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08-17 投稿


disallowance 发音

英:[[d?s?'la??ns]]  美:[[d?s?'la??ns]]

英:  美:

disallowance 中文意思翻译



disallowance 短语词组

1、disallowance irs ─── 不允许irs

2、disallowance coa ─── 不允许coa

3、disallowance rate ─── 不允许率

4、disallowance code ─── 禁止代码

5、disallowance of appeal ─── [法] 不许上诉

6、disallowance eic ─── 不允许eic

7、power of disallowance ─── [法] 驳回权

8、disallowance m5 ─── 不允许m5

9、disallowance of ─── 不允许

disallowance 词性/词形变化,disallowance变形


disallowance 相似词语短语

1、disallowable ─── adj.可拒绝的,可否决的

2、allowanced ─── n.津贴,零用钱;允许;限额;vt.定量供应

3、misalliance ─── n.不适当的结合;不适当的婚姻

4、allowance ─── n.津贴,零用钱;允许;限额;vt.定量供应

5、tax allowance ─── 收入总税额;免税额

6、to allowance ─── 允许

7、age allowance ─── 年龄减免

8、disallowing ─── vt.驳回,不接受;不准许

9、car allowance ─── 用车补贴;车补

disallowance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、CTO's at startups and web companies disallow the usage of products that aren't free and open source. ─── 新创公司和网络公司的 CTO不同意使用收费的非开源产品。

2、There may also be Interest Levy on the tax underpayment resulting from the interest expense disallowance made by the tax authorities under the thin capitalization rules. ─── 可能会出现补征在资本弱化条例下利息费用不得扣除而少征的税款。

3、But the local Rotary Club tosses people out for missing three meetings.Private clubs disallow people who do not pay their dues or dress appropriately. ─── 然而,扶轮社也有例,革除缺席三次的人的会籍,而私人会社也不接纳不缴会费、或衣冠不整的人。

4、Many companies have a rule to disallow the use of inner classes because of its abuse caused many maintenance problems. ─── 2、明确层次:我定义的系统中一定有常量类,也就是集中管理系统常量的地方。

5、Unfortunately, Confucius is not our countryman right now; he already is a foreigner...maybe I should turn to other topic, because here is disallow to talking about politics. ─── 可惜的是孔夫子现在是外国人了,他和我们不同国。不过我还是换一个话题好了,不想提及政治。

6、The main talking point of the game will be the disallowance of Salomon Kalou's goal for offside, when replays suggested the Ivorian forward was onside when the ball was played. ─── 接着重点转移到了卡卢的那个被误判的进球。从回放来看那绝对是个好球。

7、On the General tab, you can use the On and Off radio buttons to enable or disable Windows Firewall. You can also choose to disallow exceptions. ─── 在常规选项卡,您可以使用启用或禁用单选按钮来启用或禁用Windows防火墙。您也可以选择禁用例外。

8、The policy adopted in this book is to disallow Leibnizian notation within the text ─── 本书采用的办法是在正文中不用莱布尼兹记号。

9、But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth; ─── 但她父亲听见的日子若不应承她所许的愿和约束自己的话,就都不得为定。

10、Withdrawal of Member or Disallowance of Vote on Grounds of Direct Pecuniary Interest ─── 以议员有直接金钱利益为理由著其退席或将其表决作废

11、Disallow cyclic references between assemblies. ─── 不允许在程序集中循环引用。

12、Procedure on the Moving of Motion for the Withdrawal of Member or Disallowance of Vote on Grounds of Direct Pecuniary Interest ─── 以议员有直接金钱利益为理由动议著其退席或将其表决作废的议案的程序

13、Life, by its very nature, disallow this. ─── 生命,究其本质,却并不允许预言。

14、"from within the Add Printer wizard. Use this policy to disallow users" ─── "向导。使用该策略来禁止用户浏览网络打印机。删除“浏览”"

15、They do not realize that as they continue to find things to complain about, they disallow their own physical Well-Being. ─── 他们没有认识到,就在他们不断地寻找抱怨的对象时,他们妨碍了自己身体上的安康。

