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08-17 投稿


microscope 发音

英:[?ma?kr?sko?p]  美:[?ma?kr?sk??p]

英:  美:

microscope 中文意思翻译



microscope 词性/词形变化,microscope变形


microscope 短语词组

1、field of a microscope ─── [医] 显微镜视野

2、electron microscope ─── [化] 电子显微镜 ─── [医] 电子显微镜

3、dissecting microscope ─── [医] 解剖显微镜

4、field-emission microscope 【 ─── 电子学】场致发射显微镜[参较 field-ion microscope]

5、compound microscope ─── [医] 复式显微镜

6、fluorescence microscope ─── [医] 荧光显微镜

7、binocular microscope ─── [化] 双目显微镜 ─── [医] 双目显微镜, 双筒显微镜

8、emission electron microscope ─── [电] 发射式电子显微镜

9、field emission microscope(FEM) ─── [化] 场致发射显微镜

10、electron microscope microanalyser(EMMA) ─── [化] 电子显微镜微分析器

11、anatomical microscope ─── [医] 解剖显微镜

12、field-desorption microscope ─── [电] 场解析显微镜

13、comparison microscope ─── [机] 比较显微镜

14、dark-field microscope ─── [化] 暗场显微镜; 暗视野显微镜

15、field-ion microscope ─── [电] 场离子显微镜

16、centrifuge microscope ─── [医] 离心显微镜

17、corneal microscope ─── [医] 角膜显微镜

18、field ion microscope(FIM) ─── [化] 场致离子显微镜

19、electron microscope autoradiography(EMAR) ─── [化] 电子显微放射自显影法; 电子显微镜放射自显影法

microscope 常用词组

electron microscope ─── 电子显微镜

scanning electron microscope ─── 扫描电子显微镜

optical microscope ─── 光学显微镜

microscope 相似词语短语

1、microcopy ─── n.缩微本;由缩影胶片复印的影本;vt.缩微复制;vi.制作缩微本

2、microcode ─── n.[计]微码

3、microscopy ─── n.显微镜检查;显微镜使用;显微镜学

4、metroscope ─── n.子宫镜;测长机

5、dichroscope ─── n.二色镜(等于dichroiscope)

6、microscopes ─── n.[光]显微镜(microscope的复数)

7、microscopic ─── adj.微观的;用显微镜可见的

8、microscale ─── n.微尺度;微量;adj.微观大气现象的

9、microsome ─── n.[细胞]微粒体

microscope 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Results There was no obvious difference between the targeted microbubbles and the common microbubbles under light microscope. ─── 结果所制备的靶向超声造影剂与普通微泡无显著差异;

2、Have you finished with our microscope yet? ─── 我们的显微镜你们用完了吗?

3、Ms. Qiu is observing growing bio-controlling strain through microscop. ─── 在用显微镜观察生防菌株的生长。

4、The beam of light is focused on the object under the microscope that is to be studied . ─── 在显微镜下,光线聚集在我们要研究的物体上。

5、Love looks through a telescope; envy through a microscope. ─── 恋爱秀过望远镜看,嫉妒透过显微镜。

6、He focuses the lens of a microscope . ─── 他调整显微镜的透镜以定焦点。

7、If you put it under a proper microscope you'd see a mass of energy vibrating. ─── 把它放到适当的显微镜下,你可以看到大量的能量在振动。

8、They used the microscope to magnify the virus. ─── 他们用显微镜放大病毒。

9、Atoms are so small that we can not see them with the most powerful microscope. ─── 原子非常小,我们用倍数最高的显微镜也看不到它们。(省略连词)

10、Scanning electron microscope image of the compound eye of a noctuid moth. ─── 扫描电子显微镜图像的复眼的夜蛾蛾。Each facet of the eye (ommatidium) is approximately 25 microns wide.每个小眼(小眼)约为25微米宽。

11、Easily mounts to a microscope or used as a tunable light source. ─── 容易装到显微镜上,或用作可调光源。

12、A fossil large enough to be examined without a microscope. ─── 巨体化石不用显微镜就能观察的大化石

13、Methods 15 cases horizontal strabismus petients were operated under microscope. ─── 方法15例水平性斜视患者在显微镜下行斜视矫正术。

14、She unlocks the secrets of textiles using this giant microscope. ─── 借用于这种巨大的显微镜,他揭开了纺织品的秘密。

15、The fracture of a steel rail was analyzed by means of metallographic microscope, SEM and EDS. ─── 摘要用金相显微镜、扫描电镜、能谱仪分析了钢轨断裂原因。

16、Which microscope can gives coloured images ? ─── 哪一种显微镜能显示出有颜色的图像?

