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08-18 投稿


productiveness 发音

英:[pr??d?kt?vn?s]  美:[pr??d?kt?vn?s]

英:  美:

productiveness 中文意思翻译



productiveness 短语词组

1、productiveness antonym ─── 生产性反义词

2、productiveness 8 letters ─── 生产力8个字母

3、productiveness heuristic ─── 生产启发式

4、productiveness meaning ─── 生产性意义

5、productiveness def ─── 生产力定义

6、productiveness synonym ─── 生产力同义词

productiveness 同义词

fruitfulness |productivity | constructiveness | usefulness | use | utility

productiveness 反义词


productiveness 相似词语短语

1、unproductiveness ─── 非生产性

2、inductiveness ─── 感应;归纳;诱导

3、provocativeness ─── 挑衅

4、productive use ─── 有效使用;生产性使用

5、reproductiveness ─── 生殖的

6、protectiveness ─── n.保护;防护

7、nonproductiveness ─── 非生产性

8、reductiveness ─── 还原性

9、prospectiveness ─── n.远景

productiveness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They detected no defect in the product. ─── 他们没发现产品有任何问题。

2、They put a new product on the market. ─── 他们向市场推出一种新产品。

3、The demand for our product have keep rising. ─── 对我方产品的需求在日益增长。

4、If there is a shortage of any product prices of that product go up. ─── 如果任何一种产品短缺,那种产品的价格就上涨。

5、A chemical or product, such as cellulose, derived from plants. ─── 农产品来源于植物中的化学品或产品,如纤维素

6、A good commercial puts across the attractive features of a product. ─── 好广告能突显产品吸引人的特徵。

7、A marketable product; marketable skills. ─── 可出售的产品; 市场所需的技术

8、A customer discovered the slight incompletion in the product. ─── 一位顾客发现这个产品有一点不完整。

9、He bought the new product to give it a trial. ─── 他买了那个新产品想试用一下。

10、Biologists working in the field; a product tested in the field. ─── 在野外工作的生物学家; 实地检验过的产品

11、A demonstration, as of a product or service. ─── 产品展示如产品或服务的宣传

12、Oh yes, but you do not get the main point, their product is out of date. ─── 哦,是的,但是你没有抓住要点,他们的产品都老化了。

13、Fertilizer: Natural or artificial substance containing the chemical elements that improve growth and productiveness of plants. ─── 肥料:含有促进植物生长和增产的化学元素的天然或人造物质。

14、Have you got any comments on our new product? ─── 你对我们的新产品有什么看法?

15、Information that concerns a person, a group, an event, or a product and that is disseminated through various media to attract public notice. ─── 公众信息为吸引公众的注意而通过各种传播媒介发布的关于个人、团体、事件或产品的信息

16、Speciality: Product structure: tinning cooper etc. ─── 产品构造:由镀锡铜等成分构成。

17、The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners. ─── 公司正在联合几家海外合伙人制造新产品。

18、You overvalued the high tech of that product. ─── 你对那种产品的高科技性评价过高了。

19、He came up with good ideas for the product promotion. ─── 他想出一个推广产品的好方法。

20、Your job is to promote the new product. ─── 你的工作是促销这一新产品。

21、A machine designed to product print-like text on paper or similar material as a result of an operator manually depressing keys consecutively on a keyboard. ─── 一种机器,操作员连续按动键盘上的键时,在纸上或类似的材料上产生类似印刷的正文。

22、But as you know to start with we'll have more difficulty with new product. ─── 但是,您知道,刚一开始销售新产品,我们会有更多的困难。

23、Compile and execute new product mould project plan. ─── 制订和实施新产品模具项目计划。

24、So, the client of SEO company basically is in an enterprise centrally, productiveness website. ─── 所以,SEO公司的客户主要集中在企业,赢利性网站等。

25、Our financial situation is still precarious if we postpone the release of the new product. ─── 如果我们推迟发布新产品的话,我们的财政状况仍然岌岌可危。

26、Have you have time to go through the product hall? ─── 你是否抽时间参观商品展览?

27、Have you reported the loss of the technical papers about the new product to the police? ─── 你们把丢失新产品技术文件的事向警方报告了吗?

28、Coffee is Brazil's main product. ─── 咖啡是巴西的主要产物。

29、The product should be white or faintly pink. ─── 产物应该是白色或略带粉色。

30、Have you get a product of this specification? ─── 不知贵方有没有这种规格的产品?

