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08-18 投稿


puff 发音

英:[p?f]  美:[p?f]

英:  美:

puff 中文意思翻译





puff 网络释义

vt. 喷出,张开;使膨胀;夸张;使骄傲自满vi. 膨胀;张开;鼓吹;夸张n. 粉扑;泡芙;蓬松;一阵喷烟;肿块;吹嘘,宣传广告n. (Puff)人名;(德)普夫

puff 短语词组

puff at

1. 轻视

He puffed at my remarks.


puff away

1. 吹散; 吹走

The wind was puffing away the clouds.


puff out

1. 吹灭

She puffed out the candle and went to bed.

她吹灭了蜡烛, 然后上了床。

out of puff

1. 气喘吁吁

He arrived out of puff.


puff up

1. 使骄傲自大

Never let anything puff you up.


2. 吹捧; 吹嘘

The newspapers puffed up that new athlete into a superstar.


That boy puffed up himself in front of the girls.


1、puff sleeve ─── 泡 ─── 泡袖

2、puff out ─── 膨胀

3、puff paste ─── 发酵的面团, 和有奶油的面团

4、puff and blow ─── 喘气

5、be out of puff ─── 上气不接下气

6、puff batter ─── [网络] 吹面糊

7、puff pastry n. ─── 松饼, 千层饼

8、out of puff ─── 气喘吁吁,上 ─── 气不接下 ─── 气

9、puff sb to skies ─── 把某人捧上天,大肆吹捧某人

10、huff and puff ─── 忙得喘不过气来,犹豫不定

11、powder-puff n. ─── 花拳绣腿

12、powder puff n. ─── 粉扑; ─── 粉扑儿

13、puff of air ─── [网络] 吹空气

14、cream puff ─── 奶油松饼;女人气的男子;保养得很好的汽车

15、puff adder ─── [医] 吹气蝰(南非产的一种毒蛇)

16、puff away ─── 吹散, ─── 吹走;连续不断地 ─── 吹

17、give a puff ─── 吹气, ─── 吹捧, ─── 吹嘘,夸赞

18、puff piece = puff n. (4)

19、not on your puff ─── 决不会,不可能

puff 常用词组

huff and puff ─── 蒸汽吞吐;咆哮;恼怒;恫吓

powder puff ─── 粉扑

puff out ─── 吹灭;(使)膨胀;气喘吁吁地说

puff 词性/词形变化,puff变形


puff 相似词语短语

1、puffs ─── n.一阵;喘息(puff的复数);v.吹气;喘息(puff的三单形式)

2、puffy ─── adj.肿胀的;松软洁白的;(衣服)膨起的;过分修饰的;喘息的;n.眼袋

3、fuff ─── 突然一阵

4、huff ─── v.生气地说;把……吹胀,吹气;发怒,激怒;蔑视;恫吓;嗅(汽油、溶剂)作为兴奋剂;(国际跳棋中)取掉(对方本可吃棋的棋子);n.发怒,恼怒;n.(Huff)(美)胡夫(人名)

5、guff ─── n.废话;胡说,瞎扯

6、duff ─── n.水果布丁;(非正式)屁股;(森林地面上的)半腐层;(非正式)怀孕;v.(非正式)痛击,毒打;把(偷盗物)改头换面;偷盗并更改(牛身上的)烙印;误击,没把(球)击好;adj.(非正式)蹩脚的,无用的;错误的,不正确的;n.(Duff)(美、加、英)迪夫(人名)

7、pluff ─── n.(烟雾、气等)一缕,一阵(同puff);adj.蓬松柔软的

8、buff ─── n.浅黄色;软皮;爱好者;[俚]健康的身体;增益效果,增益状态(游戏术语);(Buff)人名;[德]布夫;[英]巴夫;vt.有软皮摩擦;缓冲;擦亮,抛光某物

9、cuff ─── n.袖口,裤子翻边;手铐;一巴掌;vt.给…上袖口;用巴掌打;给…带上手铐;vi.殴斗,拳击;n.(Cuff)人名;(法)屈夫;(英)卡夫

puff 习惯用语

1、not on your puff ─── [俚]绝不, 决不可能

2、puff away ─── 吹开, 喷(烟等); 继续抽

3、give a puff ─── 吹捧[嘘], 瞎吹

4、not of puff ─── [口]气喘吁吁

5、puff and blow [pant] ─── 气喘, 大口喘气, 气喘吁吁

6、puff out ─── (使)肿胀, (使)鼓起; 夸大, 渲染 ─── 吹熄 ─── (使)喘不过气来

7、cream puff ─── 一种点心 ─── [美俚]女子气的男人 ─── [美俚]保养得很好的汽车(特指供出售的旧汽车)

