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08-18 投稿


doubled 发音

英:['d?bld]  美:['d?bld]

英:  美:

doubled 中文意思翻译



doubled 短语词组

1、doubled die observe ─── 双模观察

2、doubled for ─── 替代演出

3、re-doubled (re-double ─── 的过去分词) vt. 再加倍;把…再折叠;循著…折回 vi. 加倍;回响;急速折回 n. 再加倍

4、doubled upon request ─── 按要求翻倍

5、doubled die ─── 双倍模

6、doubled die obverse ─── 正面双倍模具

7、doubled goods ─── 加倍的货物

8、his fishing pole doubled over ─── 他的鱼竿弯了

9、roughly doubled ─── 大约翻倍

10、doubled die penny ─── 双倍硬币

11、doubled in brass ─── 同时做两种工作;兼奏其它乐器

12、doubled down casino ─── 双倍下注赌场

13、get scores doubled ─── 得分翻倍

14、doubled the reward ─── 加倍奖励

15、doubled over ─── 对折

16、sixths doubled ─── 六分之一翻倍

17、doubled as ─── 兼饰两角

18、doubled die quarters ─── 双模四分之一

19、doubled rafter ─── 加倍的椽子

doubled 词性/词形变化,doubled变形

动词第三人称单数: double-crosses |动词过去分词: double-crossed |动词过去式: double-crossed |名词: double-crosser |动词现在分词: doublecrossing |

doubled 相似词语短语

1、doublets ─── n.紧身上衣;成对物;一对中的一个;n.(Doublet)人名;(法)杜布莱;(西)多夫莱特

2、doubler ─── n.倍压器;加倍装置

3、double-O ─── 双O型

4、redoubled ─── v.(使)再加倍;变得更大(或更强);(桥牌)对方加倍后再加倍(redouble的过去式及过去分词);adj.大大增强的

5、double ─── adj.两倍的;成对的;(花)重瓣的;供两人用的;双重的;n.极相似的对应物;替身;供双人用的事物;双倍;(复数)双打(尤指网球);(在同一赛季或年份两次获胜的)双料冠军;(棒球)二垒安打;(C语言的)双精度浮点数;v.加倍;对折;det.是……的两倍;adv.双重地;重叠的;pron.双倍数(或量);n.(Double)(美)杜布勒(人名)

6、doublet ─── n.紧身上衣;成对物;一对中的一个;n.(Doublet)人名;(法)杜布莱;(西)多夫莱特

7、double-u ─── 双u形

8、undoubled ─── adj.不再对折的;展开的;不再握紧的;vt.使不再成双(undouble的过去分词)

9、doubles ─── n.双打;[矿业]双粒级煤;复制品(double的复数);v.使加倍;复制;折叠(double的三单形式);n.(Doubles)人名;(英)道布尔斯

doubled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The company doubled its size in nine years. ─── 9年来这家公司的规模扩大了一倍。

2、The company's borrowings have doubled. ─── 公司的借款增加一倍。

3、That is, the angular velocity is more than doubled. ─── 即所得的末角速度大于原来的二倍。

4、At the same time my traffic has already doubled from February. ─── 同时,网站的流量从二月份以来几乎翻了一倍。

5、He doubled and vomited violently. ─── 他痛苦地呕吐并蜷缩起来了。

6、Also, costs per injection doubled, from $115 to $227 per injection. ─── 同样,每次注射的花费加倍了,从115美元增加到了227美元。

7、Jo doubled up with laughter. ─── 乔笑弯了腰。

8、Rice yields doubled last year. ─── 去年大米的产量翻了一番。

9、He started running towards the street but suddenly doubled back to his room. ─── 他开始往街上跑,但突然又折回自己的房间。

10、Prices doubled in five years. ─── 五年间物价上涨了一倍。

11、He doubled his income in two years. ─── 他的收入两年内增加了一倍。

12、Soon after, the lugger doubled the point and disappeared. ─── 不一会儿,小帆船绕过海角,不见了踪影。

13、But this time the sponges filled with water and doubled his load. ─── 可是这回袋里的海绵吸水后,反而增加了重量。

