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08-17 投稿


coffers 发音

英:[?k?f?z]  美:[?kɑf?rz]

英:  美:

coffers 中文意思翻译




coffers 短语词组

1、coffers definition ─── 保险箱定义

2、coffers means ─── 保险箱意味着

3、coffers define ─── 保险箱定义

4、coffers meaning ─── 保险箱含义

5、coffers fund crossword ─── 金库纵横填字游戏

6、coffers mtg ─── 保险箱安装

7、coffers defined ─── 定义的保险箱

coffers 词性/词形变化,coffers变形

动词过去式: coffered |动词过去分词: coffered |动词现在分词: coffering |动词第三人称单数: coffers |

coffers 相似词语短语

1、coffrets ─── 咖啡豆

2、goffers ─── v.用熨斗将(花边或饰边)熨弯曲;熨成褶子;(在书的金边上)印压图案;n.(用来将花边熨弯曲或熨出褶子的)熨斗;装饰褶边

3、coffer ─── n.围堰;保险箱;金库;资金;vt.把…放进箱柜;用平顶镶板装饰

4、chaffers ─── n.讲价;vi.讲价;讨价还价;vt.讲价;讨价还价

5、offers ─── n.提议;出价;试图(offer的复数);求婚;v.提供;试图(offer的三单形式);求婚

6、coffered ─── v.把……放进箱柜;用平顶镶板装饰(coffer的过去式和过去分词)

7、confers ─── 授予;商议

8、coffees ─── n.咖啡;咖啡豆;咖啡色;n.(Coffee)人名;(英)科菲

9、doffers ─── n.落纱机;小滚筒;落纱工

coffers 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Application of Earthwork Grills to Large-scaled Sandy Soil Coffer Dam ─── 土工格栅在大型砂土围堰中的应用

2、With his coffers full of oil money, and Europeans dependent on his oil, Mr Ahmadinejad is confident he can ride out any sanctions. ─── 内贾德的金库里满是石油,鉴于欧洲人有赖于此,他自信能避免任何制裁,安然过关。

3、The Washington state Republican Party initiated the reform idea as a way to sever the ties between Washington Democrats and unions, which were funnelling members' dues directly into Democratic Party coffers. ─── 华盛顿州的共和党人引进此改革意见是作为一种割断华盛顿州民主党人与工会之间的联系的手段,因为工会正在把会员的会费不断地直接汇集到民主党的金库里去。

4、Intelligent On-line Alarm High-voltage Electric Shock Coffer Door ─── 名称:智能联网报警高压电击金厍门

5、VIII. In case of offenses in violation of this decision, duly retroactively paid or confiscated property and fines shall be turned to the state coffers without any exception. ─── 八、犯本决定规定之罪,依法被追缴、没收的财物和罚金,一律上缴国库。

6、Will not tolerate wastefulness in the public coffers ─── 不会容忍浪费公帑

7、Cooks, waiters, security guards and janitors are going to be draining your coffers through their salaries but without these people, you won’t be generating any cash flow at all. ─── 付给厨师,侍者,保安,看门人的工资将消耗你的资金,但是没有这些员工,你就不可能获利。

8、There are countless gems in the coffers of Varuna. ─── 伐楼拿的保险箱内有数之不尽的珍宝,但他还没有注意到它们。”

9、They drank coffer or bottled lemonade, in the pleasant, earned ease of Sunday afternoon. ─── 他们喝着咖啡或者瓶装的柠檬水,在快乐的、来之不易的悠闲中,消磨着这个星期天下午的时光。

10、Foreign governments are reluctant to pump much-needed cash into the southern government's coffers for fear that it will be squandered. ─── 外国政府不愿意把急需的资金投入到南苏丹政府的金库里,他们害怕这些钱会被挥霍一空。

11、Considerable sums of money change hands here and generally end up in Macau's state coffers. ─── 大宗的金钱在这儿易手,通常最后进入澳门政府的钱柜。

12、There's nothing left in the government's coffers. ─── 国库已空无一物了。

13、The accountant said that on another occasion Banier had told Bettencourt to go to the bank to “empty the coffers”. ─── 会计师说还有另外一次,巴纳尔告诉贝登古尔应该“清空银行的金库”。

14、You may have tangible wealth untold, Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold, ─── 你或许拥有无限的财富,一箱箱的珠宝和一柜柜的黄金

15、A. 7171 during his stint in Congress in l987 disclosed how it enriched the coffers of virginia tobacco-producing provinces, towns, and barangays in the northern region. ─── A. 7171法律,披露该法律如何充实了北部地区的弗吉尼亚烟草生产地区、城镇和村的金库。