8、puff up ─── (使)膨胀[鼓起, 肿胀] ─── (使)骄傲自满, (使)趾高气扬

puff 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Like a puff of wholesome, blustery wind the doctor was off. ─── 医师象一般清新的劲风那样,飞也似地走了。

2、Candy: Well he can huff and he can puff and blow my door down anytime.( To that guy) Hello! ─── 坎蒂:嗯,这只狼只要吹吹气,我家门就会倒下啦。(那家伙说)你好!

3、She made her relationship with him disappear in a puff of smoke. ─── 她与他的关系,很快就结束了。

4、A puff of wind swept his hat off. ─── 一阵风把他的几十。

5、I was starting to puff a little from the climb. ─── 爬坡弄得我有点喘息起来。

6、Don't puff your cigarette smoke into my eyes. ─── 别把你抽的烟往我的眼里喷。

7、He was out of puff with running. ─── 他跑得上气不接下气。

8、To cause to puff up; inflate. ─── 使膨胀;使充气

9、A puff or two and he was wide-awake. ─── 吸了两口烟,他完全醒明白了。

10、Don' t let such a little victory puff you up. ─── 不要让这样一点点胜利使你们骄傲自大起来。

11、He blew out all the candles with a single puff. ─── 他一口气吹灭了所有的蜡烛。

12、They can huff and puff but they are powerless to alter the way things are. ─── 他们可以大声嚷嚷,可以发火,但是他们无权,与事无补。

13、These dermal fillers are injected into the skin under wrinkles and scars to puff out creases or scars. ─── 例如注射胶原质和脂肪。这些填充物会被注射入皱纹和疤痕的真皮层。

14、His new novel got a good puff. ─── 他的小说被吹嘘得不错。

15、His story ended with his pipe's last dying puff. ─── 他的烟斗喷出最后一口有气无力的烟,他的故事也讲完了。

16、Suddenly there was a loud bang and a puff of smoke. ─── 突然一声巨响,喷出一股黑烟。

17、Every factory whose chimneys puff out dirty and harmful smoke should do something to stop the pollution. ─── 凡是烟囱里喷放污浊而有害烟气的工厂都应该采取措施停止污染。

18、Did any smoke puff out from this machine? ─── 从这台机器里冒出过烟来吗?

19、Five! There are five spots, Puff. ─── 五个!有五个斑点,噗噗。

20、A short, sibilant sound produced by a puff. ─── 发出咝咝声由呼气造成的短促的咝咝声

21、She stubbed out the cigarette after the first puff. ─── 她只吸了一口就把香烟掐灭了。

22、Don't puff smoke into people's faces. ─── 别把烟往别人脸上喷.

23、A puff of blue smoke came out and then another big jinnee. ─── 一股蓝烟冒出来,又冒出个巨大的魔仆。

24、A fuzzy puff playful motif where the ceiling is adorned with dandelion puffs seems to float and drift through the air. ─── 应用绒毛活泼主题的天花板则装饰有蒲公英的绒毛,看起来像是漂浮在空中。

25、The WHO said people who puff on ecigarettes inhale a fine mist of nicotine in the lungs. ─── 世卫组织称,烟民在吸电子香烟时会将纯雾体尼古丁吸入肺部。

26、Publishers who puff their new books. ─── 出版商们总吹捧他们的新书

27、A puff of wind blew the papers off the box. ─── 一阵风吹走了箱子上的文件。

28、Do not eat jellyfish. Or fish that have spikes. Or fish that have parrot like beaks. Of that puff up like balloons. ─── 不要吃水母、有刺的鱼、像鹦鹉那样有钩形嘴的鱼,否则你的嘴会肿的像气球一样。

29、Irene's Curry Puff main ingredient: potatoes, hard boiled eggs, ikan billis, spices and curry leaf. ─── Irene的咖哩松饼主要食材:薯仔,水煮蛋,江鱼仔 咖哩香料,咖哩叶。

