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08-17 投稿


perseveringly 中文意思翻译



perseveringly 词性/词形变化,perseveringly变形

动词第三人称单数: perseveres |动词现在分词: persevering |动词过去分词: persevered |动词过去式: persevered |副词: perseveringly |

perseveringly 相似词语短语

1、pesteringly ─── 农药

2、perspiringly ─── 汗流浃背

3、perseverant ─── adj.能坚持的,锲而不舍的

4、pervadingly ─── 无处不在

5、persistingly ─── 坚持不懈地

6、persevering ─── adj.坚忍的;不屈不挠的

7、perseverance ─── n.坚持不懈;不屈不挠;n.耐性;毅力

8、perseverating ─── vi.患持续言语症;表现固执

9、perplexingly ─── adv.使人为难地

perseveringly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What showed the sincerity of Teresa's faith was that she both said Hallelujah and worked doggedly, tirelessly, perseveringly for Christ. ─── 能够说明德肋撒嬷嬷的真挚信仰的是她既说着阿肋路亚,又顽强地、不知疲倦地、坚定地为耶稣基督工作。

2、To promote the scientific development and social harmony perseveringly ─── 坚定不移地落实科学发展,社会和谐

3、persistent; perseveringly; unremittingly; firm adherence ─── 坚持不懈

4、Many thanks to flames to you bright, but don't forget that person who keeps a light, he is to stand on the blackness perseveringly in the middle. ─── 谢谢火焰给你光明,但是不要忘了那执灯的人,他是坚忍地站在黑暗当中呢。

5、This aim can be realized only by working hard and perseveringly. ─── 这个目标只有坚持不懈地努力工作才能达到。

6、“learned, the interrogation, the careful reflection, Ming Bian,work perseveringly” these five relations to be close, unifiedmutually has formed one organic whole. ─── “博学、审问、慎思、明辨、笃行”这五者联系紧密,相互结合形成了一种有机整体。

7、What is “works perseveringly”? ─── 何为“笃行”?

8、I am much encouraged by the understanding and trust from the students and parents, which is our inexhaustible power to perseveringly overcome difficulties and go through the most difficult periods. ─── 让我倍受鼓舞的是来自学生和家长们对学校的理解和信任,这份沉甸甸的信任和鼓励,是我们坚忍不拔地克服困难、度过办学最艰难的那段时间的不竭动力。

9、Because perseveringly. We lost a lot. ─── 因为执着,我们失去了很多很多。

10、Students should raise up your rigid spine, study hard, and work hard perseveringly, using your own hands to build up your homeland more splendid.We must have such confidence and courage. ─── 同学们要挺起不屈的脊梁,努力学习,艰苦奋斗,用自己的双手把家园建得更加美好,我们要有这样的信心和勇气。

11、Yet ingenious astronomers throughout history still perseveringly hacked their way to measure the distances of these celestial bodies purely by their twinkling, obscure lights. ─── 然而,古往今来无数的天文学家却以无比的智慧和毅力,试图凭藉点点闪烁不定的星光去测度天体间的距离。

12、by redouble efforts, we are moving in the direction of enlarged scale and globalization perseveringly and go in for striking leader position in field of net marketing. ─── 再接再励,坚定不移地走规模化、国际化发展道路,致力于打造广告设备网络营销第一人!

13、Cast thyself on him, and perseveringly depend even where thou canst not rejoicingly hope. ─── 投向祂,当你不能有喜乐的盼望时,更要坚定地依靠祂。

14、I'm always seeking different tea sets in different seasons and I keep looking perseveringly for the classics that could accompany me. ─── 不同的季节里我总是在寻觅不同的茶具,执著的我总在寻找着陪伴自己的经典。

15、Everything we do is to perseveringly strive our brief---- Build A New Century Brand! ─── 所有的一切都是为了一个执着的信念-- 铸就新世纪品牌!

