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08-17 投稿


craggedness 中文意思翻译



craggedness 相似词语短语

1、jaggedness ─── n.粗糙度

2、raggedness ─── n.破烂;粗糙

3、crampedness ─── 抽筋

4、cragginess ─── n.崎岖;多峭壁

5、scraggedness ─── 擦伤,

6、shaggedness ─── 发抖

7、scraggliness ─── 杂乱无章

8、ruggedness ─── n.强度,坚固性;险峻,崎岖;粗野

9、crabbedness ─── 暴躁

craggedness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no more, neither hill and valley, nor great unvintaged ocean; ─── 也许,那永恒的晨光就会这样降临人间,那时不再有险崖沟壑,不再有峰峦山谷,也不再有浩瀚无际的海洋;

2、Several days later, he returned to the Maochang town dog crag village and registered to the village headmaster. ─── 几天后,他回到了猫场镇狗吊岩村,向村长报到。

3、Even to hear of it turns the cheek pale,With the highest crag barely a foot below heaven. ─── 使人听此凋朱颜。

4、Juxiandong cave,the longest sea quartzite cave in the world,is the result of marine erosion along a cragged narrow fault.A comprehensive assessment indicates that Changdao Is... ─── 13处主要地质遗迹的美学价值半定量评价表明高观赏度者达69%。

5、She dwelleth and abideth on the rock, upon the crag of the rock, and the strong place. ─── 它住在山岩,以山峰和坚固之所为家

6、On in that the night unable to go to sleep, Xu Benyu has made a most important decision in the life to return to the Maochang town dog crag village to help these children. ─── 就在那个无法入眠的夜晚,徐本禹作出了一生中最重要的一个决定:回到猫场镇狗吊岩村帮助那些孩子。

7、Take climbing for example, no matter how cragged the mountain is, we should work hard and try our best to conquer it since success is not far away from us. ─── 就像爬山一样,不管山峰如何陡峭,都要努力的攀登,因为我们知道,胜利就在不远的前方。

8、An overhanging or extremely steep mass of rock, such as a crag or the face of a cliff. ─── 悬崖悬崖或极其陡峭的岩石,如岩崖或悬崖壁

9、CRAG algorithm ─── CRAG算法

10、Crag herbicide 1 ─── 2

11、crag body side slope ─── 岩体边坡


13、a castle set on a crag above the village ─── 位于村子上方悬崖上的城堡

14、In winter and early spring he might generally be found in an earth amongst the rocks at the top of Bull Banks, under Oatmeal Crag. ─── 在冬天和初春,基本上可能可以在燕麦峭壁下,公牛坡顶上,一块位于岩石之间的土地上见到他。

15、feeling frightfully fit, you climb for them and up in the crag ahead. ─── 感觉不错吧,你替他们爬到峭壁上了.

16、Shan Meilin is dense, the skillful crag grows thickly, pleasant weather. ─── 山美林密,巧岩丛生,气候宜人。

17、The prison on the crag was not so dominant as of yore; ─── 悬崖顶上的监狱不像以前那么威风凛凛了。

18、She was huddled in a crag on the lee side of a mountain, almost frozen, very near death. ─── 她蜷缩在山脚处一块岩石下避风,浑身冰冷,奄奄一息了。

19、The one crag rose on the north opposite Michmash, and the other on the south opposite Geba. ─── 撒上14:5一峰向北、与密抹相对、一峰向南、与迦巴相对。

20、On this crag are many love pea trees (Abrus precatorius) ─── 岩上多红豆。

21、thousand-Buddha crag ─── 千佛岩

22、Better to climb some crag or peak, to stand on some promontory overlooking the ocean, facing the boundless sky, to watch that great scene of rebirth as together fire, heat, life and light come in the twinkling of an eye to the human world. ─── 不如攀上奇峰陡壁,或是站在大海岩头,面对着弥漫的云天,在一瞬时间内,观察那伟大诞生的景象,看火、热、生命、光明怎样一起来到人间。

23、Inlays the Crag Double Wall Steel to Encircle the Batardeau the Design With To Execute ─── 嵌岩双壁钢围堰的设计与施工

24、He Clasps the crag with crooked hands; ─── 弯弯利爪抱石岩,

25、This paper analyses the oil well logging and geology information and chooses stratum with distributional stability and unitary crag character as standard stratum. ─── 摘要本文通过对测井、地质等资料的分析,选择分布稳定、岩性单一的地层作为标准化处理的标准地层。

26、The deterioraton being living is through mineral pellets either aggregate by lengthen in the rock、Rock crag scrsps. ─── 在变质岩石中是由被拉长的矿物颗粒或集合体、岩石岩屑、砾石等下行排列显示出来的线理,称为拉长线理。

