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08-18 投稿


enchants 发音

英:[?n?t?ɑ?nts]  美:[?n?t??nts]

英:  美:

enchants 中文意思翻译



enchants 反义词


enchants 词性/词形变化,enchants变形

动词过去式: enchanted |动词过去分词: enchanted |动词第三人称单数: enchants |动词现在分词: enchanting |

enchants 短语词组

1、enchants hypixel skyblock ─── 附魔前缀SkyBlock

2、enchants minecraft ─── 附魔雷工

3、enchants for bow ─── 弓箭附魔

4、enchants wow classic ─── 魔兽世界经典

5、enchants for hoe ─── 锄头附魔

6、enchants for heirloom gear ─── 传家宝装备附魔

7、boot enchants ─── 靴子附魔

8、enchants for heirlooms ─── 传家宝附魔

9、enchants for armor ─── 护甲附魔

enchants 同义词

entrance | catch | titillate | enamor | bewitch |charm | hex | attract | enthrall | fascinate | mesmerize | hypnotize | jinx | enamour | captivate | ravish | tempt | enrapture | thrill | delight | glamour | enthral | becharm | transport | witch | allure | capture | beguile | trance

enchants 相似词语短语

1、enchanted ─── adj.被施魔法的;v.使着魔(enchant的过去式)

2、etchants ─── n.蚀刻剂

3、merchants ─── n.[贸易]商人(merchant的复数)

4、chants ─── n.圣歌;合唱;儿歌(chant的复数);v.吟唱;颂扬(chant的第三人称单数)

5、enchafes ─── 曲轴

6、penchants ─── n.嗜好;倾向

7、enchains ─── v.(诗、文)用链锁住,束缚

8、enchant ─── v.使着迷,使迷惑;施魔法于

9、enchanter ─── n.巫师,行妖术的人;魔法师

enchants 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To please irresistibly; enchant. ─── 使迷醉不可压制的高兴;使心醉

2、HOw does he cast a spell over you,enchant you,beguile you? ─── 他如何对你施以魔法发令并操纵你?

3、Formula: Enchant Gloves- Superior Agility: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Keepers of Time Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level70 content. ─── 公式:附魔手套-5敏,可以从时光守护者军需官那里买到(望)材料调整到70级别。

4、We are enchant to look for mutually each other, then enchant the oneself in each other look for. ─── 我们在迷失彼此中相互寻找,然后在寻找彼此中迷失自己。

5、Enchanters are able to enchant a players equipment to give it a raise in power. ─── 因此,对那些非完成不可的项目,最好一步到位,不要留下“尾巴”。

6、Once owned by a Venetian noble family that resided here in the 16th century, this boutique hotel enchants with its ambience and location. ─── 小旅馆具有迷人的地点和环境,它曾经是一个威尼斯贵族家庭的财产,XVI世纪他们在此居住。

7、Enchant Boots - Surefooted : Permanently enchant boots to give 5% snare and root resistance as well as a 1% bonus to hit. ─── 使一双鞋子永久的获得对移动限制法术抵抗率上升5%并且命中率上升+1%的效果。

8、Target creature gets -0/-1.That creature cannot be assigned to block any creature with power greater than or equal to the toughness of the creature Ironclaw Curse enchants. ─── 受此结界的生物得到-0/-1,且不得用来阻挡任何力量大于或等于受此结界的生物之防御力的生物。

9、Enchant Weapon - Mongoose : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to occasionally increase Agility by 120 and attack eed slightly. ─── 使一件武器获得有时能使敏捷上升120点并且少量提高攻击速度的效果。

10、Enchant Bracer - Restore Mana Prime: Permanently enchants bracers to restore 6 mana every 5 seconds. ─── 使一副护腕永久的获得5秒回复6点法力值的效果。

11、With this ritual, the necromancer enchants his own body to protect himself from death. ─── 通过这个仪式,亡灵巫师点化自己的身体保护其不受死亡威胁。

12、We do, however, intend to allow Druids to be able to use items and enchants with procs in forms, which I believe will work in the next beta build (don't hold me to it though)... ─── 不,我们暂时还不打算制作“巨猫”形态,当然,“巨熊”形态也会维持现在的样子,它会拥有比其他坦克职业更高的护甲值,同时,也还是不能装备盾牌,一切都是老样子。

13、Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to add up to 40 damage to all spells. ─── 使一件武器永久的获得法术伤害最多提高40点的效果。

14、Gems can't be added to gear that does not have pre-existing sockets, enchants can be. ─── 宝石不能镶嵌在没有预先打孔的装备上,但是附魔可以。

15、Enchant Bracer - Major Defense : Permanently enchants bracers to increase your defense by 8. ─── 使一副护腕永久的获得+4所有属性的效果。

