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submissive 发音

英:[s?b'm?s?v]  美:[s?b'm?s?v]

英:  美:

submissive 中文意思翻译



submissive 短语词组

1、submissive personality ─── 屈从性人格

submissive 词性/词形变化,submissive变形

副词: submissively |名词: submissiveness |

submissive 同义词

slavish | orderly | subservient | tractable | deferential |passive | docile | obedient | dutiful | meek | governable | agreeable | corrigible | patient | feminine | pacific | compliant | respectful | accommodating | adjustable | adaptable | acquiescent | flexible | conformable | tolerant

submissive 反义词


submissive 相似词语短语

1、submissiveness ─── n.柔顺;服从

2、submissions ─── n.意见书(submission的复数形式);服从,柔和

3、nonsubmissive ─── 不服从的

4、admissive ─── adj.认可的;容许的

5、subdivisive ─── 细分

6、unsubmissive ─── 不服从

7、submissible ─── 顺从的

8、submissively ─── adv.顺从地;谦恭地

9、submission ─── n.投降;提交(物);服从;(向法官提出的)意见;谦恭

submissive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the submissive way of one long accustomed to obey under coercion, he ate and drank what they gave him to eat and drink, and put on the cloak and other wrappings, that they gave him to wear. ─── 他们给他东西吃,他就吃; 给他东西喝,他就喝; 给他东西穿,他就穿; 给他东西围,他就围,一副长期习惯于担惊受怕、逆来顺受的样子。

2、WORD OF THE DAY - Monday - servile: submissive and subservient; like a servant The boss responded favorably when I asked the question in a servile tone. ─── 奴颜卑膝的当我用奴颜卑膝的的口气问问题时,老闆很愉快地回应我要求。

3、He told me I suffer from a "conflict" because on the one hand I "claimed" to be submissive, yet on the other hand I was "judgmental" of his "testosterone-based behavior. ─── 他说我内心在作着斗争,因为一方面我宣称是一个顺从的人,但另一面又对他的“以雄性激素为基础的行为”持批判态度。

4、Their early training programmes them to be obedient and submissive. ─── 他们早先受过的教育已把他们训练得俯首帖耳、唯命是从。

5、He went about very quiet, and in a way, submissive. ─── 他默默无声地走来走去,一副唯命是从的样子。

6、they are not submissive as dogs and horses. as a result, humans learned to respect feline independence. most cats remain suspicious of human all their lives. ─── 它们并不像狗和马这么顺从。结果是人们已经学会尊重猫的独立性。在它们的一生中,大多数猫都对人存有戒心。

7、If it is shy or submissive, don't breed it. Look for happy, confident and obedient animals, and consider carefully the particular temperament requirements for your dog's breed. ─── 如果过于害羞或顺从,不要繁育。要繁育那些快乐,自信和服从的,并且要注意符合你的品种的个性要求。

8、A contradictory theme is Lawrence's "dream of leadership": one man shall dominate, the other live in submissive discipleship to him. ─── 另一个矛盾的主题是劳伦斯的“领袖梦”的体现:一个男人必将居于主宰支配地位,而另一方则将以门徒的身份向他俯首听命。

9、It was hard to quietly close to the surface of the body, without any publicity, the quality and elegant as submissive Asian woman. ─── 它悄然无语地紧贴在身体的表面,丝毫不张扬,如同东方女子温顺文雅的品质。

10、He expects his wife to be meek and submissive. ─── 他期望妻子温顺而且听他摆布。

11、You would have had them back long after shrugging them off for ever: strong but submissive, insensitive, while abrasively solicitous ─── 在永远挣脱了那双手的许多年之后,你又希望能得到它们:一双有力而柔顺,感觉迟钝却十分善于体贴的手。

12、If soldiers are punished before they have grown attached to you, they will not prove submissive; and,unless submissive, then will be practically useless. ─── 卒未亲附而罚之,则不服,不服则难用也。

13、abjectly submissive; ─── 卑下的顺从;

14、be submissive to advice ─── 听从劝告

15、in their new roles as dominant speaker and submissive audience. ─── 对于他们的新角色??即演讲人很强势,而听众则很顺。

16、He was submissive to a word of advice. ─── 凡是劝他的话,他没有不听的。

17、'I will be submissive to you. ─── “我服从。

18、She began to embrace her Confucian heritage, she was able to argue against those who condemned the Confucian tradition as submissive. ─── 她开始接受她的儒家思想遗产,并反驳那些指儒家传统为屈服于当权者的人士。