14、The production of our factory doubled last year . ─── 去年,我们的生产增加一倍。

15、Our income doubled in one year . ─── 一年内,我们的收入增加了一倍。

16、He suddenly doubled and ran in the opposite direction. ─── 他突然转身, 朝相反方向跑去。

17、He doubled as coach and captain of the team. ─── 他担任教练兼队长。

18、Business has doubled in a year, says Peter Redding, a director. He could easily treble it but "that would bring its own risks, " he says. ─── 一名董事彼特·瑞丁说一年之内生意增加了一倍,可以轻而易举地实现三倍增长,但他说,“这样也会带来自身风险”。

19、He doubled back by another road and surprised us. ─── 他从另一条路折了回来,吓了我们一跳。

20、Over the year profit doubled. ─── 在去年下半年利润增加了一倍.

21、Output has doubled and redoubled. ─── 产量成倍增长。

22、Last year they doubled their yield. ─── 去年他们的产量翻了一番。

23、He doubled up his fists in anger. ─── 他愤怒地握紧拳头。

24、By 2010 the GNP will have doubled that of 2000 and the people will be well off. ─── 到2010年,实现国民生产总值比2000年翻一番,使人民的小康生活更加富裕。

25、Week of Ether: ell cost doubled. ─── 以太周:所有法术会消耗2倍魔力。

26、The company had doubled its profits the previous year. ─── 前一年那公司的利润增大了一倍。

27、The number of Saudi students more than doubled to nearly 8,000. ─── 其中沙特的留学生人数上升超过了两倍,已达近8000人。

28、He doubled up his legs and kicked out. ─── 他将腿弯起又伸开。

29、They all doubled up with laughter when I told my joke. ─── 他们听了我说的笑话都笑得捧腹弯腰。

30、I doubled up with pain when he struck me in the pit of my stomach. ─── 他一拳打在我心窝儿里,痛得我半天直不起腰来。

31、He doubled his blankets because it was a cold night. ─── 因为那是个寒冷的夜晚,所以他把毯子对折起来盖。

32、The sad news doubled him up. ─── 噩耗使他悲痛欲绝。

33、The production of our factory doubled last year. ─── 去年,我们的生产增加一倍。

34、Bigger doubled his fist and struck his solar plexus. ─── 别格捏紧拳头,敲打自己的太阳神经丛。

35、Membership almost doubled in two years. ─── 两年内会员数目几乎翻了一番。

36、You need doubled to catch up the top students of class. ─── 你要加倍努力才能赶上你们班里的尖子生。

37、The same risks would be run if we doubled the guard. ─── 即便是增加一倍的警卫,也要冒同样的危险。

38、Our income doubled in one year. ─── 一年内,我们的收入增加了一倍。

39、The output of diesel oil for farm use has more than doubled. ─── 农用柴油的产量增加了一倍多。

40、He doubled up when he was struck in the belly. ─── 他的肚子被击中时,他痛得蹲了下来。

41、He ran down towards the main road, stopped short when he saw the police car and doubled back up the alley. ─── 他朝大路跑去,见到警车时立即停了下来,然后折身转回胡同里去了。

42、His left arm was doubled under his head. ─── 他的左胳膊压在脑袋下面。

43、On her way back from the fields, she suddenly doubled over with labour pains. ─── 从地里回来时,她突然一阵阵痛,不由得蹲了下去。

44、Not surprisingly, imports doubled in value over this period. ─── 不用惊讶,进口商品在这段时间里成倍的增长。

45、Trade between us has almost doubled in the last five years. ─── 在过去五年中,我们之间的贸易额几乎增加了一倍。

46、Thus, his money doubled or tripled every day. ─── 于是,他的钱也每天双倍甚至三倍地在增长。

47、Jim was hit by the baseball and doubled up with pain. ─── 吉姆被棒球击中,痛得弯起了身子。

48、Cuz I stayed in school, selling candy so my money doubled. ─── 因为我呆在学校,卖糖果所以我的钱翻番了。

49、For example, the following RE detects doubled words in a string. ─── 例如,下面的RE在一个字符串中找到成双的词。

50、Average daily output has almost doubled in the past month . ─── 上个月每天的平均产值几乎增长一倍。

