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08-18 投稿


coarseness 发音

英:[?k??rsn?s]  美:[?k??sn?s]

英:  美:

coarseness 中文意思翻译



coarseness 词性/词形变化,coarseness变形

动词第三人称单数: coarsens |动词过去式: coarsened |动词过去分词: coarsened |动词现在分词: coarsening |

coarseness 反义词


coarseness 短语词组

1、coarseness def ─── 粗糙度定义

2、coarseness of grain ─── 晶粒粗度

3、coarseness define ─── 粗糙度定义

4、coarseness antonyms ─── 粗糙反义词

5、coarseness files ─── 粗糙度文件

6、coarseness factor ─── 粗糙度系数

7、coarseness-fibred a. ─── 粗纤维的, (喻) ─── 粗鲁的

8、relative coarseness ─── 相对粗糙度

9、coarseness means ─── 粗糙意味着

10、coarseness index ─── 粗度指数

11、coarseness lungs ─── 粗肺

coarseness 同义词

vulgarly | rudely | unevenly | crassly | harshly | smuttily | brashly |roughly | thickly | grossly | crudely | obscenely

coarseness 相似词语短语

1、worseness ─── 劣等品位

2、sparseness ─── n.稀疏;稀少

3、comatoseness ─── 昏迷

4、coarsens ─── vt.使变粗;使变粗俗;vi.变粗糙;变粗俗

5、averseness ─── n.厌恶;反对;与茎轴方向相反

6、awareness ─── n.意识,认识;明白,知道;n.人群对品牌或产品的认知

7、conciseness ─── n.简明,简洁;切除

8、coarsened ─── vt.使变粗;使变粗俗;vi.变粗糙;变粗俗

9、hoarseness ─── n.嘶哑;刺耳

coarseness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Fiber shapes of refined chemical pulp from softwood and hardwood were studied by the Fiber Quality Analyzer(FQA).Fiber coarseness of refined pulp and properties of handsheet were examined and tested. ─── 利用纤维质量分析仪研究针、阔叶木浆打浆后的纤维形态,观察打浆后的纤维粗度及测定手抄片的性能。

2、Stable grinding surface, there are coarseness and many peak in micro-structure which make its adhere effect very ideal. ─── 研磨表体均匀、微观粗糙且富有峰谷,令各种覆层附着非常理理;

3、The Afghan Hound is an aristocrat, his whole appearance one of dignity and aloofness with no trace of plainness or coarseness. ─── 阿富汗猎犬属于贵族犬,整体感觉是高贵而孤傲,没有一丝平凡或粗陋的迹象。

4、Keywords mechanism of the hot guniting;new processing;equipment;guniting and dissolving;coarseness; ─── 热喷涂机理;新工艺;设备;喷溶;毛糙;

5、Abstract : According to necessary requests of special dimension precisions and coarseness of certain forgings, the techniques of plane coining are the best choice. ─── 摘要:针对某些锻件的特殊尺寸精度、粗糙度的技术要求,首先选用平面冷精压的工艺。

6、coarseness index ─── 粗度指数

7、The fore-feet of the Yahoo differed from my hands in nothing else but the length of the nails, the coarseness and brownness of the palms, and the hairiness on the backs. ─── 它们的食槽在房间的中央摆成一个圆圈,分隔成若干格,它们就围着食槽在草堆上坐成一圈。

8、'So you's goin'to marry Antonia Dennant? ! said a voice on his right, with that easy coarseness which is a mark of caste. ─── “原来你就要跟安东妮亚·丹南特结婚啦?”他右边的一个声音说,音调中夹杂着已经成为阶级标志的一种脱口而出的粗俗意味。

9、An analysis for the influence of the "hardnes, divergency, coarseness" of rubber roller on spinning quality ─── 剖析胶辊"三度"对纺纱质量的影响

10、Parameters, based on the NGLDM, such as fineness, coarseness, entropy, second moment, and non uniformity parameter were introduced to describe the texture of froth. ─── 引入了基于该矩阵的细度参数、粗度参数、二阶距参数、熵参数及不均匀性等特征参数来描述泡沫的结构 .

