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08-17 投稿


fogy 发音


英:  美:

fogy 中文意思翻译



fogy 网络释义

n. 顽固守旧者;赶不上时代的人(等于fogey)

fogy 短语词组

1、old fogy n. ─── 守旧者, 老保 ─── 守

fogy 词性/词形变化,fogy变形

形容词: fogyish |名词: fogyism |

fogy 相似词语短语

1、foxy ─── adj.像狐狸的;狡猾的;(女性)狐媚的;赤褐色的;(葡萄酒)有麝香味的;(纸或其他材料)有斑点的,泛黄的

2、bogy ─── n.妖怪;可怕的人;n.(Bogy)人名;(英)博吉

3、fogs ─── n.雾;烟雾,尘雾;迷惑;vt.使模糊;使困惑;以雾笼罩;vi.被雾笼罩;变模糊;n.(Fog)人名;(丹)福

4、foggy ─── adj.有雾的;模糊的,朦胧的

5、fozy ─── adj.肥胖的;(蔬果等)过熟的;愚笨的

6、dogy ─── n.失去母牛的牛犊(等于dogie)

7、fogey ─── n.守旧者,老保守;抱残守缺的人

8、fog ─── n.雾;烟雾,尘雾;迷惑;vt.使模糊;使困惑;以雾笼罩;vi.被雾笼罩;变模糊;n.(Fog)人名;(丹)福

9、foy ─── n.饯行宴会;临别赠品;n.(Foy)人名;(西、巴基)福伊;(法)富瓦

fogy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Patty : No, but I don't want an old fogy or some kid straight out of medical school! ─── 续上期,下期待续)派蒂:没有,但是我不要老古板或是刚从医学院毕业的菜鸟!

2、We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in fogy weather. ─── 雾天我们不能保证火车准时到达。

3、3. We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in fogy weather. ─── 雾天我们不能保证火车准时到达。

4、Patty : No, but I don't want an old fogy or some kid straight out of medical school! ─── 续上期,下期待续)派蒂:没有,但是我不要老古板或是刚从医学院毕业的菜鸟!

5、Fogy' s Consciousness ─── 遗民意识

6、Blue ni has been anxious, the old fogy has not moved really! ─── 蓝妮急了,老家伙没有动真格!

7、The system is divided into three subsystems in the function: The freeway section controlling, the fogy district controlling and the tunnel controlling; ─── 所以该系统从功能上划分为三个子系统:路段监控、雾区监控和隧道监控;

8、Because of his fogy ideas, Old Tom brought the house about his ears. ─── 因为他的顽固观念,汤姆惹得全家与他为敌。

9、I hope you like old fogy food. ─── 希望你们会喜欢老头子吃的菜。

10、"Pick of content contest season, survival of the fittest, the person that innovate develops, fogy becomes feeble and die " the law that this is eternity. ─── “物竞天择,适者生存,创新者发展,守旧者衰亡”这是永恒的法则。

11、No wonder these the old fogy one after another was questioned that is only works as a volunteer. ─── 难怪这些“老家伙”接连被质疑只是玩票。

12、old fogy ─── n. -gies 守旧的人, 老顽固

13、Not only the gold domestic player so, the old fogy attempts the branch also in a counter-attack, because Press special returns to base becomes fast indecisive. ─── 不但黄金的国内球员如此,就连老家伙图科也在一次反击中,因为普雷斯特的快速回防而变得犹豫不决。

14、Because this section of road conditions of freeway is very complicated ,and there are a lot of tunnels along the freeway,in addition,the weather of some freeway sections is fogy. ─── 由于该段高速公路路况复杂,沿线有多个隧道,部分路段还为雾区天气。

15、"Somebody who was dandled on Queen Victoria's knee must appear an old fogy" (Edward, Duke of Windsor) ─── “在维多利亚女王的膝盖上播弄的人一定看起来象守旧者”(爱德华·温莎公爵)

16、Liu Lichang is an ancient street. It is famous for old fogy . ─── 琉璃厂是一条古老的街,它以古董著名。

17、I don't want to sound like I'm some old fogy. ─── 我不想让自己听上去像一个老古董。

18、But today returns to Jinan, as soon as the old fogy just went on stage has been wild with joy the ringside leaf old gentleman, “this fellow is really not bad!” ─── 但是今天回到济南,老家伙刚一上场就乐坏了场边的叶老爷子,“这家伙还真不孬!”

19、Not all popular writers were the old fogy of the feudalist society and many of them were influenced by Western ideology and some of them were even revolutionaries. ─── 通俗作家不都是封建遗老遗少,也有许多受西方思想影响乃至革命志士。

20、3.Because of his fogy ideas, Old Tom brought the house about his ears. ─── 由于他的顽固观念,汤姆惹得全家与他为敌。

21、Somebody who was dandled on Queen Victoria's knee must appear an old fogy(Edward, Duke of Windsor) ─── 在维多利亚女王的膝盖上播弄的人一定看起来象守旧者(爱德华 温莎公爵)

22、8. Liu Lichang is an ancient street. It is famous for old fogy. ─── 琉璃厂是一条古老的街,它以古董著名。

23、Somebody who was dandled on Queen Victoria's knee must appear an old fogy(Edward,Duke of Windsor) ─── 在维多利亚女王的膝盖上播弄的人一定看起来象守旧者(爱德华·温莎公爵)

24、I'm a bit of an old fogy. ─── 我更像是一个守旧的人。

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