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godhead 发音

英:['g?dhed]  美:['ɡɑdh?d]

英:  美:

godhead 中文意思翻译



godhead 网络释义

n. 神性;上帝

godhead 短语词组

1、godhead define ─── 神的定义

2、godhead mtg ─── 教头mtg

3、godhead lds ─── 教头lds

4、godhead defined ─── 上帝的定义

5、godhead definition ─── 神的定义

6、the godhead ─── 神明

7、godhead kjv ─── 神像kjv

8、godhead boi ─── 教头boi

godhead 词性/词形变化,godhead变形


godhead 相似词语短语

1、go-ahead ─── 前进;进行

2、godheads ─── n.神性;上帝

3、godhood ─── n.神格;神性;神的地位

4、bowhead ─── n.北极露脊鲸;露脊鲸科

5、Godhead ─── n.神性;上帝

6、boxhead ─── n.表头栏

7、cohead ─── 科哈德

8、bedhead ─── n.床头板

9、go ahead ─── 前进;进行

godhead 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There will come a time when it will have been in vain that Egyptians have honored the Godhead with heartfelt piety and service;and all our holy worship will be fruitless and ineffectual. ─── 有一段时间,埃及人虔诚和衷心去崇拜神会变得徒劳,我们所有的神圣崇拜会变得毫无结果和无效。

2、What!have they partners (in godhead), who have established for them some religion without the permission of Allah? ─── 难道他们有许多配主,曾为他们制定真主所未许可的宗教吗?

3、Therefore, it again proves that Jesus Christ is part of the Triune Godhead. ─── 所以再一次证明耶稣基督是叁位一体神性的一部份。

4、We believe that he Holy Spirit is the third person in the Godhead. ─── 我相信圣灵是三一真神的第三位。

5、At the end of the age, Jesus will return to the earth and claim His Church, called the Bride of Christ.His bride will be taken to heaven where she will live with the Godhead eternally. ─── 在末世来临时,耶稣将回到人世,而它的教堂将成为与基督的桥梁,祂的桥梁会带领天堂之路,走向天堂是能够与上帝永生的住在一起。

6、Siva the god of destruction is also a god of fertility, so that we find opposite notions combined in one godhead ─── 破坏之神湿婆也是个繁殖之神,因此我们在一个神性中发现相反的概念。

7、Where does the Supreme Personality of Godhead manifest His supremely wonderful pastime form? ─── 在哪里至尊人格首神展示他那崇高而又奇妙的娱乐活动的形体呢?

8、Sarat's soul longed for the all-embracing realization of the Godhead. ─── 萨拉特的灵魂渴望认识包括一切的神性。

9、The Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His feature of eternal time, is present in the material world and is neutral towards everyone. ─── 至尊人格神以其永恒时间的特征降临物质世界,对任何人都中立。

10、but with respect to his Godhead, majesty, grace and spirit, he is at no time absent from us. ─── 但按照他的神性、尊荣、恩典和灵而言,他无时不在我们中间。

11、God is both one person (one substance, one godhead), and three persons. ─── 上帝同时是一个位格(一本质,一神格),也是三个位格。

12、the separate individualities of the Father,Son,and Holy Spirit,as distinguished from the essence of the Godhead that unites them ─── 圣父、圣子和圣灵的独立的位,以区别于统一他们的上帝的实体

13、After one or two days Narendra said to himself, "If in the midst of this racking physical pain he declares his Godhead, then only shall I accept him as an Incarnation of God. ─── 几天过后,纳兰德自言自语地说:“如果他在忍受身体的痛苦中还宣称自己是神,那么我只好接受他是一个神的化身。”

14、You have yet to understand the magnitude of the Godhead, as your finite minds cannot be expected to grasp the concepts involved. ─── 你还没有认识神性的规模,因为您有限的头脑不能指望掌握涉及的概念。

15、in order to avoid the error of Manes, who held that Christ had not a true body, nor truly suffered, but we must say, with a qualification, that Christ was incorporeal and impassible "in His Godhead. ─── 亚流的错误,就是将‘被造’从基督的‘人(性)’移到基督的‘神(性)’上面去了。而斑马的错误,则是相反。路得对于这种错误,给了一个名称:在‘属性相通’上犯了错!

