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08-21 投稿


thereby 发音

英:[?e?'ba?]  美:[,??r'ba?]

英:  美:

thereby 中文意思翻译



thereby 网络释义

thereby 相似词语短语

1、hereby ─── adv.以此方式,据此;特此

2、thereof ─── adv.它的;由此;在其中;关于…;将它

3、thereto ─── adv.另外;到那

4、thereon ─── adv.以……为根据;在其上,随即;与此相关

5、therapy ─── n.治疗,疗法

6、therein ─── adv.在其中;在那里

7、whereby ─── conj.凭借;通过…;借以;与…一致;adv.凭此;借以

8、thereat ─── adv.在那里,在那时;因此,于是

9、there's ─── contr.那儿有(thereis;therehas)

thereby 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Unfortunately, their effect can merely accelerate the human body's metabolism thereby consuming fat faster. ─── 可惜,它们的功效仅仅是加速人体的新陈代谢从而更快地消耗脂肪。

2、The 20th century's revolution in infotechnology will thereby merge with the 21st century's revolution in biotechnology. ─── 20世纪信息技术的革命将由此同21世纪的生物技术革命融为一体。

3、But they don't take advantage of all that solar heat, thereby missing out on the majority of the solar energy reaching the cell. ─── 但是它们并没有利用所有的太阳热能,因此在能量到达电池前浪费了大部分的太阳能。

4、Bali, P.Conrad and M. Darnel is thereby extended. ─── Ball, P.Conradand M.Darnel在[1]中的结果。

5、To spread into new habitats and thereby diverge or diversify.Used of a group of organisms. ─── 分散,扩展到新的聚居地传到新的产地从而分散或变化。用于组织群落

6、His home is hidden in the trees thereby. ─── 他的家就在那附近的树林之中。

7、This gives you the opportunity to pray for and bless the other, thereby blessing yourself. ─── 这给你了一个机会去为他人祈祷和祝福,从而赐福给你自己。

8、No liability shall be assumed or thereby incurred for error or omission. ─── 任何错误或遗漏均不构成或引致任何法律责任。

9、For he thereby deprives his life of a dimension of beauty. ─── 因为他剥夺了自己生命中崭新的一个世界(领域,次元)的美。

10、They paid cash,thereby avoiding interestcharges. ─── 他们付的是现金,以免付利息.

11、Thereby denying their own feelings, and that the Heart and Happiness Beauty吗? ─── 从而否定自己感受之中,那份心之快乐和美丽吗?

12、We may thereby compute the number of graphs which are isomorphic to their complements. ─── 因此我们可以计算同构于其补的图的数目。

13、Thereby it proves itself to be a biological factor that can be described phenomenologically like any other object of natural science. ─── 因此,心灵证明自己是一种生物的因素,能够从现象方面来描述,如同任何其他的自然科学的研究的物件。

14、July 1st saw the smooth and seamless return of Hong Kong to China, thereby ending 157 years of colonial rule. ─── 去年七月一日香港顺利回归祖国,安排可谓天衣无缝,结束了长达一百五十六年的殖民统治。

15、They were afraid to do so earlier lest they seem unpatriotic in wartime, thereby endangering their seats in Congress. ─── 以前他们曾担心行动过早而在战争期间显得缺少爱国主义,从而危及他们在国会中的席位。

16、Form financial economy thereby benign stimulative situation. ─── 从而形成金融经济良性促进的局面。

17、He Became a citizen, thereBy gaining the right.to vote. ─── 他成了公民,因此有投票权。

18、Thereby hangs a tale. ─── 其中必有文章。

19、Thereby he rejects the one the romantics lent him. ─── 因此,他拒绝了浪漫主义者与他的形象。

20、The key task is to expand the productive forces and thereby create conditions for the further development of collectivization. ─── 关键是发展生产力,要在这方面为集体化的进一步发展创造条件。

21、What pulled open conformity of Chinese haven resource thereby is prelusive. ─── 从而拉开了中国港口资源整合的序幕。

22、He picked up support from several minority groups, thereby guaranteeing that he would win the election. ─── 他得到了几个少数党的支持,从而保证他会在竞选中获胜。

23、A creature might forget to weep, who bore Thy comfort long, and lost thy love thereby! ─── 一个人因长久得到你的安慰而不再哭泣,又会失去你的爱!

