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08-17 投稿


femoral 发音

英:[?fem?r?l]  美:[?fem?r?l]

英:  美:

femoral 中文意思翻译



femoral 短语词组

1、femoral fracture ─── [医] 股骨折

2、femoral pulse ─── [医]股动脉搏动

3、femoral vein ─── 股静脉

4、femoral thrombosis ─── [医] 股动脉血栓形成

5、iliaco-femoral ─── [医] 髂股的

6、femoral fossae ─── [医] 股凹

7、femoral nerve ─── 股神经

8、femoral muscle ─── [医] 股 ─── [中]间肌

9、femoral reflex ─── [医] 股反射, 雷马克氏反射

10、femoral biceps ─── [网络] 股二头肌

11、femoral truss ─── [医] 股疝带

12、femoral sign ─── [医] 股征(见于阑尾炎)

13、femoral sheath ─── [医] 股鞘

14、femoral hernia ─── [医] 股疝

15、femoral deep arch ─── [医] 股深弓

16、femoral artery ─── 股动脉

17、femoral testis ─── [医] 股环区隐睾

18、circumflex femoral vein un. ─── 旋股静脉

19、femoral ring ─── [医] 股环

femoral 常用词组

femoral artery ─── 股动脉;股骨动脉

femoral vein ─── 股静脉

femoral nerve ─── 股神经

femoral 词性/词形变化,femoral变形

名词复数: femmes fatales |

femoral 相似词语短语

1、premoral ─── 口前

2、femal ─── 女性

3、nemoral ─── adj.[生态]适林的

4、amoral ─── adj.与道德无关的;无从区分是非的;超道德的

5、femora ─── n.腿节(femur的复数)

6、femerall ─── 股骨

7、feminal ─── adj.女子气的;n.女子气的男子

8、temporal ─── adj.暂时的;当时的;现世的;n.世间万物;暂存的事物;n.(Temporal)(法)唐波拉尔(人名)

9、floral ─── adj.花的;植物的,植物群的;花似的

femoral 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Pediatric patients may deelop slipped capital femoral epiphyses more frequently if they hae endocrine disorders or during rapid growth. ─── 如果患有内分泌病症或正处于快速增长期,儿科患者会更频繁地出现大股骨骺滑动。

2、All limbs were performed with superficial venous operation and external valvuloplasty of femoral vein valve. ─── 所有肢体均行浅静脉手术加股静脉瓣膜外修复成形术。

3、The injury involved two radial arteries, two femoral arteries, one superficial temporal artery and one brachial artery. ─── 其中两个涉及了桡动脉,两个股动脉,一个表浅显动脉,和一个臂动脉。

4、Group D and E were injected with the Shengfu injections through femoral arteries at doses of 10 mL/kg and 20 mL/kg right after reperfusions. ─── D组和E组分别于再灌注后立即股动脉注射参附注射液10mL/kg、20mL/kg。

5、Coincidence rate between planned and actually used components was 52.6% on the acetabular side and 63.2% on the femoral side. ─── 术前模板测量出的假体型号与实际应用的假体比较,髋臼假体符合率为52.6%,股骨柄假体符合率为63.2%。

6、The purpose of surgical procedures for the avascular necrosis of femoral head in early stage is to avoid to hip replacement in late stage. ─── 早期股骨头缺血性坏死的手术治疗是防止发展为晚期病变而行人工关节置换的重要手段。

7、Bilateral femoral fractures have a high risk of complications and mortality. ─── 双侧股骨干骨折有很高的并发症发生率和死亡率。

8、Anterior femoral notching during arthroplasty has been implicated as a contributing risk factor for femoral fracture. ─── 关节置换时股骨假体前开槽就包含了股骨骨折的危险因素。

9、Objective To discuss the suitable operative method for femoral trochanteric fractures in the elderly. ─── 摘要目的探讨老年人股骨粗隆部骨折适宜的手术方式。

10、Methods Forty cases of femoral supracondylar fracture were treated with dynamic condy lar screw. ─── 方法对40例股骨髁上骨折采用动力髁螺钉(DCS)治疗。

