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nitrous 发音

英:['na?tr?s]  美:['na?tr?s]

英:  美:

nitrous 中文意思翻译



nitrous 短语词组

1、spirit of nitrous ether ─── [化] 亚硝酸酯的酒精溶液 ─── [医] 亚硝酸乙酯醑

2、nitrous anhydride ─── [化] 亚硝酐; 亚硝酸酐; 三氧化二氮

3、nitrous acid ─── [化] 亚硝酸 ─── [医] 亚硝酸

4、nitrous oxide-oxygen anesthesia ─── [医] 一氧化氮和氧麻醉, 笑气和氧麻醉

5、nitrous gases ─── 亚硝气

6、nitrous bacteria ─── 亚硝细菌

7、nitrous oxide system ─── 一氧化二氮系统

8、chloro-nitrous acid ─── [化] 亚硝酰氯

9、nitrous oxide ─── [化] 一氧化二氮; 笑气 ─── [医] 一氧化氮, 笑气

10、nitrous mask ─── 亚硝酸面罩

11、nitrous ether ─── [化] 亚硝基醚

12、nitrous oxide anesthesia ─── [医] 一氧化氮麻醉, 笑气麻醉

13、nitrous gas ─── 亚硝气

14、nitrous oxides ─── 氮氧化物

15、nitrous compound ─── 亚硝基化合物

16、nitrous kit ─── 亚硝酸试剂盒

17、nitrous bacterium ─── [网络] 亚硝酸细菌

18、nitrous fume ─── 亚硝烟

19、nitrous acid ester ─── [化] 亚硝酸酯

nitrous 相似词语短语

1、nitro ─── n.硝基

2、estrous ─── adj.有发情期特征的,性欲冲动的;动情期的,求偶期的

3、nidorous ─── 巢穴

4、nacrous ─── 珍珠色

5、cirrous ─── adj.象卷云的;有触毛的(等于cirrose)

6、fibrous ─── adj.纤维的,纤维性的;纤维状的

7、citrous ─── adj.柑橘属植物的

8、goitrous ─── adj.甲状腺肿的

9、nitro- ─── n.硝基

nitrous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、nitrous nitrifieation/denitrifieation ─── 亚硝酸型硝化反硝化

2、Insects produce less ammonia than pig and poultry farming, ten times less methane than livestock, and 300 times less nitrous oxide. ─── 昆虫产生的氨比猪和家禽少,它们产生的甲烷比家畜少十倍,而产生的一氧化二氮比家畜少三百倍。


4、" Methane has a warming effect that is 23 times as great as that of carbon, while nitrous oxide is 296 times as great. ─── 与碳相比,甲烷的暖化效应是碳的23倍,而一氧化二氮的暖化效应则高达碳的296倍。

5、The land can also release nitrides nitrous oxide, a heat trapping heat-trapping gas. ─── 土地也会释放一氧化二氮,这是一种热传递气体。

6、Determination of Nitrous Oxide in Seawater by Room Temperature Purge and Trap-Gas Chromatography ─── 常温吹扫捕集-气相色谱法测定海水中氧化亚氮

7、then converted to nitrous oxide which adds to global warming. ─── 然后又会转化成加剧全球变暖的亚硝酸氧化物。

8、Nitrous Oxide-Acetylene Flame ─── 一氧化二氮-乙炔火焰

9、As if that weren't bad enough, the bacteria that thrive in low oxygen conditions emit a powerful greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide. ─── 如果这还不够糟的话,细菌在低氧环境下迅速滋长会释放一种温室气体,一氧化二氮,俗称“笑气”。

10、Keywords Inhalation anesthesia;sevoflurane;nitrous oxide;general anesthesia;paediatrics; ─── 全凭吸入麻醉;七氟烷;氧化亚氮;全麻;小儿;

11、Nitrous oxide catalytic decomposition over AgCl/H-ZSM-5 and deactivation mechanism of the catalyst ─── AgCl/H-ZSM-5催化分解NO反应及失活机理

12、The EPA said its finding was based on a rigorous review of science on six greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride. ─── EPA表示他们的研究报告是通过对二氧化碳、甲烷、氧化亚氮、氢氟碳化物、全氟碳化物以及六氟化硫这六种温室气体的严格科学审查得出的。

13、Nitrous oxide - ethane flame ─── N2O-C2H2火焰

14、Clinical observation and nursing of Doula delivery combining with nitrous oxide aspiration analgesia ─── 导乐与笑气吸入分娩镇痛的临床观察

15、Nitrous oxide pollution of the atmosphere occurs usually from the nitration of cellulose and other organic materials ─── 大气中的一氧化二氮污染通常由纤维和其他有机物质的硝化作用产生。