27、The hinds leap over rock and crag, never missing their footholds. ─── 想想啊,全能的上帝祂自己,竟然成为我们的力量。

28、Although we have a cragged and difficult path to go, we'd love to be the preachers to find the pleasure amidst the suffering. ─── 尽管我们要走的路是崎岖与艰难,但是我们愿意成为“苦中作乐”的布道者。

29、in Chinese landscape painting, he took Fu Juanfu as teacher and learned to represent the antiquity and craggedness of landscape painting, which is mutually shining with the calligraphy of Wang Xizhi. ─── 国画山水则拜师傅狷夫,傅大师的“裂罅皴”,在表达山水画的苍古峻逸,与王羲之书法古今辉映;

30、But in the sea crag's play, you do not want to modify his character. ─── 但在海岩的戏中,你别想改动他一个字。”

31、Disposal of Partial Crag Groundwork ─── 局部岩溶地基的处理

32、The greatbarrier reef is in the world the biggest reef crag body, is apart fromnow 15,000 year ago a coral spot to grow into. ─── 大堡礁是世界上最大的礁岩体,是距今15000年前的珊瑚一点点长成的。

33、Big crag alkone ---Falls in love noblly natural, has the good fortune ─── 大岩酮---一见钟情高贵大方,有福气

34、valley crag ─── 坡面突岩

35、He dwells on a cliff and stays there at night; a rocky crag is his stronghold. ─── 他住在山岩,以山峰和坚固之所为家

36、Dusky Crag Martin ─── n. 纯色岩燕

37、At the foot of Stone House Crag on the south is what is known as Shui'Yue'Gong of Moon in the Water Palace which was first built in 1573 and then rebuilt in 1636. ─── 在石室岩南麓的水月宫,始建于1573年(明万历年间),1636年(崇贞九年)重建。

38、And without that I see little difference between the hundred-yard dash and any 12a at any sport crag anywhere. ─── 上百码的裂缝和任何一条12a的路线没有什么不同。

39、I trained my skills as best I could then went to the crag to see exactly what I had. ─── 我拼尽全力训练攀登技能,然后到峭壁上去验证一下那到底是怎样的。

40、basic - ultramafic mixed crag belt ─── 基性-超基性杂岩带

41、" If an opponent controls Vivid Crag and you control Exotic Orchard, you can tap Exotic Orchard for any color of mana. ─── 如果对手操控了虹霓峭壁且你操控异国果园,则你可以横置异国果园来产生任意颜色的法术力。

42、Pale Crag Martin ─── n. 灰喉燕

43、He nourished him with honey from the rock, and with oil from the flinty crag. ─── 又使他从磐石中咂蜜,从坚石中吸油。

44、craggedness cliffs and swiftly running water! Don't take photo here. ─── 山崖陡峭,水流湍急,请别在这里摄影

45、, the sea crag's play is actually special, in others' play, the actor is may modify the script lines. ─── “其实,海岩的戏非常特别,在别人的戏里,演员是可以改动剧本台词的。

46、So,perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no more, neither happiness envy glory; ─── 因此,也许那永恒的黎明突然出现在我们的面前,那时峭壁和沟壑、小山和峡谷都将不复存在,也没有了无边的大海。

47、On both sides of the highway are picturesque cragged peaks with fleecy white clouds hovering round their summits ─── 公路两侧,奇峰峥嵘,浮云缭绕

48、On both sides of the highway are picturesque cragged peaks with fleecy white clouds hovering round their summits. ─── 公路两侧,奇峰峥嵘,浮云缭绕;

49、Afar off he saw the wild goats bounding from crag to crag. ─── 他看到野山羊在远处的岩上跳来跳去。

50、They surmount one crag after another. ─── 他们登上一块又一块的峭壁。

51、Application of SNS Flexible Protection Technology in Protecting Dangerous Crag in Slope-cutting Surface ─── SNS柔性防护技术在边坡危岩防护中的应用

52、Contains Light Coal Crag to Change Charcteristic Value at Beginning of Simulation Test to Search ─── 含瓦斯煤岩流变特性的数值模拟试验初探

53、For You are my crag and my fortress; Therefore for Your name's sake Lead me and guide me. ─── 3因为你是我的岩石,我的山寨;所以求你为你名的缘故,引导我,引领我。

54、combined supports and protections for semi - coal crag lane ─── 半煤岩巷道联合支护

55、Within the boundaries main landform by the mountain bare crag, the mountain brush and the forest steppe is composed. ─── 境内主要地貌由高山裸岩、高山灌丛和森林草原组成。