11、The valve regurgitate flow usually occur in multiple mainveins in DDVI,and in femoral veins in DVI. ─── DDVI组发生返流瓣膜组合是以多条大静脉同时出现为主 ,而DVI组则以单根为主。

12、Femoral neck fracture is a frequent occurrence in elderly patients, which may occur even during a minor trauma. ─── 摘要在年长的病人中,股骨颈骨折是一种即便是小的创伤也容易发生的骨折。

13、Velocity enhancement with IPC was similar between groups and the superficial femoral and popliteal veins. ─── 使用IPC,股动脉和足部静脉、动脉血液流速都增强了。

14、Objective:To research the method of establishing subsiding model of avascular necrosis of femoral head. ─── 目的:探索建立股骨头缺血性坏死塌陷模型的方法。

15、The prognosis for femoral head ostectomy is generally good for smaller dogs, and guarded for large or obese dogs. ─── 对于股骨顶部截骨的治疗,通常对小一点的狗会好一点,对大狗或者肥胖狗不好。

16、Objective: to provide anatomical basis for improving the treatment of femoral neck fracture. ─── 目的:为提高股骨颈骨折的治疗效果提供解剖学依据。

17、Methods 7 cases of femoral shaft fractures after the total hip arthroplasty were treated with SMA embracing plate. ─── 方法采用西脉记忆合金环状接骨板治疗人工髋关节置换术后股骨干骨折患者7例。

18、Medicines Therapy and Rehabiltaition Training of Early Femoral Head Necrosis. ─── 早期股骨头坏死的治疗和康复训练。

19、Methods 52 patients with proximal femoral fractures were treated with PFN. ─── 方法应用PFN治疗股骨转子周围骨折52例。

20、Methods:A double lemen catheter was put into the femoral vein of 55 patiens with MODS,and the VVHDF was performed with the Hospal BSM 22 SC. ─── 方法 :5 5例MODS患者经股静脉留置单针双腔导管 ,使用HospalBSM 2 2SC血滤系统行床边VVHDF治疗。

21、After 7d recovery, the difference of contractile response of femoral arterial rings to NE between recovered group and control group was nonsignificant. ─── 尾吊 1 4d恢复 7d后 ,大鼠股动脉对NE的收缩反应与同步对照组相比无显著差异。

22、A 70-year-old lady was admitted to this hospital on April 3,1995 because of having sustained a femoral neck fracture on the right side. ─── 70岁女病人,于1995年4月3日,因右侧股骨颈骨折入我院诊治。

23、Adipose to preventing abdomen and femoral accumulation, and the prolapse that prevents hip has the effect very much. ─── 对于防止腹部与大腿的脂肪堆积,以及预防臀部的下垂都很有效果。

24、Note the wedge-shaped area of avascular necrosis (osteonecrosis) at the upper right of this femoral head. ─── 可见股骨头右上方楔形的缺血性坏死(骨坏死)区。

25、OBSERVATION: We report the case of a 60 year-old woman presenting with an acute appendicitis in a right femoral hernia. ─── 观察:我们报告了60岁的妇女介绍了急性阑尾炎在右股疝。

26、In 10 cases(12 hips) femoral head necrosis, 11 hips got complete functional recovery after treatment. ─── 合并股骨头坏死10例12髋中,治疗后11髋功能恢复正常。

27、Injury to the femoral nerve can also occur through incorrect placement of retractors. ─── 股神经的损伤也可能由于牵开器的不正确放置。

28、Treatment of Femoral Neck Fracture in young adults by Pedicle Bone Flap Transfer. ─── 带血供骨瓣移位治疗青壮年股骨颈骨折。

29、Conclusion CT can find early lesion of nonbacterial necrosis of femoral head comparison to X-ray. ─── 对已发现的病变能更客观、更准确地反映病变范围和程度;

