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08-17 投稿


everted 发音

英:[??v??t?d]  美:[??v?rt?d]

英:  美:

everted 中文意思翻译



everted 短语词组

1、everted sleeve ─── 外翻套筒

2、everted repeats ─── 外翻重复

3、everted eye ─── 外翻眼

4、everted rim ─── 外翻轮缘

5、everted definition ─── 外翻定义

6、everted repeat ─── 外翻重复

7、everted atrium ─── 外翻中庭

8、everted gait ─── 外翻步态

9、everted lower lip ─── 外翻下唇

10、everted means ─── 外翻的意思是

11、everted sac technique ─── [医]反转囊技术 ─── [肠]

12、everted umbilicus ─── 脐外翻

13、everted meaning ─── 外翻的意思

14、everted pharynx ─── 外翻咽部

15、everted define ─── 外翻定义

16、everted labrum ─── 外翻上唇

17、everted intestine sleeves ─── 外翻肠衣

everted 词性/词形变化,everted变形

动词现在分词: everting |动词过去式: everted |动词过去分词: everted |动词第三人称单数: everts |

everted 相似词语短语

1、reverted ─── 回复

2、evented ─── n.事件,大事;赛事;项目;结果

3、deserted ─── adj.荒芜的;被遗弃的;无人居住的;v.遗弃;放弃;抛弃;开小差(desert的过去式和过去分词)

4、perverted ─── adj.歪曲的;不正当的;性变态的;v.使入歧途(pervert的过去分词)

5、exerted ─── adj.外露的

6、averted ─── adj.转移的;移开的;v.避免(avert的过去分词);转开

7、exserted ─── adj.[生物]伸出的,[生物]突出的;v.使…伸出;使…突出(exsert的过去分词)

8、diverted ─── v.呼叫转移,释放(divert的过去分词形式)

9、adverted ─── n.广告(非正式);v.引起注意;提及

everted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Evert Van de Vliert , Complex Interpersonal Conflict Behavior: Theoretical Frontiers, Psychology Press, 1997. ─── 刘晓静.幼儿同伴冲突行为研究.硕士论文.硕士论文.南京师范大学.2002

2、Keywords montmorillonite;aflatoxin B_1;adsorptive mechanism;everted intestine sack;duckling;broiler;detoxification; ─── 关键词蒙脱石;黄曲霉毒素B_1;吸附机制;肠囊;鸭雏;肉仔鸡;脱毒;

3、But People magazine said Evert and Norman, both 53, exchanged vows in front of 140 family and friends, including U. ─── 但是人物杂志说,都是53岁的伊佛特和诺曼在140位家人和朋友面前发誓,包括美国电视人马特。

4、Duyckinck, Evert Augustus ─── 杜伊金克

5、But 66% a grade agreed that a professor should consider evert effort and not just the cullate quality of students a student's work when deciding grades. ─── 但是百分之66同意教授应该考虑效果而不只是学生成绩的质量在决定成绩的时候。

6、Keywords Organic manganese source, Manganese Absorption, Everted gut sacs, Ligated and perfused intestinal segments, Practical Feeding, Broilers; ─── 有机锰源;锰吸收;外翻肠囊;原位结扎灌注肠段;自然饲喂;肉仔鸡;

7、evert Turn inside out, disgorge; used of guts protruding from the mouth of a fish brought up quickly from depth when the swimbladder expands and pushes internal organs out. ─── 外翻翻转过来,吐出;当鱼类从深海中快速浮起,泳鳔膨胀而推动内脏的时候,肠道从口中凸出。

8、The everted gut sac experiment was used to study the absorption rate on the ex vivo small intestine of broiler chickens. ─── 采用翻转肠囊法研究离体肉鸡小肠对硫酸铜、氧化铜、纳米氧化铜的吸收速率。

9、Known for her intense concentration on the court, she stunned tennis fans when she beat Chris Evert (sixteen years her senior) at Hilton head in 1986. ─── 众所周知,她在比赛时注意力高度集中,当她在1986年希尔顿海德公开赛上击败了克莉丝·艾芙特(是比她年长16岁的前辈)时,所有网球迷都为之震惊。

10、When you evert your ankle you not only tear ligaments but it puts an extreme amount of pressure on the fibula (the small bone next to the Tibia) and it breaks. ─── 足外翻不仅撕裂韧带,而且极大的压迫腓骨(靠近胫骨的小骨头)而折断。

11、In 1913, Jim and Evert McCabe, who led rival Motorcycle Delivery Company, agreed to merge with AMC and a new company was formed.It was named as Merchants Parcel Delivery Company (MPDC). ─── 1913年,吉姆凯西和他的竞争对手,经营着“摩托车递送公司”的埃弗特麦克伯,决定合并为一家新公司,命名为“商业包裹递送公司(MPDC)”。

