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08-18 投稿


formularized 发音


英:  美:

formularized 中文意思翻译



formularized 短语词组

1、formularized synonym ─── 公式化同义词

2、formularized definition ─── 公式化定义

3、formularized structure ─── 公式化结构

formularized 词性/词形变化,formularized变形

名词: formularization |动词过去式: formularized |动词第三人称单数: formularizes |动词现在分词: formularizing |动词过去分词: formularized |

formularized 相似词语短语

1、formularises ─── 使公式化

2、formularizes ─── vt.使公式化;以形式表示

3、formulariser ─── 形式

4、formulized ─── vt.用公式表示;阐述;系统地计划

5、formularise ─── 使公式化

6、formularizer ─── 公式化器

7、formularised ─── 公式化

8、formularize ─── vt.使公式化;以形式表示

9、formularies ─── n.公式集;处方一览表;套话;adj.规定的;公式的;药方的

formularized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Analysis and validation of drawing deformation and partieal thinning deformation the two kinds of deformation have deduced the calculation formular of forming height, drawed experimention curve. ─── 板料拉伸伴有胀形存在时,产品的成形高度应是拉深变形和局部变薄的变形共同决定的。本文分析和验证了两种变形量,导出了总成形高度的计算公式,给出了实验曲线。

2、It points out that the popularity of Zhang Ziping among the young readers was in fact due to a formularized way of his writing,i. ─── 张资平的小说之所以广受青年读者欢迎,其实得力于他的一套创作方程式:曲折的故事+刺激的(两性关系)“组合”+时兴的思想。

3、The resulting model is not a fixed formular, but an algorithm consisting of some simple recursive equations. ─── 所得模型结果不是一个固定的公式,而是由几个简单公式组成的一个确定算法。

4、In this paper, through a superplastic mechanital analysis of long rectangularbox, a mathernatical formular of optimum loading rule has been derived. ─── 本文通过对长矩形盒零件的力学解析,得到了优化加载规律的数学表达形式。

5、3 Success has a simple formular:do your best and people may like it. ─── 成功有一个简单的公式:尽力而为,也许会有人喜欢。

6、Based on the theory of stochastic vibration and the Chinese wind loading codes,the coefficient K in the expression of Davenport spectrum is formularized in this paper. ─── 根据随机振动理论和我国风荷载规范 ,导出了Davenport谱中系数K的计算公式 ,确立了系数K与地面粗糙度指数之间的关系 ;

7、Based on the achievements of harmonious degree, the formular is constructed. ─── 在已有协调度计算方法的基础上,构建了协调度的计算公式;

8、summation formular ─── 求和公式

9、D.Hilbert and W.Ackermann try to give us a decision standard to judge whether a formular of calculau is eternal truth or not.G. ─── 摘要希尔拍脱和阿克曼试图导出一个普遍可行的判定标准,判定一联合演算公式是否永真。

10、This paper gives a novel structure based on the structure of the traditional FIR filter,named the all phase digital filter,and deduces its output formular of the all phase filter. ─── 在原有FIR滤波器结构的基础上给出全相位数字滤波器的结构,推导出了全相位数字滤波器的输出公式,并用实验证明全相位滤波器具有良好的滤波频率特性。

11、For the instantaneous hydrodynamic analysis of the cone valve, the complex mathematical formular is simplified with cybernetics. ─── 在瞬态液动力的分析中,用控制论将其复杂的教学公式进行了简化,展示了数学物理方法在液压技术中应用的前景.

12、We used bottle till my son's was 18 months when the formular was all gone.He couldn't drink large amount of milk at a time by cup, neither. ─── 我就经常各种杯子轮着上, 吸管的,鸭嘴的, 普通的, 每次倒一点, 动不动就让他喝一口.没办法, 只好自己麻烦一点.

13、formular investing ─── 方程式投资

14、The harmonious development among urban environment, society and economy in Jinan is assessed and analyzed applying the indicator system and the formular. ─── 并运用该指标体系和协调度公式对济南市环境、社会经济协调状况进行评判。

15、formular transformation ─── 公式变换

16、"Formular bereits in Datenbank vorhanden. ─── 已经在数据库中存在.