17、An atom is so small that we can't see it with a microscope. ─── 原子太小,即使用显微镜也看不见它。

18、The smallest living things that can be seen under a microscope are bacteria. ─── 在显微镜下可以见到的最小的有生命的东西是细菌。

19、Xiao Wang can see the cytoplasm of the leaf clearly under the microscope. ─── 小王在显微镜下看到了叶子的细胞质。

20、The surface morphology after preferential corrosion along the vertical orientation was observed via an optical microscope. ─── 用光学显微镜观测和分析电火花线切割硅表面沿纵向分层择优腐蚀后的形貌;

21、The microbes is too small for us to see without a microscope. ─── 微生物太小,不借助显微镜就不能看到

22、Grasp each correlative microscope and test instrument. ─── 掌握各种相关的目检和测试设备。

23、She examined the object under a microscope. ─── 她在显微镜下检查这个物体。

24、Their routine ultrathin sections were observed by electron microscope. ─── 动物随机分组,用常规超薄切片技术制样电镜观察。

25、We arrange to get an electron on the stage of our microscope. ─── 我们设法将一个电子置于显微镜架上。

26、Germs are very small and can only be seen with the aid of a microscope. ─── 微生物非常小,只能借助显微镜才看得见。

27、Atoms are too small to be seen, even with a powerful microscope. ─── 原子太小了,就是用倍数很大的显微镜也看不见。

28、A new type of microscope has come into use. ─── 一种新型显微镜已开始使用。

29、Philosophy is the microscope of thought. ─── 哲学是思想的显微镜.

30、Qualitative electron microscope histochemistry is inadequate. ─── 定性的电子显微镜组织化学技术是不适用的。

31、The environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) has been used to analyse a number of pharmaceutical samples in their natural state. ─── 环境扫描电子显微镜(环境扫描电镜)已用于分析一些制药样本在其自然状态。

32、The structure of molecules can be seen under an electron microscope. ─── 分子的结构可在电子显微镜下观察到。

33、The scanning electron microscope provides information on chemical composition by use of X-ray spectrometer attachments. ─── 扫描电子显微镜能利用x射线谱仪的附件来提供化学组份的信息。

34、Development of X-ray supermirrors used in Kirkpatrick-Baez microscope[J]. ─── 引用该论文 顾春时,王占山,王风丽,张众,穆宝忠,秦树基,陈玲燕.

35、I am using microscope to observe the lobes of the flower. ─── 我利用显微镜观察这朵花的裂片。

36、Methods Using immunocytochemical method and light microscope. ─── 方法应用光镜和免疫细胞化学技术。

37、With the light microscope these stacks are just visible as grains (grana). ─── 可以用光学显微镜观察到这些堆积成颗粒状的物质(质体基粒)。

38、Several imaging factors of atomic force microscope (AFM) were explored. ─── 对原子力显微镜(atomic force microscope,AFM)的成像技术进行了多方面探索;

39、He readjusted the microscope for me, or rather, for himself. ─── 他为我更确切地说是为了他自己,重新调整了显微镜

40、Having a crystalline structure visible only under a microscope. ─── 微晶质的有只在显微镜下才可见的晶体结构的。

41、I agree fully that ALL officers have and are under the microscope. ─── 我完全同意所有的警官都被在显微镜下检验。

42、No matter how we alter the microscope, we cannot improve matters. ─── 无论我们怎样改动显微镜都无济于事。

43、VTM-1510 video toolmaker microscope can measure many kinds of data. ─── 工具显微镜具有多种数据测量、显微放大、显示输入和输出等数据处理功能。

44、We use a microscope to magnify tiny objects. ─── 我们用显微镜来放大细小的物件。

45、A measure of the magnification of an optical instrument, such as a microscope or telescope. ─── 倍率光学仪器,如显微镜或望远镜的放大倍数

46、Germs can only be seen with the aid of a microscope. ─── 只有借助显微镜细菌才能看得见。

47、If you look at the paper under a microscope you will see the fibres. ─── 如果你在显微镜下观察这张纸,你就会看到纤维。

48、ACAS Ultima-312 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope, FACS 420 flow cytometry. ─── 日立H30O型透射电镜,ACAS Ultima一312型激光扫描共聚焦显微镜系统(Meridian Inc.美国); SN一682型Y一闪烁计数仪(上海原子核研究所)。

49、The China first electron microscope is born in Changchun. ─── 中国第一台电子显微镜在长春诞生.

50、Fields reached into the incubator, extracted one of the pink petri dishes and slid it beneath a microscope. "Have a peek, " he said quietly. ─── 道格拉斯将手伸到孵卵器中,取出一个粉红色的培替氏培养皿,把它移到显微镜下。“来看一下。”他小声地说。

51、Alveolus cavity enlarge with some alveolus atrophy under light microscope. ─── 光镜下肺泡腔炎性细胞浸润明显减轻。

52、We spent hours studying the structure of leaves under the microscope. ─── 我们用数小时的时间在显微镜下观察树叶的结构。

53、An electron microscope would reveal that you are teeming with other life-forms. ─── 一部电子显微镜能够揭示你体内充满了其它生命类型。

54、They are looking at the blood samples under the microscope. ─── 他们正在观察显微镜下的血样。

55、My heart shall never be put under their microscope. ─── 我决不让他们来细细品评我的心。

56、The porphology of glass surface is observed by polarizing microscope. ─── 利用偏光显微镜,拍摄显微照片,观察表面形貌。

