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08-18 投稿


causey 发音

英:[['k?:z?]]  美:[['k?:z?]]

英:  美:

causey 中文意思翻译




causey 短语词组

1、causey demgen and moore ─── 因为迪姆根和摩尔

2、causey mansion b&b ─── 考西大厦b&b

3、causey federal report causey ─── 联邦报告

4、causey federal causey ─── 联邦

5、causey goodwin race ─── 因为古德温赛跑

6、causey flooring dillon sc causey ─── 地板dillon sc

7、causey flooring marion sc causey ─── 地板marion sc

causey 相似词语短语

1、cause ─── n.原因;事业;目标;vt.引起;使遭受

2、causes ─── n.原因;理由;事业;引起

3、'cause ─── conj.因为(because的非正式表达)

4、causer ─── n.引起因素;引起者;n.(Causer)人名;(英)考泽

5、cautery ─── n.腐蚀;烧灼;烙术;烧灼物

6、clauses ─── n.[法]条款(clause的复数形式);[计]子句

7、caused ─── v.引起;使发生(cause的过去分词);adj.由…引起的

8、causeys ─── n.堤道;vt.砌堤道;n.(Causey)人名;(英)考西

9、causeway ─── n.堤道;铺道;vt.筑堤道于…

causey 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、crown of the causey ─── n. 街道的中央

2、I had given Causey and the National Guard strict instructions not to let the Cubans pass. ─── 我已经给考西和国民警卫队下达了严格的指示,不允许他们放古巴人通过。

3、Mister Causey is an important person in the Enron case. ─── 在安龙案件中, Causey 先生扮演了一个重要的角色。

4、Finally, Causey told the state police to fire shots over their heads. ─── 最后,考西告诉州警朝古巴人头顶上空开枪。

5、Richard Causey said he is not guilty.He says he believed all of Enron's financial records were correct.He says he followed rules called the Generally Accepted Accounting Standards. ─── Richard Causey 声称自己无罪,他认为安龙的所有账目都是正确的,他一直遵守“公认财会标准”的章程。

6、I had given Causey and the National Guard strict instructions not to let the Cubans pass. ─── 我已经给考西和国民警卫队下达了严格的指示,不允许他们放古巴人通过。

7、deal may signal that prosecutors, while in possession of good evidence against Mr Causey himself, are worried that their case against the bigger fish needs bolstering. ─── 交易协议也说明检举人担心,审判过程有不利于理查德·考西自身的证据时,案件需要更多的证据支持来揭发案件真相。

8、On the face of it, Mr Causey's plea bargain is also a victory for government prosecutors, who will gain a powerful witness. ─── 从表面上看来,理查德?考西接受辩诉交易(Pleabargain)当然也有利于政府,因为他是一名有力证人。

9、of retribution against executives who have sullied the reputation of America as a place to do business certainly may have encouraged Mr Causey to consider a plea bargain. ─── 安然的总裁已经玷污了美国作为商业大国的声誉。

10、Mister Fastow has admitted to cheating Enron.Mister Causey is charged with cheating investors and others. ─── 两宗案件的区别在于, Fastow 先生承认他欺骗了安龙公司,而 Causey 先生则被指控曾欺诈投资人等。

11、Finally, Causey told the state police to fire shots over their heads. ─── 最后,考西告诉州警朝古巴人头顶上空开枪。

12、Fastow and other former Enron officials have admitted guilt.They are expected to give evidence that will be used against Mister Causey. ─── Fastow 和一些其他安龙公司官员已认罪,控方希望他们能提供指控 Causey 先生的证据。

13、VTC Authors Brad Causey and Bobby Rogers present computer security from an angle that aims to put you into the seat, to protect your network through Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing. ─── VTC 的作者 Brad Causey 和 Bobby Rogers 通过黑客和渗透测试来展示给你电脑安全方面的问题, 以保护你的网络.

14、James Causey of the Journal Sentinel staff contributed to this report. ─── 詹姆斯考日刊哨兵的工作人员促成了这一报告。



例句:1.The book is an analysis of poverty and its causes.


2.She committed herself body and soul to fighting for the cause.


3.This could cause serious damage to the country's economy.


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