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08-18 投稿


prescription 发音

英:[pr?'skr?p?(?)n]  美:[pr?'skr?p??n]

英:  美:

prescription 中文意思翻译



prescription 网络释义

n. 药方;指示;惯例adj. 凭处方方可购买的

prescription 短语词组

1、extinguished by prescription ─── [法] 因时效而失效

2、interruption of prescription ─── [法] 时效中断

3、extinctive prescription ─── [法] 消灭时效

4、corporation by prescription ─── [法] 时效法人

5、non-prescription ─── 非处方类的;不用医生处方可以买的

6、make a prescription ─── 开药方, ─── 开处方

7、duration of prescription ─── [经] 命令(指示,规定,法令)有效期间

8、positive prescription ─── 取得时效 [法] 确定时效, 积极时效

9、prescription charge n. ( ─── 英国按国民保健法取药时必须付的)药费

10、negative prescription ─── 消灭时效 [法] 可提出诉讼的法定期限, ─── 消减时效

11、blunderbuss prescription ─── [医] 散弹式处方

12、prepare a prescription ─── 配方, ─── 配药

13、fill a prescription ─── 照药方配药,抓药,配处方

14、obligation barred by prescription ─── [法] 消除时效已完成的债

15、acquisitive prescription ─── [法] 取得的时效

16、make up a prescription ─── 配方, ─── 配药

17、filling of prescription ─── [医] 调剂, 配方

18、benefit of prescription ─── [法] 因时效而产生之抗辩权

19、a prescription against ─── 治疗…的药方

prescription 词性/词形变化,prescription变形

名词: prescriptibility |

prescription 反义词

over-the-counter drug | over-the-counter medicine |nonprescription

prescription 同义词

dose | maxim | prescription drug | treatment | right | pretension | precept | doctrine | assize | prerogative | bidding | instruction | privilege | recipe | due | concoction | directive | direction | formula | ordinance | commission | title | ruling | drug | grant | claim | theorem | receipt | ethical drug | rescript | writ | recommendation | prescript | requirement | edict | principle | ceremony | medicament | decree |medicine | preparation | regulation | order | remedy

prescription 相似词语短语

1、proscriptions ─── n.禁止;放逐;剥夺人权

2、rescriptions ─── 处方

3、rescription ─── 说明

4、proscription ─── n.禁止;放逐;剥夺人权

5、description ─── n.描述,描写;类型;说明书

6、prescriptions ─── n.医药处方,[医]药方(prescription复数形式)

7、prestriction ─── 预应力

8、nonprescription ─── adj.非处方的;未经医生处方可以买到的

9、prescriptive ─── adj.规定的,规范的;指定的

prescription 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A: Could you fill this prescription for me,please. ─── 劳驾,你能给我配这张药方吗?

2、The doctor gave me a prescription for pain-killers. ─── 医生给我开了个止痛药方.

3、He always left behind him an inscrutable prescription. ─── 他总是留下一张深奥的药方。

4、The doctor prepared a prescription for him. ─── 医生为他配了药。

5、The doctor wrote out a prescription for him. ─── 医生为他开了一个药方。

6、The physician made a prescription against sea-sickness for him. ─── 医生给他开了个治晕船的药方。

7、The doctor wrote sweet basil in his prescription. ─── 医生给他的药方里有罗勒这味药。

8、The doctor wrote out a prescription. ─── 医生开了张药方。

9、I've just been given this prescription by Dr. Worsen. ─── 华生医生刚给我开了这张处方。

10、He made up the doctor's prescription. ─── 他按照医生的处方配药。

11、Do I need a prescription for this? ─── 我买这种药还需要(医生)开处方吗?

12、The beginning of the term for extinctive prescription in China should be the moment when right of claim can be exercised practically. ─── 我国消灭时效期间应该以“请求权(于实然面)能够行使之时”作为起算点。

13、Can I leave this prescription with you? ─── 我可以把这张处方留在你这儿吗?

14、I have a prescription from my doctor. ─── 医生给我开了药方。

15、Children under 16 are exempt from prescription charges. ─── 16岁以下的儿童免付处方费.

16、The prescription of drugs is a doctor's responsibility. ─── 开药方是医生的职责。

17、The doctor wrote a prescription for the patient. ─── 医生给病人开了一个药方。

18、It is a less potent version of the prescription drug Xenical. ─── 它的作用力仅仅次于赛尼可处方药。(如何翻比较好?)

19、Work under repugnant prescription and order. ─── 在彼此不一致的指示和命令下工作。

20、If hand scald what folk prescription can be treated? ─── 如果手烫伤了有什么偏方可以治疗?

21、Where can I get the prescription filled? ─── 我可以到哪里开药。

22、The report concedes cancer treatment is often more complex than dealing with HIV, but its prescription is similar. ─── 报告同时也承认,癌症治疗通常比针对HIV的治疗更为复杂,但解决方法相似。

23、The doctor gave him a prescription. ─── 医生给他开了处方。

24、The doctor made me out a prescription. ─── 医生给我开了一个处方.

25、Human growth hormone is a prescription medication. ─── 人类生长荷尔蒙是处方用药。

26、He gave me a prescription and advised me to ease up on work. ─── 他给我开了药方,劝我减轻工作。

27、In America, you need a prescription to buy antibiotics. ─── 在美国,你需要持医师的处方购买抗生素。

28、Do you have a prescription already? ─── 你找眼科医生验光了吗?