16、It is also the perseveringly developing drive for the company to become larger and stronger. ─── 做大、做强、持之以恒是公司的发展动力。

17、Harmonious the society is perseveringly the ideal society that Chinese people's several thousand in the last yearses pursue. ─── 和谐社会是中国人民数千年来孜孜追求的理想社会。

18、In blind error when I did persever. ─── 我曾经走入迷途,不知返折。

19、What showed the sincerity of Teresa's faith was that she both said Hallelujah and worked doggedly, tirelessly, perseveringly for Christ. ─── 能够说明德肋撒嬷嬷的真挚信仰的是她既说着阿肋路亚,又顽强地、不知疲倦地、坚定地为耶稣基督工作。

20、If you want to get practised, you need a process.You may meet all kinds of difficulties in the process.You should never bow to them.You shoud review what you have learnt perseveringly. ─── 技能的熟练要有一个过程,在这个过程中会遇到各种困难,但不能向困难低头,要坚持不懈地反复学习,持之以恒。

21、But to persever in obstinate condelement is a course of impious stubbornness:it's unmanly grief. ─── 但若是固执的哀悔,那便是拘泥了。

22、me, how my poor head is vexed and worried by that girl Gupe's so perseveringly asking, over and over again , about her tiresome letters! ─── 上帝保佑我,朱浦这个女孩子,一而再,再而三不断地钉住问她那讨厌的信,真叫我可怜的脑袋烦躁不堪!

23、As one of the mining enterprises in China, Wanhei Coal and Electricity Corporation perseveringly works on the land recultivation. ─── 摘要皖北煤电公司在多年土地复垦的实践中,形成一套行之有效的土地复垦管理办法和技术经验。

24、To carry forward the spirit of Dr. Bethune perseveringly, enhancing building medical ethics and keeping space with time ─── 持之以恒弘扬白求恩精神与时俱进加强医德医风建设

25、Blossoming carefully And striving perseveringly contribute to the best promise And glorification to life. ─── 认真地绽放,不懈地奋斗就是对于生命最好的承诺,最好的赞颂。

26、The Chinese people perseveringly support the just struggles of the oppressed people and nations the world over. ─── 中国人民坚持不渝地支持全世界被压迫人民和民族的正义斗争。

27、But to persever in obstinate condelement is a course of impious stubbornness:it's unmanly grief.It shows a will most incorrect to heaven,a heart unfortifid,a mind inpatient. ─── 但若是固执的哀悔,那便是拘泥了。那岂是男子汉的哀伤,这只是表示出拂逆天意,心地不坚,缺乏耐性。

28、The school exhortation is “learned, the interrogation, the careful reflection, Ming Bian, works perseveringly”. ─── 校训词为“博学、审问、慎思、明辨、笃行”。

29、As the contemporary university student, how can achieve “, the interrogation, the careful reflection, Ming Bian, to work perseveringly five unions learnedly” truly, this is very important. ─── 作为当代大学生,如何才能真正做到“博学、审问、慎思、明辨、笃行”五者结合,这是至关重要的。

30、My lg said you looked a bit like one of his Shimei who always so perseveringly go for her goal. ─── 比如这次即使我觉得自己不太可能有这么大的误差,我仍然先承认,也许我实验操作有很大误差,没有她准确。

31、“works perseveringly” also has other one meaning, is wholeheartedly, relentless. ─── “笃行”还有另外一种意思,就是一心一意,坚持不懈。

32、plod : to work perseveringly; ─── drudge(辛苦的工作;如:plod through a mountain of paperwork在成堆的文件中埋头苦干。)

33、to work perseveringly ─── 笃行

34、Great undertaking stems from working perseveringly, sparing no efforts, and being confident when facing any difficulty. ─── 伟大的事业植根于坚忍不拔的工作,以全副精神投入,不避艰难。

35、Because the law laws generally and the vivid of the certain degree, the realization of the accuracy usually is a persons perseveringly in order to but hard attain of target. ─── 由于法律法规的概括性和一定程度的灵活性,准确性的实现往往是一个人们孜孜以求但难以达到的目标。

36、It is also the perseveringly developing drive for the company to become larger and stronger. ─── 做大、做强、持之以恒是公司的发展动力。

37、Carrying out diapason is all ages mankind perseveringly in order to of fine ideal and wishes. ─── 实现和谐,是古往今来人类孜孜以求的美好理想和愿望。