12、Keywords Matrine;Everted gut sac;Apparent permeability coefficients (P app);Absorption enhancers; ─── 苦参碱;翻转肠囊法;表观渗透系数;吸收促进剂;

13、Chris Evert and Guillermo Vilas signed sponsorship agreements with ELLESSE. ─── 克里斯.伊夫德(ChrisEvert)和圭勒莫?维拉斯亦同ELLESSE签署赞助合约。

14、Keywords Kaixinsan (KXS);Ginseng;Hoelen;Polygala;Acori graminei;Everted gut sac;Oligosaccharide esters; ─── 开心散;人参;茯苓;远志;石菖蒲;翻转肠囊;寡糖酯;

15、Evert man has a fool in his sleeve. ─── 人人都有不够聪明之处。

16、everted sac technique ─── 反转囊技术[肠]

17、Medic Evert Padget said he would try, explaining that the Germans would honor his Red Cross patch. ─── 救生员解释说德国人会尊敬他的红十字臂章。

18、Dentist suggest to use a new toothbrush evert three months. ─── 牙医建议每三个月更换一次牙刷。

19、As explained earlier, these areas of ectopy or everted columnar epithelium are not pathological and the term cervicitis is not appropriate. ─── 其实其仅仅是柱状上皮移位或者反转,并非是病理改变,故子宫颈炎的称谓是不恰当的。

20、everted rimmed shallow bowl ─── 翻唇浅碗

21、everted sac method ─── 反转囊[法]

22、everted intestinal sac ─── 外翻肠囊[法]

23、Study on absorption characteristic of organic manganese under the condition of high calcium in the broiler by the method of everted intestinal sacs ─── 用外翻肠囊法研究高钙条件下有机锰在肉仔鸡小肠中的吸收特点

24、President of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and Evert Henkes, chief executive of Shell Chemicals, in the presence of senior Chinese officials and Royal Dutch/Shell Group Managing Director Harry Roels. ─── 中国政府有关部门负责人出席签字仪式,壳牌集团执行董事罗贺利(Mr. H J M Roels)专程来京参加了签字仪式。

25、Evert Gummesson.Making Relationship Marketing Operational[J].International Joural of Service Industry Management,1994,(5 ─── 张学陶.商业银行市场营销[M].北京:中国金融出版社,2005

26、Now cyberspace has everted. Turned itself inside out. ─── 现在,网络空间已经外翻,里外翻了个身。

27、correction of everted lacrimal point ─── 泪点外翻矫正术

28、Eyes--The eyes are deeply sunk in the orbits, the lids assuming a lozenge or diamond shape, in consequence of the lower lids being dragged down and everted by the heavy flews. ─── 眼睛:眼睛深深陷入眼窝中,眼睑呈菱形或钻石形,结果是下眼睑外翻,象上唇一样下垂。

29、In Exp. 3, phosphorus uptakes from feedstuffs of broiler dissimilar small intestine were measured by everted gut sac. ─── 用外翻肠囊法研究肉鸡小肠不同肠段对饲粮磷的吸收。

30、Evert Gummesson, Making Relationship Marketing Operational[J]. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 1994(5). ─── 驾驭顾客资产[M].张平淡,译.北京:企业管理出版社,2001.

31、ObjectiveTo study the effects of glycyrrhizin on intestinal absorption of paeoniflorin by the everted rat gut sac model. ─── 目的研究甘草酸对芍药苷大鼠肠吸收的影响。

32、Evert's youngest son Colton, 12, served as ring bearer, and sons Nicky, 14, and Alex, 16, walked her down the aisle. ─── 伊佛特的小儿子,12岁的科尔顿是花童,而14岁的儿子尼基和16岁的阿莱克斯随她走下长廊。

33、everted gut sacs ─── 外翻肠囊

34、Ides Evert Ysbrants ─── 雅布兰(1660-?),德国人,俄国特使,曾奉彼得大帝之命来华致书康熙帝。

35、Do you understand? Computers are evert use uself. ─── 你懂吗?电脑很有用。

36、Everted green leaves is better than the explanate. ─── 叶绿反卷的为好,叶面平展的次之。

37、The other slug has also begun to evert the organ. You can see that it comes out from around the side of the head. ─── 另外那只蜗牛也开始伸出器官。可以看到它正从另外一边头部那儿伸出。

38、Treatment of the muscle absence of the lower abdomen by restoring with everted and shifted obliquus externus abdominis ─── 利用腹外斜肌腱膜翻转修补下部腹壁肌性缺损

