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08-21 投稿


dailies 发音

英:[?de?l?z]  美:[?de?liz]

英:  美:

dailies 中文意思翻译



dailies 反义词

annual | monthly |weekly | nightly

dailies 同义词

customary | periodical | dairy | accustomed | paper | day-after-day | day after day | per diem | diary | diurnal | sheet | day-by-day | servant |everyday | every day | day by day | quotidian | day | circadian | day-to-day | regular | newspaper | by | publication | organ | regularly | casual

dailies 词性/词形变化,dailies变形

名词: dailiness |名词复数: dailies |

dailies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At regular intervals the London dailies and weeklies break into sonorous complaints against the American invasion. ─── 每个一段时间,伦敦日报和周报就会大肆痛斥美国的侵略。

2、Begin by describing what you see on the weekly charts, move on to the dailies, and only after that write down your trading ideas on the action line. ─── 要说明你在周线上看见了什么,每天坚持,在行动计划里也要写上你的想法。

3、The story was in all the dailies. ─── 这则新闻刊登在所有日报上。

4、FICC; International Federation of Catholic Dailies and Periodicals; ─── 国际天主教日报和期刊联合会;

5、Still, the Asahi newspaper, one of Japan's leading dailies, expressed concern about Tokyo's bid in an editorial last month. ─── 日本最重要的日报之一报,仍旧在上个月的一篇短评中表达了对东京申奥的关心。

6、Briefing editors of national dailies, a senior Indian official suggested that there was no point in the press showing any "hysteria" . ─── 作为一名国家事务评论编辑,一名印度高级官员建议媒体不要动辄就“歇斯底里”。

7、As elsewhere, France's dailies face the challenge of the web. ─── 和其他地方一样,法国的日报也要面对网媒的挑战。

8、Strong unions keep them there in Fleet Street,home of some London's biggest dailies,it is understood that when two unions quarrel over three jobs ,the argument is settled by giving each union two . ─── 强大的联盟可以维持他们在舰队街里,该地是伦敦最大日报的总部。当两个联盟争吵着要三份工作的时候,经常会通过给每个联盟两个职位来解决争端。

9、The ABC reported that for the 530 biggest dailies, average circulation in the past six months was 3.6% lower than in the same period a year earlier; ─── 发行量审计局报告说在530份最大的日报中,过去6个月的平均发行量,同一年前同期相比下降3.6%;

10、"Many families subscribe to English language newspapers, but not the Chinese language dailies." ─── 许多家庭里,只订阅英文报,而不订华文报。

11、Economic pressures have also brought New York’s feuding dailies to the negotiating table. ─── 但是考虑到现在这些行业所处的悲惨的状态有很多这样的例子。

12、490. Details about the tailor's tail are not available from the prevailing dailies. ─── 有关我缝在尾巴的细节可从时髦的日报上得到。

13、In Detroit, Michigan, the two big dailies are reducing home delivery to three days a week. In Ohio, the state's largest papers still compete but now share stories. ─── 在密歇根州底特律市,两家最大的日报已经将投递时间缩减为每周三天.在俄亥俄州,最大的报纸仍在竞争,不过现在已分享新闻.

14、Development of Local Comprehensive Dailies ─── 地市级综合性日报发展刍议

15、Dailies: Picture and sound work prints of a day's shooting; ─── 工作样片:一天的影像和声音工作拷贝片;

16、"We have seen the pictures re-printed in the German dailies, it doesn't really make us jump for joy," added Ballack. ─── “我们看到了德国报纸上翻印的图片,它没有真正让我们暴跳如雷或者欣喜”巴拉克补充。

17、Still, the Asahi newspaper, one of Japan's leading dailies, expressed concern about Tokyo's bid in an editorial last month. ─── 日本最重要的日报之一报,仍旧在上个月的一篇短评中表达了对东京申奥的关心。

18、Many US dailies face uncertain futures, battered by quickly declining ad revenue in the age of the Internet and a teetering economy. ─── 目前美国国内很多报业前景黯淡,这主要因为在如今的互联网大兴和经济衰退时期,报纸的广告收入大幅缩水。

19、I take in two dailies and one weekly. ─── 我订阅两份日报和一份周刊。

20、Mass advertising steadily destroyed competitive dailies; monopoly became the norm. ─── 大宗广告不断地摧毁竞争日报;垄断成为普遍现象。

21、Interest in his forecast revived this fall when he published an article in Izvestia, one of Russia's biggest national dailies. ─── 今年秋天,他在作为俄国发行量最大的日报之一的消息报发表一篇文章之后,人们对他的预言的兴趣重燃。

22、"That fellow's the special correspondent of one of the Paris dailies. ─── 他说那是巴黎一家报纸的特派记者:“不过,他不是为您来的。