16、Ammonia gas released by fertilized cropland is a cause of air pollution. The land can also release nitrous oxide, a heat-trapping gas. ─── 农田中所排放的氨气是导致空气污染的一个原因。农田也会产生一氧化二氢这种具有截热能力的气体。

17、Inhaling nitrous oxide will displace the oxygen in your lungs.Your body could have difficulty expelling the gas from your lungs. ─── 吸入的一氧化氮将取代你肺中的氧气,而你的身体又很难使之排出。

18、Ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture due to the fertilizer applications ─── 因施肥而自农业释出的氨与氧化亚氮研究

19、It has studied the action of hydrogen peroxide on nitrous acid. ─── 它研究了过氧化氢对亚硝酸的作用。

20、The reaction of triphenyltin with nitrous acid in aqueous phase in the presence and absence of O2 was studied by a laser flash photolysis technique. ─── 利用激光闪光光解技术进行了有氧和无氧条件下氯化三苯基锡与亚硝酸水溶液的紫外光解反应研究。

21、Fig. 2. Enteric nitrous oxide production from goose during each life cycle expressed as per day per animal basis. ─── 图2.鹅之生命周期中肠内发酵氧化亚氮之排放情形以每日每只表示。

22、Daytime formation of nitrous acid: A major source of OH radicals in a forest ─── 亚硝酸的日间形成:在森林里OH原子团的主来源

23、The global increases in carbon dioxide concentration are due primarily to fossil fuel use and land-use change, while those of methane and nitrous oxide are primarily due to agriculture. ─── 人家明明说二氧化碳含量的增加是由于矿物燃烧引起的,新闻里就非得说全球变暖是由矿物燃烧引起的。

24、Your bike will need modification to clear some of the larger obstacles. Nitrous Oxide connected to the carburetor should give it extra punch. Go! Bring me the codes. ─── 你的车可能需要改造一下以越过更大的障碍。把一氧化二氮安上汽化器可以给它额外的动力。去吧,把代码给我找来!

25、Nitrosophenols are formed very easily by the action of nitrous acid on phenols. ─── 以亚硝酸作用于酚,很易制得亚硝基酚。

26、Measurement of nitrous acid and retrieval of aerosol parameters with differential optical absorption spectroscopy ─── 利用差分吸收光谱法测量亚硝酸和反演气溶胶参数

27、Fig. 4. Enteric nitrous oxide production from goose during each life cycle expressed as per body weight basis. ─── 图4.鹅之生命周期中肠内发酵氧化亚氮之排放情形以单位体重表示。

28、Keywords Artificial abortion Analgesia Nitrous oxide Lidocaine; ─── 人工流产;镇痛;笑气;利多卡因;

29、Classic Papers Revisited An Early Example of Evidence-based Medicine: Hypoxemia due to Nitrous Oxide. ─── 一项关于循征医学的早期实例:氧化亚氮导致的低氧血症。

30、Nitrous oxide may be used with advantage during surgical operations in which no great amounts of blood are lost . ─── 外科手术中使用一氧化一氮,可以防止大量失血。

31、Analgesic effect observation of doula accompany parturition combined with nitrous oxide ─── 导乐陪伴分娩联合氧化亚氮镇痛效果的观察体会

32、Introduced greenhouse gas of influencing global climate and imperfect current situation of nitrous oxide calibration gas in our country greenhouse gas researching. ─── 介绍了影响全球气候的温室气体以及尚未完善的我国温室气体中氧化亚氮标准物质的研究现状。

33、Energy saving Mechanism and Optimal Proposal Nitrous Acid Type Denitrification Biological Nitrogen Removal ─── 亚硝酸型反硝化生物脱氮的节能机理及优化方案

34、Under the influence of nitrous oxide, he found himself writing such impressively nonsensical propositions ─── 在笑气影响下,他写下了这样惹人注意的无聊话。

35、Keywords nitrous ion;photocatalysis;titania;surface state;photocarrier; ─── 亚硝酸根离子;光催化;二氧化钛;表面态;光生载流子;

36、Measurements of atmospheric nitrous acid and nitric acid ─── 大气亚硝酸和硝酸的测量结果

37、Keywords zeolite;nitrous oxide;catalytic decomposition;acidity;acid center distribution; ─── 分子筛;一氧化二氮;催化分解;酸性;酸中心分布;

38、If you inhale too much nitrous oxide very quickly, the gas can completely shut down the area of your brain responsible for breathing. ─── 如果快速吸入过多一氧化氮,它就能完全封锁你的大脑对呼吸的控制。

39、Keywords nitrous oxide-ethyne flame;atomic absorpt ion spectrophotometer;Cd-Ni batteries impregnating solution;silicon; ─── 一氧化二氮乙炔火焰;原子吸收光谱;镉镍电池浸渍液;硅;