19、His friends laughed at him because he was so uxorious and submissive to his wife's desires. ─── 他的朋友们嘲笑他,因为他溺爱妻子到了百依百顺的程度。

20、Yet he was as submissive to a word of advice as if he had been in constant terror. ─── 可是他好像一直提心吊胆,我劝他的话,他没有不听的。

21、His friends laughed at him because he was so uxorious and submissive to his wife's desires. ─── 他的朋友们嘲笑他,因为他溺爱妻子到了百依百顺的程度。

22、God remits guilt to no one unless at the same time he humbles him in all things and makes him submissive to his vicar, the priest. ─── 上帝不赦人罪,除非同时间他虚己在万物之中,并且让他自己顺服于他的代理人,教宗。

23、submissive children can be cowed by a look of disapproval. To bully is to intimidate through blustering, domineering, or threatening behavior: ─── 唯唯诺诺的孩子会被非难的目光吓倒。而bully是指以恐吓的、盛气凌人的或威胁的举止恫吓:

24、Often it shifts to a submissive posture too. ─── 通常它也会转变成一种顺从的姿态。

25、Replace the negative and submissive attitude towards the job with a completely new, positive, healthy attitude and upbeat enthusiasm ─── 以焕然一新、积极健康的态度和乐观充沛的热情重新面对工作,转变原先消极顺从的态度

26、Yet he was as submissive to a word of advice as if he had been in constant terror. ─── 可是他好像一直提心吊胆,我劝他的话,他没有不听的。

27、If I decide to take a new lover now, I want him to have three very rare qualities: he must be trusting, submissive and discreet. ─── 倘使我现在打定主意要再找一个情人的话,我希望他具有三种罕见的品格:信任我,听我的话,而且不多嘴。

28、insubordinate:Not submissive to authority: ─── 不服从权威的:

29、' This is something of a step for the Japanese, considering their customarily submissive stance toward Washington. ─── ”考虑到日本通常对华盛顿所做出的顺从姿态,这对日本来说是一项重大的举措。

30、She is the most famous of submissive devotees ─── 她是最出名的顺从的奉献者

31、They need to learn how to be dominant and submissive because each monkey might have to play either role in the future. ─── 他们需要学习如何主导和服从,因为每只猴子在未来都可能扮演其中任意一个角色。

32、They were quiet and submissive in his presence. ─── 他们在他面前不敢吱声,一个个都规规矩矩。

33、you know that while it appears quiet, submissive and innocent, it is prepared to hurl a steel projectile weighing thousands of pounds at an enemy many miles away; ─── 你知道尽管它看起来默默无语、顺从听命、无咎无知,却能发射数千磅的炮弹,重创几英里外的敌军。

34、"I will not admit that word," returned the young man; "it is at once cruel and njust.Is it possible to find a more submissive slave than myself? ─── “危险

35、All she requires of a class is that they should be clean, punctual and submissive. ─── 她对全班的要求就是:整洁、守时、顺从。

36、She was headstrong and angry and not at all submissive ─── 她倔强,愤恨,毫不顺从。

37、If I use my influence to make them submissive, their hearts will not be with me.If I can convince them with sound reasoning, they will have nothing to object to. ─── 如果自己利用权势使他们服从,他们心里会不以为然.如果我能以理来劝服他们,他们才会无话可说.

38、Her daughter is submissive. ─── 她的女儿很顺从。

39、the trait of being agreeably submissive and manageable. ─── 容易顺从别人,容易被人管理。

40、From top to bottom the whole nation must at once abandon any idea of being able to live in submissive peace with the Japanese aggressors. ─── 全国上下应立刻放弃任何与日寇和平苟安的打算。

41、Can a person be a true submissive and still assert her individuality and defend herself when she feels unjustly attacked or accused? ─── 一个人是否可以在服从的同时保留独立的人格,受到不正当的攻击或者指责时保护自己呢?

