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08-21 投稿


dissuasion 发音

英:[d??swe???n]  美:[d??swe???n]

英:  美:

dissuasion 中文意思翻译



dissuasion 网络释义

n. 劝阻;劝戒;谏诤

dissuasion 反义词


dissuasion 同义词

persuasion | deterrence | opposition |discouragement | warning

dissuasion 词性/词形变化,dissuasion变形

名词: dissuasiveness |形容词: dissuasive |副词: dissuasively |

dissuasion 短语词组

1、dissuasion theory ─── 劝阻说

2、dissuasion synonym ─── 劝阻同义词

3、dissuasion def ─── 劝阻定义

4、dissuasion doing something ─── 劝阻做某事

5、dissuasion definition ─── 劝阻定义

6、dissuasion meaning ─── 劝阻意义

7、dissuasion tone ─── [计] 劝阻蜂音

8、dissuasion antonym ─── 劝阻反义词

9、dissuasion mean ─── 劝阻手段

dissuasion 相似词语短语

1、dissensions ─── n.纠纷;意见不合;争吵;倾轧

2、dismission ─── n.解散;免职

3、dissuasive ─── adj.劝诫的,劝阻的

4、discussion ─── n.讨论,议论

5、dissipation ─── n.浪费;消散;[物]损耗

6、discursion ─── n.漫谈离题

7、dissension ─── n.纠纷;意见不合;争吵;倾轧

8、discission ─── n.挑开术

9、dissuasions ─── n.劝阻;劝戒;谏诤

dissuasion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、dissuasion tone ─── 劝阻蜂音

2、in case that the dissuasion or stop fails, the pipeline enterprises shall report the situation to the fuel gas, public security, and other relevant administrative departments without delay. ─── 劝阻、制止无效的,应当及时报告燃气、公安等有关管理部门。

3、deliberately intercepting or boarding vehicles by force or impeding the normal operation of vehicles in disregard of dissuasion; ─── 无理拦截车辆或者强行登车影响车辆正常运行,不听劝阻的;

4、Deliberately passing through an area when passage is forbidden in express terms by public security organs at or above the county level, in disregard of dissuasion; ─── 在县级以上公安机关明令禁止通行的地区,强行通行,不听公安人员劝阻的;

5、When I reiterate the dissuasion which you have tired of, ─── 当我一遍又一遍地重复你早已听腻的话语

6、Dissuasion Energy Conversation Based EGR Rate Measurement of EGR Rate for Transient Operations ─── 瞬态工况下EGR率测量方法的研究

7、Dissuasion Energy Conversation Based EGR Rate Measurement of EGR Rate for Transient Operations ─── 瞬态工况下EGR率测量方法的研究

8、kate went to america with mike anyhow, leaving her parents' dissuasion out of account. ─── 凯特没有理会父母的劝阻,毅然和麦克去了美国。

9、1.reason with (somebody) for the purpose of dissuasion. ─── 和某人理论为了劝阻的目的。

10、do not listen to the warnings and dissuasion, have the right to terminate the meeting. ─── 对不听劝阻和警告的,有权终止会见。

11、Illegally hold up or detain a motor vehicle, without listening to the dissuasion, thus causing serious traffic jam or heavy property losses. ─── 非法拦截、扣留机动车辆,不听劝阻,造成交通严重阻塞或者较大财产损失的。

12、The phenomenon of dissuasion and literateur of remonstration officials in tang dynasty ─── 唐代谏诤风气与文学家谏官的命运

13、kate went to america with mike anyhow, leaving her parents' dissuasion out of account. ─── 凯特没有理会父母的劝阻,毅然和麦克去了美国。

14、and dissuasion is not as good as introspection. ─── 兴叹胜于欣慰,劝诫不如自省。

15、I wiped off my tears, grasped the bag and rushed out, disregarding at all the dissuasion and unknown expressions of my colleagues. ─── 我擦下眼泪拿起包就往外跑,全然不顾同事的劝阻和莫名的表情。

16、When I reiterate the dissuasion which you have tired of, please listen to me with patience, Don't cut into on my words. ─── 你小的时候,我不得不重复那个讲过千百遍的故事,直到你进入梦乡。

17、making a forcible passage in violation of the regulations on traffic control and refusing to yield to dissuasion; ─── 违反交通管制的规定强行通行,不听劝阻的;

18、force de dissuasion ─── 劝阻的说服力

19、4) deliberately intercepting or boarding vehicles by force or impeding the normal operation of vehicles in disregard of dissuasion; ─── (四)无理拦截车辆或者强行登车影响车辆正常运行,不听劝阻的;

20、By dissuasion, criticism and education invalid, be warned by public security organs, reprimanded or put an end to; ─── 经劝阻、批评和教育无效的,由公安机关予以警告、训诫或者制止;

21、5) deliberately passing through an area when passage is forbidden in express terms by public security organs at or above the county level, in disregard of dissuasion; ─── (五)在县级以上公安机关明令禁止通行的地区,强行通行,不听公安人员劝阻的;

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