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08-17 投稿


coincidence 发音

英:[k??'?ns?d(?)ns]  美:[ko'?ns?d?ns]

英:  美:

coincidence 中文意思翻译



coincidence 短语词组

1、least voltage coincidence detec-tion ─── [电] 最小电压相合检波

2、coincidence decoding ─── [计] 重合译码

3、coincidence selection ─── [计] 重合选择

4、coincidence amplifier ─── [电] 一致放大器

5、coincidence circuit ─── [计] 符合电路 ─── [化] 符合电路

6、counts corrected for coincidence (CCC) ─── [化] 符合校正计数

7、coincidence method ─── [计] 重合法

8、coincidence error ─── [计] 重合误差

9、coincidence matrix switch ─── [计] 重合矩阵开关

10、anti-coincidence counting ─── [医] 非符合计数

11、coincidence gate ─── [计] 符合门

12、coincidence counting ─── [医] 符合计数

13、delay coincidence circuit ─── [电] 滞延符合电路

14、photocal coincidence index ─── [计] 光重合比孔索引

15、multichannel coincidence system ─── [计] 多通道重合系统

16、coincidence loss ─── [医] 符合损失

17、by coincidence ─── 恰巧

18、chance coincidence ─── [计] 偶然重合

19、delayed coincidence counting ─── [医] 延迟符合计数

coincidence 词性/词形变化,coincidence变形

动词第三人称单数: coincides |动词过去式: coincided |动词过去分词: coincided |动词现在分词: coinciding |

coincidence 相似词语短语

1、coincidences ─── n.巧合;一致;同时发生

2、coincidental ─── adj.巧合的;符合的;暗合的;一致的

3、coincident ─── adj.一致的;符合的;同时发生的

4、noncoincidence ─── n.不重合;不一致

5、coincidencies ─── 比赛

6、incidence ─── n.发生率;影响;[光]入射;影响范围

7、low incidence ─── 小攻角

8、coincidency ─── 巧合,

9、confidence ─── n.信心;信任;秘密;adj.(美)诈骗的;骗得信任的

coincidence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hello there, what a coincidence ! ─── 你好,真巧啊!

2、Simultaneous occurrence;coincidence. ─── 巧合同时发生;巧合

3、By a strange coincidence we happened to is travelling on the same train. ─── 巧得出奇, 我们正好坐同一列火车.

4、Charlie laughed at the coincidence as we opened our cookies. ─── 当我们打开甜饼的包装时,查理为这个巧合笑个不停。

5、However, there was a higher coincidence rate of COPT with antigen detection than with antibody detection. ─── 尤其是无治疗史人群抗原阳性与COPT阳性的符合率较高,说明抗原检测的可靠性。

6、Using the Index of Coincidence to identify Open Reading Frames. ─── 使用偶合指数方法来定出开放阅读框架。

7、They separated, but the long arm of coincidence brought them together a week later. ─── 他们分手了,可是一个星期后又意外地相见了。

8、It may not be a coincidence that they finally voted for a ban just a month before they face elections. ─── 他们最终在选举前的一个月投票通过了禁令,这也许不是巧合。

9、Oh, you uh, you wanna hear a freaky coincidence? Guess who's doing laundry there too? ─── 想知道有个巧合吗?猜猜谁也要去洗衣店?

10、They also rely heavily on coincidence. ─── 他们还非常注重巧合。

11、He said: "The likeness is astonishing but I think it is probably a coincidence. ─── 他说:“这座雕像和杰克逊惊人地相似,但是我想这很可能只是一个巧合。

12、Right upper screen for themselves and the distance girlfriend, as long as the two head coincidence you succeed. ─── 屏幕右上为自己和女朋友的距离,只要两个头像重合你就成功了。

13、It's a pure coincidence that we've grabbed this order. ─── 我们抓住了这个订单纯属偶然。

14、Kappa value was 0.46,which indicated the observed value of this assay had midrange coincidence with actual value. ─── kappa值0.46,提示该试验诊断结果与真实值之间中度一致。

15、Melancholy, weariness, tedium ?the reiteration of the note cannot be coincidence. ─── 忧郁、疲累、无聊,这些语调一再重复,绝非是巧合。

16、By coincidence, we arrived here at the same time. ─── 我们凑巧一同到达这儿。

17、His dream to own a vineyard came with a job change and the coincidence of inheriting a some family money from the UK. ─── 他的梦想是拥有一个葡萄园,他的梦想在他改变工作并同时在英国继承了一些家庭财产之后得以实现。

18、By a strange coincidence we happen to be travelling on the same train. ─── 巧得出奇,我们正好坐同一列火车。

19、Sometimes it is mere coincidence that the application seems to work correctly even with bad memory errors close to the starting point. ─── 有时一开始即使使用了错误的内存,应用程序似乎也能正常工作。

20、Specialist authority coefficient Cr =0.72.weight coincidence coefficient CI=0.063,all weights was acceptable. ─── 专家权威系数Cr=0.72。 指标权重一致性指数CI=0.063,所有指标的权重可以接受。