17、Keywords Epilepsy;Formular nao-ning;Convulsion value;Durative afterdischarge; ─── 癫痫;脑宁合剂;惊厥值;持续性后放电;

18、An approximate formular to calculate the absorbing gas concentration profile from the radiation transfer equation and the transmissivity equation is derived. ─── 推演得到由辐射传递方程和透过率方程求解吸收气体浓度分布的近似公式.

19、It's the formular for converting gallons into liters. ─── 这是加仑与升的换算公式。

20、Based on the general theory of counterbalance of beam pumping unit, the paper induces a sim-ple formular for adjusting it. ─── 目的:解决目前游梁式抽油机平衡重调节的复杂计算问题。

21、Diagnosis and treatment of andrological diseases by ancient formular and pathogenesis analysis ─── 守病机用古方论治男科病

22、Based on the experimental results and Arrhenius formular the energy of activation of HC1 reacting with (100) InP, Ea=14kcal/mole, is calculated. ─── 由实验结果和Arrhenius公式求得HCl对InP(100)的化学反应激活能E_a=14kcal/mole.

23、Experiment proves this formular is feasible. ─── 实践证明,该公式是行之有效的。

24、From velocity &mechanical analyzing, lead to some new formular related vertical screw conveyor. It is benefical to research, design, production &application of this kind of machine. ─── 从物料的速度和受力分析着手,导出了有关立式螺旋输送机的一些新公式,以期有利于这种机型的研究、设计、制造和应用。

25、To realize the design, the paper puts forward the formular to calculate the length of back filling area. ─── 提出对台背回填进行刚柔过渡设计,提出了台背路基工后沉降控制标准,提出了台背回填长度确定公式;

26、The Connotation of Liu Xie's"Making Formular by Classics"and Its Meaning in Literary Criticism Theory ─── 刘勰"禀经以制式"的内涵及其文论批评意义

27、formular conductivity ─── 式量传导系数

28、Application of Linear Formular in the Calculation of Effective Half Life ─── 直线公式在有效半衰期计算上的应用

29、A new formular for sink capacity was given in this paper also. ─── 同时对库容提出新的表达式。

30、I did not reply him that night.On the way back I formularized a strategy in my mind. ─── 除了偶尔跟朋友出去吃饭应酬,基本上,还真的是一直没有吃晚饭。

31、is a serious phenomenon that courts at different levels in our country are now producing formularized and generalized judgment documents. ─── 我国各级法院制作的裁判文书,公式化、概念化现象十分严重。

32、It also analyses the characteristics of single-tray type floating roof and puts forward the practical method for heat isolation and thermal protection and the formular for the... ─── 文章对单盘式浮顶的特点进行了分析,提出了具体的隔热保温方法和热力计算公式,通过实例计算说明了对浮顶罐罐顶进行保温后可取得可观的经济效益。

33、Formular and Calculation for Third Order Dispersion by Two-Prism Device ─── 棱镜组合系统色散率的理论计算

34、Jiangzhi Qinggan formular ─── 降脂清肝方

35、Study of Kecstablishing Freedom Formular About Space Mechanism ─── 空间机构自由度计算公式的重新建立

36、Jenny and I kept awake in order to watch a Formular One Grandprix, while Evol and the other girl(opps I forgot which one) felt asleep quikly after the beginning of the game. ─── (这完全是因为那时我热爱动漫,每天只看漫画不读书。)当父母也终于开始审视这个问题时,父亲的态度变了,他开始严厉起来,我们俩甚至闹翻过。

37、The development on the calculating formular of degree of acidity of weak acid and conjufate base ─── 弱酸与共轭碱溶液酸度计算公式的推导

38、Keywords fractal;electrodeposit;brown movement;diffusive formular; ─── 分形;电沉积;布朗运动;扩散方程;

39、The formular drawn from computer simulation was proved to be more confirmative to reality of engineering through practice. ─── 通过实际检验,证明该公式更符合工程实际。

40、If you don't want to waste them and buy the formular with them now, I think you can return it if you choose breastfeeding afterwards. ─── 奶粉最好别退,因为商店不会再上架,而是会销毁,太浪费了。。。

41、But Doctor Casanovas says WHO believes that in many places where HIV is prevalent, it still might be better for mothers to choose breastfeeding over formular milk. ─── 但C医生说世界卫生组织相信在艾滋病病毒横行的很多地方, 对母亲来说,选择母乳喂养仍旧比普通奶粉好。