40、The order of preference of inhalant anesthetics for euthanasia is halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, methoxyflurane, and desflurane, with or without nitrous oxide. ─── 对于安乐死比较好的吸入麻醉药剂主要有:氟烷,恩氟烷,异氟烷,七氟烷,甲氧氟烷,以及地氟烷伴有或者不伴有一氧化二氮(笑气)。

41、After nasotracheal intubation, nitrous oxide 1.5-3L and oxygen 1-2 L were given for about 6-20 minutes, then the flow rates were switched to minimal flow of nitrous oxide 2.8 ml/kg and oxygen 4 ml/kg. ─── 在鼻孔插入气管内管后,先给笑 气1.5-3 L,氧气1-2 L约6-20 min,然后流量降为笑气2.8 ml/kg,氧气4 ml/kg。

42、Clinical application of low flow and fixed ratios nitrous oxide and oxygen anesthesia ─── 固定比例法小流量氧化亚氮吸入麻醉的临床应用

43、The univalent radical NO2 or a compound containing it, such as a salt or an ester of nitrous acid. ─── 亚硝酸根,亚硝酸盐或酯以一价的根NO2为特征或含有此根的化合物,如亚硝酸盐或酯

44、Keywords fistular onion stalk;human umbilical vein endothelium cells;nitrous oxides;nitrous oxides synthase; ─── 小葱葱白提取物;人脐静脉内皮细胞;一氧化氮;一氧化氮合酶;

45、Keywords Carbon dioxide;Methane;Nitrous oxide;Atmosphere.; ─── 二氧化碳;甲烷;氧化亚氮;大气;

46、Keywords Soil freezing-thawing;Nitrification;Denitrification;Nitrous oxide;Tundra.; ─── 土壤冻融;硝化作用;脱氦化作用;一氧化二氮;冻土带;

47、The land can also release nitrose nitrous oxide, a hit trapping heat-trapping gas. ─── 同样种植地还能释放出一种吸热气体,氧化亚氮。

48、Nitrous oxide may be used with advantage during surgical operations in which no great amounts of blood are lost. ─── 外科手术中使用一氧化一氮可以防止大量失血。

49、nitrous oxide-oxygen anesthesia ─── [医] 一氧化氮和氧麻醉, 笑气和氧麻醉

50、Keywords Nitrous acid n-Butylaldehyde Neptunium Kinetics of reduction; ─── 亚硝酸;正丁醛;镎;还原反应动力学;

51、nitrous oxide (N2O) calibration gases ─── N2O标准气体

52、Keywords greenhouse gas;nitrous oxide (N2O) calibration gases;gas chromatography; ─── 关键词温室气体;N2O标准气体;气相色谱;

53、But two-thirds of this effect may be offset by the greater release of nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas, from the sea. ─── 但是这个效应的三分之二可能被从海洋排出的温室效应的主要气体-氧化亚氮的大量排放所抵消。

54、salt or ester of nitrous acid. ─── 亚硝酸形成的盐或酯。

55、Raynie DE. Warning concerning the use of nitrous oxide in supercritical fluid extractions. Anal Chem 65:3127-3128, 1993. ─── 2004超临界流体应用技术研讨会论文集。国科会工程科技推展中心。2004。

56、While nitrous oxide is a powerful greenhouse gas, when it's burned as rocket fuel, the only byproducts are hot oxygen and nitrogen. ─── 虽然氧化氮是种温室效应气体,但当用作火箭燃料燃烧时,排出的副产品仅仅是热氧气和热氮气。

57、But livestock production and associated animal waste also emit greenhouse gases not associated with fossil-fuel combustion, primarily methane and nitrous oxide. ─── 但是畜牧业和相关的动物产业资源浪费不仅排放温室气体,还包括甲烷和氮氧化物。


59、Inhibitory Kinetic Spectrophotometric Determination of Trace Silver with Nitrous Acid- Arsenious Acid- Iodide System ─── 亚硝酸-亚砷酸-碘体系阻抑动力学光度法测痕量银

60、It generates 65 percent of human-related nitrous oxide, which has 296 times the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of CO2. ─── 它占与人类有关的一氧化二氮排放量的65%,而一氧化二氮全球暖化潜能是二氧化碳的296倍。

61、Emission of Nitrous Oxide and Ammonia from Closed Composting Bins Containing Layer-Hen Manure ─── 密闭箱处理蛋鸡粪的氧化亚氮氨气排放研究

62、Keywords Kidney scathe;Cr;Nitrous oxide;NOS; ─── 关键词肾脏损伤;肌酐;一氧化氮;一氧化氮合酶;

63、Keywords Analgesia;obstetrical;patient controll ed;Anaesthesia;spinal;Nitrous; ─── 关键词镇痛;产科;病人控制;麻醉;脊髓;氧化亚氮;