21、The diagnotic coincidence tate of FNAC and biopsy was 86%(in 43 cascs). ─── FNAC与手术活检的诊断符合率为86%。

22、What an odd coincidence that he should have known your family. ─── 他已认识你的家人,多么不寻常的巧合。

23、What makes us come across? Destination? Coincidence? Chances of possibilities? It seems uncertain or certain. ─── 命运?巧合?还是机缘?似乎不可捉摸。可能也在情理之中。

24、We are much better than Manchester United. The difference in points in the Premiership is just a coincidence. ─── 我们比曼联更强。积分上的不同纯属巧合。

25、By coincidence, Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich were on the morning news programs. ─── 巧合的是,鲍勃.多尔和纽特.金里奇出现在那天的早间新闻节目上。

26、It was certainly an unfortunate coincidence that he should have paid his visit on this tragic anniversary. ─── 他在这个悲剧的周年之日进行拜访确实是一个不幸的巧合。

27、Vampires and the Antichrist: Synonymous or Coincidence? ─── 吸血鬼和反基督者:他们是同一回事吗,抑或仅仅是巧合?

28、Hi there, what a coincidence! ─── 嗨,这可真巧!

29、Coincidence operated only mildly in their lives. ─── 在他们生活中巧合的机缘并不多得。

30、We have stated a rule for consonance in terms of the coincidence of harmonics. ─── 我们已经叙述了用谐波的符合来表示谐合的规则。

31、It was no coincidence that the two went to the dentist on the same day. ─── 两个人在同一天去看牙医决不是偶然的。

32、Is there any coincidence between his opinions and your own? ─── 他的意见与你自己的意见有没有一致之处?

33、It is no coincidence that you can find these methods in the SEI files and in the WSDL file under the Port element. ─── 您会发觉在SEI文件中的这些方法和在端口部件下的WSDL文件中的这些方法是不同的。

34、He had known the last witness seven or eight years; that was merely a coincidence. ─── 他认识前一证人是在七八年前,那纯粹是偶然遇合。

35、It was strange about the coincidence of figures: that his room number tonight, allocated by chance, had in it a "24". ─── 奇怪的是数字上的巧合,今晚他预定的房间号码中碰巧有个“24”。

36、The bias of coincidence correction in WBC and RBC counting with the Z2 was less than 1%. ─── Z2校正WBC和RBC的重合计数偏差均

37、Are you going to the post office? What a coincidence! You can help me to mail a letter. ─── 你要去邮局吗?正好帮我寄封信。

38、coincidence , we arrived at exactly the same time. ─── 碰巧运气好,我们刚好同时到达。

39、It is a coincidence that he was born on his mother's birthday. ─── 他在他母亲生日那天出生,真是巧事。

40、Jerking from coincidence to coincidence, they were obviously the work of an original intelligence. ─── 巧合迭起,仍可谓独具匠心。

41、Tom Shadyac: Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous. ─── 在这齣戏中戏,究竟是偶然还是巧合,留给上帝去辩证啰.

42、It was quite a coincidence that my sister was on the same train. ─── 很凑巧,我的妹妹也乘那列火车。

43、I never dreamed of meeting you here. What a coincidence! ─── 我从未想过会在这里见到妳.真是太巧了!

44、What a coincidence! As we were leaving our tiny flat, a crescent moon again hung in the sky. ─── 多少凑巧呢,离开我们那间小屋地时候,天上又挂着月牙。

45、PLAGIARISM, n. A literary coincidence compounded of a discreditable priority and an honorable subsequence. ─── 剽窃:这是文学中的一种巧合,以丢脸开始,以荣誉告终。

46、It is a unique coincidence that this year all the BRICS countries are also members of the United Nations Security Council. ─── 我们金砖五国很巧今年都是联合国安理会成员。

47、Host: Is it a coincidence to direct the film or you were in your mind? ─── 主持人:导演这部电影纯属巧合还是经过酝酿的?

48、All the more so quicky, so suddenly, so a coincidence. ─── 一切来得这么快,这么突然,这么巧合。

49、There is a fine line between coincidence and fate. ─── 巧合与命运仅一线之隔。

50、All due respect, brothers are incarcerated together all over the country.It may just be a coincidence. ─── 恕我冒犯,不过在全国各地,很多监狱把兄弟关在一起。可能只是巧合。

51、In21cases undergoing TMET,the coincidence of DSE with TMET was90.48%. ─── 作运动ECG(TMET)者21例 ,DSE与TMET诊断符合率90 48%。

52、The interval determining the coincidence gate is adjustable. ─── 对符合门起决定作用的间隔距离是可以调整的。

53、By a strange coincidence we happened to be traveling on the same train. ─── 巧得出奇,我们正好坐同一列火车。

54、The coincidence rate of the CT and clinical diagnoses was 76.1%. ─── ct诊断与临床诊断符合率76.1%。

55、Amanda: It just seemed like an odd coincidence that it had to happen today. ─── 阿曼达:金鱼非得今天死,这真巧合。

56、The coincidence between us was destined to happen since there was one who was always unswerving. ─── 两个人的巧合,总有个人坚持。

57、It was a coincidence that the general manager introduced her to the interviewee. ─── 业务经理介绍她和来面试的人认识是一个巧合。

58、What a coincidence that I was in Paris at the same time as you! ─── "我在巴黎时你也正在那里,多巧啊!"

