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08-17 投稿


depresses 发音

英:[d??pres?z]  美:[d??pres?z]

英:  美:

depresses 中文意思翻译



depresses 同义词

move downward | cast down | press down | lower | discourage | slow down |sadden | reduce | push | dishearten | weaken | darken | dispirit | push down | demoralize | dampen | raise | cloud | dismay | oppress | deflate | lessen | demoralise | deject | decrease | get down | sink | press

depresses 反义词

encourage |elate | inspire

depresses 词性/词形变化,depresses变形

动词现在分词: depressing |动词过去分词: depressed |动词过去式: depressed |动词第三人称单数: depresses |形容词: depressible |

depresses 短语词组

1、depresses me ─── 使我沮丧

depresses 相似词语短语

1、depressors ─── n.抑压者;抑压物;压板;降肌

2、prepresses ─── n.印前;[木]预压机

3、derepresses ─── vt.去阻遏,去抑制

4、depressives ─── adj.抑郁的;压抑的

5、represses ─── vt.抑制;镇压(叛乱等);约束;vi.抑制;镇压

6、depressed ─── adj.沮丧的;萧条的;压低的;v.使沮丧;使萧条(depress的过去式和过去分词形式);压低

7、Negresses ─── 女黑人

8、re-presses ─── 重压

9、adpresses ─── vi.紧压于…的表面

depresses 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If the Asian central banks mop up the hot money and buy US treasuries with it, it depresses the US bond yield and boosts the US economy. ─── 如果亚洲央行吸收了这些热钱,并用来购买美国长期国债,这就压低了美国债券收益率,提升了美国经济。

2、Depress, Yes?Then watch this movie, - The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy . ─── 在一个不知名的时空里,有这么一群人,自己认为是龙的后裔。

3、Mrs.Drabdump, of 11 Glover Street, Bow, was one of the few persons in London whom fog did not depress. ─── 住在弓区格洛夫大街11号的达顿普夫人是伦敦被雾笼罩而不会沮丧的少数人之一。

4、Search: Is those who treat hematic depress dietetic? ─── 寻:治疗血压低的食物疗法?

5、How can you depress oneself affection first? ─── 如何先可以压抑自己的情感?

6、What how should bring to hematic depress is giddy? ─── 如何应对血压低带来的头晕?

7、Several factors combined to depress the American economy. ─── 几个因素综合在一起让美国经济不景气。

8、A rise in oil prices depresses the car market, which depresses the car traders. ─── 使消沉,使忧愁,使沮丧;使不景气,使萧条

9、If it is failed to depress the skimming altitude and only the reduction of radar cross section is. ─── 减少正前方的雷达散射截面。

10、Quite apart from the nasal discomfort, the olfactory factor can depress property prices. ─── 且不说鼻腔不适,由于嗅觉的因素,房地产价格得以下降。

11、The threat of death does not depress him, even though he has become the No.1 villain to them. ─── 即使他在他们心目中成了(第一号坏蛋)头号敌人,死亡的威胁也不会使他消沉。

12、I'd only depress you, reminding you of your lost love. ─── 我只会惹得你伤心,教你想起你失去的心上人。

13、Do bulges, excessive fat, and cellulite depress you? ─── 凸出的腹部、多余的脂肪和橙皮组织是否让您觉得很沮丧?

14、From now on, don't be sad and depress. ─── 从现在开始,不要悲哀不要消沉;

15、Fully depress and hold down the brake pedal. ─── 完全踩下刹车踏板并踩住不放。

16、When you depress a key of an organ,a note is sounded. ─── 你往下压琴键,就能奏出一个音符。

17、It depresses me to see so many young girls smoking. ─── 看到这么多女孩抽烟令我感到很沮丧。

18、If this news surprises you, you haven't been paying attention. If it depresses you, cheer up: In this case, failure is good. ─── 如果这条新闻令你感到意外,那么你一定是一直没有留心。如果让你感到沮丧,请不要泄气:在这种情况下,失败是件好事。

19、If the Asian central banks mop up the hot money and buy US treasuries with it, it depresses the US bond yield and boosts the US economy. ─── 如果亚洲央行吸收了这些热钱,并用来购买美国长期国债,这就压低了美国债券收益率,提升了美国经济。

20、Perhaps this constant moving is stressful for the bees and so depresses their immune systems. ─── 也许持续的迁移对蜜蜂造成压力,抑制了其免疫系统。

21、Thepatients with severity heart diease and depress left ventricle function have obviously got benefit fro... ─── 其中获益最大的是基础心脏病严重、心功能明显降低的高危病人。

22、A method to depress the order of singularity of the corresponding BIE is presented. ─── 为了解决高阶奇异的边界积分方程的数值计算问题,本文采用解析的方法进行降阶。