29、The doctor is writing a prescription. ─── 医生正在开处方。

30、I thought she'd be able to call in a prescription. No dice. She actually didn't even call me back. ─── 我原以为她会打电话给药店开处方,结果根本没用,她甚至连电话都没有给我回。

31、We need a prescription if you want to buy it. ─── 如果您想购买的话,我们需要医生的处方。

32、The doctor wrote betel in his prescription. ─── 医生在给他的处方里写上了蒌叶这味药。

33、He said they should only be available with a prescription and for short-term use. ─── 迈克洛夫教授指出,漱口水应需处方才能购买,而且建议只能短期使用。

34、Can you fill the prescription for me? ─── 你能给我配药吗?

35、The doctor felt her pulse and wrote a prescription. ─── 医生为她诊脉,开了药方。

36、Hi. I need this prescription filled please. ─── 女:请帮我配一下这个药方上的药。

37、The doctor dispensed a prescription to his patient carefully. ─── 医生认真地开处方给病人配药。

38、Can you give me a prescription? ─── 你能给我开药方吗?

39、I am sorry. Your doctor forgot to write your prescription. ─── 对不起,医生忘给您开处方了。

40、But permission is not prescription. ─── 但可能并不等于找到了答案。

41、Obama’s idea is a prescription for more disasters. ─── 奥巴马的想法是引向更大灾难的处方。

42、Sorry, unless you have the doctor rs prescription. ─── 对不起,除非你有医生的处方。

43、But my prescription is a secret, cannot tell others. ─── 但是我的处方是秘密的, 不能告诉别人。

44、The prescription made by the doctor included ginseng. ─── 医生给他开的处方里有红参这味药。

45、Can you write me a prescription for some nasal spray? ─── 你可以开一些鼻腔喷剂给我用吗?

46、You were helped a little by a fall-off in prescription drugs sales. ─── 处方药品的销售额下降了,这对你也小有裨益。

47、Safe food, a prescription for a healthy life. ─── 安全的食物是为健康生活开出的药方。

48、Now, I've written out a prescription for you to take to the hotel clinic. ─── 我给你开了个处方,你可以拿到旅店医务室去取药。

49、We had to wait for the pharmacist to make up her prescription. ─── 我们只得等药剂师给她配好药。

50、Nicola got her prescription for strep. ─── 古拉拿了治疗链球菌性咽喉炎的处方药。

51、You seem to have a cold. I'll give you an injection. And let me write down your prescription. ─── 看来你是感冒了,我给你打一针。再给你开个药方。

52、Can you fill this prescription, please? ─── 可否请你按这张药方配药?

53、Canadian Prescription Drug Re-Importation: Is There a Safety Issue? ─── 加拿大处方药再进口:有安全问题吗?

54、The doctor writes reed rhizome in the prescription. ─── 医生的药方中有芦根这味中药。

55、Chemist: Of course. Please show me the Prescription. ─── 当然可以。请把你的药方给我看一下。

56、The pharmacist will make up your prescription. ─── 药剂师会给你依处方配药。

57、We only carry prescription drug. ─── 我们只按处方发药。

58、Taking obesity drugs without prescription is harmful to one's body. ─── 乱吃减肥药对人体的危害很大。

59、Paolo: I'd like to have this prescription for burn ointment filled? ─── 你可以按处方卖给我灼伤药膏吗?

60、The doctor made out a prescription. ─── 医生开了一张方子。

61、The doctor rs given me this prescription. ─── 医生给我开了这张处方。

62、The doctor made out a prescription for me. ─── 医生给我开了一张处方。

63、Will you please fill this prescription? ─── 你可以开这个药方吗?

64、The doctor wrote me a prescription for medicine for my cough. ─── 医生给我开了一个治咳嗽的处方。

65、The doctor gave me a prescription for some pills. ─── 医生开了一个药方给我。

66、The doctor wrote out a prescription for me. ─── 医生给我开了处方。

67、The doctor dispensed a prescription to his patient. ─── 医生开处方给病人配药。

68、Your prescription is ready. be sure to take them after meals. ─── 你的药配好了。一定要饭后服用。

69、Children under 16 are exempted from prescription charges. ─── 16岁以下儿童免收处方费。

70、Card master no celebrex prescription. ─── 我就给大家建议一下;

71、The doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics. ─── 医生给我开了抗生素。

72、Propecia was approved by the FDA as a prescription drug in 1997. ─── 保法止在1997年被FDA认定为处方药。

73、His prescription for economic recovery was not well received. ─── 他为经济复苏提出的对策反应不佳。

74、They are not available without a prescription. ─── 这些药没有处方不能出售。

75、Is the device intended for prescription use (21 CFR 801 Subpart D)? ─── - 设备是否按规定预期使用(21CFR801子部D)?

76、The doctor made out prescription for me. ─── 医生给我开了一套处方。

77、What's your prescription for a happy marriage? ─── 你认为幸福婚姻有什么秘方?

78、Can you fill this prescription for me? ─── 你能替我配这张处方吗?

79、Her eyeglasses prescription is 400 degrees. ─── 她的眼睛视力为400度。

80、Could you make up this prescription for me, please? ─── 你能给我配这张处方吗?

81、Show this prescription to a pharmacist. ─── 向药剂师出示这药方。

82、I want to have this prescription filled. ─── 我想配齐这张处方。

83、Could you make up this prescription for me. ─── 你能给我配这张处方吗?

84、Are you on any prescription meds? ─── 你在服用处方药吗?

85、Would you purchase prescription medicine online? ─── 你会在网上购买处方药吗?

86、She is wearing prescription sunglasses. ─── 她带著有度数的太阳眼镜。

87、A good rest is all you need. I'll write you a prescription. ─── 你需要好好休息。多喝水。我马上给你开药方。

88、Well, let's get the prescription pad out. ─── 好吧,让我把药方开出来。

89、I'll just give you a prescription. ─── 我就给你开一张药方。

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