39、Inverted or everted eyelids are serious faults. ─── 眼睑内翻或眼睑外翻都属于严重缺陷。

40、Everted - gut sacs ─── 翻转肠囊

41、Duyckinck Evert Augustus ─── 杜伊金克(1816-78),美国人,传记作家、编辑、评论家。

42、Methods The rat everted gut sac was used to study the absorption of digoxin. ─── 方法 用大鼠离体外翻肠囊法进行小肠透过量试验;

43、Evert Henkes said, ″ as well as from CNOOC′s leadership in foreign cooperation and good knowledge of the Chinese business environment.″ ─── 壳牌化工首席执行官亨克斯说:″也将得益于中国海洋石油总公司领先对外合作的经验和对经营环境的深刻了解。″

44、Methods The absent parts of 6 cases of congenital abdominal muscle absence syndrome and 5 cases of large abdominal incisional hernia were restored with everted and shifted obliguus externus abdominis and aponeurosis. ─── 方法 用腹外斜肌及其腱膜翻转修补先天性腹壁肌肉缺损综合征6例,巨大腹壁切口疝5例。

45、Pisaster has everted its stomach out through its mouth, and it's digesting the mussel externally. ─── 通过嘴部把胃翻了出来,它正从外部消化这只贻贝。

46、Evert Bastet ─── 巴斯泰特

47、Evert Hoek, Rock Engineering, Unirsity of Toronto, Toronto Canada, 1991。 ─── 施国钦,大地工程学(四)-岩石力学,笙书局,民国八十八年五月。

48、Evert day, he queues up patiently at the bus stop. ─── 他每天都耐心地在公共汽车站排队.

49、If Seles had not been robbed of 28 months in the prime of her career, though, there might be a lot less distance between Graf, Martina Navratilova, Seles, and Chris Evert. ─── 但是如果没有塞莱斯在她职业生涯最巅峰被刺后的28个月,那格拉芙,玛蒂娜.拉芙纳提诺娃,塞莱斯和克里斯.埃佛特本将分享这个荣誉。

50、Pisaster has everted its stomach out through its mouth, and it'sdigesting the mussel externally. ─── 海星通过嘴部把胃翻了出来,它正从外部消化这只贻贝。

51、6、Hang out to fly a kite together every spring,hiking together every summer,gonna pick fruit together evert fall,gonna see the ocean together every winter.. ─── 每年春天一起去放风筝;夏天一起去爬山;秋天一起去摘果;冬天一起去看海.

52、Evert, Susan E.Eichhorn, William A. ─── 放大图片 作者: Ray F.

53、A joint venture contract for a USD 4 billion petrochemicals complex in southern China was signed today by Wei Liucheng, President of China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and Evert Henkes, chief executive of Shell Chemicals ─── 在中国南方投资40亿美元的一座现代化石油化工联合企业的合营合同今天由中国海洋石油总公司总经理卫留成和英荷壳牌化工公司首席执行官亨克斯在北京签字

54、Recessed-leg table with everted flanges ─── 翘头案

55、Samen met Tjarko Evenboer teken ik de cartoon Evert Kwok. ─── 介绍: VV Vuurdoorn is vernoemd naar mijn vormgevingsbureau, Studio Vuurdoorn.

56、NASSAU -- Ex-golfer Greg Norman and tennis legend Chris Evert were married on Saturday in a seaside ceremony held under a veil of tight security on Paradise Island in the Bahamas. ─── 前高尔夫球手诺曼和网球传奇克里斯。伊佛特周六在巴哈马的天堂岛上的海滩结婚,仪式在严密的安全保卫下进行。

57、Inverted or everted eyelids are serious faults. ─── 眼睑内翻或眼睑外翻都属于严重缺陷。

58、Evert, who won 18 Grand Slam singles titles, divorced former husband Andy Mill, a World Cup and Olympic skier from Colorado, last December after 18 years of marriage. ─── 伊佛特赢得了18次大满贯单打冠军,去年12月与自己的前夫,参加过世界杯和奥运会的科罗拉多滑雪手安迪。米尔离婚。他们俩人的婚姻持续了18年。

59、Keywords Cyclosporin A;Nonoliposome Everted gut sac technique;Intestinal absorption; ─── 环孢素A;口服纳米脂质体;翻转小肠囊法;小肠吸收;大鼠;

60、Keywords NaFeEDTA;absorption;mechanism;in vitro;dialysis bag;everted intestine sac; ─── 乙二胺四乙酸铁钠;吸收;机理;体外法;透析袋;外翻肠囊;

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