16、Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to have a 3% chance on spellcast to restore 100 mana to all party members of 10 seconds. ─── 使一件武器永久的获得施法时有3%的几率时使所有小组队员在10秒内回复100法力值的效果。

17、One day, her voice enchants a prince passing through a nearby forest.They fall in love, and Rapunzel lets down her hair so that the prince may use it to climb the tower to meet her. ─── 在很多童话中,包括一千零一夜,那些交错纵横的毯子让人们穿行千里。

18、So it's not what you see, but what probably lies beneath, that enchants. ─── 所以,你所看到的并非是它的全部,它真正的部分深埋在地下,这真使人着迷。

19、Enchant Ring - Healing Power: Permanently enchant a ring to increase healing spell effects by up to 20. ─── 使一只戒指永久的获得治疗效果最多提高20点的效果。

20、The necromancer enchants the bones of dead warriors and their horses, giving them false life. ─── 亡灵巫师点化武士和他们战马的骨骸,给与他们虚假的新生命。

21、All Shaman enchants have updated graphics. ─── 所有的萨满附魔有新的视觉效果。

22、Any items or enchants that affect mounted speed will no longer affect any character over level 70. ─── 在人物角色超过七十级之后,所有可以加快坐骑速度的物品及附魔便不再有任何效用。

23、Ignoring all other types of sounds, they begin to hear Krsna's captivating voice and the music of His flute which enchants the three worlds. ─── 忽视一切其它声音,它们开始听主奎师那的迷人声音和迷惑三个世界的笛音。

24、moonlight that enchants the night ─── 使夜晚诱人的月光

25、Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing: Permanently enchants bracers to increase the effect of healing spells by up to 30. ─── 使一副护腕永久的获得治疗效果最多提高30点的效果。

26、Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats : Permanently enchant a piece of chest armor to increase all stats by 6. ─── 使一件胸甲永久的获得+6所有属性的效果。

27、Enchant Bracer - Stats : Permanently enchants bracers to increase all stats by 4. ─── 使一副护腕永久的获得4所有属性的效果。

28、Again, some DKs use the defense runeforge enchant instead of the avoidance one because of their gear choices (or luck therein) elsewhere. ─── 同样的有些DK也选择了防御的符文武器(石肤石像鬼)而不是招架类的符文武器(碎剑)因为他们的装备选择上有其他向的(包括运气上的)选择。

29、The necromancer enchants the bodies of the dead and calls forth a horde of Longdead Warriors and Soulless. ─── 亡灵巫师赋予死者尸体魔力,并召唤驱动一群古尸武士和行尸。

30、Enchant Shield - Resilience now requires a Runed Fel Iron Rod instead of a Runed Adamantite Rod. ─── “附魔盾牌-韧性”现在需要“符文魔铁棒”而不是“符文精金棒”了。

31、The hotel itself, rich in tradition, enchants its guests right from the very first moment with its romantic ambience and the diversity of what it has to offer. ─── 嘻哈生活是一个多语言多文化国际社区网络。有著数百个国家的会员朋友。分类论坛,游戏,相册,交友,博客,音乐,市场,喜欢甚麽都能在这里找到!

32、Once owned by a Venetian noble family that resided here in the 16th century, this boutique hotel enchants with its ambience and location. ─── 小旅馆具有迷人的地点和环境,它曾经是一个威尼斯贵族家庭的财产,XVI世纪他们在此居住。

33、Enchant?I'm sure. My name's Stone. ─── 开心吗?我想是吧。我的名字是史东。

34、Enchant Shield - Shield Block : Permanently enchant a shield to give 15 Shield Block Rating. ─── 使一面盾牌永久的获得格挡率15的效果。

35、A: Yes, you could enchant Temple Garden with both of the appropriate Genju. ─── 回答:是的,你可以将这两种源兽都贴到殿堂花园上。

36、We added that sigil and enchant because death knights had difficulty reaching the defense “cap” in part because they don't have shields, ranged weapons or often tanking weapons. ─── 我们之所以要给死亡骑士提供魔印和特殊附魔,部分原因是由于死亡骑士们无法携带盾牌、远程武器或者是常用的坦克类武器,因而令他们无法达到坦克所要求的防御能力。

37、Enchant Bracer - Restore Mana Prime : Permanently enchants bracers to restore 6 mana every 5 seconds. ─── 使一副护腕永久的获得防御技能+8的效果。

38、Enchant Bracer - Brawn : Permanently enchants bracers to increase Strength by 12. ─── 使一副护腕永久的获得+12力量的效果。

39、For example if you happen to be haste or hit capped, you can cross off the enchant with haste/hit on it. ─── 例如,如果您恰巧是匆忙或打上限,可以交叉下船,匆匆附魔/它击中。

40、FONT color=#33ffcc>It will be possible to enchant weapons and armor with runes. ─── 工匠可以在武器和防具上附加上古诗歌或者文字的魔法属性。