23、From here on, don't be sad or depress. ─── 从目前开端,无所不能悲哀无所不能消沉;

24、For the next two years, the region-wide crisis depresses exports and hobbles economic growth. ─── 紧接着的两年里,这个区域性的经济危机一度使经济萧条。

25、Meanwhile,the severe contamination of fracture depresses the water-absorption ability of the stratum. ─── 同时,严重的裂缝污染又降低了施工时地层吸液能力。

26、Being human we are host to a number of frailties, each one of which disturbs and depresses us, and makes us doubt our worth. ─── 人都有许多弱点,这些弱点都会让我们感到困扰沮丧,对自身价值产生怀疑。

27、The thought of going to work tomorrow really depresses me. ─── 想到明天要上班我就心烦。

28、As seen in Chapter 4, these measures depress food production and can be very costly if maintained over long periods. ─── 如第四章所述,用这些手段抑制粮食生产,若长期实行就可能付出极大的代价。

29、GA3 depresses the reproductive growth of Dioscorea zingiberensis . ─── GA_3对盾叶薯蓣的生殖生长起阻抑作用。

30、It was showed that rape grown on calcareous soil would depress Mn toxicity due to the teste. ─── 对湖北省的主要旱地土壤种植多茬作物后油菜生产锰毒的原因进行了研究。

31、If the tire size is incorrect, depress the Enter key and then select the correct size. ─── 如果轮胎尺寸不对,按回车键,然后选择正确尺寸。

32、When severe market pressure depresses prices, causing the sale to avoid further falls of shares, bonds, options, futures or any other . . . ─── 指当出现严重的市场压力压抑价格时,为了防止股票、债券、期权、期货或其他任何形式的商品或金融工具的价格…

33、Wet weather always depresses me. ─── 阴雨天总使我心情抑郁。

34、Do you just make this stuff up to depress me? ─── 你仅仅就是为了说这些来让我不高兴吗?

35、Depress and hold the DSSS Receiver Binding button. ─── 压抑,并认为扩频接收机结合按钮。

36、House prices also fell by the most in 17 years as rising mortgage costs, tighter credit and growing inventory depresses the real estate market. ─── 张青老师,我很喜欢你的博客,同时也很欣赏你,能否帮我翻译下下面这段文章,谢谢了。

37、In humans, going without breakfast may be interpreted by the body as signaling low food availability, since it depresses levels of blood sugar. ─── 人在不吃早餐的情况下,血糖会降低,身体则会发出食物量不足的信号。

38、Expectations of higher tax rates in the future depresses market hours now. ─── 人们对未来更高税率的预期会抑制目前的市场活动。

39、The war in Iraq depresses me. ─── 伊拉克战争让我很痛心。

40、Listening to someone else's problems always depresses me.... ─── 听别人的问题总把我伤心。。

41、In both, falling prices depress national income by causing a contractionary shift in the IS curve. ─── 价格的下降通过推动IS曲线相反的移动,从而减少了国民收入。

42、We are supposed to be uplifted by these stories but they depress me. ─── 对这样的故事我们都会感到欢欣鼓舞,可我取感到了沮丧。

43、She inclines towards depress ion. ─── 她动不动就情绪低落.

44、When you depress a key of an organ , a note is sounded . ─── 你往下压琴键,就能奏出一个音符。

45、Fully depress the brake pedal and then release. ─── 完全踩下刹车踏板然后放开。

46、The person can depress the suicide below what circumstance. ─── 人在什么情况下会压抑自杀。

47、Everything humiliates or depresses them,because they attach these words to almost any experience. ─── 任何事情都令他们耻辱和沮丧,因为他们几乎把任何经历都和这些词联系在一起。

48、Soaring medical inflation depresses Americans' standard of living and threatens to bust the budget. ─── 急剧增长的医疗通货膨胀使美国人的生活水平有所下降,并使人们有透支的危险。

49、The most common CT finding of acute respiratory depress syndrome (ARDS) was diffuse consolidation (66.7%, 2/3). ─── 急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)主要表现为弥漫性实变(66.7%,2/3);

50、Decline in home prices will depress consumer spending. ─── 家庭收入的减少将削弱消费者购买力度。

51、This area similarly show message that describe the action of toolbar button as you depress them, before release them. ─── 当你在释放之前压下它们,这个区域同样会描述工具栏按钮的操作。

52、Honesty and diligence. Good endurance of more work depress. ─── 为人诚实勤奋。能够承受较大的工作压力。

53、If there's one thing that depresses me, it's people who shout. ─── 如果说有件事使我不悦,那就是人们总是叫嚷。

54、Tending to depress or lower. ─── 下降的,下陷的

55、Do you want to help them walk through the hardship, depress and hopeless? ─── 你想帮助他们脱离困苦,低落和绝望的环境吗?