42、Five years after it was launched, the rights group, Ni Putes Ni Soumises, or Neither Whores nor Submissive, has become a household name in France. ─── 发起运动的五年后,权力群体,没有妓女,没有顺从者,或者既不做妓女也不做顺从,这在法国已经成为家喻户晓的名字了。

43、For a while he was submissive. ─── 他暂时屈服了。

44、Bertha would eventually become the dutiful and submissive spouse ─── 伯莎最终会成为那种本分驯良的妻子。

45、submissive children can be cowed by a look of disapproval. To Ibully is to intimidate through blustering, domineering, or threatening behavior: ─── 唯唯诺诺的孩子会被非难的目光吓倒。而Ibully是指以恐吓的、盛气凌人的或威胁的举止恫吓:

46、She was headstrong and angry and not at all submissive. ─── 她倔强,愤恨,毫不顺从。

47、“No excuse”means a responsible and assiduous spirit, a submissive and honest attitude as well as perfect performance ability. ─── “没有任何借口”体现的是一种负责、敬业的精神,一种服从、诚实的态度,一种完美的执行能力。

48、Their early training programme them to be obedient and submissive ─── 他们早先受过的教育已把他们训练得俯首帖耳、 唯命是从

49、This leads to building a brand of underconfident, submissive, low-impact non-leaders and hampers their growth and career advancement. ─── 这会导致建立一个缺乏自信、顺从、影响力低的非领导者的品牌,阻碍他们的成长和职业发展。

50、For this is the way the holy women of the past who put their hope in God used to make themselves beautiful. They were submissive to their own husbands, ─── 因为古时仰赖上帝的圣洁妇人正是以此为妆饰,顺服自己的丈夫

51、But the wisdom that comes frpm heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and aincere. ─── 唯独从上头来的智慧,先是清洁,后是和平、良柔顺、有怜悯、结善果、有偏见、有假冒。

52、Hot-oiling and brushing: natural olive cream, silk-fibroin, vitamin B5 and the NMF penetrate from the hair root, hot oiling the hair, showing the shiny hair and bringing the submissive feeling. ─── 焗油柔顺:天然橄榄精华、维丝蛋白、维他命原B5及天然保湿因子,由发根至发梢渗透营养头发,焗亮发丝,展现头发亮丽动人光泽,带来柔顺易梳的轻盈感觉。

53、You would have had them back long after shrugging them off for ever: strong but submissive, insensitive, while abrasively solicitous. ─── 在永远挣脱了那双手的许多年之后,你又希望能得到它们:一双有力而柔顺,感觉迟钝却十分善于体贴的手。

54、The slaveholding politicians acted as political leaders in the antebellum southern society, while the nonslaveholding White mass played a submissive role in politics. ─── 在内战前的南部政治世界中,在总体上奴隶主政治人物担当着领导角色,广大非奴隶主大众是奴隶主在政治活动中的附庸。

55、Some will always see me as a “9)twinkie,” yellow on the outside and white on the inside, or the “Asian girl,” submissive and 10)detached. ─── 一些人总是把我看成一个“香蕉妹”,外表是黄种人,内心却是白种人,或者认为我是“亚洲女孩”,会顺从,不合群。

56、"As she began to embrace her heritage, she was able to argue against those who condemned the Confucian tradition as submissive." ─── 她开始接受她的儒家思想遗产,并反驳那些指儒家传统为屈服于当权者的人士。

57、servile; submissive; crawling; fawning ─── 低三下气

58、All he requires of a class is that they should be clean, punctual and submissive. ─── 他要求全班学生整洁、守时、听话。

59、meek and submissive; servile; cringing ─── 低声下气

60、With the upbringing tat girls were subjected to in those former days, it seems that the submissive tendencies would be encouraged and the rebellious spirits quelled. ─── 在那些过去的日子里,接受这样的管教长大的女孩子,她们的顺从会被鼓励,而她们抗争的精神会被镇压。

61、"As long as Hung-chien thinks she's submissive," said Tun-weng, "it's all right. ─── 遯翁道:“只要鸿渐觉得她柔顺,就好了。

62、They never become submissive like dogs and horses. ─── 它们从不像狗和马一样变得那么顺从。

63、One of its central characters is Viktor, a talented physicist who stoically defends his science in the face of likely arrest, but becomes weak and submissive when Stalin calls him to wish him success. ─── 其中的主角之一,曾坦然面对牢狱之灾,勇敢捍卫科学的维克多,在被斯大林召见后,变得软弱而顺从。

64、Them Master said, "If you promote the straight and set them on top of the crooked, they will be submissive; if you promote the crooked and set them on top of the straight, they will not be submissive. ─── 孔子回答道:“把正直的人提拨起来,放在邪曲的人上面,百姓便服从你;如果把那些邪曲的人提拨起来,放在正直的人上面,百姓便不服从你。”