30、The wear weight loss of UHMWPE socket against nano-ZrO2 ceramic femoral head is 61.5% of that against Co-Cr-Mo alloy femoral head. ─── 与ZrO2陶瓷股骨头对磨的髋臼磨损量是与Co-Cr-Mo合金股骨头对磨的髋臼磨损量的61.5%。

31、The lateral pad often slipped during the procedure and pressed against the femoral triangle. ─── 外侧的衬垫在手术过程中经常滑动,而压迫于股三角。

32、Objective: To explore the clinical effect of proximal femoral nail (PFN) in the subtrochanteric fractures of the femur. ─── 摘要目的探讨PFN治疗股骨转子下骨折的疗效。

33、Peridural anesthesia in femoral surgery for 319 patients over 60 years old were analyzed. ─── 对319例60岁以上病人在硬膜外麻醉下行股骨手术的资料进行分析。

34、Methods To analyse 21 cases of femoral intertrochanteric fracture of type A3 underwent this method. ─── 方法对使用DCS内固定治疗的21例A3型股骨粗隆部位骨折进行分析。

35、No dose change was found in the CTV,PTV,femoral heads and rectum(P=0.423,0.540,0.123,0.704). ─── CTV、PTV、直肠、股骨头的变化无统计学意义(P=0.423、0.540、0.123、0.704)。

36、The granulation band is the main reason for instability of necrosed femoral head. ─── 提示肉芽带是股骨头坏死后内部不稳定的主要原因。

37、Result:One case of highly suspected osteonecrosis of the femoral head was found. ─── 另有5例发现股骨转子间有不规则骨密度增高区,这与文献报道不一。

38、Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) is a medical term referring to a fracture through the epiphyseal growth plate. ─── 什么是'下跌股骨头骨骺-打破在生长板在头髀'?

39、Figure 21. Pseudoaneurysm of the common femoral artery. ─── 图21,常见的股动脉假性动脉瘤。

40、METHODS: OECs and BMSCs were harvested from the olfactory bulb and femoral bone. ─── 方法:分离大鼠嗅球组织和股骨,分离培养嗅鞘细胞和骨髓间充质干细胞。

41、Clinical efficacy of inflatable bone tamp with bone cement in treatment of femoral neck fracture in old patients with osteoporosis. ─── 球囊扩张骨水泥加强内固定术治疗老年骨质疏松性股骨颈骨折的临床初步报告。

42、B. 0.5g/cm2

43、Methods Central double-lumen catheters in the jugular or femoral vein for hemodialysis are used in 25 patients with uremia. ─── 方法对25例尿毒症患者使用双腔导管建立颈内静脉或股静脉血管通路。

44、The treatment of 23 femoral fractures with unilateral external fixation. ─── 外固定支架治疗股骨骨折23例。

45、The valve regurgitate flow usually occur in multiple mainveins in DDVI, and in femoral veins in DVI. ─── DDVI组发生返流瓣膜组合是以多条大静脉同时出现为主,而DVI组则以单根为主。

46、Reconstruction femoral interlocking nails was placed with autologous bone grafting after marrow cavity was reamed. ─── 方法:用股骨重建髓内钉静力型固定骨折端。

47、Objective:To evaluate the DHS system in the intertrochanteric femoral fracture with serious osteoporosis. ─── 目的:探讨应用DHS治疗伴有严重骨质疏松的股骨粗隆间骨折。

48、Study the pathological course and ultrastructural changes of steroid-induced avascular necrosis of femoral head. ─── 目的:探讨激素性股骨头缺血坏死的病理发展过程及超微结构的变化。

49、Perara J:Anatomy of the origin of the deep femoral artery. Ceylon Med J.1995;4 0(4):139. ─── 王启华,孙博主编:临床解剖学丛书(四肢分册).人民卫生出版社1991;274.