56、When he's depress ed he sits brooding for hours. ─── 他消沉的时候,就坐着沉思几小时.

57、Both the monomer and the polymer network will depress phase transition temperatures. ─── 不同的液晶态可通过控制铁电液晶的温度来获得。

58、Psychology depresses feeling and obstacle clear off, pretend to be missish no longer. ─── 心理压抑感和障碍一扫而光,不再故作矜持。

59、State ownership depresses consumption demand. ─── 国家所有权抑制了消费需求。

60、He feared that rising inflation would further depress the economy. ─── 他担心不断上升的通货膨胀会进一步削弱经济。

61、It's believed that stress can actually depress the immune system. ─── 人们相信压力能确实地使免疫系统功能下降。

62、What should youth blood depress eat more? ─── 年轻人血压低应多吃什么?

63、When you depress a key of an organ, a note is sounded. ─── 你压下一个风琴键,就会听到一个音符响。

64、Something that depresses or is used to depress. ─── 下陷的物体;用于挤压的物体

65、It does not usually depress cardiovascular or airway re?exes. ─── 它通常不抑制心血管或呼吸道反射。

66、Move the wheel all the way to the left and right, alternately depress pedals, then press a button on the controller. ─── 向左向右移动轮子,交替踩踏板,然后按控制器上的按钮。

67、On a keyboard, the force required to depress a key to ensure positive contact and the action of the keystroke. ─── 在键盘上,为保证按下键时接触可靠及完成一次击键动作所需要的力。

68、Even so, the mere threat that they could be shifted will depress wages. ─── 即使如此,单就他们可能被转移的威胁就足以降低工资水平。

69、His depress face and gentlemen shadow kept flashing all over the house, and it was really freaky. ─── 他那忧郁的脸色、雅的身影也一次次隐约闪现,令人不寒而栗。

70、The thought of a planet a thousand years from now where everyone speaks just a few languages, or just one, depresses me. ─── 想到这个星球在从现在起一千年前,每个人才说着少数几种语言,或者仅仅一种,让我沮丧。

71、The center tramway portion depresses below the roadway elevation. ─── 中间电车道落低到车行道以下。

72、The recall knocked 1% off net sales and helped depress earnings 22% to 14 cents a share. ─── 召回行动使净销售额下降1%,导致每股收益减少22%至14美分。

73、How to depress him hotheaded mood? ─── 怎样压抑住自己易激动的情绪?

74、If I depress this button, it would deploy a weapon more deadly than yours. ─── 如果我按下这个按钮, 就会出来一个比你的更致命的武器

75、The levels of CTnT and CRP in patients with AMI depress if given L-CN. ─── 心肌梗死时给予L-CN治疗可降低血循环中cTnT和CRP含量,有利于心肌修复,缩小梗死面积。

76、Poverty depresses most people; in the case of him it was otherwise. ─── 贫穷会把大部分人压垮,但对于他来说,情况可就不同了。

77、Nourishthe kidneys and depress the yang. ─── 养肾抑阳。

78、When you'd rather sit in the forums, than go back to playing your warrior because it just depresses you to even think of playing. ─── 你宁愿在论坛里灌水,也不愿到游戏里玩那个战士,甚至一想都感到失望。

79、Never before had I found myself so invalidable, so pale, so depress. ─── 六级不在乎,完形就先不理会,写作随便练练笔也能敷衍,听力直接放弃。

80、Does mass unemployment depress wages? ─── 大量人口失业会使工资降低吗?

81、Small doses depress salivary and bronchial secretion and sweating. ─── 小剂量可抑制唾液分泌、支气管分泌及出汗。

82、He had accused the defender of "living in his agent's pocket" and had said the dispute "depresses me at times". ─── 他曾经指责这名后卫“活着经纪人的口袋里”而且他还说这次合约争议“让他多次失望”。

83、We hypothesized that alcohol intoxication significantly depresses GCS scores of TBI patients. ─── 我们推测酒精中毒会使外伤性脑损伤患者的GCS评分显著下降。

84、Large arrivals at this time would depress prices. ─── 在这个时候大量到货会将价格压低。

85、When the driver depresses the pedal the fluid is forced out to each slave cylinder and operates their pistons. ─── 当驾驶员将踏板踏下去时,液体被压出流向各辅助缸,推动各辅助缸的活塞。

86、When you'd raper sit in pe forums, pan go back to playing your warrior because it just depresses you to even pink of playing. ─── 你宁愿在论坛里灌水,也不愿到游戏里玩那个战士,甚至一想都感到失望。

87、I must admit the state of the country depresses me. ─── 我必须承认国家的形势令我沮丧。

88、Depress this button in case of fire. ─── 如遇火警请按下这个按钮。

89、Does mass unemployment depress the wages? ─── 大量失业是否降低了工资?

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