42、Keywords Myocardial infarction;Shuangdan Formular;Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge;Paenoina Suffruticosa Andr;Myocardial cell;Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(BMMSCs); ─── 心肌梗死;双丹方;丹参;丹皮;心肌细胞;骨髓间充质干细胞;

43、A scientist says what he means, that is to say, the truth, which may be formularized as 1+1=2. ─── 而科学家说什么,意思就是什么(说一是一,说二是二)。换句话说,他讲的是真理,可以用公式表明如下:1+1=2。

44、By large amounts of hydraulic model test,the paper analyzed the flow structure around submerged spur,and determined its computation formular of erosion depth for reference. ─── 通过大量的水工模型试验对漫水丁坝周围的水流结构进行分析,并确定出漫水丁坝冲刷深度计算公式,经实体工程验证,公式具有良好的精度和可靠性,可作为设计时的参考。

45、It mainly investigates a special method for recursive program design and its applications a-bout the complicated recursion from the angle of the mathematical formular. ─── 重点从数学公式的角度探讨了复杂递归问题的一类特殊编程方法及其应用。

46、According to actual condition,this paper formularized the efficiency of low calorie oil gas mixed with LPG. ─── 根据实际情况,通过推导,得出了低热值油煤气掺混LPG的效率计算公式。

47、Keywords Corrugated roller Tooth shape Calculating formular; ─── 瓦楞辊;齿形设计;

48、The precise molecular weight that is measured can be uniquely associated with a specific moleculer formular. ─── 测得的准确分子量与具体的分子式完全吻合。

49、Charter 3 analyses all parts that impact the capacity of the NodeB, derive the computation formular of each parts for capacity. ─── 第三章对影响NodeB系统容量的各个部分进行了详细的分析研究,推导了各部分容量的计算公式。

50、Application of Newton Value Insertion Formular in Programming Calculation for NC Machining or Mould ─── 牛顿插值公式在模具数控编程计算中的应用

51、In two groups,it demonstrated that Me-FH had high correlation with ANS-FH in hard tissue ,the formular was Y=86.574+0.6539X for male , and Y=65.4427+1.1156X for female; ─── 在女性组,Me-FH与Ptm-FH、ANS-FH、Sn-FH成正相关关系。 无论男性组还是女性组,在硬组织标志点中Me-FH与ANS-FH的相关性最强,且回归方程:男性为Y=86.574+0.6539X、女性为Y= 65.4427+1.1156X;

52、This paper discusses the inconsistency of the datum of measurment and that of design of cam lift of camshaft and suggests the method of cam lift measurment and the corresponding calculation formular for modification of cam lift. ─── 本文对凸轮轴上的凸轮升程的测量基准和设计基准不重合问题进行了探讨,提出了凸轮轴上凸轮升程的测量方法及相应的修正计算公式。

53、A scientist says what he means , that is to say , the truth , which may be formularized as 1+1=2. ─── 而科学家说什么,意思就是什么( 说一是一, 说二是二)。换句话说,他讲的是真理,可以用公式表明如下:1+1=2。

54、Judging and coding of D,L configuration of open chain form structure,D,L configuration of straight chain form and Haworth formular of oxido-cyclic form structure of monosaccharide which is the basic unit of sugar are explained. ─── 糖类结构的基本单元是单糖,介绍了单糖开链结构的D,L构型、氧环式结构的直链型D,L构型、氧环式结构的哈武斯式D,L构型的判断和标记方法.

55、With the retrospection of the plans and their significant factors, the necessity and the methods of getting out of the "formularized plans" are discussed. ─── 结合历史回顾与成因分析,在肯定“经典”重大作用的基础上讨论走出“经典”的必要性与可行方法。

56、The Approximate Formular about The Speed of The Artificial Satellite Moving at Some Spot ─── 关于人造卫星绕地球运行的近似公式

57、Keywords Jiangzhi Qinggan formular;subdivision;duck models of fatty liver;experimental study; ─── 降脂清肝方;拆方;脂肪肝家鸭模型;实验研究;

58、the character of a taper, understanding the bulk formular of a taper. ─── 圆锥的特征,圆锥体积公式的推导。

