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08-17 投稿


congeal 发音

英:[k?n'd?i?l]  美:[k?n'd?il]

英:  美:

congeal 中文意思翻译



congeal 网络释义

vi. 凝结;凝固vt. 使…凝结;使…冻结

congeal 词性/词形变化,congeal变形

名词: congealer |动词现在分词: congealing |动词过去分词: congealed |动词第三人称单数: congeals |形容词: congealable |动词过去式: congealed |

congeal 短语词组

1、congeal sds ─── 凝性十二烷基硫酸钠

2、congeal clue ─── 凝结线索

3、congeal defined ─── 凝结的

4、congeal crossword clue ─── 拼字游戏线索

5、congeal crossword ─── 凝结纵横字谜

congeal 相似词语短语

1、uncongeal ─── vi.融解;融化;解冻;vt.使解冻

2、congas ─── n.康茄舞;康茄舞曲;康加鼓(conga的复数);v.跳康茄舞(conga的三单形式)

3、congeals ─── vi.凝结;凝固;vt.使…凝结;使…冻结

4、conceals ─── vt.隐藏;隐瞒

5、congenial ─── adj.意气相投的;性格相似的;适意的;一致的

6、congealed ─── adj.凝结的,凝固的

7、congealer ─── n.冷藏器

8、conga ─── n.康茄舞;vi.跳康茄舞

9、conceal ─── vt.隐藏;隐瞒

congeal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、presses to congeal the pressure steams the law ─── 促凝压蒸法

2、The phosphorus gypsum is emitted by the factory of phosphoric acid, which can not congeal to the gel, and can pollute the environment. ─── 磷石膏是磷酸厂排放的工业废渣,不具备胶凝能力,且污染环境。

3、Congeal our heritage into a distinct Singapore identity ─── 凝聚传统建立独特新加坡文化

4、Wedgeplug valves can be furnished with steam jackets for use on lines carrying any product that will harden or congeal at ordinary temperatures. ─── 楔塞阀可配置蒸汽套,用于在管路中传输任何可能在常温下硬化或冻结的产品。

5、To convert into ice. To cause to congeal or stiffen from extreme cold ─── 使冻僵由于极冷使凝固或僵硬

6、Looked that the lake water, does let the Can rosy cloud pan-thousand color wave, why also to have tear India to congeal in the eye? ─── 看身边的湖水,任灿霞泛起千层彩浪,何故又有泪印凝在眼?

7、All thoughts congeal; all thoughts meet other thoughts, criss-crossing in an incredible maze of energy, forming an ever-changing pattern of unspeakable beauty and unbelievable complexity. ─── 所有的思维会凝聚在一起;所有的思维都会遇见其他的思维,在能量不可思议的迷宫里穿梭,形成一个难以形容的美丽,且不可置信的、复杂的、流变不居的花样。

8、703. congeal : freeze; ─── 703 。冻结:冻结;

9、radio frequency hot congeal ─── 射频热凝

10、"Fire!" The shout escaped him, and his blood seemed, to congeal in his veins. He stared stupidly at the sky, unable to move a step. ─── 他不觉叫了一声:“起火了

11、Will congeal "responsible" the spirit. Otherwise is not permitted. ─── 将凝结“负责任地”精神。不然是不被允许的。

12、After you ball for a whole decade in the League, your full career starts to congeal and Odom has basically cemented a rep. ─── 当你在联盟打了整整十年球之后,你的整个职业生涯就开始定型了,而奥多姆已经基本上定型了。

13、Keywords Ceramic matrix composites;Inject &congeal shaping;PLC; ─── 陶瓷基复合材料;注凝成型;PLC;

14、wadding congeal ─── 絮凝

15、The sanitary napkin with high effective gel layer can congeal the infiltrating liquid to jelly, not flow back after pressing, and you won't feel sticky on the surface. ─── 内含高效胶化层的卫生巾,可把渗入的液体凝结成啫喱状,受压后不回渗,表面没有粘乎乎的感觉。

16、The blood had started to congeal. ─── 血液已经开始凝结。

17、meat congeal ─── 肉冻

18、the cheese started to cool and congeal, which took a good 30 minutes, all I did was stick it back on the stove, stirring until runny. ─── 奶酪开始冷却、凝结,用了整整30分钟,在这期间,我所做的就是把它再放回炉子上,搅拌直至奶酪开始流淌。