59、By coincidence 'third Daughter-in-law provided him an experimental subject, and so he wrote quite a few prescriptions. ─── 恰好三媳妇可以供给他做试验品,他便开了不少方子。

60、It can scarcely be coincidence. ─── 这决不可能是巧合。

61、MicroDog establishes coincidence relations with the calling of API function inside shell encryption tools. ─── 微狗在外壳加密工具中与调用的API函数建立了对应关系。

62、It was probably no coincidence that railroads at that time paid only one third of their just share of the tax burden. ─── 当时铁路公司只缴纳应纳税的三分之一,这大概不是偶然的。

63、Many gamblers impoverish themselves here, and it is no coincidence that numerous pawn brokers have set up shop in the streets around the Hotel Lisboa. ─── 很多赌徒在这里变得一文不名,而众多的典当经纪人在里斯本旅馆附近的大街上建立起自己的商店。

64、Happiness is alway a coincidence! ─── 幸福总是一种巧合!

65、It was a coincidence that the general manager introduced heR to the interviewee. ─── 业务经理介绍她和来面试的人认识是一个巧合。

66、For years I regarded this coincidence as the luckiest turning point in my life. ─── 多年以来,我总把这一偶然的机遇当作我一生中最幸运的转折点。

67、What a coincidence! I was thinking about Roy when his letter arrived! ─── 多巧呀,我正想着罗伊,他的信就到了。

68、This discussion extends that review to a description of dual heads coincidence(DHC). ─── 双探头符合线路(DHC)显像技术的不断成熟和广泛应用,使核医学显像技术在诊断肿瘤方面有了新的发展。

69、"It was a strange coincidence," I said. ─── “真是奇怪的巧合。” 我说。

70、Why the person's dactylogram, eyeball is unique, is there coincidence? ─── 为什么人的指纹,眼球是独一无二的,没有巧合吗?

71、The positive coincidence rates of DDIA, ELISA and COPT were 98.4%, 96.8% and 81.8% in 187 stool positive subjects. ─── 在187例粪检阳性者中,DDIA、ELISA和COPT 的阳性符合率分别为98.4%、96.8%和81.8%。

72、What a coincidence! Because that's today. ─── 实在是太巧了!因为那就是今天。

73、It was a coincidence that he was born on his mother's birthday. ─── 他在他母亲生日那天出生,真是巧事。

74、The coincidence time resolution measured between BGO-BGO, BGO-HpGe are FWHM = 6.9 ns and 8.3 ns respectively. ─── 两个BGO探测器间的符合时间分辨半宽度为6.9ns,BGO六棱柱与HPGe探器测间的时间分辨半宽度为8.3ns。

75、She and I both arrived at the same time by pure coincidence. ─── 我和她同时到达纯属巧合。

76、Is there any coincidence between his opinions and yours? ─── 你和他之间的观点有什么地方一致么?

77、The coincidence rate of TVS was better than TAS (?p?

78、By sheer coincidence Mary is there too. ─── 完全由于巧合,玛丽也在那儿。

79、Such a coincidence seemed too good to be true. ─── 如此的巧合简直让人不敢相信。

80、Exactly. And, Mr. Kaye, by a coincidence, the same thing happened to us... ─── 一点不错。可是,凯先生,由于巧合,我们遇到了和你们同样的情况。

81、Lots of things happen by mere coincidence in this world. ─── 世界上往往有许多巧事,是你没有想到的。

82、By a fortunate coincidence there happens to be a good post going. ─── "事倒凑巧,正有个美缺"

83、There's a coincidence today. ─── 今天有一个巧合。

84、He waited for the coincidence of the target and the cross hairs. ─── 他等待着目标和十字准星的重合。

85、Coincidence emphasizes the theme of fate and the fictionality of the text. ─── 巧合强化了命运的主题,增强了文本的虚构性;

86、What a coincidence! My birthday's april 18, too! ─── 好巧!我的生日也是四月十八日。

87、God, the creator, is control of coincidence. ─── 巧合,其实是造物主的化身。

88、It is a mere coincidence that they see eye to eye on this point. ─── 他们在这一点上见解一致完全是偶合。

89、but it strikes me as a bit of a coincidence that Nick is name-dropping Brit now when Backstreet's got an album coming out soon. ─── 但我觉得这有点巧合的是,尼克是擅用他人名义英国人现在,当后街的相簿了出来不久。

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