16、Both to avoid the wrath of jealous Juno, and being eager to beguile the maiden's tender heart, he concealed his godhead, and changed his shape, and became a bull. ─── 朱庇特于是隐去了自己的神祗头面,变形成一头牡牛,这样既可以避过多疑善妒的朱诺的震怒,又易于骗取这位少女的柔情。

17、3C represents the Godhead / Trinity. The angels cry “Holy” three times to the triune God (Isaiah 6:3). See also Matthew 28:19 and 1 John 5:7, 8. ─── 象征神性/三位一体。天使对三位一体的上帝呼喊三次“圣哉”(以赛亚书6:3)。同样见马太福音28:19和约翰一书5:7、8。

18、Nevertheless, the Christ, whether one speaks of the Godhead as three dimensional or multidimensional, is seen as an essential part of the Godhead. ─── 然而不论神性是三维的或多维的,基督都是神性的一个基本部分。

19、His flesh was set before that voracious, gaping dragon as bait to provoke him: flesh that would be deadly for the dragon, for it would utterly destroy him by the power of the Godhead hidden within it. ─── 祂愿意提供祂的肉体作为饵,去诱使那贪得无厌的毒龙来吞吃牠所渴求的食物。这肉体为毒龙成为致命的毒药,藉著在祂内隐藏的天主性的能力能完全毁灭毒龙。

20、Yet they attribute to some of His servants a share with Him (in his godhead)! truly is man a blasphemous ingrate avowed! ─── 他们把他的一部分仆人,当作他的分子;人确是明显的孤恩者。

21、He humbled Himself; He who possessed the fullness of the Godhead took the form of servant. ─── 他自降身份,他掌控所有的神性,却用了仆人的身份。

22、Creation, Lord and Lady Athena, and our Godhead from the 360th dimension. ─── 雅典娜公爵/女士,和来自我们第360密度的的神性。

23、The only true reality is in the godhead, cosmic Source, according to the masters of all time-proven religions. ─── 根据经过时间检验的宗教大师们的观点,唯一真实的现实是在神性、宇宙之源之中。

24、It is very difficult to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but in my case, although I have satisfied the Supersoul of the whole universe, I have prayed only for useless things. ─── 虽然要取悦至尊人格神是非常困难的,但是在我的情况下,虽然我已经取悦了整个宇宙超灵,但是我只是为了无用之事已经作了祷告。

25、For a shirt verminously busy, yon soldier tore from his throat with oaths. Godhead might shrink at, but not the lice. ─── 因为衬衫满是虫,那个士兵扯开嗓子咒骂起来。上帝可能会退缩,但虱子不会。

26、Thus he is the actual seer who worships, in the form of transcendental sound representation, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vi??u, who has no material form. ─── 谁以超然的声音表现形式崇拜没有物质形象的至尊人格首神维施努,谁就是真正看到了真相。

27、5.In the Gnostic view, the unconscious self of man is consubstantial with the Godhead, but because of a tragic fall it is thrown into a world that is completely alien to its real being. ─── 在诺斯替的观点里,无意识的人本身是与神的头是同质的,但是一个悲惨的堕落,因此掉进一个完成地与真实存在完全相异的一个世界上。

28、The separate individualities of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as distinguished from the essence of the Godhead that unites them. ─── 三位一体的位圣父、圣子和圣灵的独立的位,以区别于统一他们的上帝的实体

29、Actually, the godhead life character in these women is the proud attitude toward life, the deep reverence toward life and the pity born of reverence. ─── 这些女性身上的神性生命品质实际上是一种生命的傲然态度,对于生命深深的敬畏,以及由敬畏而生的悲悯。

30、The priests lost no power when they set up a king dependent on them in place of the village godhead. ─── 当依赖于神权的国王出现后,取代乡村神父时,神权并未沦丧。

31、Certainly those who spread the message of Godhead are most munificent. ─── 的确,那些传播首神讯息的人们是最慷慨的。

32、that it is his destiny from his birth to progress, even to eternity, toward the Godhead. ─── 他一生下来,其命运就是进化,一直到永远,最后成为上帝。

33、Godhead, Lord Krsna and to plant the seed of devotion in the heart of the conditioned soul. ─── 传教士热心荣耀至尊人格首神主奎师那,并将奉爱的种子植入受制约灵魂的心中。

34、The godhead is made up of God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. ─── 神性由上帝、耶稣和圣灵三者组成。

35、Hence ye find the Godhead, to a consciousness of an individual in the earth plane, is three dimensions: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. ─── 因此你就会发现,在这地球平面的个体意识来说的上帝也是三维的:圣父、圣子、圣灵。

36、Rivette has attained almost godhead status among cinephiles, it is not just for his movies but also because he himself has always been a model film buff. ─── 像特鲁佛特,高达德先生和其他令人着迷的年轻的手头评论家,他在电影俱乐部和巴黎的电影技术学院接受了电影教育。

37、Oh, for grace to treat the LORD as my God: to trust Him and to serve Him, as His Godhead deserves! ─── 愿上帝赐恩,让我能尊崇看待祂是我的上帝,伟大的主;

38、worshipping the Godhead ─── 崇敬上帝.