65、If I decide to take a new lover now, I want him to have three very rare qualities: he must be trusting, submissive and discreet. ─── 倘使我现在打定主意要再找一个情人的话,我希望他具有三种罕见的品格:信任我,听我的话,而且不多嘴。”

66、make submissive, obedient, or useful, as of wild animals or new items. ─── 使野生动物或新的东西顺从服从或有用。

67、A notable reason for his popularity, besides his smoldering good looks, was his early mastery of the "hungry bottom" (sexually submissive but verbally demanding) persona. ─── 不过他更惨,26岁就掰掰了。唉,怎麽我觉得不错的都是这种早夭型的啊?

68、She listened to it all with the most steady and submissive attention. ─── 她十分沉静、顺从、注意地听着这一切。

69、[NIV] But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. ─── 17[和合]惟独从上头来的21智慧,先是22清洁,后是23和平,温良柔顺,满有24怜悯,多结善25果,没有26偏见,没有27假冒。

70、The dominant hamster will chase and corner the submissive hamster, who will then usually stand upright in a submissive gesture. ─── 处于统治地位的仓鼠回追赶处于从属地位的仓鼠,并把它逼至角落,这个时候地位低的一方通常会直立站起做出服从的姿势。

71、Supple do it, a good straight iron ions. Submissive, then will match the natural point. ─── 做柔顺吧,离子烫好直。柔顺的话会比拟自然一点。

72、Submissive as a tame animal ─── 俯首帖耳

73、In such "scenes", sadists dominate submissive masochists by verbal denigration, humiliation, corporal punishment, tying up, and, possibly, physical pain. ─── 在这样的“小品”里,施虐者通过口头责难、羞辱、肉体惩罚、捆绑以及其它可能造成身体痛苦的手段来役使臣服的受虐癖者。

74、Fragile,submissive,demure and mysterious.That's how some Americans think of Asian women. ─── 一些美国人对亚洲女性的看法是,她们纤弱、顺从、娴静而又神秘。

75、abjectly submissive; characteristic of a slave or servant. ─── 卑下的顺从;具有奴隶或者仆人的特点。

76、Gradually Ming-feng's submissive face was replaced in Chueh-hui's mind by the stubborn, ardent visage of the other girl. ─── 于是那个带着顺受表情的少女的面庞便渐渐地消去,另一个反抗的、热烈的少女的脸又在他的眼前现出来。

77、She followed him like a submissive child. ─── 她对他百依百顺,像个听话的孩子。

78、She is compassionate and affectionate to Her devotees: to those who are submissive and helpless. ─── 她是富于同情心,对她的奉献者来说是挚爱的:对于那些顺从和无助的人。

79、suBmissive children can Be cowed By a look of disapproval ─── 唯唯诺诺的孩子会被非难的目光吓倒。

80、If I use my influence to make them submissive, their hearts will not be with me. ─── 如果自己利用权势使他们服从,他们心里会不以为然。

81、He is a humble and submissive servant . ─── 他是个恭顺的仆人。

82、The Indian females, when girls, are usually mild and submissive, with musical tones, pleasant voices, and merry laughs. ─── 印第安女人在做姑娘的时候,一般都是温柔而又和顺的,说起话来声调悦耳动听,而且总是伴随着愉快的笑声。

83、If he shows his face near it, mine assumes an imploring and submissive expression. ─── 如果他的脸在窗边显出来,我马上露 出可怜巴巴的顺从表情。

84、make submissive,obedient,or useful,as of wild animals or new items ─── 使野生动物或新的东西顺从、服从或有用

85、She has become submissive and subservient. ─── 她已经变得顺从、惯于奉承了。

86、Most sadists seek to dominate a willing, submissive sexual partner. ─── 大多数性施虐癖追寻的是一个乐意臣服的性伴侣。

87、He obeyed, in the old mechanically submissive manner, without pausing in his work. ─── 他服从了,是以前那种机械的、驯服的态度,活儿却没有停。

88、said a ragged and submissive man, 'it is a child.' ─── 一个衣衫褴的恭顺的男人说,“是个孩子。”

89、Advocates of assertive communication argue that it is much more adaptive than either submissive or aggressive communication. ─── 主张进行果断自信交际的人认为,这种交际方式比顺从型或好斗型交际方式更有助于提高人的适应能力。

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