24、However, the seller is not deprived thereby of any right he may have to claim damages for delay in performance. ─── 但是,卖方并不因此丧失他对迟延履行义务可能享有的要求损害赔偿的任何权利。

25、Thereby you get a comfortable monthly overview. ─── 因此你可以很轻松地观察每月的数量。

26、Thereby we break a new path to find the greatest common factor of polynomials. ─── 从而开辟了一条求解多项式最大公因式的新途径。

27、And Hamath also shall border thereby; Tyrus, and Zidon, though it be very wise. ─── 和靠近的哈马,并推罗,西顿,因为这二城的人大有智慧。

28、The SDRs limit the current, thereby reducing signal undershoot and overshoot noise. ─── SDR电阻限制电流,因此减少信号负过冲和超限噪声。

29、Thereby becoming one of the largest capital markets in the world. ─── 亚洲亦会因而成为世界最大资本市场之一。

30、He was always studying hard, and thereby he was able to get good grades. ─── 他总是努力学习,因而能够取得好成绩。

31、Dig thou through the wall in their sight, and carry out thereby. ─── 5你要在他们眼前挖通了墙,从其中将物件带出去。

32、Give your whole support to rationing and thereby conserve our vital goods. ─── 仅此呼吁,请全力支持配给管制,珍惜和保存这些重要的食用品。

33、He didn't come today, thereby making it necessary for us to find someone to dohis work. ─── 他今天没来,因而我们必须找人做他的工作。

34、Where the agent acted beyond the scope of authorization, thereby causing loss to the principal, it shall pay damages. ─── 受托人超越权限给委托人造成损失的,应当赔偿损失。

35、Hirudoid/ Hirudoid forte stimulates the production of proteoglycans and thereby promote tissue regeneration. ─── 喜疗妥乳膏/强喜疗妥乳膏能刺激蛋白多糖的生成,因而能促进组织再生。

36、George won the game and thereby hangs a tale. ─── 乔治在比赛中获胜了,在这其中还有一个故事呢!

37、In response,the STANDBY LAN performs a switchover,thereby promoting it to an ACTIVE state. ─── 作为响应,STANDBY LAN 会执行切换,从而将其状态提升为 ACTIVE 状态。

38、He wished to travel and thereby study the customs of other countries. ─── 他希望去旅游藉此研究其他国家的民俗风情。

39、It should limit the unthinkable and thereby the unthinkable. ─── 114它应该划定什么是可思考的,因而也就划定了什么是不可思考的。

40、And minuteness being able to see object changes , initiates thereby a thinking, carry out analytical cognition on it's phenomenon. ─── 能看到事物的细微变化,从而引发思考,并对其现象进行分析认知。

41、He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote. ─── 他成为公民,并因此获得了选举权。

42、KJV] Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. ─── [新译]不要忘了用爱心接待人,有人就是这样作,在无意中就款待了天使。

43、Make thereby Holand establish the position of world economy overlord. ─── 从而使荷兰确立了世界经济霸主的地位。

44、They frequently attacked Ming's dribble and thereby eliminated him as an offensive force. ─── 他们经常性地对持球的姚明进行了攻击,使姚没有在进攻端作出什么表现。

45、They looked upon conversation as the great pleasure of life, thereby proving the excellence of their civilization. ─── 他们把谈话看做生活的最大乐趣,用以证明自己出色的修养。

46、A firm might sometimes sell at a loss to drive a competitor out of business, and thereby increase its market power. ─── 公司有时会低价销售,将竞争者挤出市场,以此增强自己的市场竞争力。

47、Performance, thereby helping to troubleshoot network ports. Intelligent hubs are also. ─── 因此帮助故障扣除网络端口,智能集线器也是著名的可管理的集线器。

48、He is young and experienceless, but please do not look down on him thereby. ─── 他年轻又无经验,但请不要因此而小看他。

49、He became a British citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote. ─── 他成了英国公民, 因而得到了投票权。

50、July 1 saw the smooth and seamless return of Hong Kong to China, thereby ending 156 years of colonial rule. ─── 去年七月一日,香港顺利回归祖国,安排可谓天衣无缝,结束了长达一百五十六年的殖民统治。

51、DHL increases its share in Sinotrans to 5%, thereby becoming Sinotrans'largest strategic investor. ─── DHL对中外运的持股比例达到5%,因此成为中外运最大的战略投资者。

52、Thereby accelerating the trend towards a paper-less office environment and E-knowledge economy. ─── 因此,它加速了向无纸办公环境和电子知识经济的迈进。

53、A type of read-only memory that can be erased, thereby returning the device to a blank state. ─── 一种只读存储器,其中的内容可以擦除,使存储器成为空白状态。

54、The price level could thereby have been maintained at a lower stage. ─── 倘如此,则物价便有可能限制在一个较低的水平上。

55、And the expense and delay of mailing the check itself are thereby avoided. ─── 从而节省了邮寄支票的费用及耽误的时间。

56、There is a lot behind all this.; Thereby hangs a tale. ─── 其中大有文章。

57、The Anti-Spam Training Wizard analyzes e-mails and thereby trains the spam recognition algorithm. ─── 反垃圾邮件学习向导分析邮件并因此学习垃圾邮件识别算法。

58、They paid cash, thereby avoiding interest charges. ─── 他们付了现款,因此不必另外加息。

59、Magnets were attached to the birds'heads to see whether their direction-sense was confused thereby. ─── 他们给鸟儿的头上系块磁铁,以观察辨别方向的能力是否由此受到干扰。

60、Thy comfor long, and lose thy love thereby! ─── 你无尽的安慰时,却因此失去了你的爱!