23、As roommate and townhouses joint subscription of at least one English dailies and a magazine. ─── 住校生不妨与同室室友合资订阅至少一种英文日报及一种杂志。

24、They sometimes bought control of leading dailies. ─── 有时,它们通过收买控制主要日报。

25、That’s what the Seattle Post-Intelligencer did yesterday, shutting down after 146 years of publishing and thus subtracting another title from the vanishing roster of competing dailies in America。 ─── 这就是西雅图邮讯昨天所做的,在出版了146年后停工了,从此美国的日报业名册里又少了一个竞争对手。

26、All the major dailies carried the story on the front page. ─── 几家主要的日报均在头版刊登了这一消息。

27、The dailies of the country all carry the story on the front page. ─── 该国所有的日报都在头版刊登了这一事件。

28、In the north of the long and narrow flatland between Canshan Mountains and Erhai, Xizhou Village lies in Daili Autonomous Prefecture of Bai Nationality, northwest of Yunan Province. ─── 喜洲村位于云南省西北部的大理白族自治州,苍山与洱海之间狭长的平坝地带北端。

29、People are talking about dailies, what are they?? ─── 常听人说每日必做,那是什么?

30、Economic pressures have also brought New York's feuding dailies to the negotiating table. ─── 经济压力也使纽约的两个长期仇恨日报对手坐到了谈判桌前。

31、Of the Chinese-language dailies, 24 cover mainly local and overseas general news; three focus on finance; and the rest cover entertainment news, especially television and cinema news. ─── 中文报章中,有24份以报道本港和世界新闻为主,3份集中报道财经新闻,其余的则专门报道娱乐新闻,刊载影视圈消息。

32、So he told Carrie he would be up in a few moments, and went to secure and scan the dailies. ─── 于是,他告诉嘉莉他过一会儿再上来,就去找报纸看了。

33、418. Dailies, morning papers, evening papers, plus weekly, monthly, bimonthly and quarterly journals can make readers busy reading all day long. ─── 日报、早报、晚报及周刊、月刊、双月刊、季刊可够读者读的。

34、For the country’s independent dailies, the government enjoys employing subtle forms of intimidation to ensure readers’ attention is directed elsewhere. ─── 政府还乐于应用狡猾巧妙的威吓手段来对付其它独立派报纸、,以确保读者的注意被适当操控。

35、2) Content of the Lianhe Zaobao differs from that of the English dailies. ─── 二、《联合早报》的内容跟英文报章不同。

36、When it comes to dailies, we look at the currently active month, but what about the weeklies? ─── 如果一个商品的价格太高,肯定有另外一个商品能替代它。

37、Content of the Lianhe Zaobao differs from that of the English dailies. ─── 《联合早报》的内容跟英文报章不同。

38、Many US dailies face uncertain futures, battered by quickly declining ad revenue in the age of the Internet and a teetering economy. ─── 目前美国国内很多报业前景黯淡,这主要因为在如今的互联网大兴和经济衰退时期,报纸的广告收入大幅缩水。

39、Details about the tailor's tail are available from the prevailing dailies. ─── 缝在尾巴的细节可从流行的日报上得到。

40、Large newspapers can afford to have many such features produced by their staffs, but most dailies buy the material from syndicates that profit by selling to publications throughout the nation. ─── 大型报纸能够刊登许多由报社人员撰写的这种特写,但大多数日报却是向一些专门机构购买这种稿件的。这些专门机构也正是通过向国内出版机构提供此类稿件来赢利的。

41、Two English and six Chinese dailies are published on the Internet. ─── 年内,两份英文日报和六份中文日报分别通过互联网出版。

42、Usually on a feature film, when the director comes to view the dailies, there's about 20-25 minutes of footage to be seen. ─── 通常情况下拍摄一部长片,当导演看一天拍摄情况时,大概要看20-25分钟的片段。

43、The dailies have not appeared today. ─── 今天的日报还没出版。

44、10. Details about the tailor's tail are available from the prevailing dailies. ─── 有关我缝在尾巴的细节可从流行的日报上得到。

45、Our data show that local dailies and their websites are a potent combination, capturing a commanding share of the audience for local news and information. ─── 我们的资料指出,地方日报及其网站是一个种有效的信息综合,而且在读者对当地新闻和信息的需求上占有绝对份额。

46、The Sun is one of three English-language dailies in Malaysia and until now had been considered the most independent in its journalism. ─── 《太阳报》是马来西亚3种英语日报中的一种,到目前为止,被认为在新闻报道中是相当独立的报纸。

47、Recent auctions of other American dailies have drawn few bidders and trading statistics have been grim. ─── 最近,其它美国日报的标售很少有人问津,交易统计数字也不尽人意。

