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08-17 投稿


ninepins 发音

英:[?na?np?nz]  美:[?na?np?nz]

英:  美:

ninepins 中文意思翻译



ninepins 网络释义

n. 九柱戏;九柱戏中的木柱(ninepin的复数)

ninepins 短语词组

1、ninepins table top ninepins ─── 桌面

2、ninepins definition ─── 九品定义

3、ninepins meaning in hindi ─── 印地语中的ninepins意思

4、ninepins crossword clue ─── 九品纵横字谜线索

5、ninepins rip van winkle ─── 忍者瑞普·范·温克尔

ninepins 词性/词形变化,ninepins变形


ninepins 习惯用语

1、fall [be knocked] over like (a lot of)ninepins ─── 纷纷被打倒; 被打得东倒西歪

2、go down like ninepins ─── (象九柱中的木柱似的)猛然倒下

ninepins 相似词语短语

1、kingpins ─── n.[机]中心立轴;主要人物

2、ninepin ─── n.九柱球戏的木柱

3、linchpins ─── n.关键(等于lynchpin);制轮楔;轮辖

4、ninepences ─── n.九便士硬币;九便士

5、nineties ─── 九十几;九十年代(ninety的名词复数)

6、fivepins ─── 五针

7、cinerins ─── n.瓜菊酯I;瓜菊酯II;瓜叶除虫菊酯

8、tiepins ─── n.领带别针

9、firepinks ─── 壁炉油墨

ninepins 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Whereas Tung Ping Chau, Double Haven, Hoi Ha Wan and Tsim Chau are all popular dive sites, the Ninepin Group is a perfect dive site I visit most frequently. ─── 东平洲、印洲塘、海下湾和尖洲都是著名的潜水好去处,而果洲群岛则是我经常取景的好地方。

2、They all go down like ninepins one after the other. ─── 他们一个接一个地倒下去。

3、Life is not just beers and ninepins. ─── 人生并非只是啤酒和九柱戏。

4、There's a lot of flu about people are going down (ie catching the disease) like ninepins. ─── 流感正在蔓延--传染的人越来越多。

5、a wooden pin used in the game of ninepins ─── 九柱戏中用的一根木柱

6、which would stand up on end like ninepins. ─── 就像九柱戏的木棒一样竖立着.

7、FIQ maintains two separate membership disciplines known as the World TenpinBowling Association ?WTBA? and the World Ninepin Bowling Association ?WNBA? ─── 国际保龄球联盟下设两个彼此独立菂机构:世界10瓶保龄球协会?WTBA?和世界9瓶保龄球协会?WNBA?

8、Ninepin Group=Great Barrier Reef? ─── 烈要求今次西贡上船,去大堡礁!

9、In his first few weeks in office they toppled about him like ninepins. ─── 在他上任的最初几周,他们像是在他周围钉了九柱地滚球。

10、Ninepin Group ─── 果洲群岛

11、a bowling pin of the type used in ninepins (or (in England) skittles). ─── 用在撞柱游戏(或(在英国)九柱戏)的小柱。

12、All his rivals went down before him like ninepins. ─── 所有对手都被他打得落花流水。

13、Near one end of the lawn were twelve old-fashioned knights playing at ninepins. ─── 靠近草坪的一端,有十二个古代装束的武士在玩九柱戏。

14、One by one, the boldest and safest expectations were sent tumbling like ninepins by a field that seemed collectively intent on achieving the unexpected. ─── 那些不管是最大胆的还是最保守的估计全都赛道上那出人意料的一幕一幕一个一个的被击得粉碎。

15、He still got a good head on his shoulders, which means they don't play ninepins much on board. ─── 他对头还在肩膀上好好地长着,说明海盗们在船上很少玩九柱戏。

16、Distribution: Lamma Island, Po Toi Islands (Sung Kong), Ninepin Group (Kwo Chau Islands), Ching Chau. Guangdong and Taiwan. ─── 地理分布:南丫岛、蒲台群岛宋岗、果洲群岛、青洲。广东、台湾。

17、One, for instance, consisted of rods of various lengths and thicknesses with would stand up end like ninepins. ─── 例如,有一种装置是由一些长短、粗细不同的木棒组成,就像九柱戏的木棒一样坚立着

18、which would stand up on end like ninepins. ─── 就像九柱戏的木棒一样竖立着。

19、1. There's a lot of flu about people are going down (ie catching the disease) like ninepins. ─── 流感正在蔓延--传染的人越来越多.

