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08-18 投稿


choicely 发音

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英:  美:

choicely 中文意思翻译



choicely 短语词组

1、choicely definition ─── 精巧的定义

2、choicely helsinki ─── 赫尔辛基精选

3、choicely meaning ─── 精选意义

choicely 相似词语短语

1、choiceful ─── 精选的

2、choicer ─── 选择器

3、choccy ─── n.巧克力

4、cicely ─── n.欧洲没药,香根芹;n.(Cicely)西塞莉(人名)

5、choices ─── n.选择(choice的复数)

6、choicest ─── 上等的(choice的最高级);精选的(choice的最高级)

7、-choice ─── n.选择;选择权;精选品;adj.精选的;仔细推敲的

8、choice ─── n.选择;选择权;精选品;adj.精选的;仔细推敲的

9、chokingly ─── 窒息地;哽咽地

choicely 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Choicely efficacious ─── 灵效如神

2、Choicely download, download files what you want. ─── 选择性下载,下载torrent文件中你所需要的文件。

3、choic probability ─── 选择概率

4、CONCL USION:Budesonide dry-powder inhaler is an effective and safe agent of choic e for treatment of childrens asthma. ─── 结论:布地奈德干粉吸入剂是一种高效、安全的治疗儿童哮喘药物。

5、a choicely furnished room ─── 家俱精致的房间

6、snow grey stone: Exceed white raw material to refine choicely and become, open system snow-white, its whiteness is as high as 80 degrees, 20 degrees taller than common polish brick. ─── 雪花白石:精选超白原料精制而成,通体雪白,其白度高达80度,比普通抛光砖高20度。

7、21. Slippers lined choicely for the cold, With buckles of the purest gold; ─── 鞋子安上衬里,不会冻脚,上面的饰扣用纯金来打造。

8、Choicely download, download files what you want. ─── 选择性下载,下载torrent文件中你所需要的文件。

9、Choic of the parameters of load structure of CLG 300 strip mining machine ─── CLG300型露采机转载机构参数的选择

10、Expounding my own opinion on choic of herbs and emphasizing the view that tension-type headache should be treated on root at the remission sta... ─── 并对治疗药物的选择论述了自己的认识,同时强调了疾病缓解期溯源治本的治疗思路。

11、That is, taking education carrier choicely, guiding the carrier construction by "three nearness", giving prominence to culture character of the carrier and combining all education carriers. ─── 用“三贴近”指导载体建设;突出教育载体的文化品位;实现教育载体的有机结合等。

12、Arrow,“The organization of economic activity,issues pertinent to the choic e of market versus nonmarket allocation”. ─── 在学术研究中,有时仅仅将不同作者的成果放在同一篇文章里就会产生“剩余价值”。(注:K.

13、The ocean that we give a Ji Xinxian choicely for you now with consulting is installed, help you find out a that when suit your most in numerous choice! ─── 现在我们就以参照T台大片来为你精选出本季新鲜的洋装,帮你在众多的选择中找出最适合自己的那一件!

14、They part to be pulled from France, Italy, California, Spain, New Zealand, Australia, Chile, Argentine, south Africa, Portuguese, Germany, United States, Mexico, An Gui choicely, Canada and China. ─── 它们分别精选自法国、意大利、加州、西班牙、新西兰、澳大利亚、智利、阿根廷、南非、葡萄牙、德国、美国、墨西哥、安圭拉、加拿大以及中国。

15、Transparent marble, choicely slim natural marble plate and glass soleplate or crystalline plate shall be made into soleplate, which is synthesized by means of special technics. ─── 透光大理石,精选超薄天然大理石作面板,与玻璃底板或水晶板做底板,通过特殊工艺复合而成。

16、The choic chanted in the background. ─── 唱诗班在幕后唱歌。

17、dynamic choic ─── 动态选择

18、Thank you. So we must make a choic and plan our time carefully. ─── 谢谢,我们必须选一选,仔细安排一下时间。

19、Conclusions:We think that treatment of ureteral calculi by transureteroscopic pneumatic lithotripsy is safe and highly effective,and it can be considered as a first choic... ─── 结论:经输尿管镜气压弹道碎石术具有微创、术后恢复快、效果好等优点,可作为输尿管结石的首选治疗方法。

20、The Principle of Modern Jurisdiction and the Choic of the Judge ─── 现代司法理念与法官的选择

21、Pledge with uncommon ability of makings and precious choicely puissant make a design of tide of exclamatory making a person and natural colour. ─── 精选用料和珍稀材质强力打造出令人赞叹的潮流款式及自然色彩。

22、Iran has no choicely a notoriously bad as air safety record. ─── 伊朗在飞机航行的安全记录上是臭名昭著的。

23、Choic and Improvement of Hydrogenation Reaction Cauldron ─── 氢化反应釜的选型与改进

24、In data communications, a method of routing in which a packet of data is transmi tted from a node as soon as possible, even though this may not be the best choic e of outgoing line. ─── 数据通信技术中一种路由选择方法,在这种方法中,数据包尽可能快地从一个节点发送出去,即使引出线选择并不一定是最佳的。

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