16、You can disallow system of a reputation then nobody can change to your reputation.If you disallowed system of a reputation, you can not change and view a reputation to other users. ─── 如果您使用的网路速度比较慢,可以取消显示这些项目,特别像是取消在帖子里显示图片及个人签章等项目,这样会使您浏览页面的速度快一些。

17、For example, the host can disallow the use of threading or synchronization primitives. ─── 例如,宿主可禁止使用线程或同步基元。

18、No CDATA; type attribute must be either "yes" or "no" to allow or disallow leading zeroes. ─── 无CDATA;type属性必须为“yes”或“no”以允许或禁用前导零。

19、The court has announce the award to disallow the claim. ─── 仲裁庭已宣布裁决,拒绝诉讼。

20、The Cause and Reflection of Disallowance of Lawsuit for Internal Executive Action ─── 内部行政行为不可诉的理由及其反思

21、disallow (items in the accounts) ─── 批驳(帐项)

22、blacklist/Whitelist facility provides the ability to disallow access to specified undesirable sites, or to allow access only to known acceptable sites;4. ─── blacklist/whitelist设施提供的能力,不允许进入指定的不良网站,或让用户只可以接入称为可以接受的地点;

23、Procedure on the Moving of Motion for the Withdrawal of Member or Disallowance of Vote on Grounds of Direct Pecuniary Interest ─── 以议员有直接金钱利益为理由动议著其退席或将其表决作废的议案的程序

24、If the carrier were to make an excuse and disallow the claim,then the consignee would be at a loss for settlement. ─── 假如承运人借口拒绝,那时收货人将会不知所措,难以解决。

25、If we disallow latency combos then the highest dps cycle is AB spam until you notice proc at 3-stack, then MBAM-ABar and ramp again, always reramping to 3-stack. ─── 如果我们无视有延迟的组合,那么最高DPS的循环是一直奥冲直到你发现在叠了三层DEBUFF以后触发了速射,然后速射奥弹-弹幕,再重复,总是叠加到3层.不带延迟的话这种循环提供4366DPS.

26、In addition, the disallowance of shared information on bad buyers strips sellers of a protective tool. ─── 除此之外,禁止共享恶劣买家信息的规定,也剥夺了卖家保护自己的一个工具。

27、5.Each Contracting Party may unilaterally disallow any tariff filed or charged by one of its own designated airlines. ─── 五、缔约各方可以单方面驳回其自己指定空运企业任何提交的或收取的运价。

28、disallowance of appeal ─── 不许上诉

29、But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth; ─── 5但她父亲听见的日子若不应承她所许的愿和约束自己的话,就都不得为定。

30、And her husband heard of it and was silent with respect to her and did not disallow her, then all her vows will stand and any pledge by which she has bound herself will stand. ─── 11丈夫听见,却向她默默不言,也没有不应承,凡她所许的愿,并约束自己的话,就都要为定。

31、Is it being limited to single-player and co-operative play only or is there an option when setting up a server to allow or disallow wargear use? ─── 是否对单人玩家和组队模式作出了什么限制?在服务器会不会对装备类型作出限制?

32、to disallow a claim/an appeal ─── 不接受要求;驳回上诉

33、Certain situations will now properly stop socialization and disallow asking other Sims to join. ─── 某些情况下将正确停止社会和其他模拟人生不允许要求加入。

34、Whether the column should disallow editing of its bound field. ─── 列是否应该禁止对其绑定字段的编辑。

35、If the carrier were to make an excuse and disallow the claim, then the consignee would be at a loss for settlement. ─── 史:假如承运人借口拒绝,那时收货人将会不知所措,难以解决。

36、Since every disease or unwanted condition exists because Well-Being is being disallowed, then, in the absence of that disallowance, Well-Being will return. ─── 既然每一种疾病或不想要的状况存在都是因为对康乐的不允许,那么,如果没有不允许,康乐就会回来。

37、To allow / disallow screensavers, mouse around key reversal, send information. ─── 允许/禁止屏保,反转鼠标左右键,发送信息等 。

38、# Disallow the CHMOD command.Users can't change perms of their files. ─── 不接受 CHMOD 命令。

39、Do you want to allow or disallow people on your buddy list to send you MSN Mobile pages to your cell phone or other mobile device? ─── 在您的允许之下,您的好友可以给您的移动电话或其它移动设备发送 MSN 移动寻呼。您想要允许还是禁止这一功能?

