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09-13 投稿


fulvous 发音

英:[['f?lv?s]]  美:[['f?lv?s]]

英:  美:

fulvous 中文意思翻译



fulvous 短语词组

1、Fulvous-headed Brush Finch ─── 丰满的头脑刷子芬奇

2、fulvous crested tanager ─── 黄冠塘鹅

3、fulvous whistling ─── 低沉的口哨声

4、fulvous def ─── 黄色def

5、fulvous whistling duck ─── 黄嘴鸭

6、fulvous hex ─── 黄褐色

7、Fulvous Woodpecker ─── 凶猛的啄木鸟

8、fulvous tree duck ─── 暴怒的树鸭

9、Fulvous-breasted Pied Woodpecker ─── 丰满的胸脯啄木鸟

10、Fulvous harvest mouse ─── 捕鼠器

11、fulvous duck ─── 黄鸭

12、Fulvous Owl ─── 伏尔沃斯猫头鹰

fulvous 相似词语短语

1、fulgorous ─── 富饶的

2、favous ─── adj.形似蜂巢的(等于favose)

3、fulcrums ─── n.[机][力]支点;叶附属物

4、fulgors ─── n.灿烂;明亮

5、full out ─── 全力地;最快地

6、fulminous ─── adj.雷电的;像迅雷的

7、fuliginous ─── adj.煤烟的;煤烟色的;煤烟状的

8、fulgurous ─── adj.闪光的;闪电似的

9、pulverous ─── adj.粉末的;粉状的;满是粉的

fulvous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、abaxial surface with a thick fulvous indumentum, hairs long-stipitate stellate; ─── 背面与最拥挤的地方黄褐色的毛被,毛具长柄星状;

2、Fulvous Woodpecker ─── n. 暗黄啄木鸟

3、Seed 1, black, glossy, surrounded by fulvous aril at base. ─── 种子1,黑色,有光泽,被黄褐色的假种皮在基部包围。

4、Culm sheaths deciduous, shorter than internodes, thickly papery, veins distinct, veinlets indistinct, margins fulvous ciliate; ─── 脱落的竿箨,节间,厚纸质的短于,清楚的静脉,不清楚的小静脉,边黄褐色的纤毛虫;

5、sheath scar with a densely fulvous tomentose ring and persistent culm sheath base. ─── 鞘痕具一枚浓密黄褐色的被绒毛的戒指和宿存的竿箨基部。

6、Fulvous Babbler ─── n. 棕褐鸫鹛

7、Petals white, occasionally yellowish, costa fulvous, abaxially puberulous. ─── 花瓣白色,偶有淡黄,中脉黄褐色,背面被微柔毛。

8、Stems prostrate, rooting at nodes, upper part and branches ascending, fulvous pilose. ─── 茎匍匐,节上生根,上半部分并且分开上升,。

9、The manufacture of fulvous acid by fermentation is under development stage. ─── 利用生物发酵法生产黄腐酸类物质,尚处在开发探讨阶段。

10、sheath scar corky, initially with a fulvous, tomentose, minutely setose ring. ─── 鞘痕木栓质,具一黄褐色,被绒毛,微小的刚毛的环的最初。

11、Herbs perennial, fulvous, pilose, lacking basal bud scales at anthesis. ─── 多年生草本,黄褐色,具柔毛,缺乏的基部的芽鳞在花期。

12、Fulvous Owl ─── n. 茶色林鸮

13、Fulvous Wren ─── n. 茶色鹪鹩

14、abaxial surface yellowish, fulvous, rust-brown or rust-yellow, indumentum thin or thickly felted; ─── 背面淡黄,黄褐色,锈棕色或锈黄的,毛被薄或厚毡合;

15、abaxial surface with indumentum 2-layered, upper layer fulvous, spongy, lower layer appressed, whitish, epidermis epapillate; ─── 背面具毛被2层,上层的黄褐色,海绵状的,下层贴伏,带白色的,表皮无乳突;

16、6(5) Scales on abaxial leaf surface not opaque, fulvous or amber. ─── 叶片狭长圆形,很少披针形或椭圆形,背面具带白色。

17、Feeding Behavior of Fulvous Fruit Bat in Captivity ─── 人工饲养条件下棕果蝠的摄食行为

18、sheath scar with a densely retrorsely fulvous tomentose ring and persistent sheath base. ─── 鞘痕具一枚浓密反曲的黄褐色的被绒毛的戒指和宿存的鞘基部。

19、Abaxial leaf surface with 2-layered indumentum, upper layer fulvous, granular, hairs fasciculate. ─── 叶背面具2层毛被,黄褐色,颗粒状的上层,毛束状。

20、1 Abaxial leaf surface with 2-layered indumentum, upper layer fulvous, granular, hairs fasciculate. ─── 叶背面具2层毛被,黄褐色,颗粒状的上层,毛束状。

21、Keywords biotechnology fermentation fulvous acid; ─── 生物技术;发酵;黄腐酸;

22、petiole to 100 cm, stout, densely fulvous hirsute, with short prickles; ─── 叶柄给100厘米,坚固,密被黄褐色具长硬毛,具短皮刺;

23、drupe globose, to 2 cm in diam., fulvous, usually 1-celled, 1-seeded. ─── 核果球状,直径对2厘米,黄褐色,通常是1室,1种子。

24、petiole 6--18 cm, densely fulvous pilose; ─── 叶柄6-18厘米,浓密具柔毛;

25、abaxial surface fulvous or gray-white, indumentum felted or woolly, 1- or 2-layered; ─── 灰白色的黄褐色的或的背面,毛被毡合或具绵状毛,1或2层;

26、2(1) Abaxial surface of leaves fulvous to rufous, with felted continuous indumentum of branched hairs. ─── 叶背面黄褐色的到红棕色,具毡状分枝毛的连续的毛被。

27、petiole 1--22 cm, with dense white or fulvous multicellular hairs; ─── 叶柄1-22厘米,具紧密的白色或多细胞毛;

28、Fulvous harvest mouse ─── n. 棕禾鼠

29、Capsule brown or fulvous, rough with minute tubercles; aril yellow. ─── 蒴果棕色或黄褐色,粗糙的具小小瘤;假种皮黄。

30、Herbs perennial, fulvous, pilose, lacking basal bud scales at anthesis. ─── 多年生草本,黄褐色,具柔毛,缺乏的基部的芽鳞在花期。

31、Inflorescence a terminal panicle of umbels, densely fulvous hirsute-tomentose, with short, straight, conic prickles; ─── 花序伞形花序组成的顶生圆锥花序的,密被黄褐色具长硬毛被绒毛,具短,直,圆锥形皮刺;

32、Flower subsessile, heterostylous.Calyx campanulate, 5--6 mm, densely fulvous glandular pubescent, parted to middle or below; ─── 花萼钟状,5-6毫米,浓密黄褐色的腺状短柔毛,深裂至中部或下部;

33、fulvous tree duck ─── n. 褐树鸭

34、Capsule subglobose, 1.2-2.2 cm in diam.;pericarp brown or fulvous, very thick and rigid, rough with minute tubercles. ─── 蒴果近球形,直径1.2-2.2厘米,果皮棕色或者黄褐色,非常厚和硬,粗糙具小小瘤。

35、Fulvous Pitta ─── n. 栗头八色鸫

36、Culm sheaths fulvous, shorter than internodes, prominently ridged with purple veinlets; ─── 黄褐色的竿箨,节间的短于,显著与紫色的小静脉一起成脊状;

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