64、the content of nitrous acid salt ─── 亚硝酸盐含量

65、Corticotropin Releasing Factor Mediates the Antinociceptive Action of Nitrous Oxide in Ratsv Sawamura S, et alv ─── 大鼠促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子介导笑气的抗伤害作用

66、If you inhale too much nitrous oxide very quickly, the gas can completely shut down the area of your brain responsible for breathing. ─── 如果快速吸入过多一氧化氮,它就能完全封锁你的大脑对呼吸的控制。

67、The way of Catalysis and Magnitude to Measure the Content of Nitrous Acid Radical in Meat Foods ─── 催化光度法测定肉制品中亚硝酸根含量

68、The invention relates to a co-al composite oxide supported gold catalyst for nitrous oxide decomposition and a preparation method thereof. ─── 本发明涉及一种用于一氧化二氮分解的钴铝复合氧化物负载金催化剂及其制备方法。

69、About a third of global nitrous oxide emissions are from human activity. ─── 全球的一氧化二氮排放量中大约有三分之一是由人类活动造成的。

70、the univalent radical NO2 or a compound containing it,such as a salt or an ester of nitrous acid ─── 以一价的根NO2为特征或含有此根的化合物,如亚硝酸盐或酯

71、Method of test for nitrous acid content in concentrated nitric acid--Volumetry ─── GB/T4147.2-1984浓硝酸中亚硝酸含量的试验方法容量法

72、Keywords Air;liquefied air;oxygen;nitrous oxide;electron capture detection;thermal conductivity cell detection; ─── 大气;液空;液氧;氧化亚氮;电子捕获检测器;热导池检测器;

73、The application of nursing procedures in rescue emergency with the sodium nitrous food poisoning patients ─── 应用护理应急程序抢救亚硝酸钠中毒病人

74、Nitrous esters can react with alkyl peroxides to yield alkyl nitrates. ─── 亚硝酸酯与过氧化烷基反应,得到烷基硝酸酯。

75、Surgeons who have used nitrous oxide anesthesia to do so have been full of ear-piercing cries of the operating room, filled with a laugh. ─── 外科医生们纷纷用笑气做麻醉药,使本来满是刺耳的喊叫声的手术室,弥漫着一片笑声。

76、The resultof nitrite mensuration showed increased AOB can lower the remaining nitrous acid in the product thus an obvious relation inquantity and efficacy is noticed. ─── 亚硝酸盐含量的检测显示,添加AOB能有效降低产品的亚硝酸含量, 效果十分显著。

77、That's the case for some of the gases that contribute to climate change, such as methane and nitrous oxide. ─── 对一些造成气候变化的气体,如甲烷和氧化亚氮(一氧化氮,笑气),来说,情况确实如此。

78、Estazolam as preoperative medieation did not show obvious coeffect with nitrous oxide. ─── 大多数患者(86.61%)接受笑气吸入清醒镇静。

79、Stable isotope fractionation of nitrous oxide during thermal decomposition and reduction processes ─── 加热引起分解和变化过程期间氮氧化物的稳定同位素分馏

80、rate of emission of nitrous oxide ─── 亚硝酸氧化物散失比率

81、Keywords nitrous oxide;catalysis;decomposition;monopropellant; ─── 一氧化二氮;催化;分解;单元推进剂;

82、Keywords Nitrous oxide;Pulmonary ventilation;Oxygenation;Lactic acid; ─── 关键词氧化亚氮;肺通气;氧合;乳酸;

83、Anesthesia was maintained by inhalation of nitrous oxide in oxy- gen and isoflurane. Scoline were used in group A and group B, atracurium in group C. ─── A、B两组琥珀胆碱、C组阿曲库铵诱导和维持。

84、Pilot study on of coke wastewater treafnsent with nitrous nitrification-denitrification process ─── 亚硝酸型硝化-反硝化工艺处理焦化废水中试研究


86、But the new cleaner fuel has come on stream just as regulators are clamping down on emissions of smog-causing nitrous oxides and soot-like particulates, which have been linked to lung cancer. ─── 不过这种更干净的燃料一直没能投入生产,直到决策者们决定限制一氧化碳和灰尘微粒的排放量(它们是有害烟雾的主要来源,煤尘微粒则与肺癌有联系)。

87、Keywords Labor onset;Analegsia;obstetrical;Nitrous oxide; ─── 分娩发作;镇痛;产科;氧化亚氮;

88、Nitrous acid formation in the urban atmosphere: Gradient measurements of NO and HONO over grass in Milan, Italy ─── 城市大气中亚硝酸的形成:意大利米兰草原地区NO和HONO的梯度测量

89、The hemoglobin colorant was prepared from fresh pig blood, through separating blood serum, acting with antiseptic agents, color producing reagents and antioxidants, without any nitric or nitrous matters. ─── 以新鲜猪血为原料,分离血清,依次进行防腐、发色和抗氧化处理,制成浆状的无硝血红蛋白着色剂。

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