40、I allow you will not do, but disallow you will not look for. ─── 哪怕只是一句简单的回复也是对发帖者莫大的鼓舞和支持,也是论坛发展的动力!

41、Disallow a claim,goal ─── 不接受要求、进球无效.

42、8. If the carrier were to make an excuse and disallow the claim, then the consignee would be at a loss for settlement. ─── 史:假如承运人借口拒绝,那时收货人将会不知所措,难以解决。收藏指正

43、The judge disallow his claim . ─── 法官拒绝了他的请求。

44、Configurable to allow or disallow all messages or messages from people in your address book only. ─── 容易明白的设定让您能轻易的拒绝接收/接收所有/部分短讯,或只接收您通讯录内名单的短讯。

45、English: Thus, when the date for war is decided upon, close all border exits, cancel all travel permits and disallow the movement of emissaries from other states. ─── 所以,决定作战之日,要闭锁关口,销毁符节,禁止敌国使节往来,在庙堂上再三激励士卒,以责成具体任务。

46、We ve also added administrative options that let you disallow access to mail attachments and to force user logout when all Domino Web Access windows are closed. ─── 我们还添加了管理选项,允许禁止存取邮件附件,以及在关闭所有Domino Web Access视窗时,强制使用者退出。

47、We will check which fqim then we will disallow your site to be used on our service. Buyers take full responsibility for downtime and content on there site. ─── 我们将哪一个从那时我们将有关不允许你的地方被用检查我们服务.购买者采取完整对停工期的责任和在那里上使地点感到满足.

48、Have no special circumstance at school 7:30-16:30 disallow to open the cellular phone. ─── 在学校同学之间绝对不允许有任何金钱来往。

49、Disallow use of the specified drive(s) as shared disk ─── 不允许将指定的驱动器用于共享磁盘

50、It permitted, in reality, many marriages which we now disallow. ─── 它允许,真真实实的,许多我们不能接受的结婚。

51、The Cause and Reflection of Disallowance of Lawsuit for Internal Executive Action ─── 内部行政行为不可诉的理由及其反思

52、Next the template carries the cup to disallow back to play after push most inside, otherwise up and down the molds will damage. ─── 下模板载杯推到最里面后,不允许回弹,否则上下模都会损坏。

53、From within the Add Printer wizard. Use this policy to disallow users ─── 浏览页。使用该策略来禁止用户浏览网络打印机。通过删除

54、In a lot of illustrations competition , even and all disallow the computer illustration that draw the competition. ─── 很多插图大赛上,甚至都不允许电脑绘制的插图参赛。

55、The old laws that allow us to tear a human body apart with machine guns but disallow the use of nonlethal choking agents are nothing short of immoral and ridiculous. ─── 允许我们用机枪撕裂人体但不允许使用非致命窒息工具的旧法律同样是不道德的和可笑的。

56、I believe that God is something to disallow. ─── 我相信上天是不允许的。

57、disallow a claim, goal ─── 不接受要求﹑ 进球无效.

58、If it is obvious that such direct copying has occurred, we will disallow that homework. ─── 如果发生类似的情况,我们将不接受你的作业。

59、Explicitly disallow use of implicitly generated member functions you do not want. ─── “访问修饰符的限制”不能解除“因多继承而导致的成员函数的两义性”!!

60、Why would you nerf Silent Resolve to disallow Shadow Priests from utilizing it, without scrutinizing things like BLESSING OF SALVATION first? ─── 为什么把无声消退改得使暗影牧师无法获益,而不是先去考虑修改一下拯救祝福?

