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08-18 投稿


ferule 发音

英:[?fer?l]  美:[?feru?l]

英:  美:

ferule 中文意思翻译




ferule 短语词组

1、ferule crossword ─── 阿鲁尔纵横字谜

ferule 词性/词形变化,ferule变形


ferule 习惯用语

1、be under the ferule ─── 在教师鞭策之下; 受人支配

ferule 相似词语短语

1、ferulae ─── n.教鞭,竹板;大茴香(ferula的变形)

2、ferrule ─── n.套圈;金属箍;金属包头;vt.给…装金属箍

3、cerule ─── 天堂

4、ferrules ─── n.套管;金属环(ferrule的复数形式);v.装以金属铁(ferrule的第三人称单数形式)

5、ferula ─── n.教鞭,竹板;大茴香

6、fertile ─── adj.富饶的,肥沃的;能生育的

7、feruled ─── n.(惩罚孩子的)戒尺;校纪;v.用戒尺责打

8、ferruled ─── n.套圈;金属箍;金属包头;vt.给…装金属箍

9、ferules ─── n.(惩罚孩子的)戒尺;校纪;v.用戒尺责打

ferule 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To punish with a ferule. ─── 用戒尺毒打

2、be under the ferule ─── 在教师鞭策之下受人支配

3、The teacher strikes the table with his ferule to quiet the students. ─── 老师用戒方敲着桌子喊着让同学们安静。

4、No mere ferule will answer for this offence. ─── 你犯了这样大的错误,光用戒尺不能解决问题。

5、No mere ferule will answer for this offence. ─── 这种冒失不能仅仅用戒尺来处理。

6、His rod and his ferule were seldom idle now -- at least among the smaller pupils. ─── 他手中的教鞭和戒尺现在很少闲着,至少对那些年龄较小的同学可以这么说。

7、and ere he had put on the ferule and the head adorned with precious stones, Brahma had awoke and slumbered many times. ─── 不要焦虑求发展,不要屈服于玩弄你的影响;这些全是浪费。

8、Design and Implementation of a Laser Electronic Ferule for Multimedia Teaching ─── 多媒体教学用激光电子教鞭的设计与实现

9、Through the open window I saw my classmates already in their places,and the teacher was walking up and down the room with a book in his hand and a iron ferule under his arm . ─── 从开着的窗子望进去,我看到同学们已端坐在自己的座位上,老师手里拿着一本书,胳膊下夹着铁戒尺,在教室里走过来走过去。

10、His rod and his ferule were seldom idle now--at least among the smaller pupils. ─── 他的棍棒和戒尺现在很少闲置了——至少在年龄较小的学生中是这样。

11、The teacher often beat him with a ferule when he was young. ─── 他没少被老师用戒尺打。

12、The Xuan breeze senior take two pieces of long long of the ferule run to kneel before teacher. ─── 玄风师兄拿着两块长长的竹板跑去跪在师父前。

13、In the investigation, the reasons why cause the sand burning are given by analyzing sand burning sites of LFC ferule and sand burning type, and the prevention measures are proposed. ─── 本文结合消失模铸造铁套件产生粘砂部位和粘砂的形式,从多角度分析造成铸件粘砂的原因,提出防止措施和生产中的注意事项。

14、The ferule is used for conversion,tonsure,ordination and parlance. ─── 戒尺用于皈依、剃度、传戒、说法等场合。

15、Design and Implementation of a Laser Electronic Ferule for Multimedia Teaching ─── 多媒体教学用激光电子教鞭的设计与实现

16、The teacher often beat him with a ferule when he was young. ─── 小时候他没少被老师用戒尺打。

17、EcoTools Brushes features bamboo handles, synthetic Taklon bristles and sleek ferule made with recycled aluminum. ─── 包装也很可爱外面塑料的套子,里面有层绿色的布,总之非常环保。

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