30、A puff of wind blew the papers off the table. ─── 一阵风把文件从桌子上吹走。

31、A puff of blue smoke came out and then a big jinnee. ─── 一股蓝烟冒出来,随即又冒出来一个巨大的魔仆。

32、He continues to puff away on cigars and listen to music in his office in an era where indoor smoking is all but unheard of. ─── 他仍然在办公室里抽雪茄,听音乐,尽管现代社会中室内吸烟已经少有听闻了。

33、Stay until I've turned into a puff of smoke and been scattered by the wind. ─── "等我化成一股轻烟,风一吹便散了的时候"

34、A puff of wind blew my papers away. ─── 一阵轻风吹走了我的文件。

35、Expelling another puff of smoke, he watched the glow of his cigarette appear once more in the jet-black glass. ─── 他又吸了一口烟,看着乌蒙的玻璃上又亮起一点红光。

36、Dont puff smoke into peoples faces. ─── 中文:别把烟往别人脸上喷.

37、They tried their best to puff the book they published . ─── 他们尽力吹捧他们出版的书。

38、For a little money cleverly bestowed, any unscrupulous person can be given a puff in some newspaper in the country. ─── 在那个国家,只要巧妙地花点钱,任何无耻之徒都可以在某家报纸上得到一番吹捧。

39、He took a final puff at the clipped stub , and ground it out in practiced motions of the lifeless hand. ─── 他把夹住的烟蒂吸了最后一口,然后用那只没生命的假手熟练地把他捻熄。

40、So I had a great tea time this afternoon. Ate a chocolate puff, have a cup of earl grey tea. ─── 于是我今天就有超幸福的下午茶,一个脆皮巧克力泡芙搭配一杯热的伯爵茶。

41、It's 'like producing cigarettes, ' he said, pretending to puff on an imaginary cigarette in a meeting room at Geely's Hangzhou headquarters. ─── 李书福在吉利杭州总部的会议室里说,这就像生产香烟,边说边做了一个假装吞云吐雾的吸烟动作。

42、He took a puff at his cigarette. ─── 他吸了一口香烟。

43、A pad of material, typically hair, worn as part of a woman's coiffure to puff out her own hair. ─── 女用发垫一团垫状物,通常由头发组成,戴在女人头上作为头饰来达到蓬松的效果

44、Do not puff smoke into my face! ─── 别往我脸上吐烟!

45、Take a puff at one's cigarette. ─── 吸一口香烟。

46、A puff of wind blew out the candle. ─── 一阵风吹熄了蜡烛。

47、Do not over add Puff Additive. Ink will crumble apart. ─── 不能使用过量发泡助剂否则油墨会裂开。

48、He's the most disagreeable, insolent, arrogant, puff man. ─── 他是这个世界上最让人生厌。傲慢无礼,自以为是的人!

49、He blew out three candles with a single puff. ─── 他一口气吹灭了三根蜡烛。

50、Comes complete with a washable puff. ─── 内附粉扑(可水洗)一块。

51、The substance of the toe puff and the position of the "skive" are adjustable. ─── 套头的原度大小及前薄角度可以自由调整,印置位置准确。

52、He took a long puff at his rank cigar. ─── 他深深抽了一口臭味难当的雪茄烟。

53、Now they stretched themselves out on their elbows and began to puff, charily, and with slender confidence. ─── 他们用胳膊肘支着,侧身躺着开始抽烟,抽得小心翼翼,信心并非十足。

54、He managed to puff out a few words . ─── 他喘息着说出几句话。

55、"Puff represents the innocence of a child's imagination, which is very positive for a dragon," said Haagen. ─── 哈根说,“波夫代表了儿童纯洁的想象力。这是龙一个非常正面的形象。”

56、The Jeep Puff Logo hat has a velcro enclosure and embroidered design.Every Jeep girl needs one! ─── 吉普吹商标帽子有一个维可牢的周边和刺绣的设计,每个吉普女孩都应需要一个!