11、It was found that both ONP and OMG could be deinked effectively by enzyme treatment.The fiber length and coarseness were found to be reduced to some extent. ─── 研究发现,对ONP和OMG采用生物酶法脱墨,可获得良好的脱墨效果,但纤维长度和粗度有所下降。

12、7.He has offended me by his coarseness and then overwhelmed me with his delicacy. ─── 他的粗鲁冒犯了我,然而他的脆弱又叫我为之倾倒。

13、At the same time, the relationship between weight-average fiber length and coarseness was investigated, arv:l the measured and calculated values for both length and coarseness were compared. ─── 同时,探讨了纤维长度和粗度之间的关系,并对两者的测定值和计算值进行了比较。

14、The growing coarseness needs to be headed off. ─── 日益增长的粗劣低俗需要被制止了。

15、The coarseness testing appearance can show digitally the surface condition of electric contact. ─── 分析了粗糙度对电触头,尤其是轻负载用电触头接触电阻的影响。

16、Evaluation coarseness ─── 粗糙值

17、A medium size sight hound giving the appearance of elegance and fitness, denoting great speed, power and balance without coarseness. ─── 一种中型视觉猎犬,外观高雅而匀称,显示出速度、力量和平衡,但不粗糙。

18、coarseness of grouping ─── 分组的粗略性

19、It can effectively remove aged keratose contributing to coarseness and pigmentation, making hip skin smooth, transparent, firm and lifted. ─── 有效去除粗糙老化的角质问题,令臀部肌肤光滑和呈透明感,达到紧实丰俏效果;

20、Legs, viewed from the front, straight with good bone, but not to the point of coarseness. ─── 从前面看,腿直而骨量充足,但不能显得粗壮。

21、Blue symbols sadness and sometimes coarseness. ─── 蓝色有时象征沉闷悲哀,有时又象征淫秽。

22、Mistake coarseness for being funny ─── 把肉麻当有趣

23、"So you're going to marry Antonia Dennant?" said a voice on his right, with that easy coarseness which is a mark of caste ─── “原来你就要跟安东妮亚?丹南特结婚啦?”他右边的一个声音说,音调中夹杂着已经成为阶级标志的一种脱口而出的粗俗意味。

24、fibre coarseness ─── 纤维粗度

25、But stubble lacks the finer taper of unshaven hair, giving the impression of coarseness. ─── 但是,未刮净的汗毛茬会给人以粗糙的感觉。

26、The coarseness of her cursing amazed the workmen. ─── 她骂人的那些粗话让工人们大吃一惊。

27、He thinks Arthur and his knights engagingly native but is shocked by their coarseness and their inhumane treatment of the servants. ─── 他觉得亚瑟王及其骑士们天真得可爱,但他们粗鲁无礼、虐待奴仆的行为又令他感到震惊。

28、Crouse Scoring is 460 3.In the control group,the incidence rates of carotid atherosclerosis spot,intima coarseness middle intima thickness >1 0 mm, and carotid stricture are 15 7%,1 43%,1 43%,and 0% respectively; ─── 对照组颈动脉粥样硬化斑块发生率为 1 5 .7% ,内膜粗造发生率为 1 .43% ,颈动脉内膜中层厚度 >1 .0 mm者占 1 .43% ,无颈动脉狭窄 ,Crouse积分 1 42 .3。

29、Coarseness of the microstructure is take-and temperature - dependent.Thus, a "mean" operating temperature may be estimated with study of the coarsening kinetics and measurement of carbide size. ─── 显微组织的粗化(老化)直接与使用时间和温度相关,因而可通过研究碳化物粗化动力学及测定碳化物尺寸来评定管段平均使用温度。

30、window texture coarseness image ─── 窗口纹理粗糙度图像

31、Each and every line of Wang Tong's works is a euphemism. It sometimes reveals helplessness that accumulates to become coarseness and even perseverance and tenacity. ─── 王彤的每条线都委婉的诉说着。有时诉说着无奈,而无奈重叠起来又变成一种粗砺,变成了执着甚至坚韧。

