看到乐谱时,能够在短暂时间内将乐谱的内容唱出。

43、He learns harmonics, counterpoint, composition, vocality and pianism when he studies at Harvard and Cornell University and starts the musical inditement as early as 1913. ─── 他创作的声乐作品采用民族性的题材,吸收中国民族音乐的因素,注重民族风格的语言,吸收西洋音乐技法,探索民族化的发展道路。

44、For there is an unnerving tension at the core of "That Used to Be Us, " a discordant emotional counterpoint. ─── 《那曾经是我们》(ThatUsedtoBeUs)一书的精要部分存在一种令人失去信心的矛盾,一种不一致的情感对位。

45、The measuring result's counterpoint, Measuring result's diphase and measuring implement's stability isbasic terms of the description of measuring result and measuring implement characteristics. ─── 测量结果的重复性、测量结果的复现性,以及测量设备的稳定性,是定量描述测量结果和定量描述测量器具计量特性的基本术语。

46、The Golden Raspberry Award was created to counterpoint the Oscars by dishonoring the worst acting, screenwriting, songwriting and directing the film industry offers. ─── 最终结果将在1月21日公布。奥斯卡则是22日揭晓。"金酸莓奖"模仿奥斯卡金像奖的颁奖典礼,讽刺最差的演员、剧本、作曲和导演。

47、Imitative counterpoint has spawned a number of devices that composers have turned to in order to give their works both mathematical rigor and expressive range. ─── 在这篇类似教材的论文中,作者介绍了将给出旋律以对位法编排的方法。

48、the counterpoint of two interwoven dramatic plots ─── 两个交织剧情间的对应

49、Criticism between Opposition and Counterpoint ─── 对立和对应之间的批评

50、The paper discussed the essential features of polytonality counterpoint from various visual angles, as well as its developing skeleton and principle of writing. ─── 文章从不同视角对多调性对位本质特征、发展脉络和写作原则作了进一步的探究。

51、See, you only say "touche” if you make a point, then I make a counterpoint, see? ─── 你看,你只能在提出一个观点时说“讲得好”,然后我提出反对意见,明白了吗?

52、Through the analyzing of the work, the writer discussed the Shchedrin's modern counterpoint idea in the work and the performance style of his piano work. ─── 文章通过对该作品的分析,来探讨谢德林的现代复调思维和钢琴演奏风格。

53、Modern Passacaglia Counterpoint and Harmony Patterns (continued) ─── 现代帕萨卡里亚对位与和声形态(二)

54、More importantly, the urban condition of New York City is studied, to serve as a counterpoint to the second and longer field trip, which is to Brasilia, the capital city of Brazil. ─── 更重要的是,研究纽约市的都市境况以做为第二次、更远之校外考察 - 巴西首都巴西里亚 - 的对照。

55、Margaret chose a counterpoint life filled with tortuous romances and unabashed indulgence. ─── 玛格丽特公主选择的是一种充满曲折恋情和极度奢华的生活。

56、BMW Group member of the Board of Management for Production, Frank-Peter Arndt had a valid counterpoint to offer, however. ─── 宝马集团董事会成员的管理生产,弗兰克彼得阿恩特了提供有效的旋律,但是。

57、his orchestrations are economic yet lush, and layered with counterpoint. ─── 他的管弦作品既精炼又不失韵味和层次感。

58、But hedge funds - far from providing only a lively counterpoint to the index-focused mainstream - are also acquiring a pivotal role in determining securities prices, for two main reasons. ─── 对冲基金提供了与注重指数的主流投资方式相对应的活跃投资途径,但远不止如此,它们还获得了决定证券价格的关键角色。

59、In music, the Baroque applies to the final period of dominance of imitative counterpoint. ─── 在音乐上,巴洛克后期的主要风格是使用模仿的对位法。

60、Analytical papers often include opposing views and even for argumentative papers, acknowledging an opposing viewpoint that is easily disproved by its counterpoint is always a good rhetorical tool. ─── 分析的论文中通常包括了相对的观点,甚至有争论存在,承认反对观点,很容易依靠它的对立面进行证明,这通常是一个好的修辞手法。

61、” But there has to be a counterpoint because I will not produce anymore work if I do everything that people are asking of me. ─── 我有一个对付的办法,因为如果我满足每个人的要求,那我就肯定一事无成。

62、In this foundation,Kundera constructes the modern Polyphonic Novel Theory,which is based on the counterpoint. ─── 在此基础上,昆德拉建构了以对位为核心的现代复调小说理论。

63、triple counterpoint ─── 三重对位

64、Paris is just a short train journey away, providing the perfect counterpoint to the peace and quiet of Reims. ─── 乘火车去巴黎路程很短,那里与兰斯的平和宁静相比简直是另一番景象。