19、The increasing population density will even further congeal traffic. ─── 日益增加的人口密度将使交通更加瘫痪。

20、to curdle; to coagulate; to congeal ─── 使凝结

21、When the cheese started to cool and congeal, which took a good 30 minutes, all I did was stick it back on the stove, stirring until runny. ─── 奶酪开始冷却、凝结,用了整整30分钟,在这期间,我所做的就是把它再放回炉子上,搅拌直至奶酪开始流淌。

22、The quick construction technique of the deep congeal well casing ─── 深冻结井筒的快速施工技术

23、The wind from the small opening on the wall was whirring, while from time to time snowflakes flew in to congeal in pearly drops against the window. ─── 风车哗啦哗啦地响在壁上,通气窗时时有小的雪片飞进来,在窗台上结着些水珠。

24、Congeal water ─── 凝结水

25、Congeal the road surface of soil ─── 凝土路面

26、Limited space in the park refined model congeal creates boundless life fun, and formed a line Liujieyao 5th MTR Station only "Park, home life,". ─── 抬头看,“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”。整个山庄以江南风景为主题,让您走在山庄中,一步一景,步移景异。

27、To see this, the reporters interviewed by telephone exercising office spokesman Wang Zhaowen and Zhou congeal. ─── 为了求证此事,记者通过电话采访了中行总行新闻发言人王兆文和周凝。

28、Inject & congeal shaping ─── 注凝成型

29、Water can congeal be ice,sweat can congeal be resplendence! ─── 水凝固成冰,汗水凝固成辉煌!

30、At the same time we test the micro structure of fly-ash waste residue concrete congeal material and calculus, analyzing HPC mechanism tentatively. ─── 同时也对掺粉煤灰等废渣混凝土的胶凝材料原料及结石作了微观结构测试,初步尝析了废渣高性能混凝土机制。

31、Through those flights without a stop, the vortex of "leave"or return" badgered with her all along, turned into a locked congeal she could never avoid. ─── 在这些马不停蹄的迁徙过程中,“离”与“归”的旋涡一直纠缠着她敏感的心灵,成为她一生无法避开的死结。

32、Garden owner Chen Lu congeal that was to take part in collective procurement, that hope to reach the lower discount and can fight for better services. ─── 北苑业主陈路凝说到当初参加集体采购,就说期望能达到较低的折扣和可以争取较好的服务。

33、Fly ash high-performance concrete regard durability as main goal go on design mix Congeal the soil . ─── 粉煤灰高性能混凝土是以耐久性为主要目标进行设计的混凝土。

34、3、Friendship that flows from the heart can't be frozen by departure,as water that flows from the spring can't congeal in winter. ─── 正如春日之泉在冬日不会冻结,从心底涌出的友谊之水即使是分离也不不会凝固而停滞不前。

35、At last I believed that, I had to congeal these queries into concrete images to transcend the negativity with real presences. ─── 终于使我确信,必须把这种疑问凝结成确凿的影像,以现实感去超越其中的消极。

36、Status: the congeal film, as thin as fibre cloth, immediately turns to be transparent gel once it touches liquid. ─── 状态:薄薄的如纤维布的凝膜,碰到液体马上变成透明可按摩的者喱。

37、Although man has the ability to befoul your clean face,you can still congeal with your pure heart,sparkling marvellously. ─── 尽管人可弄脏你新衣,你照样要用纯洁的心,凝结出晶莹,放出奇异的光彩!

38、We do not have by the precise computation, did this short more than 20 minutes, actually congeal how many economical, the time, personnel's endeavor. ─── 我们无以精确计算,这短短的二十多分钟,究竟凝结了多少经济、时间、人员的努力。

39、Time and Space Characters of Congeal in Guizhou and Circulation Features Analyses ─── 贵州凝冻的时空分布特征和环流成因分析

40、After you ball for a whole decade in the League, your full career starts to congeal and Odom has basically cemented a rep. ─── 当你在联盟打了整整十年球之后,你的整个职业生涯就开始定型了,而奥多姆已经基本上定型了。

41、Status : the congeal film , as thin as fibre cloth, immediately turns to be transparent gel once it touches liquid . ─── 状态:薄薄的如纤维布的凝膜,碰到液体马上变成透明可按摩的者喱。

42、Congeal Iron Processing for 320t Barrel Type Iron Mix Car ─── 320t筒形混铁车凝铁处理法

43、Miscellaneous : Honey, cooking oils, peanut butter and tahini will congeal in the fridge. ─── 其他 :蜂蜜、烹调油、花生油和芝麻酱会凝结在冰箱内。

44、To become firm or gelatinous; congeal. ─── 凝固凝结或变硬;冻结

45、Friendship that flows from the heart can't be frozen by departure,as water that flows from the spring can't congeal in winter. ─── 发自心底的情谊不会因为离别而冷淡,就像泉水不会因冬日而冻结.