38、strive perseveringly for artistic perfection ─── 执著地追求艺术上的完美

39、This paper also advocates managing carefully and perseveringly and energizing to publicize and educate to train the staff and workers' consciousness in saving energy conscientiously. ─── 管理上应做到细致入微,持之以恒,同时还要加强节能宣传教育,培养职工的自觉节能意识。

40、Many big scholars, even has graduated the scholar achieves“learned, the interrogation, the careful reflection, Ming Bian,work perseveringly” the human to ask that truly how many peoplehave? ─── 许多中大的学子,甚至已毕业的学子真正做到“博学、审问、慎思、明辨、笃行”的人试问有几人?

41、But I believe firmly, as long as for the sake of the life target but pursue perseveringly, the business will certainly succeed. ─── 但我坚信,只要为了人生目标而孜孜追求,事业一定会成功。

42、Quiz of the day: Plod To work or act perseveringly or monotonously; ─── drudge: 孜孜不倦,勤苦地工作坚持不懈地或单调地工作或行动;

43、God gracious bless me, how my poor head is vexed and worried by that girl Gupe's so perseveringly asking, over and over again, about her tiresome letters! ─── 上帝保佑我,朱浦这个女孩子,一而再,再而三不断地钉住问她那讨厌的信,真叫我可怜的脑袋烦躁不堪!

44、Only for the coming of me very perseveringly on that day it is possible to wait (It is) ..food... ─── 我会一直耐心等待,只为那一天的到来。

45、Li Da has chosen to be a Marxist committed exclusively to "theoretical research and dissemination".And in practice, he has done it perseveringly and fruitfully. ─── 摘要李达选择了“专做理论的研究与传播”的马克思主义者角色,在中国孜孜不倦且卓有成效地传播马克思主义。

46、Men should have high aspirations; students should study perseveringly. ─── 人贵有志,学贵有恒。

47、Meanwhile, The company invests a great deal of funds to the technique research perseveringly more humanistic, fashions, artistic floor. ─── 同时,公司投入大量资金搞技术研发,好运达人为创作出更加人文、时尚、艺术的地板孜孜以求。

48、Therefore, only then the goal is clear, the will firm person, can achieve truly “works perseveringly”. ─── 所以,只有目标明确,意志坚定的人,才能真正做到“笃行”。

49、The old man continued to cough perseveringly and would not cease until the water boiled. ─── 老人继续没完没了地咳嗽,水开了才停下。

50、They keep doing so perseveringly. ─── 它们还是为此努力着。

51、They experience commonness and study perseveringly; ─── 他们经历平凡,研究执着;

52、Cast thyself on him, and perseveringly depend even where thou canst not rejoicingly hope. ─── 投向祂,当你不能有喜乐的盼望时,更要坚定地依靠祂。

53、Collins, who continued most perseveringly by her side, and though he could not prevail with her to dance with him again, put it out of her power to dance with others. ─── 伊丽莎白因此断定:关于韦翰缺席的原因,虽然她开头没有猜对,却依旧是达西先生一手造成的。

54、work hard and perseveringly ─── 艰苦奋斗

55、study assiduously and perseveringly ─── 刻苦学习,持之以恒

56、I will immerse oneself quietly in hard work perseveringly not to have too abundant working experience but have strong aggressive wills for my a fulcrum! ─── 没有太丰富的工作经验 但有着强烈进取意愿 给我个支点 我将勤勤勉勉 埋头苦干!

57、We strive perseveringly for national prosperity and revival and our and our family members' happiness. ─── 我们为祖国的繁荣、为民族的振兴、为自己和亲人的幸福而奋斗不止。

58、This paper also advocates managing carefully and perseveringly and energizing to publicize and educate to train the staff and workers consciousness in saving energy conscientiously. ─── 管理上应做到细致入微,持之以恒,同时还要加强节能宣传教育,培养职工的自觉节能意识。

59、Now I only do some walking exercises.Dear young friengs,my advice to you is:Do physical exercises perseveringly. ─── 老来打过几年太极拳,目前则以散步活动筋骨而已。

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