41、The plan is to get a second tanking enchant in 3.1 but I am very hesistant to promise anything. ─── 原本计划在3.1再增加一个坦克武器附魔,但是目前我不能承诺什么。

42、Enchant Boots - Vitality : Permanently enchant boots to restore 4 mana and health every 5 seconds. ─── 使一双鞋子永久的获得5秒回复4点法力值的效果。

43、Enchant Weapon - Sunfire: Permanently enchant a melee weapon to add up to 50 damage to fire and arcane spells. ─── 使一件武器永久的获得火焰与奥术伤害最多提高50点的效果。

44、Harry Potter reaches into children’s imagination and takes them over.It enchants them.It would be wonderful to think that any of my readers might be enchanted in the same way. ─── 我喜欢他的破坏性和独立性,但他同时是他所处那个时代的风云人物(至少我希望如此)。

45、You give up to let me enchant oneself ─── 你的放弃让我迷失了自己

46、To enchant or seize with rapture. ─── 使着迷使陷入狂喜,销魂的境地

47、Dobby used his magic to enchant a Bludger, to close the magic portal that leads to platform nine-and-three-quarters, to interfere with Owl Post and steal someone's letters, and to knock Lucius Malfoy down a flight of stairs. ─── 多比用它的魔法对游走球施法,关闭通向9又4分之3站台的入口,阻截猫头鹰邮递和偷他人信件,将卢修斯.马尔福打下楼梯逃走。

48、We hope that there will still be extraordinary varieties of creatures sharing the land of the planet with you to enchant you and enrich your lives as they have done for us. ─── 我们希望仍然会有许许多多不同种类的生物跟你一起共享地球,??腔崛媚慊断哺咝耍?(3)曳岣荒愕纳??

49、Elemental Freeholds(Double all equiped effect of enchant permement that enchants this creature. ─── 元素领主(双倍所有结附于此生物上的永久物结界效果。

50、The weapon enchants Rune of Razorice and Rune of Lichbane will no longer cause the Killing Machine talent to be triggered more often. ─── 武器附魔冰锋符文和巫妖斩除符文现在不会使杀戮机器天赋被过度频繁的触发。

51、There is something about this dry, rocky island and its people that unexpectedly enchants, no matter why or how you first arrived. ─── 不管你第一次因何而来,如何到此,你都会为这个干燥、岩石林立的岛国及其人民而着迷,这是始料未及的。

52、It contains in miniature a great many of the qualities that enchant his admirers and move audiences, no matter how distant, to tears. ─── 在细节上它包含了诸多令其仰慕者着迷及令普通观众(无论他们的思想距离有多遥远)潸然泪下的特质。

53、Poetry is wisdom that enchants the heart. ─── 诗是迷醉心怀的智慧。

54、The seductive savoriness and sweetness of chocolate will enchant you with an experience of style and bliss. ─── 它的滋味甜美诱人,为你带来时尚无比的魅力体验。

55、We can look up at it, until one day our disclosure enchant an oneself, from now on our choice step on betrayal the travel of the" heaven". ─── 我们只能仰望着它,直到有一天我们发觉迷失了自己,从此我们选择踏上了背叛“天堂”的旅途。

56、There isn't really a lot of choice with your enchants, it's fairly easy to pick and shouldn't cause a lot of confusion. ─── 对于附魔的选择不是很多,选起来也很简单,没有太多的困扰。

57、There is something about this dry, rocky island and its people that unexpectedly enchants, no matter why or how you first arrived. ─── 不管你第一次因何而来,如何到此,你都会为这个干燥、岩石林立的岛国及其人民而着迷,这是始料未及的。

58、Enchant Ring - Weapon Might : Permanently enchant a ring to add 2 damage to physical attacks. ─── 使一只戒指永久的获得增加额外2点物理伤害的效果。

59、2 delight(sb)very much;enchant ─── 令(某人)心醉、入迷;使喜悦

60、It could be that writing about magic requires an enchanted writing implement, and no one has come up with a spell to enchant anything other than a quill. ─── 也可能在书写有关魔法的内容时需要一种书法的魔力,而没有人想得出比羽毛笔更具魔力的咒语了。

61、Will not select to drink wine to the bar, will not let the curling up in the air cigarette bedead the oneself, be not willing to let oneself enchant in green world of red drink of lamp. ─── 不会选择去酒吧买醉,不会让袅袅的香烟麻醉了自己,不肯让自己在灯红酒绿的世界里迷失。

62、They are also required for a high end enchantment and leg enchants (from Leatherworking and Tailoring). ─── 它们也将被用于终极附魔。