16、The remaining money is first disbursed to the city and to New York state, and another large chunk ends up in the racing industry's coffers, before the OTB itself gets a look-in. ─── 剩下的钱立马上缴纽约市或纽约州而另外的一部分则在外围投注重新有所起色前用做赛马行业资金。

17、Drinkers' wallets are under continuous attack in richer countries, where “sin taxes” often refresh the public coffers. ─── 在富裕国家,酒徒们不断被增税,这项“罪孽税”可以增加公共财政。

18、Nowadays it is only a slight exaggeration to say that the more cash that investors see in a firm's coffers, the happier they are. ─── 如今可以稍微夸张一点地说:投资者看到公司的资产中有越多的现金,他们则越高兴。

19、Just as a depletion in the state coffers was an early sign that Ireland's boom was ending, healthier revenues augur well for recovery. ─── 一如国库几乎亏空显示爱尔兰的经济繁荣已经面临尾声,表现更为良好的税收也预示着复苏的开始。

20、Meanwhile, the empty government coffers provide a perfect excuse to escape from his more pork-laden commitments. ─── 与此同时,亏空的国库也为他逃避他许下的诱人承诺提供了一个绝佳的借口。

21、a safe; a strongbox; a bank's vault; a coffer ─── 保险柜

22、Same-sex marriage in Iowa UCLA predicted last yearwow account would bring $5.3m to state coffers and $53m to state businesses. ─── 去年加州大学洛杉矶分校的预测,在爱荷华州同性婚姻,将为州财政带来530万美元的收入并为州商业带来5300万美元收入。

23、Keywords aight characters; enterpriser; magnate; destiny; coffers; code of destiny ─── 关键词八字;企业家;富豪;命运;财库;命运密码

24、In the 17th century, the Netherlands outdid resource-rich Spain, despite the fact that the latter's coffers were overflowing with gold and silver acquired in the New World. ─── 17世纪,荷兰超过了资源丰富的西班牙,尽管后者的金库堆满了从新世界获得的黄金白银。

25、proceeds from the lottery go towards sports and recreation, as well as swelling the coffers of the government. ─── 彩票收入用于体育和娱乐事业,以及充实国库。

26、What was more, when products entered their markets illegally, government coffers were robbed of the taxes that might have been paid. ─── 更何况,这些产品非法流入市场也会导致政府应收税款的损失。

27、Further, the pattern search is used to quicken the convergence course of the algorithm when the optimal value hasn't been improved coffer several generations. ─── 同时,当最优解经过若干代没有改进时,对所有蚂蚁通过模式搜索策略加快收敛进程。

28、These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty. ─── 他们才是相信生命和生命的献赏者,他们的钱库永不空乏。

29、Stole money from the union coffers. ─── 从联邦金库盗窃金钱

30、Just relying on a physical token would make it easy for wild adolescents to deplete the coffers of their parents. ─── 仅依赖物理标记会使坏孩子很容易地拿光其父母保险箱中的钱。

31、America is a big user of oil, compared with fuel-efficient Europe, so more dollars than euros flow into the oil-exporters’ coffers when oil becomes dear. ─── 与燃料效率高的欧洲相比,美国是个用油大户,因此当油价上涨时,流入石油输出国金库的美元多于欧元。

32、Application of the civil structure coffer dam in construction and diversion project ─── 土木结构围堰在施工导流工程中的应用

33、You may have tangible wealth untold; Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be --I had a Mother who read to me. ─── 在他睡在被窝里了还发千缠着你不肯睡的夜里,你就读一段,可能会接受些。

34、Can I coffer you another helping of pork sausage? ─── 再来一份猪肉香肠吧。

35、If the coffers contains no money, your subjects will have to focus their efforts on sustaining themselves, and hence will not gather your resources. ─── 如果屋顶镶板没包含钱,你的主题将会必须将他们的努力集中在维持他们自己,而且因此将不聚集你的资源。

36、He also seized a large square coffer, of the dimensions of a large valise, which was concealed under his soiled linen. ─── 他又从一些穿脏了的换洗衣服堆里拿出一只相当大的、有一只大提箱那么大的方匣子。

37、They have restructured their borrowing and often built up vast coffers of foreign-exchange reserves. ─── 他们调整了借贷体系,而且通常建立起巨额的外汇储备。

38、The central government coffer recently established a special fund for cutting pollutant emissions. ─── 中央财政最近设立了减少污染排放的专项资金。

39、The boom has helped fill state coffers. ─── 这场能源繁荣填满了该州的金库。

40、Sooner or later, the state coffer won't have enough money to sustain this spending spree and then a slower growth rate will return. ─── 中国的国库迟早拿不出足够的钱来维持这种无休止的挥霍,于是经济增长放缓的情况将再次发生。