32、To enable the Collie to fulfil a natural bent for sheepdog work, its physical structure should be on the lines of strength and activity, free from cloddiness and without any trace of coarseness. ─── 为了满足牧羊工作的自然倾向,柯利犬必须有结实和活泼的物理体格。没有任何土里土气或粗糙。

33、The neck is of good length, strong and muscular, slightly arched and broadening to the shoulders, without throatiness or coarseness. ─── 颈部长度适度,强健有力,微显弓形并且逐渐加宽延伸至肩部。

34、He is well balanced and shows no legginess or coarseness. ─── 它非常匀称,不会显得腿很细长或很粗糙。

35、roughness, severity, harshness, coarseness, abruptness, inclemency, rawness ─── 粗糙。粗野。粗鲁。险恶。严酷。

36、Coarseness assembly ─── 粗糙集

37、After adequate break-in (I estimate over 200 hours at low to moderate volume levels), the midrange coarseness and lack of focus all but disappeared. ─── 在适度褒箱后,中音的粗糙感和不清晰感彻底消失。

38、Fineness and coarseness of an approximation space in the rough set theory ─── 粗糙集理论中近似空间的精细及近似精度

39、It has no effect on the thickness or rate of hair regrowth.But stubble lacks the finer taper of unshaven hair, giving the impression of coarseness. ─── 实这对毛发的浓密度和再生速度都没有影响,但修剪后的新毛茬末端不像未修剪时那样逐渐变细,所以给人感觉变粗了。

40、Effects: Can quickly infiltrate through the keratinized layer to adjust metabolism in skin cells and relieve coarseness and other skin damages due to lack of water; ─── 功效:能迅速渗透角质层,调理肌肤细胞新陈代谢,快速渗透至肌肤深层,帮助修复干燥、粗糙的受损肌肤;

41、And he'll never be able to emerge from his bathos of coarseness and ignorance. ─── 他永远也不能从他那粗野无知中解脱出来。

42、From boundary to centre of the basin,the reservoir beds for exploring for gas are Oligocene,Miocene,Pliocene and Quaternary and the lithology changes from coarseness to fineness. ─── 从盆地边缘到中心,有勘探意义的储层依次有渐新统、中新统、上新统和第四系,岩性由粗变细。

43、Effects of the Coarseness Unevenness of the Glue Roller Surface on the Spun Yarn Quality ─── 浅析胶辊表面粗糙度不匀对纺纱质量的影响

44、The results showed that fiber coarseness is changed duringbeating,thus greatly affecting the physical properties and opacity of handsheet. ─── 结果表明,打浆能改变纤维的粗度,从而影响手抄片的物理性能和不透明度。

45、coarseness parameter ─── 毛糙参数

46、It is discovered that there is carburized layer, small chamfer and coarseness surface. ─── 在废旧打印碳带上去除碳层是一项回收碳带母带、减少污染的任务。

47、The dog should have sufficient bone and substance, so as to appear sturdy and workmanlike without any suggestion of coarseness. ─── 他应该有足够的骨量,显得结实,精致但不粗糙。

48、I was weakly fell dismayed at the ignorance, the poverty, the coarseness of all I heard and saw round me ─── 我周围所见所闻都是无知、贫穷、粗俗,这使我灰心丧气到了无能为力的地步。

49、6.The influences of the duration of polishing and the coarseness of surfaces on the readings of the Brinell hardness measurement of metallic materials are discussed in this paper. ─── 本文讨论抛光时间和表面粗糙度对金属材料布氏硬度测试数据的影响。

50、A medium size sighthound giving the appearance of elegance and fitness, denoting great speed, power and balance without coarseness. ─── 一种中型视觉猎犬,外观高雅而匀称,显示出速度、力量和平衡,但不粗糙。