39、The Book of Odes even contains some passages which describe the feminine aspect of the Godhead! ─── 所罗门歌赋甚至有一些描述上帝女性方面之片断!

40、" The Godhead in Its multiplicity can be perceived as more complex than three dimensional when viewed from the perspective of higher levels of consciousness. ─── 从意识的更高层次去看,神性的多样性可以说比三维更复杂。

41、Every word of the Torah braided crowns for the godhead ─── 犹太经典上的每个字都在给上帝编织花冠。

42、It maintains the godhead of human and takes an indulgent attitude toward human's guilt. ─── 自由意味着选择的多义性,它既维系着人的神性,也放任人的恶行。

43、Although fixed in His abode, the Personality of Godhead is swifter than the mind and can overcome all others running. ─── 译文:具有人格性的至尊人格神,虽然安处于祂的居所,祂的行动却比心意还快,更超越其他一切生物的速度。

44、I know not how that Bethlehem's Babe Could in the Godhead be;I only know the Manger ChildHas brought God's life to me. ─── 我不知道伯利恒圣婴,如何会是神自己;但我知道这位马槽婴孩,带给我神的生命。

45、Thereafter Jada's son was taken to the abode of Lord Visnu, where he eternally engaged in the service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. ─── 后来,加达的儿子被带去了主维施努的居所,并在那里恒常地服务着至尊人格首神。

46、Here are two mysteries for the price of one - the plurality of persons within the unity of God, and the union of Godhead and manhood in the person of Jesus. ─── 这涉及两个奥秘: 在独一神里面竟有多过一个位格, 以及在耶稣身上竟是神和人的二合为一, 而且这事正发生在首个圣诞节里。

47、They depicted the Black Sun - the godhead's inner light in the form of a cross. ─── 他们描写了黑太阳——神性的内在的光在十字形物的形态里面。

48、The identity of the Supreme Personality of Godhead ─── 至尊人格神

49、If the three persons in the Godhead are "the same in substance, equal in power and glory" then what are the differences between the three persons? ─── 假如上帝的三个位格,是本性相同且在权能和荣耀上同等,三位格间有哪些不同?

50、Hence ye find the Godhead, to a consciousness of an individual in the earth plane, is three dimensions: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. ─── 因此你就会发现,在这地球平面的个体意识来说的上帝也是三维的:圣父、圣子、圣灵。

51、For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power. ─── 因为神本性一切的丰盛,都有形有体的居住在基督里面。你们在他里面也得了丰盛。他是各样执政掌权者的元首。

52、The cosmology central to religious Hinduism is one in which the godhead is understood to be "dreaming" each of us. ─── 印度教的核心宇宙观是将宇宙理解为一个神体,而我们每个人则是这神体做的梦。

53、There is only one God (Godhead), Three Persons. ─── 只有一位上帝,以三个位格存在。

54、the Godhead now revealed, exposed. ─── 那正在显现、暴露的神性。

55、So is it wish the human soul of Christ which mediates between the Godhead of the Son and the dulness of the flesh. ─── 你总不会认为:基督里面人的魂是在子的神格和血肉间具中,是“二元”架构吧?

56、The Three persons in the Godhead are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. ─── 神格中的三个身位,乃是父、子、灵。

57、There are three persons in the Godhead; the Father, the Son, and the?Holy Ghost; and these three are one God, the same in substance, equal?in power and glory. ─── 神有三个位格:?就是圣父?圣子?圣灵1;?这三位是同一的神,?本性相同,?权能与荣耀相等2。

58、4.Balthazar brought a gold box of frankincense. The gift of frankincense symbolizes the Godhead of Christ and our own gifts of honor and reverence to our indwelling Divinity. ─── 巴尔萨扎带来了装有乳香的黄金盒子。乳香的礼物是象征基督的神性,是我们自己荣耀的礼物,对我们内在的神性表示敬重。

59、The object of the rituals, attainable only by the divine devotee, is to awaken kundalini energy, which is identified with Shakti, and merge with the Godhead. ─── 仪式的对象,只有非凡的皈依者才可以获得,是唤醒昆达里尼能量,使之与帕娃蒂看作一样,与神性连结。

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