61、Hamstring to cut the hamstring of (an animal or a person) and thereby cripple. ─── 割断(人或动物)的腿腱使之变为残废。

62、Use of in-house bolsters thereby only requiring cavity inserts to be purchased. ─── 使用自产模具垫板,仅型腔镶块需外购

63、However, you can reset the enumeration, thereby moving the cursor back to the beginning of the list, by calling. ─── 以重置枚举,从而将游标移回列表的开始处。

64、Thereby establishing the immortalization of human mesenchymal stem cells. ─── 从而建立了永生化的人骨髓间充质干细胞.

65、So I shepherded the flock of slaughter, and thereby the afflicted of the flock. ─── 7于是我牧养这将宰的群羊,就是群中困苦的羊。

66、Thereby creating the visual illusion that confirms that it is possible: we have eyes to see all is not necessarily true. ─── 从而产生的这种视觉上的幻觉证实了一点,那就是:我们眼睛所看到的一切并不一定都是真实的。

67、They paid cash, thereby avoiding interestcharges. ─── 他们付的是现金,以免付利息。

68、SELT can reduce operators' costs and thereby the customer's subscription cost. ─── SELT能降低运营商的成本进而是用户的花费。

69、However, the buyer is not deprived thereby of any right he may have to claim damages for delay in performance. ─── 但是,买方并不因此丧失他对迟延履行义务可能享有的要求损害赔偿的任何权利。

70、You may add a sharp or flat to any of the notes (as indicated), thereby creating different situations for each finger. ─── 你可以在谱子上增加一个高音或一个低音(如果需要),从而使每个手指可变换不同的位置。

71、It can be all too easy to dismiss the worth or depth of your own problems, and thereby seek to apologise for your need for help. ─── 人们很容易就会忽视自身问题的价值或者严重性,并由此对自己需要帮助心存歉意。

72、He is a man of great common sense and good taste- meaning thereby a man without originality or moral courage. ─── 他是个非常有常识和高尚嗜好的人——这意味着没有独创性、也没有道义上的勇气。

73、This had been dismantled in 1933, thereby breaking the link. ─── 这一设施于1933年被拆除,从而切断了(运河间的)联系。

74、Become Taiwan area thereby of first westing enclose test company. ─── 从而成为台湾地域首家西行的封装测试企业。

75、Thereby hangs a tale and Russian are spellbound by the latest Georgian saga which has been unfolding. ─── 其中大有文章的是俄国人已被最新的渐渐崭露的格鲁吉亚人英雄传说深深迷住了。

76、As repeaters, thereby extending the distance of your Ethernet network. ─── 因此你的以太网络扩展的距离

77、Regular exercise strengthens the heart, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack. ─── 经常锻炼可以增强心脏机能,从而减少心脏病发作的危险。

78、To cut the hamstring of(an animal or a person) and thereby cripple. ─── 割断(人或动物)的腿腱使之变为残废

79、He knocked over the red wine, thereby ruining the table cloth. ─── 他打翻了红酒瓶子,因此弄破了桌布。

80、Thereby the article clarifies the basic meaning for the subject development to standardize the city planning language. ─── 从而阐释规范城市规划概念语言对学科发展的基础意义。

81、They kept stirring up trouble, thereby hoping to break up the co-op. ─── 他们不断捣乱,企图以此破坏合作社。

82、When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby. ─── 耶稣听见就说,这病不至于死,乃是为神的荣耀,叫神的儿子因此得荣耀。

83、He became a citizen,thereby gaining the right to vote. ─── 他已成为公民,因次获得了选举。

84、A very hot game, thereby throwing the ball hit into the other goal scoring. ─── 一个很hot的游戏,将球击打进对方球门得分。

85、Magnets were attached to the birds' heads to see whether their direction-sense was confused thereby. ─── 他们给鸟儿的头上系块磁铁,以观察官辨别方向的能力是否由此受到干扰。

86、Thereby the EJB technology are broad adaptability and protect for IT investment. ─── 因此EJB技术具有广泛的适应性,并且可以保护用户的IT投资。

87、He gave his life and thereby paid the ultimate price. ─── 他牺牲了生命,由此付出了最大的代价。

88、The TFPI is capable of binding to the TF thereby inhibiting its effects. ─── TFPI能通过其与组织因子的结合而抑制其作用。

89、Their goodness toward me gave me even more pressure, and I thereby grew more and more nervous each day. ─── 他们对我的好,给了我更大的压力,于是我一天比一天紧张。

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