51、Finally, a coarseness degree and an approximation accuracy of fuzzy rogh sets based on fuzzy similar relation, are defined and got some resultses. ─── 最后定义了模糊粗糙集在模糊相似关系下的粗糙度和近似精度,并得出了一些结果。

52、It is pretended, that I am retarding the cause of emancipation, by the coarseness of my invective, and the precipitancy of my measures. ─── 有人说,我采取粗俗漫骂的言辞和骤然激烈的手段,在这场解放事业中不过是装腔作势而已。

53、Suitable for use with pimples, rosacea, acnes, spots, acne scars, marks, large pores and coarseness of skin ─── :粉刺、酒糟鼻、痤疮、暗疮、青春痘、新旧痘疤、印痕、毛孔粗大、粗糙凹洞等。

54、Effects: Can consolidate the effect of previous speck treatment, inhibit the production of melanin, long hold up sufficient water in the skin, and relieve skin problems such as dryness and coarseness. ─── 功效:加强袪斑后的巩固养白,抑制黑色素生成,全面美白净化肌肤,长效保湿,改善肌肤因干燥缺水而形成的粗糙、干涩等现象。

55、Analysis on Coarseness Reason of Small Conformation Concrete Surface and Its Prevention ─── 小型构造物混凝土表面粗糙原因分析及防治措施

56、The real Chinaman may be coarse,but there is no grossness in his coarseness. ─── 真正的中国人也许粗糙,但粗糙中没有粗劣。

57、408.My wife's beauty turned to coarseness, and her weaknesses developed to their worst extent. ─── 我妻子美丽的相貌变得粗陋不堪,她的缺陷发展到最坏的地步.

58、- Aggressive or slanderous messages, as well as personalinsults and critics, the coarseness and vulgarities, and more generallyany message contravening the French laws are prohibited. ─── -所有挑衅的或诽谤的、攻击性的和个人批判的、粗俗的和下流的,以及所有违反现行法律的留言都是禁止的;

59、The boy was rejected by his peers due to his coarseness. ─── 这个男孩子因为很粗鲁被同侪排挤。

60、The component distribution is periodicity.The surface coarseness of graphite sleeve affects badly on the surface quality of billet.Crack will be increased with the abrasion of graphite sleeve. ─── 结晶器中石墨套的表面光洁度对铸坯的表面质量和裂纹缺陷的产生有重要影响,石墨套磨损将导致裂纹缺陷的增加。

61、Efficacy on skin: promote blood circulation, improve coarseness,looseness and weak-blood circulation of the skin, treat ulceration and chronic disease. ─── 皮肤功效:增强血液循环,调理粗糙、松弛及血液循环差的肌肤,治疗溃疡与慢性疾病。

62、It has no effect on the thickness or rate of hair regrowth. But stubble lacks the finer taper of unshaven hair, giving the impression of coarseness. ─── 其实这对毛发的浓密度和再生速度都没有影响,但修剪后的新毛茬末端不像未修剪时那样逐渐变细,所以给人感觉变粗了。

63、He seemed unaware that his coarseness might cause others to suffer ─── 他似乎不知道自己的粗陋不雅会叫别人难堪。

64、A dog of handsome form.Vigorous and alert, powerful without coarseness, strong in bone and muscle, exhibiting the strength and agility required of the herding dog. ─── 伯瑞犬是一种英俊的狗,精力旺盛且警惕,强壮但不粗糙,骨骼强健、肌肉发达,显示出作为牧羊犬所必须的力量和敏捷。

65、Lecithin can efficaciously prevent the cutis from going coarseness, thus delay its aging. ─── 卵磷脂可有效预防皮肤粗糙,老化。

66、Keywords fiber length, coarseness, fiber strength, wet-pressing, bonding,tearing strength; ─── 纤维长度;粗度;纤维强度;压榨;结合;撕裂强度;

67、Characteristics Physical structure on lines of strength and activity, free from cloddiness and with no trace of coarseness. ─── 特征体形强壮,活泼积极,外观不能笨重粗鲁。