50、Recent outcome of cortical strut allograft in the femoral fractures of distal end of femoral component after total hip replacement. ─── 同种异体皮质骨板治疗全髋关节置换术后股骨假体远端股骨骨折的近期疗效观察。

51、Conclusion ISEN is good in the treatment of femoral shaft fracture which can fix not only dynamically but statically. ─── 1例因局部骨化性肌炎膝关节功能轻度受限;1例术后3个月切口感染,病灶清除后痊愈;余例下肢功能恢复正常。

52、During surgery the experimental group, the femoral vein, the average flow velocity and blood flow were all maintained at a stable state. ─── 实验组手术过程中,股静脉、平均血流速度及血流量均维持在较稳定状态。

53、Methods Thirty two cases with femoral in tertrochanteric fracture were treated by DHS , according to AO classification (that is , A1 16 , A2 12, A3 4). ─── 方法 对 32例股骨粗隆间骨折 (A116例 ,A2 12例 ,A3 4例 )采用DHS治疗。

54、Methods The x - ray and MRI finding of avascular necrosis in 42 femoral head were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法 回顾性分析了42个股骨头的X线平片及MRI表现。

55、Using femoral hypoplasia as a key word in OMIM proides 38 entries. ─── 用股骨发育不全为关键词在OMIM上检索有38项结果。

56、Role of ROK in Contraction of Rat Femoral Arteries after 14 d Tail Suspension. ─── ROK在14d尾部悬吊大鼠股动脉收缩中的作用

57、Result: (1) After anatomic studying, the primary branches of the femoral arterywere genus descendsus artery in the adductor canal. ─── 排骨滋养动脉距胖骨头尖14.2(10.3一23.4)em,距胖动脉起点距离6.8(2.1一18.2)em,起始外径1.omm,第一弓状动脉与胖骨头尖距离9.Zcm,起始外径1.4mln。

58、Is there any need for expanding the perineural space before catheter placement in continuous femoral nerve blocks? ─── 在置入导管进行连续股神经阻滞前是否有必要扩大神经周的空间?

59、In CT films, development of acetabulum and femoral head were unsufficient and hip joint spaces were widen or emptied. ─── 在软组织窗位和骨窗位观察髋臼及股骨头的发育,并进行股骨颈前倾角的测量。

60、BMD changes at the femoral neck, radius, spine, and total body did not differ significantly between the two groups, Oncken's group stated. ─── 在股骨颈、桡骨、脊柱和全身骨密度的改变方面,两组女性无显著差异。

61、Treatment of distal femoral fracture with dynamic condyle. ─── 动力髁螺钉内固定治疗股骨远端骨折。

62、As to BMD of femoral neck or total hip in the fracture group,osteoporosis was diagnosed in 50.8% and 50.4% respectively. ─── 按股骨颈和全髋部BMD值,骨折组骨质疏松检出率各为50.8%和50.4%;

63、Method: 5 cases of MFH-B, Disease position: 1 case of ilium, 3 cases of femor and 1 case of tibia. ─── 此肿瘤为高度恶性,预后差,5年生存率极低。

64、Age may be a high risk factor in the therapy of elderly patients with intertrochanteric femoral fracture. ─── 年龄可能是老年股骨粗隆间骨折手术危险的高危因素.

65、Bone mineral density(BMD) at lumbar spine,femoral neck,trochanter and Ward's triangle were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry(DEXA). ─── 应用双能X线骨密度仪(DEXA)测定股骨、腰椎等部位的骨密度。

66、The 3D reconstruction techniques can intuitionistic reveal the change of structure and shape of femoral head and acetabulum. ─── 3DCT可以直观地显示髋臼以及股骨近端的结构形态改变,通过多平面重建技术(MPR),可以精确地测量股骨颈前倾角的大小以及髋臼在不同的旋转角度的髋臼指数。

67、Objective To evaluate the pathways of the collateral vessels in patients with femoral vein obstruction. ─── 摘要目的探讨股静脉梗阻性病变侧支循环建立的途径。

68、The cuffed femoral and internal jugular vein catheter is supplement of permanent vascular access and the former should be the first choice. ─── 对不能建立动静脉内瘘的患者 ,股静脉及颈内静脉半永久性双腔导管是较好的血管通路 ,颈内静脉优于股静脉。

