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08-18 投稿


chirurgery 发音

英:[ka??r??rd??ri]  美:[ka??r??d??ri]

英:  美:

chirurgery 中文意思翻译



chirurgery 短语词组

1、chirurgery pronunciation ─── 外科发音

2、chirurgery etymology ─── 外科学词源

3、chirurgery definition ─── 外科定义

chirurgery 相似词语短语

1、cryosurgery ─── n.[外科]冷冻手术;[外科]低温外科(等于cryogenicsurgery)

2、chirurgical ─── 外科的

3、chemosurgery ─── n.化学外科;化学外科治疗

4、psychosurgery ─── n.[外科]精神外科学

5、chiliburger ─── 辣椒汉堡

6、chirurgeonly ─── 仅限外科手术

7、Whiggery ─── n.辉格党的原则(实践)

8、chirurgeons ─── n.外科医生(等于surgeon)

9、chirurgeon ─── n.外科医生(等于surgeon)

chirurgery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Psychic chirurgery simply restores access to the inaccessible powers; the chirurgeon doesn't need to know the erased powers to make the repair. ─── “心灵手术”只是简单地恢复对被禁用的异能的使用权,显能者不必知道被抹除的具体异能便可修复之。

2、You can remove such effects by performing psychic chirurgery on yourself. ─── 你可以对自己进行“心灵手术”以移除该效果。

3、Sixty years' experience and personal feelings for the career of chirurgery ─── 六十年外科生涯的体会和感想

4、Recently, a series of devices and techniques of protection and chirurgery therapy for eye diseases have been sold in the market, for instance, the technique for reducing incidence of myopia. ─── 现在市场上销售系列预防和外科治疗眼病的设备和方法,例如减少近视发病率的方法。

5、Methods Uses appropriate the trilobate set a broken bone armor plate, the trilobate cincture shoulder bone, somatic part fixation fracture farend, cure the shoulder bone chirurgery neck fracture. ─── 方法采用合适三叶接骨钢板,三叶环绕肱骨,体部固定骨折远端,对肱骨外科颈骨折进行治疗。

6、In such cases you make the new save and, if you're successful, the compulsion is broken, or you fail, and you remain powerless to resist.In either case, psychic chirurgery is irrelevant. ─── 无论豁免成功与否,你都不需要或者不可以进行“心灵手术”。

7、Jiao: Come on, If you stay in the chirurgery,or immergency room for one month, you will cherrish your life. ─── 乔:别瞎扯了,在医院外科里面呆一个月,你就知道珍惜了。

8、The garden and beehive are all her physick and chirurgery, and she lives the longer for it. ─── 花园和蜂箱是她仅有的医生,她因此而更长寿。

9、The trilobate armor plate fixation inside cure the shoulder bone chirurgery neck fracture 56 case clinic analyze ─── 三叶钢板内固定治疗肱骨外科颈骨折56例临床分析

10、The trilobate armor plate fixation inside cure the shoulder bone chirurgery neck fracture 56 case clinic analyze ─── 三叶钢板内固定治疗肱骨外科颈骨折56例临床分析

11、Results 56 case shoulder bone chirurgery neck fracture by operations fixation inside cure, function resume all right. ─── 结果56例肱骨外科颈骨折经手术内固定治疗,功能恢复良好。

12、81. Can you perform psychic chirurgery on yourself? What would the effects be? ─── 你能对自己进行“心灵手术”么?效果如何?

13、You can remove such effects by performing psychic chirurgery on yourself. ─── 你可以对自己进行“心灵手术”以移除该效果。

14、The garden and beehive are all her physick and chirurgery , and she lives the longer for it. ─── 花园和蜂箱是她仅有的医生,她因此而更长寿。

15、He is qualify with a eligible chirurgery doctor. ─── 他是一个合格的外科医生。

16、Can you perform psychic chirurgery on yourself? What would the effects be? ─── 你能对自己进行“心灵手术”么?效果如何?

17、Manifester Level: 18th; Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, psychic chirurgery ; Market Price: +4 bonus. ─── 显能者等级:18;先决条件:“制造灵能武器及防具”、“心灵手术”;交易价格:+4加值。

18、Only psychic chirurgery or similarly extreme measures can restore sanity. ─── 只有“心灵手术”或类似的极端手段才能恢复心志。

19、Keywords high voltage portal vein ailment;united portal fancy vein cutting operation;gastrojejunostomy instrument;chirurgery; ─── 关键词门脉高压症;联合门奇断流术;胃肠吻合器;外科学;

20、A phthisic is initially drawn from a troubled psyche via an unknown psionic power, possibly a twisted version of psychic chirurgery. ─── 消耗者最初是由一种未知的心灵异能(可能是“心灵手术”的某种错误版本)所造成的混乱心智中产生的。

21、Manifester Level: 16th; Prerequisites: Craft Universal Item, psychic chirurgery; Market Price: 66,000 gp; Weight:2 lb. ─── 显能者等级:16;先决条件:“制造灵物”、“心灵手术”;交易价格:66000金币;重量:2磅。

22、Results 56 case shoulder bone chirurgery neck fracture by operations fixation inside cure, function resume all right. ─── 结果56例肱骨外科颈骨折经手术内固定治疗,功能恢复良好。

23、Completing the construction drains 1,600 XP from the creator and requires emulate power, matter manipulation, negate psionics, and psychic chirurgery. ─── 完成制造将从制造者身上吸取1600XP,并需要“异能仿效”、“物质重塑”、“消解灵能”以及“心灵手术”。

24、Objective To checkout the curative effect of trilobate set a broken bone armor plate fixation inside cure the shoulder bone chirurgery neck fracture. ─── 目的检验三叶接骨钢板内固定治疗肱骨外科颈骨折的疗效。

25、Keywords Shoulder bone chirurgery neck fracture Trilobate set a broken bone armor plate Fixation inside; ─── 肱骨外科颈骨折;三叶接骨钢板;内固定;

26、Can you perform psychic chirurgery on yourself? What would the effects be? ─── 你能对自己进行“心灵手术”么?效果如何?

27、Manifester Level: 18th; Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, psychic chirurgery; Market Price: +4 bonus. ─── 显能者等级:18;先决条件:“制造灵能武器及防具”、“心灵手术”;交易价格:+4加值。

28、Psychic Chirurgery. You repair psychic damage and impart knowledge of new powers. ─── 心灵手术:你修补精神伤害并可传授新异能的知识。

29、Objective To checkout the curative effect of trilobate set a broken bone armor plate fixation inside cure the shoulder bone chirurgery neck fracture. ─── 目的检验三叶接骨钢板内固定治疗肱骨外科颈骨折的疗效。

30、garden and beehive are all her physick and chirurgery, and she lives the longer for it. ─── 花园和蜂箱是她仅有的医生,她因此而更长寿。

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