68、Recently, the contemporary art market is more and more flippancy;The contemporary art exhibition quantity is more, but the contents is alike with minor differences, the creation coarseness; ─── 日前,当代艺术市场浮躁之风日盛,当代艺术展览数不胜数,内容却大同小异,制作粗糙;

69、Any tendency to coarseness or weediness is undesirable. ─── 任何粗劣的或是瘦弱的都是不受欢迎的。

70、relative coarseness ─── 相对粗度

71、"So you're goin' to marry Antonia Dennant?" said a voice on his right, with that easy coarseness which is a mark of caste. ─── “原来你就要跟安东妮亚·丹南特结婚啦?”他右边的一个声音说,音调中夹杂着已经成为阶级标志的一种脱口而出的粗俗意味。

72、He'll never be able to emerge from his bathos of coarseness and ignorance ─── 他永远也不能从他那粗野无知中解脱出来。

73、coarseness degree ─── 粗糙度

74、The traditional Attribute-Oriented Induction (AOI) technique is weak at efficiency and coarseness of generalization. ─── 传统的面向属性归纳技术(AOI)存在概化粗糙及算法效率较低等缺陷。

75、A thing that astonished him about her was the coarseness of her language ─── 有件事叫温斯顿心里挺惊讶,便是她讲起话来粗野得很。

76、Long, broad and powerful, without coarseness. ─── 头部长、宽阔而有力,不显得粗糙。

77、Surface rolling, surface incision, surface coarseness, and so on, can reflect change of rolling and indicate degree of erosion of surface. ─── 地形起伏度、地表切割深度、地表粗糙度等反映地表的起伏变化和侵蚀程度的指标。

78、texture coarseness ─── 纹理粗糙度

79、Keywords doubling;spun yarn;hi-precision bearing;coarseness;lubrication;performance; ─── 并条;细纱;高精度轴承;粗糙度;润滑;性能;

80、drawing coarseness ─── 拉毛法

81、Compare the 2 sections and if you feel that the section on top seems lesser in Density and Coarseness, then it is an indication that the hair on the top crown area has already begun Miniaturizing. ─── 比较这两撮头发的感觉,如果你觉得头顶上的那撮头发密度和粗细较差,那这就是头顶部头发要开始脱落、稀疏,而慢慢秃顶的讯号。

82、Our client TDD Company complained that, even after it has been applied to the leather by way of rolling painting, the surface still gives a feeling of coarseness when touched. ─── 据客户TDD公司反映:经过滤后,滚涂在皮革上后,触摸表面依然有粗糙感。

83、(3) mucosa morphology: erosion, plaque, coarseness and nodular. ─── (2)粘膜增厚和血管结构改变;

84、Keywords silicon nitride ceramics;lapping;coarseness;bearing ball; ─── 氮化硅陶瓷;研磨;粗糙度;轴承球;

85、There was neither coarseness nor want of shadowing in a countenance that was exquisitely regular and dignified, and surpassingly beautiful ─── 她的脸既不粗俗,也不平常,而是端庄尊贵,秀丽绝伦。

86、Used for the test of the coarseness and evenness of coarse yarns. ─── 用于测定棉条、粗纱在短片内的粗细均匀度情况。

87、Polyurethane templates are treated using silica sol to improve the coherence between the slurry and the surface of templates and the surface coarseness. ─── 以硅溶胶为表面改性剂,从提高与水基浆料的相容性、增加表面粗糙度入手,对有机模板进行了表面处理。

88、Masculine in dogs but free from coarseness. ─── 给人的印象是品质非常好。

89、DCE natural particle scrub contains natural apricot pits as main ingredients.The round particles can easily remove aged keratose which causes coarseness, making skin tender and smooth. ─── DCE天然圆粒磨砂膏使用天然杏核微粒为主要成份,圆润的微粒可轻松去除导致肌肤粗糙的老化角质,使肌肤柔嫩光滑;





狂暴的 eg: a rough sea风浪大的海

不精确的;粗略的 eg: a rough guess大致的猜想




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