63、From mounts to gear, leveling your professions to buying Enchants and Gems, gearing up alts to buying flasks, potions and the daily repair bills, wow gold it all costs loads of gold. ─── 从安装到设备,您的专业水准购买附魔和宝石,准备接手低价竞标购买瓶,药水和日常修理费用,哇黄金一切费用黄金负载。

64、Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Keepers of Time Quartermaster. The reagents required have been adjusted to match the level 70 content. ─── 公式:附魔手套-15敏,可以从时光守护者军需官那里买到(声望),材料调整到70级别。

65、Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to add up to 54 damage to frost and shadow spells. ─── 使一件武器永久的获得暗影与冰霜伤害最多提高54点的效果。

66、Formula: Enchant Chest- Major Resilience: Corrected a tooltip error. ─── * 公式:附魔胸甲-韧性:修正提示信息错误。

67、Enchant Shield - Intellect : Permanently enchant a shield to give 12 intellect. ─── 使一面盾牌永久的获得智力+12的效果。

68、This chance is in %, so if you set this to 100%, enchants will always succeed. ─── 强化几率为百分比,所以如果你定义此项为100(%),强化总是百分之百成功.

69、Popular enchants to get them - wo... ─── 也许嵊州市张樟兴诗歌:,永远没有那...

70、the twelve-petalled lotus flower enchants the eye with scarlet flame. ─── 莲花在此用鲜红的火焰来迷惑双眼。

71、People are always wanting enchants, however most people do not enchant... and most enchanters don't have the materials required to make the enchant that people want! ─── 后来广告在哪里播出刘畅也不太清楚,也就没了下文,不过过程挺让他激动。

72、Each mono-colored Genju can enchant only lands with a specific basic land type.The legendary {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} Genju (Genju of the Realm) may enchant any land. ─── 单色的源兽都只能结附在具有特定基本地类别的地上,而传奇的{白}{蓝}{黑}{红}{绿}源兽(寰域源兽)则可以结附在任何地上。

73、Savagery : Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to increase attack power by 70. ─── 使一件武器永久的获得攻击强度+70的效果。

74、Exotic figures from the Arabian Nights and such fabulous personages as Jack and the Bean Stalk enchant the children as well as their parents. ─── 《一千零一夜》里充满异国情调的人物,还有象《杰克和豆株》这类寓言中的角色,不但迷住了孩子们,也使他们的父母们心醉神往。

75、Enchant Ring - Spellpower : Permanently enchant a ring to add up to 12 damage to spells. ─── 使一只戒指永久的获得法术伤害效果最多提高12点的效果。

76、Effect: Enchants an arrow to deliver cold damage that freezes any monsters near the point of impact. ─── 效果:以魔法的力量,赋予箭束冰冻的伤害,使得冰点旁边的所有妖怪都受到冻结。

77、What kind of magic is yours that enchants me more and more each time? ─── 你是施了怎样的魔法驱我每每着魔?

78、Enchant Cloak - Major Armor : Permanently enchant a cloak togive a 120 additional armor. ─── 使一件披风永久的获得+120护甲值的效果。

79、Furthermore, enchanters can still provide you with enchants for all your other slots. ─── 如果附魔效果更好,仍可以选择武器附魔。

80、If the removed card is an Aura, that card's owner chooses what it will enchant as it comes back into play. ─── 如果移出的牌是灵气,则该牌回到场上时,由其拥有者选择它要结附在哪个东西上面。

81、Enchant Weapon - Potency : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to add 20 Strength. ─── 使一件武器永久的获得力量20的效果。

82、Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster : Permanently enchant a weapon to give a chance on striking to heal your party of 50 damage over 10 seconds. ─── 使一件武器永久的获得击中时可能在10秒内治疗你的小队50点伤害。

83、At this repast, Mr. Chuckster exerted his utmost abilities to enchant his entertainers. ─── 在吃点心的时候,查尔斯先生竭力卖弄他的本领,媚悦他的东道主。

84、bracer - stats: Permanently enchants bracers to increase all stats by 4. ─── 一副护腕永久的获得+ 4所有属性的效果。

85、Enchant Bracer - Spellpower : Permanently enchants bracers to increase damage done by spells by up to 15. ─── 使一副护腕永久的获得法术伤害最多提高15点的效果。

86、"We heard it shatter," the merman said, guessing Shemsen's thoughts."It will be a tenday before the Waterdeep mage-guild enchants a new one-more than a tenday with Fleetswake on the tide. ─── "我们听到了它粉碎的声音,"人鱼猜测着舍姆森的想法,说道,"等深水城的法师公会重建一座至少要十天--离舰队尾波节(*译注1)只有十多天了。

87、They enchant our starry nights and ─── 它们在布满星星的夜空展示它们的奥秘

88、One day, her voice enchants a prince passing through a nearby forest. ─── 一天,一个恰好经过树林的王子听见了她的歌声。

89、You can however enchant for it with ease. ─── 但是你可以通过附魔来提升。

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