41、coffers flowing with treasure. ─── 塞满宝物的保险箱

42、payments to the state coffers ─── 国库纳付金

43、Nevertheless, as legal aid is funded by public coffers, it is desirable to set out the assessment criteria clearly in statute. ─── 不过,由于法律援助是由公帑资助,在法规中订明评核准则,是理想的做法。

44、He has argued that because they did not have to pay back government-run banks and did not adequately compensate workers, they essentially looted the state's coffers. ─── 因为他们既不用偿还国有银行的贷款,也不付给工人足够的补偿,左认为他们根本就是在窃取国家资产。

45、As an added bonus, any economic revival of Gaza would put money into Hamas' coffers. ─── 作为一项额外福利,任何的加沙经济恢复都将为哈马斯的金库注入资金。

46、Its spending continues to grow, but the short-term boost to its coffers from the tax increase on oil and gas seems to have run out. ─── 燃料补贴金支出持续增加,但来自石油天然气业的增税对于国库的短期挹注似乎已经用罄。

47、In this economic and political environment, the private coffer is coming into being. ─── 在这样的经济、政治环境下,产生了“小金库”现象。

48、Their coffers are fuller. And there is Chinese capital willing to step in even where there has been expropriation. ─── 它们的腰包更满了。而且,即使在那些已经存在征用风险的地区,中国资本依然愿意介入。

49、The club is well-run, with intelligent board members like Fiszman, and with coffers beginning to swell at their lucrative new home. . . ─── 在像费兹曼这样的智慧的董事会成员的操作下,俱乐部经营得很好,在他们盈利的新家,金鸡开始下蛋…

50、Now, the coffer was too small to contain a body;therefore it contained money. ─── 况且那箱子太小,装不了一个死人,那么它装的一定是钱了。

51、Compensation For each ecstatic instantWe must an anguish payIn keen and quivering ratioTo the ecstasy. For each beloved hourSharp pittances of years, Bitter contested farthingsAnd coffers heaped with tears. ─── 为每一个狂喜的瞬间我们必须偿以痛苦至极,刺痛和震颤正比于狂喜。为每一个可爱的时刻必偿以多年的微薄薪饷,辛酸争夺来的半分八厘和浸满泪水的钱箱。

52、Same-sex marriage in Iowa, UCLA predicted last year, would bring $5.3m to state coffers and $53m to state businesses. ─── UCLA去年预计,爱荷华州的同性婚姻会给州财政创收五百三十万美元,给该州的商业带来伍仟三百万的收入。

53、The private coffer has jeopardized development of our economic and political system. ─── “小金库”对我国经济和政治的发展都产生了巨大的危害。

54、The product has also been used extensively for coffer damming in civil engineering work. ─── 他们的产品在全球也被广泛用于围堰、截流等土木工程工作中。

55、No matter how much he made, he could soon be found trying out a new scam to fill his coffers. ─── 不管挣了多少,他很快都又会去想新骗术来填补自己的保险箱。

56、2. There are many jewels in the coffer . ─── 保险箱里有许多宝石。

57、Top of the list of George Bush's priorities these past 100 days has been what he calls "replenishing the ol' coffers".Which translates into plain Texan as making cash. ─── 在过去这100天中,位列布什优先考虑的事宜清单之首的就是他所谓的“补充下我的老钱箱”,用得克萨斯州的平白语言表达,就是赚取现金。

58、V grade coffer shallow-buried side pressure ─── V级围岩浅埋偏压

59、He will arrive in the middle of a year-long, roundtable negotiation, in which he must coax and cajole 40 of the bank's donor governments to refill its coffers. ─── 他将参与已至年中的圆桌谈判。在谈判中,他必须不依不饶的连哄带骗,让世行的40个捐助国来重注资金。

60、What do you want with your dinner, coffer or tea? ─── 你晚餐还要些什么,咖啡还是茶?