46、Comparison of Some Kinds of Wadding Congeal that Influence the Property of Non-Scattering Concrete ─── 絮凝剂品种对水下不分散混凝土性能影响的比较

47、Planets, on the other hand, are too puny and cold to initiate fusion.They are thought to congeal out of the debris floating around newborn stars; ─── 行星则又小又冷,无法点燃熔合反应,被认为是由飘浮在新生恒星四周的碎片凝结而成的;

48、Usage: We waited patiently for the jello to congeal before cutting it into fun shapes with cookie cutters. ─── 我们耐心等侯这些果冻凝固后,用制作饼干的切割工具把果冻切割出可爱的形状。

49、His few good ideas go unrecognised; unrelated mishaps congeal into a narrative of defeat. ─── 他的少数比较好的想法都被忽略了,大有墙倒众人推之势。

50、Gear lubricants may congeal and channel in cold weather ─── 天气冷时齿轮润滑油可能凝结而形成凹槽。

51、Saw anxious place, they hold the breath congeal were mad; ─── 看到紧张处,他们屏息凝气;

52、The increasing population density will even further congeal traffic. ─── 日益增加的人口密度将使交通更加瘫痪。

53、In the interview, just encountered a group of journalists from Changsha City District opened Fuk Hsia congeal in primary schools. ─── 在采访中,记者刚好碰到了一群来自长沙市开福区霞凝小学的学生。

54、These images, congeal together for accept the blue word chilly beautiful image world, sings for the posterity biography not certainly. ─── 这些意象,共同凝结为纳兰词凄美的意象世界,为后人传唱不绝。

55、Water can congeal be ice, sweat can congeal be resplendence. ─── 人生格言水凝固成冰,汗水凝固成辉煌!!

56、director of the Research Center of Beijing University of the World Heritage congeal high Professor Xie said, the reason is very simple, because it is the powerful economic relying on scenic areas. ─── 北京大学世界遗产研究中心主任谢凝高教授说,原因很简单,就在于风景区是它的强大经济依托。

57、Keywords dust-removing system filter bag congeal; ─── 收尘系统;滤袋;结露;

58、"Friendship that flows from the heart cannot be frozen by adversity, as the water that flows from the spring cannot congeal in winter." ─── "友谊流动,从心脏不能冻结,由逆境中,由于水流量从春季不能冻结在冬季"。

59、Add 1/2 tsp of tapioca starch to egg white mix before you stir-fry so it is easier to congeal. ─── 炒蛋白浆前加入半茶匙生粉使它更企身,炒时更容易控制。

60、Low power rate on the surface of heating tube.Medium does not scale, congeal, sinter or carbonize on the surface, and so is ideal heating element for viscous, and heat sensitive liquid medium. ─── 加热器管表面功率负荷低,介质不会在表面结垢、粘结、烧焦、碳化等,是粘性、热敏性液体介质加热的理想元件。

61、Black Pudding is a type of sausage made by cooking blood or dried blood with a filler until it is thick enough to congeal when cooled. ─── 黑布丁是一种含有动物血的香肠,在猪肉、牛肉或其他动物鲜肉中加入动物血或使用干血粉烹饪至稠密,冷却即可。

62、Will congeal "responsible" the spirit. Otherwise is not permitted. ─── 将凝结"负责任地"精神。不然是不被允许的。

63、Keywords spray paint;adsortion;congeal; ─── 喷涂;水气凝结;吸附;

64、Will congeal “responsible” the spirit. Otherwise is not permitted. ─── 将凝结“负责任地”精神。不然是不被允许的。

65、It main adopt diversity pattern.Follow solidifyer catty soft ice cream extruder shaping.Afer that by quick-freeze quicken color fragrant and taster congeal,gain varied high-grade ice cream product. ─── 它主要采用多样化的模具,把凝冻机输来的软质冰淇淋挤压成形,再通过速冻方法,加速色、香、味的凝结,从而获得多种高品位的冰淇淋产品。

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