57、Puff do not know how to take down ah, do not want to wash with it? That pink thing is not to wet. ─── 粉扑不知道该怎样取下去啊,难道要一同洗吗?那粉不就湿了嘛。

58、Never let anything puff you up . ─── 决不要因任何事而骄傲自大。

59、She gave my new book a puff at the meeting. ─── 她在会议里吹嘘我的新书。

60、Some days afterwards the earth exhaled only a slight puff of smoke. ─── 又过几天,地面上只微微冒一点点雾气。

61、You regard the beneficial words as a puff of wind, and will regret it sooner or later. ─── 你把金玉良言当作耳旁风,总有一天会后悔的。

62、However, those caught taking a puff face a stiff fine, he said. ─── 但是他还说,如果吸烟被发现的话,这些僧侣将要交付高额的罚金。

63、A puff on a cigarette, pipe, or cigar. ─── 吸对香烟、烟斗或雪茄的一吸

64、Vanish in a puff of smoke, i. E. Disappear quickly. ─── 一溜烟就不见了。

65、M: Be sure to blow out all the candles in one puff. ─── 一定要一口气把蜡烛全吹灭。

66、Direction: dispense appropriate amount of body shower in your plam or puff, smear on your whole body till lather up rich foam , and rinse thoroughly. ─── 使用方法:取适量的沐浴乳置于手心或沐浴海棉上,涂抹全身至产生丰富泡沫,再用清水洗净。

67、She dabbed at her face with a puff. ─── 她用粉扑轻拍着脸。

68、He shook his head, lighted a cigarette, slowly breathed a great deep puff into her face. ─── 他摇了摇头,点上一支香烟,慢吞吞地向她脸上喷了深深的一大口烟。

69、She stubbed out the cigarette after the first puff . ─── 喷出,张开,夸张,(使)充气,喘气,(使)骄傲

70、The magician vanished in a puff of smoke. ─── 魔术师在一股烟雾中突然不见了。

71、Don't puff cigarette smoke in my face. ─── 不要向我脸上喷烟。

72、He was blissfully exhaling his first puff. ─── 他乐悠悠地吐出了第一口烟。

73、She picked it up and pulled out cork.Whoosh! A big puff of smoke appeared. ─── 她拾起瓶子,拔掉软木塞.嗤,一股烟雾冒了出来

74、After a month, Gibby 17)shed a few pounds and didn‘t huff and puff as much. ─── 一个月之后,吉比减掉了好几磅,跑步的时候也不再喘得那么厉害了。

75、She blew out the candles in one puff. ─── 她噗的一声把蜡烛都吹灭了.

76、He blew out the candles with a single puff. ─── 他一口气吹灭了蜡烛。

77、A bird that is happily greeting a friend, human or bird, might wag its tail or puff out all its feathers momentarily. ─── 一只正在快乐地迎接朋友、人或鸟的鹦鹉,会短暂地松开全身的羽毛并摇摆尾部。

78、His speech was just puff. ─── 他的发言尽是吹捧而已。

79、He can puff one man face to face,but also speak cuss for that man backside. ─── 他会当面吹捧一个人,背后又说他坏话。

80、And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar. ─── 勇猛的神龙帕夫也停止了无畏的吼叫。

81、He paused for another puff from his cigarette and slipped into a more jocular tone again. ─── 他又停下来吸了一口烟,重新改用较轻松的口吻。

82、And that's not to mention the hopes of U. S. diesel fans that just went up in a sooty puff of smoke. ─── 这还没有提到希望美国柴油的球迷,仅仅上升了煤烟吞吐的烟雾。

83、Knead of handle gently small land is used after 3. air, puff can restore brushy tactility. ─── 3.晾干之后用手轻轻地揉搓一下,粉扑就能恢复毛茸茸的触感。

84、You can put the same color of the water to puff down, and then shot up to the same water, you can eliminate the! ─── 你可以把同样色彩的水珠先吸下来,然后在射上到同样的水珠上,就可以消掉了!

85、You will puff her up with such ideas of her own beauty. ─── 你总是替她鼓吹,使得她认为自己美丽。

86、A short, loud puff, as of steam from an engine. ─── 喷气声短促而声音大的喷气声,如发动机喷蒸气的声音

87、She used a powder puff to color her friend's face white. ─── 她用粉扑儿给朋友扑了一个大白脸。

88、Be sure to blow out all the candles in one puff. ─── 一定要一口气吹完所有的蜡烛。

89、Puff Daddy survives, and the otter goes in search of another meal it can sink its teeth into. ─── 吹牛老爹(河豚)活了下来,而水獭开始寻找另一个它能用牙齿咬住的美餐。

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