69、A, Slightly tapered femoral neck segment mates with modular femoral head. ─── 略呈锥形的股骨颈配以组配式股骨头。

70、Although gender did not reach statistical significance, women trended toward higher femoral and acetabular wear rates. ─── 虽然性别不具有明显的统计学特征,但女性具有更高的股骨侧及髋臼侧的磨损倾向。

71、The stosstherapy only with Solu-MedrolTM could not directly induce the manifestations of femoral head necrosis. ─── 单纯甲强龙冲击给药不能直接引发股骨头坏死表现。

72、Prediction of the suitable size of the femoral component is an important task in the preoperative planning of THR. ─── 术前选择与髓腔相匹配的股骨假体型号是THR术前计划的重要内容。

73、Concomitant ipsilateral femoral shaft and neck fractures are difficult to treat. ─── 同侧股骨颈与骨干合并之骨折并不容易治疗。

74、To compare the creep nature of femoral head between normal and osteonecrosis femoral head, to provide biomechanical parameters for clinic. ─── 比较正常股骨头和股骨头坏死后股骨头的蠕变性质,为临床应用提供生物力学参数。

75、Objective To summarize the nursing experiences for elderly patients with femoral neck fracture in recent years. ─── 目的:总结近年来对老年股骨颈骨折患者的护理经验。

76、What method can reduce femoral meat? My thigh meat is too much, wear tight pants good malformation. ─── 有什么办法可以减大腿的肉?我的大腿肉太多了,穿紧身裤好难看。

77、Effects of Simulated Weightlessness on Pressure-volume Relationships of Femoral Vein of New Zealand Rabbits. ─── 模拟失重对新西兰兔股静脉压力-容积关系的影响

78、Postpartum femoral neuropathy: relic of an earlier era? ─── 产后股神经病:是更早年代的遗物?

79、The glistening white articular cartilage of the femoral condyle can be seen just to the right of the tumor in the opened joint space. ─── 关节腔处可见闪亮的白色股骨髁的关节软骨恰好靠近肿瘤的右部。

80、Method: 28 cases of femoral shaft, tibial fractures were used interlocking inner marrow nail fixation. ─── 方法:对28例股骨干,胫骨骨折采用交锁髓内钉内固定。

81、Failure was defined as revision femoral surgery necessitating removal and/or revision of the PFA for any reason. ─── 失败定义为任何原因导致需要翻修性股骨手术移除/或返修PFA。

82、Methods Forty-six cases were treated with GDC to embolize the aneurismal sac via femoral artery approach. ─── 方法对46例前交通动脉瘤患者采用经皮股动脉穿刺行全脑选择性血管造影术,应用GDC进行动脉瘤囊内栓塞;

83、Methods 16 cases of severe complicated fractures of distal femoral and proximal tibia were treated by LISS. ─── 方法使用LISS闭合复位治疗股骨远端及胫骨近端复杂骨折16例。

84、Small bowel obstruction is usually acute and is due most often to external herniae, inguinal and femoral. ─── 小肠梗阻通常是急性的,而且最常见的原因是腹股沟和股部的外疝。

85、Impairment expertise opportunity of femoral neck fracture caused in traffic accident. ─── 交通事故致股骨颈骨折伤残评定时机探讨。

86、The heart rates of pigs in both groups were observed after isoproterenol (ISO) being injected through femoral vein. ─── 建立模型后对两组动物经股静脉微泵注射异丙肾上腺素(ISO),观察心律改变。

87、The principles for the treatment of femoral neck fracture are early treatment, anatomic reduction and rigid fixation. ─── 新鲜股骨颈骨折的治疗原则应力求早期,解剖复位,牢固固定。

88、METHODS: Coronary arteriography was performed through femoral artery or radial artery. ─── 方法:所有患者采取股动脉或桡动脉途径行冠状动脉造影。

89、Two and a half months later my knees give out in Budapest with Patello femoral syndrome and I have to fly home. ─── 两个半月后,在布达佩斯,我的膝盖和大腿骨并发症一起发作,我不得不飞回家。

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