65、Abstract: The article was one of serial researches on technique of counterpoint in 20th century. ─── 内容提要: 本文是对20世纪复调技法的不同倾向及多样化形式进行的系列研究之一。

66、A specialist in counterpoint ─── 擅长对位法的作曲家

67、double counterpoint technique ─── 复对位技法

68、He preferred counterpoint music writing that being very special in the period of Romantic, which homophony been dominated. ─── 他在浪漫派这一主调音乐占统治地位的时期,特例独行地沉浸于复调音乐创作天地。

69、Crystal elements offer a glittering counterpoint to this high-tech slickness. ─── 水晶元素的灵动特色恰好可以和高科技的精巧形成互补。

70、Fred: It's true. But the total counterpoint is so pianissimo. ─── 你说得没错。但是总的复调旋律是非常轻柔的。

71、The dark curtains make an interesting counterpoint to the lighter walls ─── 深色的窗廉与浅色的墙壁形成有趣的对比.

72、6.At he edge of a nearby canal, donkeys laden with freshly harvested alfalfa waited for their masters to lead them home, braying a fretful counterpoint to the steady thud of an irrigation pump. ─── 在附近一条水渠旁,驴子背上驮着刚割的苜蓿,等着主人牵它们回家去,一面发出一阵阵急促的叫声,和浇地的水泵不断发出的突突声交织在一起。

73、How To Use The Bellows While Accordion Playing The Counterpoint Music ─── 手风琴复调作品演奏中的风箱处理

74、double counterpoint ─── 复对位

75、Abstract: The monophonic counterpoint is a new and typical counterpoint texture pattern in the West modern music in 20th century. ─── 内容提要: 单声复调是二十世纪西方现代音乐中最为新颖和最具典型的一种复调性织体形态,其中蕴含的理论意义和应用价值尤显突出,值得特别关注。

76、His music is marked by a natural ease of melody, and a strong sense of direction and purpose; his orchestrations are economic yet lush, and layered with counterpoint. ─── 他的音乐旋律轻松自然,并且寓意鲜明;他的管弦作品既精炼又不失韵味和层次感。

77、I did this for all the other requirements like Arranging 2, and traditional counterpoint classes. ─── 所有其他必修课如编曲以及传统的对位课,我都是这么做的。

78、Dorine as his counterpoint was very joyful, sharp, always smiling. ─── 朋友戏谑地说他是“一只钻进图书馆的老鼠”。

79、In this foundation, Kundera constructes the modern Polyphonic Novel Theory, which is based on the counterpoint. ─── 在此基础上,昆德拉建构了以对位为核心的现代复调小说理论。

80、Stephan's Cathedral, and the most famous teacher of counterpoint in Vienna. ─── 他后来还向萨里埃利学习意大利歌曲创作。

81、People will raise their voices.People will talk over each other.People will cut you off to make a counterpoint, etc. ─── 人们会提高他们的音量,会彼此之间开始进行讨论,会随时插入你的话中,来制造一个’旋律配合‘,诸如此类的。

82、And Britain, which scored its best medal haul in a century, is a counterpoint to China. ─── 下界主办国,英国在这届奥运会取得了一个世纪以来最好的成绩,英国将会和北京形成鲜明的对比。

83、Modern Passacaglia Counterpoint and Harmony Patterns(I) ─── 现代帕萨卡里亚对位与和声形态(一)

84、BMW Group member of the Board of Management for Production, Frank-Peter Arndt had a valid counterpoint to offer, however. ─── 宝马集团董事会成员的管理生产,弗兰克彼得阿恩特了提供有效的旋律,但是。

85、Its counterpoint was a dramatic ivory smoking jacket with satin lapels, worn with long, full pants with permanent creases. ─── 与之对应的是一件戏剧化的象牙白宽松夹克,缎面翻领,配一条同色的烫了永久性裤线的阔脚裤。

86、That his creative contribution to the counterpoint music, especially directly influence to the second high development of counterpoint music shall not be ignored. ─── 他对复调音乐的创新性贡献,尤其是对第二个复调音乐高峰所产生的直接影响是不容忽视的。

87、12-note counterpoint ─── 十二音对位

88、The dark curtains make an interesting counterpoint to the lighter walls. ─── 深色的窗帘与浅色的墙壁形成有趣的对比。

89、Another, he also affected by the Symbolism in art expressing method which emphasizes symbol and insinuation, and likes to symbolize innermost being by using “impersonality counterpoint”. ─── 另外在艺术方法上受法国象征派重象征、暗示的影响,喜欢通过“客观对应物”来象征、暗示自己的内心世界。

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