20、Rods of ninepins One , for instance, consisted of rods of various lengths and thicknesses which would stand up on end like ninepins . ─── 例如,有一种装置是由一些长短、粗细不同的木棒组成;就像九柱戏的木棒一样竖立着。

21、But Nutkin sat upon a big flat rock, and played ninepins with a crab apple and green fir-cones. ─── 但纳特金却坐在一块磨平了的岩石上,用野生酸苹果和杉木球果玩著撞九柱游戏。

22、fall over like (a lot of) ninepins ─── 横七竖八地倒下

23、795. One, for instance, consisted of rods of various lengths and thicknesses with would stand up end like ninepins. ─── 例如,有一种装置是由一些长短、粗细不同的木棒组成,就像九柱戏的木棒一样坚立着,

24、go down like a ninepin ─── 猛然倒下

25、ball used to knock down ninepins. ─── 用于九柱球游戏的球。

26、The Ninepin Group falls under the jurisdiction of Sai Kung District of Hong Kong. ─── (果洲羣岛) is a group of islands in the easternmost waters of Hong Kong.

27、a bowling pin of the type used in ninepins (or in England skittles) ─── 用在撞柱游戏(或在英国九柱戏)的小柱

28、Rods of ninepins One, for instance, consisted of rods of various lengths and thicknesses which would stand up on end like ninepins. ─── 例如,有一种装置是由一些长短、粗细不同的木棒组成;就像九柱戏的木棒一样竖立着。

29、One, for instance, consisted of rods of various lengths and thicknesses with would stand up end like ninepins. ─── 例如,有一种装置是由一些长短、粗细不同的木棒组成,就像九柱戏的木棒一样坚立着。

30、A similar game, such as duckpins or ninepins. ─── 类似游戏,如滚球戏或九柱瓶戏

31、Getty Images ONCE they started falling, the totems toppled like ninepins this week. ─── 美好的图腾一旦开始坠落,就会势如破竹般倒下。

32、be knocked over like (a lot of) ninepins ─── 被打得东倒西歪

33、When they got to a big cave, Rip saw some people playing ninepins. ─── 当他们走到一个大山洞时,李伯看到一些人在玩保龄球。

34、ninepin block ─── 系缆柱滚筒

35、Sitting at the tavern amidst the clatter of ninepins and the laughter of the drinkers, he would suddenly snatch up a menu and dash off upon the back of it a melody that bubbled like wine out of his overflowing heart. ─── 坐在小酒店里,在九柱戏的哗啦声和酒鬼们的大笑声中,他会突然抓过一张菜单,在背面飞快地写下一支美酒似地从他满溢的心田里涌现出来的旋律。

36、One, for instance, consisted of rods of various lengths and thicknesses which would stand up on end like ninepins. ─── 例如,有一种仪器由各种长度和粗细不同的木杆竖着构成,象九柱戏一样。

37、All his rivals went down before him like ninepins. ─── 所有对手都被他打得落花流水。

38、ONCE they started falling, the totems toppled like ninepins this week. ─── 本周,这些图腾一旦开始倒下,则纷纷东倒西歪。

39、small coupons I have carved the edge of the water and the white dragon pattern Ninepin. ─── 小券口边上雕有皎龙出水及九针图案。

40、Another Tozeuma shrimp is also found at Ninepin Group. ─── 另一款锯片虾也被发现于果洲群岛。

41、go over like ninepins ─── 横七竖八地倒下来

42、By the 13th century, this game has been introduced to Germany, Holland and England, the bowling at this moment is called nine posts of plays (ninepins), and play on the lawn. ─── 到了十三世纪,这个游戏传到了德国、荷兰及英格兰,此时的保龄球称为九柱戏(ninepins),并且是在草坪上玩的。

43、Near one end of the lawn were twelve old-fashioned knights playing at ninepins. ─── 靠近草坪的一端,有十二个古代装束的武士在玩九柱戏。

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