57、Such changes in shape were recorded with the light microscope over 80 years ago. ─── 在80年以前已用光学显微镜记录了这样的形状变化。

58、The optical system of a refracting telescope is essentially the same as that of a compound microscope. ─── 折射望远镜的光学系统与复显微镜的光学系统基本上相同。

59、I want to identify the lithology of this piece of rock with the microscope. ─── 我想用显微镜鉴别这块岩石的岩性。

60、The students were looking through a microscope at plant cells. ─── 学生们正在通过显微镜观察植物细胞。

61、electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to produce images at high magnifications. ─── 电子显微镜利用一束电子产生高倍放大的影像。

62、We magnify objects with a microscope. ─── 我们用显微镜放大物体。

63、We have an excellent line of microscope sets that would be suitable. ─── 我们有一类上好的显微镜,相信是很适合的。

64、My parents had no choice but giving up and buying a microscope for me. ─── 我的父母没得选择地买了一个显微镜给我。

65、Under a microscope, this new plastic looks like a combination of sticks and balls. ─── 在显微镜下,这种新型塑料看起来像是棍和球的结合物。

66、Stain the specimen before looking at it under the microscope. ─── 先把标本染色,再放到显微镜下观察。

67、MicroBes are too small for us to see without a microscope. ─── 微生物太小,不借助显微镜就不能看到。

68、Generally a microscope will come with an assortment of these phase plates having different absorptions. ─── 一架显微镜一般都带了一套这样的具有不同的吸性的相板。

69、As Zompro examined it under the microscope, he was struck by how much it resembled the exoskeleton he had just seen in London. ─── 宗波罗以显微镜检查这只昆虫,很惊讶地发现,牠的外骨骼与他在伦敦见过的极为相似。

70、Method Making use of electron microscope and Uiral serology. ─── 方法采用电镜检查和病毒血清试验。

71、Methods By transmission electron microscope, the structure changes about tonoplast in RP and RCAS were observed. ─── 方法通过透射电子显微镜对葛根和刺五加药材细胞内液泡膜的变化进行观察。

72、Do you mind my borrowing your microscope ? No, not at all. ─── 你介意我借你的显微镜吗?不,一点也不。

73、Optical design of Kirkpatrick-Baez microscope for ICF[J]. ─── 引用该论文 穆宝忠,伊圣振,黄圣铃,王占山.

74、The photograph made with a microscope, which records a microstructural image. ─── 在显微镜下拍摄,记录显微组织结构形态的照片。

75、They are so small, in fact, that the most powerful microscope could not make them large enough to be seen. ─── 事实上它们是小到连最高倍数的显微镜也不能把它们放大到足以被看到的程度。

76、Seen under a microscope, a fresh snowflake has a delicate six pointed shape. ─── 在显微镜下,雪花呈精美的六角型。

77、Which electron microscope will be put on that table? ─── 哪些电子显微镜被放在那张桌子上?

78、He stained some slides and looked at them under the microscope. ─── 他给几张载玻片上染了色,然后放到显微镜下观察。

79、Electron microscope scanning of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. ─── 小菜蛾幼虫头部化学感觉器电镜扫描观察。

80、The naked eye is not enough, we must have the aid of the telescope and the microscope. ─── 我们的眼力不够,应该借助于望远镜和显微镜。

81、He applied his eye to the microscope. ─── 他把眼睛贴近显微镜。

82、Microalgae seen under the microscope: CO2-feeders in the ocean. ─── 微藻在显微镜下看到:二氧化碳食海洋中。(A.

83、sperm sample is checked under the microscope before insemination is carried out. ─── 进行受精前用显微镜检查精子样本。

84、Made of two tiny tin beads usually used to calibrate electron microscope lenses, the snowman was built by the National Physical Laboratory. ─── 这个雪人由英国国家物理实验室制造,使用的材料是通常用来校准电子显微镜透镜的锡珠。

85、Under a microscope a hair looks like a thick stick. ─── 在显微镜下,一根头发看上去像根大粗棍子。

86、Crash Puts Crossair Safety Practices under Microscope. ─── 失事事件使克罗斯航空公司的安全惯例更加明朗。

87、The tracheae inner surface was also observed by scanning electron microscope. ─── 扫描电镜下观察气管壁表面结构。

88、Examine a tissue sample under a microscope; examine the structure of a novel; examine one's own motives. ─── 在显微镜下研究组织细胞的样品; 分析一部小说的结构; 剖析自己的动机

89、I'm afraid of being under the microscope. ─── 我不愿把自己披露在别人仔细的观察之下。


1. microscope  [micro 微,scop 镜,-e后缀]


2. microscopic  [见上,-ic ...的]


3. microscopy  [micro 微,scop 观察,-y 名词后缀]


4. microscopist  [micro- 微 / 小、scop 观察,-ist (n.),表示人]

  n. 显微镜学家

5. laryngoscope  [laryngo 喉,scop 观察;“检测喉咙的带镜仪器”→]

  n. 喉镜

6. laryngoscopy  [见上,-y 名词后缀]


7. ophthalmoscope  [ophthalmo 眼,scop 镜]


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