61、"Disallow Interactive Users from generating Result Set of Policy data" ─── "不允许交互用户生成策略数据结果集"

62、Describes how to make a policy change that Caspol. Exe would otherwise disallow. ─── 描述如何更改策略(如果不进行更改,Caspol.exe将不接受该策略)。

63、Never hit a kid and disallow his ability to cry. ─── 不要打小孩,又不许他哭。

64、"There is an IT Policy on the BES called "Disallow 3rd Party Applications". ─── 应该是BES把禁止第三方程序运行的功能打开了。

65、9.Next the template carries the cup to disallow back to play after push most inside, otherwise up and down the molds will damage. ─── 我们计划在竞技场战斗开始后将不允许替换装备(战斗状态下可以替换的装备仍可替换)。

66、"Disallow installation of printers using kernel-mode drivers" ─── "不允许安装使用内核模式驱动程序的打印机"

67、For example, when a table is known to be a point of contention, it can be beneficial to disallow page-level locks, thereby allowing only row-level locks. ─── 例如,当已知表是争用点时,禁止页级别的锁,从而只允许行级别的锁会很有用。

68、Specifies a value which the query governor to disallow execution of any query that has an estimated running length exceeding it. ─── 指定一个值,查询调控器禁止执行任何估计运行长度超过该值的查询 。

69、Disallow purchase of all equipment on server ─── 不准购买装备

70、In an Exchange environment, the administrator has not configured the Outlook Security settings to disallow changes to the attachment security behavior. ─── 在Exchange环境中,管理员尚未将Outlook安全设置配置为禁止更改附件安全行为。

71、Disallow purchase of anything from specified menu ─── 不准购买指定菜单中的东西

72、- *NO will be disallow a permission setting unless it is overwritten by a YES. ─── + * 否: 禁用某个权限, 除非被"是"覆盖.

73、Pray for justice for these women, and that the government would disallow this abuse, and punish the men who are abusive. ─── 为这些妇女能受到公义的对待祷告,政府不允许这些虐待行为,并惩处那些施暴的男性祷告。

74、"Disallow Interactive Users from generating Resultant Set of Policy data" ─── "不允许交互用户生成策略的结果集数据"

75、Richardson also rued the decision. “I didn't see the referee disallow it. He said Pascal was pushing, but that's a bit harsh,” the midfield player said. ─── 理查德森也抨击了这个判罚。“我们看到裁判说不。他说齐姆邦达推人了,但那是合理的身体接触,”这位中场说。

76、User-agent: Baiduspider Disallow: /baidu User-agent: * Disallow: /shifen/dqzd. ─── html就是不让你们知道,管你是蜘蛛还是肉眼。

77、Whole day the facial expression is absentminded and the tea rice don't think;On every occasion sad cry bitterly, return to disallow the maids to close to serve her. ─── 整日神情恍惚,茶饭不思;动不动就伤心痛哭,还不允许侍女们靠近服侍她。

78、4.To disallow an interrupt. ─── 不允许中断。

79、Withdrawal of Member or Disallowance of Vote on Grounds of Direct Pecuniary Interest ─── 以议员有直接金钱利益为理由著其退席或将其表决作废

80、Disallow purchase of all weapons on server ─── 不准购买武器

81、This forum hases beened limited by the managing person to disallow the hair sticks. ─── 本论坛已经被管理员限制了不允许发贴。

82、Some of the key changes of PHP 4.4.3 include: Disallow certain characters in session names. ─── PHP4.4.3一些主要改变包括: 禁止session names中的某些特性。

83、Disallow to do the mean action at school. ─── 在学校不允许做下流动作,推推搡搡。

84、English: Do you want to allow or disallow people on your buddy list to send you MSN Mobile pages to your cell phone or other mobile device? ─── 在您的允许之下,您的好友可以给您的移动电话或其它移动设备发送MSN移动寻呼。您想要允许还是禁止这一功能?

85、Assign each employee a personal access level to allow or disallow the employee to access certain information. ─── 分配每个员工个人的存取层级,以允许或拒绝雇员获得的某些信息。

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