63、Years passed, happy years when the roses bloomed and the copper coffer grew. ─── 几年过去了,幸福的几年过去了,这几年玫瑰开放,铜保险箱在变大。

64、The nation's coffers are empty. ─── 国库空虚。

65、If you are the inevitable candidate, operatives clamour to be on your team, fund-raisers stuff your coffers with gold and waverers swallow their doubts. ─── 如果具备这种王者之势,智囊们就会吵着闹着要加入你的团队,赞助人士也会拼命地往你的钱箱里面塞金条,犹豫不决的选民也把怀疑咽进肚里。

66、Unlike its counterparts in practically every other part of the globe, the territorys government is at pains to disguise how much money it has ferreted away in its coffers. ─── 它总是竭力掩盖自己富足的财政状况,这与世界其他地方政府的做法截然不同。

67、Other things can be done to increase broadband penetration before dipping into the public coffers. ─── 在宽带网络渗透进公众金库前我们还可以做些其他事情。

68、Your subjects are paid for working from the coffers. ─── 你的主题被支付的费用从屋顶镶板工作。

69、1. He put the money in coffer secretly. ─── 他悄悄地把钱放在保险箱里。

70、Two or three hours later, Boulatruelle had seen this person emerge from the brushwood, carrying no longer the coffer, but a shovel and pick. ─── 两三个钟头过后,蒲辣秃柳儿看见他那老相知又从树丛里出来,可是他现在掮的不是那只小箱,而是一把镐和一把锹。

71、Luochuan county has to pay 10% of the cost of these extras from its own coffers. ─── 为此洛川县不得不自己拨款为这两个额外项目支付10%的费用。

72、Over the past few decades, Americans have waged political war as if all that matters is the amount of money going into federal coffers. ─── 过去几十年,美国人发动了一些政治斗争,对他们来说似乎除了进入国库的金钱数额之外,其他什么都不重要。

73、At the same time high oil prices tamped down unemployment in southern Louisiana and kept the state coffers full. ─── 同时高涨的油价减少了路易斯安那南部的失业率,使得其保持充分的收入。

74、Tariffs may irk price-conscious consumers but at least they raise revenue for the public coffers. ─── 关税虽然会让那些对价格敏感的消费者苦恼不已,但至少还能增加国库税收。

75、That makes it hard for the private-sector medical business to grow without depleting state coffers. ─── 如果不削减国有资本,私营医疗产业就很难获得发展。

76、"We did not know where our coffers were, but now we do, " he said, referring to oil and gas. ─── “我们以前不知道我们的财源在哪里,现在我们知道了,”他表示,他指的是石油和天然气。

77、except a tolerably long wooden coffer; ─── 只相当长的木箱,箱盖还是雕了花的。

78、If I can't have a proper cup of coffer ina proper copper coffee pot.I'llhave a cup of tea! ─── 假如我不能要一杯用真正铜制的咖啡壶煮的正统咖啡,那我就要一杯茶吧!)

79、Calculation Analysis of Steel Float Coffer for the Construction of Auxiliary Piers in V Section of Donghai Bridge ─── 东海大桥V标辅助墩钢浮箱的计算分析

80、The most contentious issue centered on Britain's refusal to cut an annual rebate for its outsized payments to the EU coffers and EU's agricultural subsidy policies. ─── 其中最激烈的争执发生在英国和法国之间,争论的主要问题是英国的返款问题和欧盟农业返款政策。

81、' But he said pending losses, largely from souring domestic loans, mean banks should tap government coffers further. ─── 不过他说,主要由国内不断恶化的贷款造成的潜在损失意味着银行应该进一步动用政府资金。

82、The club is well-run, with intelligent board members like Fiszman, and with coffers beginning to swell at their lucrative new home... ─── 在像费兹曼这样的智慧的董事会成员的操作下,俱乐部经营得很好,在他们盈利的新家,金鸡开始下蛋...

83、Lien Chan,the ruling party's presidential candidate in Taiwan,promised to extend the 9-year free education to 12 years and offered special tax rebates to allow the people to pay less to the government's coffers. ─── 台湾执政党总统候选人连战提出将九年免费教育增加至12年,并主张“提高薪资特别扣除额”(即免税额)的减税措施。

84、China's GDP has increased tenfold since 1978, and growth is still racing along at double-digit rates, lifting millions out of poverty and filling the coffers of both people and government. ─── 中国的GDP自1978年以来增长十倍,而且它的增长仍然持续双位数,让数以百万计的人们脱贫,让民众和政府的钱箱满起来。

85、In the same coffer he had placed his other treasures, the Bishop's candlesticks. ─── 在小箱中,他又把他的另一宝物,主教的烛台也放了进去。

86、In a year or two, as the world economy starts to return to health, the big firms will have to cope without many of the blockbusters medicines that have traditionally swollen their coffers. ─── 一两年后,当世界经济重新恢复健康,大型的公司将在没有专利药品的情况下进行运作,而这些专利药品曾一度是增加收入重要的来源。

87、As home to the Confederacy's deepest coffers, Mygeeto became a prime target during the Outer Rim Sieges. ─── 作为独立星系邦联最重要的储金库,麦基托成为外环围攻战的一个主要目标。

88、Failures to prohibit unauthorized departmental coffers repeatedly ─── 各种“小金库”屡禁不止

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