48、The Chinese and English dailies have to explain their slant in reporting on the racial remarks by Ahmad. ─── 政府下令中文和英文报章解释他们在阿末伊斯迈种族言论上的倾斜报导。

49、If you use weeklies and dailies to get in, use them also to get out. ─── 如果你采用周线图或日线图进场,那么也必须用同样的图出场。

50、For the country's independent dailies, the government enjoys employing subtle forms of intimidation to ensure readers' attention is directed elsewhere. ─── 政府还乐于应用狡猾巧妙的威吓手段来对付其它独立派报纸,以控制读者注意力符合官方角度。

51、Select national dailies first. Then select regional or local daily newspapers. ─── 首先选取全国性报纸。再选取地区性或本地日报。

52、If you cannot make money with dailies, a live screen will only help you lose faster. ─── 实际上,如果用日线图不能赚钱,那么即时数据只会让交易者亏的更惨。

53、Most national dailies are in English. ─── 多数全国性的日报多使用英语。

54、That was all over the national dailies. ─── 全国各大日报上都刊登了那条消息。

55、Use cash or interbank data for your weekly charts and futures data for the dailies to pinpoint entries and exits. ─── 周线图用现金业务或银行数据,日线图用期货数据,以找到进场点和出场点。

56、Do not permit yourself to peek at the dailies because this may color your analysis of weekly charts. ─── 在这个决策过程里,不允许再看日线图,因为这会影响你对周线图的分析。

57、Via Dailies, from when you can start BGs. EXP in daily quest, and hinting on along with honour. [/quote ─── 从你开始能进入战场开始就能接到战场日常任务.完成任务得到的经验和得到的荣誉一样会随等级增加?

58、New dailies, rewards, and more will be available at the Argent Tournament grounds to lure adventurers into the coliseum. ─── 银色锦标赛将增加新日常任务、奖励和更多其它内容,吸引冒险者前来。

59、They scooped all the other dailies with the story of the election fraud. ─── 他们抢在其他日报之前独家发表选举舞弊的消息。

60、The Hong Kong press includes 30 Chinese-language dailies, 10English-language dailies, one bi-lingual daily and four in other languages. ─── 本港报刊包括每日印行的中文报章30份、英文报章10份、中英文双语报章一份及其他语言报章4份。

61、They scooped all the other dailies with the story of the election fraud . ─── 他们抢先其它日报发表选举舞弊的消息。

62、The first two charts are dailies of Gold and the USD. We have an inverse relationship between the two. Friday the $USD rallied hard and gold sold off. ─── 历史告诉我们黄金和美元所存在的对立关系。美元升,黄金跌,黄金升,美元跌。

63、In Detroit, Michigan , the two big dailies are reducing home delivery to three days a week. In Ohio , the state's largest papers still compete but now share stories. ─── 密西根州底特律市最大的两家日报社减少宅配为每周三天。在俄亥俄州最大的报社任然在竞争,但是现在则共享新闻报道。

64、During film production, the animators get together every morning in a small screening room with the director in what's called “dailies. ─── 电影生产阶段,动画师们每天早晨和导演聚在一间有大屏幕的小房间,开我们叫做“每日例会”。

65、Some dailies got a boost, with the circulation of the top ten edging up 2% in 2007, reversing years of gentle decline. ─── 若干报纸因此受到极大鼓舞,在2007年前十名报纸的发行量接近增长了2%,扭转了报纸发行量多年缓和下降的局面。

66、Details about the tailor's tail are ***ailable from the prevailing dailies. ─── 有关裁缝尾巴的细节可从流行的日报上得到。

67、490. Details about the tailor's tail are available from the prevailing dailies. ─── 关于裁缝尾部的详细资料是从流行的日报中获得的。

68、When the weeklies tell you to be bullish or bearish, return to the dailies and use oscillators to find entry points. ─── 当周线图告诉你上涨或下跌时,回到日线图,用振荡指标找进场点。

69、They often run in two directions at once - up on the weekly charts and down on the dailies. ─── 它们会突然进入某个方向——周线图上涨,日线图则下跌。

70、Besides the daily newspapers, there are a number of Sunday newspapers, many of which are connected with the 'dailies', though not run by the same editor and staff. ─── 英国除日报外,还有许多周日报。

71、Details about the tailor's tail are available from theprevailing dailies. ─── 有关裁缝的尾巴的细节可从流行的日报上得到。

72、The market structure of eight dailies of Chongqing will maintain the basic pattern in 2005, the newspapers of the finance and economics plate have more growth space. ─── 内容提要:2005年重庆八家日报的市场结构维持基本格局,财经类板块的报纸还有较多的生长空间。

73、Lost in the back pages of national dailies, the ad attracted surprisingly few respondents when you consider what Dennis was offering. ─── 这些大报纸的广告太多了,这个广告没有吸引很多应聘者。

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