56、There is, in addition, what is called Lou'Tian'Yan or the Leaking Crag which is a large rock with fine capillary holes through which water keeps dripping down as with a water clock. This sight is known as Leaking Crag and Silvery Rain. ─── 另有漏天岩,有万千细孔,四时滴水如漏,故称“漏天银雨”;

57、The red cap of one of the sailors hung to a point of the rock and some timbers that had formed part of the vessel's keel, floated at the foot of the crag. ─── 岩石尖上正挂着一顶水手的红帽子,岩的脚下漂浮着一块风帆船龙骨的碎片。唐太斯顿时拿定了主意。

58、Crag fly repellent ─── 丁氧聚丙二醇

59、But in light of the near future, the road that economy anabiosises will be cragged, difficult, the course that includes a lot of inaccuracy to decide an element. ─── 但近期来看,经济复苏之路将是崎岖的、艰苦的、包含许多不确定因素的过程。

60、Crag Martin ─── n. 岩燕

61、He brought streams out of a rocky crag and made water flow down like rivers. ─── 他使水从磐石涌出,叫水如江河下流。

62、Jehovah is my crag and my fortress and my Deliverer; My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my high retreat. ─── 2耶和华是我的岩石,我的山寨,我的解救者;是我的神,我的磐石,我所投靠的;是我的盾牌,拯救我的角,我的高台。

63、Crag herbicide ─── 2氯全隆

64、The road that can take even expanse also can take path of ovine bowel cragged, diverse line has different view, different feeling. ─── 可以走平坦宽广的公路也可以走羊肠坎坷的小路,不同的路线有不同的风景、不同的感受。

65、In cragged again on obtain employment road, what women stay is hard and the track that act vigorously takes. ─── 在崎岖的再就业道路上,妇女们留下的是艰难而奋进的足迹。

66、Crag Chilia ─── n. 岩灶鸟

67、And all but cry with colour! That gaunt crag ─── 且尽都褪色号哭!那荒芜的峭壁

68、Keywords crag lane;tunnel high-geared operation;technology; ─── 关键词岩巷;快速施工;技术;

69、So, perhaps, shaal break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no more, neither hill and valley, nor great unvintaged ocean; ─── 也许,那永恒的晨光就会这样降临人间,那时不再有险崖沟壑,不再有峰峦山谷,也不再有浩瀚无际的海洋;

70、Other creatures found throughout the mountains are striders, hyenas, kobolds, swoops, crag panthers, and even rock elementals and the rare sabertooth cat. ─── 它们的巢穴由巨大的荆棘篱墙保护着,除了飞行动物,其他动物无法靠近。

71、And down on the left the crag, four Chinese characters “Yu Bi Jin Chuang” were carved sidelong, which was inscribed by Nie Rui, an auxiliary official of Lijiang county in 1725. ─── 其左下横刻“玉壁金川”四字,则是由丽江郡丞聂瑞于1725年所题写。

72、Pseudocordylus species [crag lizards] ─── 岩蜥

73、What's your typical day at the crag? ─── 当你在攀岩时,有什么与众不同的安排吗?

74、The rider from the chateau, and the horse in a foam, clattered away through the village, and galloped up the stony steep, to the prison on the crag. ─── 从宅邸来的骑马人和喷着白沫的马穿过村庄嗒嗒嗒冲上石梯来到峭壁上的监牢门前。


76、Ling Peak and Ling Crag are the “Two Spiritualities,” which are described as that the carving of the steep peak is surpassingly beautiful, and the vigor of it is majestic and full of strength. ─── 同一景色因观看时间、角度不同而变化万千,时而像男女拥抱为“夫妻峰”,时而成“双乳峰”、“合掌峰”、“双笋峰”,时像老婆婆转首向外、时像须眉毕备的老公公。

77、But Larry Crag says his action is for misconstrue, saying he should not have pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges involving lewd conduct in the man's room. ─── L.C说:自己的行为被别人误解了。关于卷入男厕所猥亵案一事,他说自己对于行为失检的指控本不应该认罪。

78、So, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no more ─── 也许,那永恒的晨光就会这样降临人间,那时不再有危岩深壑。

79、Yuantong Temple is under the crag of the south of mountain, is the biggest ancient temple of Kunming city area in Yunnan. ─── 山南峭壁之下的圆通寺,是云南昆明城区最大的古刹。

80、5 One crag was to the north, toward Michmash, the other to the south, toward Geba. ─── 一座朝北,与米革玛斯相对,一座朝南,与革巴相对。

81、The crag of birches running the sky's gray. ─── 像一车乾草被暴雨追赶。

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