59、Most folklore tends to become formularized; ─── 大多数的民俗往往会流于程式化;

60、The Influence of Instrument Centering Error on Angle Measurement Precision and Formular Proving ─── 仪器对中误差对测角精度的影响及公式推证

61、You can disagree with Obama's policies, but this is such hearsy and baseless slander, exact formular and narratives of right-wing extremes and your dear Fox anchors. ─── 大家立场很不同啊,以后发言前应该注明发言人是站在哪个立场说话的。

62、Based on the experimental study and elastic-plastic FEM analysis of composite masonry walls ,a simplified formular for axial compression bearing capacity is suggested. ─── 在组合墙体试验和弹塑性有限元计算分析的基础上,建议了组合墙体轴心受压极限承载力简化计算公式,公式具有较好的精度,可供设计时参考。


64、A workflow model is divided in to two parts:the description of scheduler as well as database updating and the description of properties,each of which is interpreted in an TLA formular. ─── 其中基于TLA的工作流模型分为描述工作流过程控制、数据更新和描述工作流基本特性两部分,并分别表示为TLA公式。工作流性质的验证分为过程性质验证以及数据性质验证。

65、Meanwhile, if the theoretical formular is applied to the calculation of dewater settlement, the results will be lower in initial stages than actual while be higher in later stages. ─── 理论公式应用于疏排水沈降量的计算将导致疏排水初期计算结果偏小,疏排水后期计算结果偏大。

66、These have some importance to fundamental thought of distributer optimum design and formular reduction of pressure on the distributor design. ─── 所提出的结构设计基本思想和压降公式对于板式空冷器液体分布器的设计具有一定的理论指导意义。

67、Fraunhofer diffraction formular ─── 夫琅和费衍射公式

68、Keywords liver-regulating and turbid-removing formular;atherosclerosis;oxidized low density lipoprotein;superoxide dismutase;lipid peroxide.; ─── 调肝导浊中药;动脉粥样硬化;氧化低密度脂蛋白;超氧化物歧化酶;过氧化脂质;

69、An Approach to Application of Approximate Formular in Calculation of Index of Coal Preparation ─── 近似公式在测算选煤指标中的应用探讨

70、formular of pass through drifing sand amount ─── 输沙率公式

71、Parseval formular ─── 特征值

72、Using the above relations, this paper has compared several wave spectrum formular with actual spectrum, and the result is satisfactory. ─── 同时用上述关系式对目前工程上常用的几种海浪谱计算公式进行了对比分析,并与实测谱进行了比较,结果表明所得关系式与实际拟合良好。

73、On the way back I formularized a strategy in my mind. ─── 这必然会的,只是我还没有感觉出来。

74、molecular formular ─── 分子式

75、Stokes Formular ─── Stokes公式

76、although the formular of ... accounts easy in saying, but it's sophisticated to apply to practice. ─── 虽然理论上利润率的计算方法很简单,但实际操作起来是很复杂的。

77、Effect of Lishi No.5 Formular liquid extract on the apoptosis cascade reaction of hippocampus neurons in aging rats induced by D-galactose ─── 李氏5号方水提液对D-半乳糖老化小鼠海马神经元凋亡级联反应的影响

78、According to actual condition, this paper formularized the efficiency of low calorie oil gas mixed with LPG. ─── 根据实际情况,通过推导,得出了低热值油煤气掺混lpg的效率计算公式。

79、Experience in Clinical Application of the Simplified and Formularized General Anesthesia through Vein ─── 简易程序化全身静脉麻醉临床应用体会

80、In fact no one is able to give the exact formular. ─── 其实上,并没一项能给予制定精确的公式。

81、The pre-tensile stress in wire layer of new type wire wound super high pressure vessel was analyzed,and yielding stress calculation of the wire layer was been formularized. ─── 对新型绕丝式超高压容器的缠绕钢丝层进行了预应力分析,推导出了钢丝层在预紧状态下的屈服压力计算公式,对进一步探讨和研究超高压容器的性能具有一定参考价值。

82、Clinical Observation on Treatment 209 Cases of Cervical Syndrome of Vertebra With Combination of Formular and Manipulation ─── 手法加方药治疗椎动脉型颈椎病209例临床观察

83、the effective formular of syllogism ─── 三段论有效式

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