51、When shared, joy is doubled and sorrow halved. ─── 与人分享,乐趣可加倍,与人分忧,悲伤可减半。

52、The cost of child care has almost doubled over the past 10 years. ─── 在过去的10年时间里,育儿费涨了几乎一倍。

53、He doubled up with laughter. ─── 他笑得弯下了腰[捧腹大笑]。

54、He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. ─── 他将一片面包对摺做成三明治

55、That was the basic script for a study that took place recently in an Israeli playroom which doubled as a social-science laboratory. ─── 这是近期以色列一个游戏室(同时也充当社会科学实验室)里进行的一次实验的基本方案。

56、In some markets, grain prices have nearly doubled. ─── 在一些市场,谷物价格已几乎翻番。

57、He doubled in the winning run. ─── 他以二垒打获得了取胜的一分。

58、He doubled the rubber band about the cards. ─── 他把橡皮筋在卡片上绕了两圈。

59、Global warming has doubled pests'reproductive cycle. ─── 全球变暖使的繁殖力加快了一倍。

60、He doubled up with the pain of the blow . ─── 他因受击而疼得弯下了身。

61、He doubled over his back because his wound hurt again. ─── 伤痛发作,他痛弯了腰。

62、His landlord doubled the rent. ─── 他的房东把房租提高了一倍。

63、Carter was doubled up at first. ─── 卡特在一垒被连杀出局。

64、Hospital admissions for asthma attacks have doubled. ─── 哮喘发作入院人次已成倍增加。

65、The Senate doubled the bounty today. ─── 今天议会提高了一倍的赏金。

66、The population doubled within 50 years. ─── 人口五十年内翻了一翻。

67、I was doubled over with pain. ─── 我痛得直不起身子。

68、The output has been doubled in the past six years. ─── 在过去六年中产量已经翻了一番。

69、It's not a surprising move, even for a company that doubled down on PCs less than a decade ago via its 2002 merger with Compaq Computer. ─── 分拆个人电脑业务并非惊人之举,尽管这家公司不到十年前才通过与康柏电脑(CompaqComputer)的合并进入该市场。

70、He doubled back the newspaper so that it can be used as a fan. ─── 他把报纸折叠起来好作扇子用。

71、The size of the staff has doubled in the last two years. ─── 在过去两年里职工人数已增加了一倍。

72、Week of Meditation: Mana regeneration rate doubled. ─── 冥想周:魔力恢复加倍。

73、Having heard his funny story. we all doubled over and some were even in tears. ─── 听了他的故事我们都笑弯了腰,有的甚至笑出了眼泪。

74、His income doubled in one year. ─── 他的收入一年增加了一倍。

75、His money doubled in three years. ─── 他的钱三年增加了一倍。

76、Della doubled the fob chain in her hand and sat on the corner of the table near the door that he always entered. ─── 德拉将表链对叠握在手心,坐在离他一贯进门最近的桌子角上。

77、He doubled up in pain. ─── 他疼得弯下了腰。

78、He doubled up with pain when he was struck in the stomach. ─── 他腹部被重击了一下,疼得直不起腰.

79、In experimental plots the yield has been doubled. ─── 在试验田里,产量已(被)提高了一倍。

80、Among those who used the cleaning sprays at least four days a week, the risk of asthma was more than doubled. ─── 在那些每四天使用一次喷雾剂人当中,患哮喘的风险将增加一倍以上。

81、In the past two years, my pay has doubled. ─── 两年里我的工资翻了倍。

82、They have to doubled up. ─── 他们只得同住一屋。

83、They leant against the table, doubled up with laughter. ─── 他们靠在桌子上,笑得直不起腰.

84、The ministry said the number of accidents fouling the air and water doubled during the first half of 2010, with an average of 10 each month. ─── 环保部表示,空气污染和水污染事故数在2010年上半年翻了一倍,平均每个月有10起。

85、He doubled back on his tracks. ─── 他顺着原路往回走。

86、Dose may be doubled every 2nd wk to max 200 mg daily. ─── 剂量可加倍,每第二周来最大200毫克每日。

87、The opening formed by such a doubled line. ─── 圆孔这样的折叠的绳子所形成的圈

88、The company doubled its size in 9 year. ─── 公司在9年中规模扩大了一倍。

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