31、An extension product, such as a diet version of a soft drink or a liquid version of a detergent, added to a line to support the sales of the main product. ─── 名牌辅助产品,系列新产品一种延伸产品,如某种软饮料的保健型或某种洗涤剂的液体型,这种产品附加到一系列产品中以促进主要产品销售

32、Can you make us some special offer for the purpose of introducing your product to our market? ─── 为把你方产品介绍给我方市场,可否给我们一些特别报价?

33、The extent of optimization of process routing influences the productiveness of CNC in machining a group of holes. ─── 孔群加工路线优化,对于提高多孔类零件的加工效率和质量具有重要意义。

34、It's the way of business for the public to get tired of a product. ─── 公众逐渐对某一产品失去兴趣是商业上常有的事。

35、Her bad health is a product of her imagination. ─── 她的病是她想像出来的。

36、If you want to purchase this product, we are able to supply as much as you require. ─── 如果你们订购这种商品,我们可以按你们所需要的数量供应。

37、A name, symbol, or other device identifying a product, officially registered and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer. ─── 商标,牌号标明产品的名字、符号或其它设计,经过正式注册,并只合法地限于其拥有者或制造商使用

38、Demand for a product usually determines supply. ─── 一种产品的需求往往影响供应。

39、In a sense she was misled by the advertisement's claims, and expected too much of the product. ─── 从某种意义上说,她是受到了广告的哄骗,因此对此产品期望过高。

40、If our product is properly marketed, it should sell very well. ─── 如果我们的产品适当加以推销,销路应该很好。

41、It is just through the different functions and departments of its own properties, both productiveness . . . ─── 教育正是通过自身生产性与非生产性等不同职能和部门,全?。

42、How does their product stack up against those imported from foreign countries? ─── 他们的产品与从外国进口的产品相比如何?

43、A packaged product containing more than two items. ─── 合装包装有两件以上商品的产品包装

44、A substance formed as a necessary stage in the manufacture of a desired end product. ─── 中间产物在生产预计的最终产品的必需阶段中形成的物质

45、Do you have any idea how to promote the sales of this product? ─── 如何来推销这种产品你有什么好办法吗?

46、The result of the test on the product is adequate. ─── 产品检验的结果,基本满意。

47、No buyers can buy this sort of product. ─── 任何买主都不能购买这种产品。

48、The cause of the productiveness of these operations is not merely that division, but essentially this union. ─── 这类活动之所以具有生产性,不单单是由于“划分”,主要还是由于“联合”。

49、It directly influences speed, productiveness and benefit of mining. ─── 它直接影响到矿山开采的速度、生产效率和经济效益。

50、If new product can be developed, we'll be very glad to import advanced technology. ─── 如果能开发出新产品,我们将乐于引进先进技术。

51、The product was a rubbery solid. ─── 产品是橡胶态的固体。

52、Generally speaking, ceramics product can be classified into two categories: practical and artistic. ─── 一般来说,陶瓷产品可以分为两类,即实用品和艺术品。

53、In a magazine you can utilize a picture of your product. ─── 在杂志里,你可以用你产品的照片。

54、They have add two new product to their range. ─── 他们给产品系列增添了两个新产品。

55、The gross national product had increased 5 percent last year. ─── 去年的国民生产总值提高了百分之五。

56、An advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign. ─── 一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划; 一项候选人的政治计划

57、A copycat version of a successful product; a copycat crime. ─── 一个成功产品的仿造物; 模仿他人的犯罪

58、She is the product of a broken home. ─── 她是一个破裂家庭的产儿。

59、The price of these product will just compensate the cost of equipment and installation of the line. ─── 你方生产的产品价格将正好补偿我方提供的设备及安装生产线的费用。

60、capacity for producing offspring, especially in abundance; productiveness. ─── 生殖力尤指大量产生后代的能力;生殖力。

61、You will have to push the new product to win sales there's lots of competition. ─── 你要努力打开新产品的销路--市场上竞争很激烈。

62、As a matter of fact, many of our product have not yet catch up with advanced world levels. ─── 实际上,我们有许多名产还没有?上世界先进水平。

63、Commercials promoting a new product. ─── 促进新产品销售的商业广告

64、Multiply 5 by 3, and the product is 15. ─── 五乘三得十五。

65、A new product will debut next week. ─── 一种新产品将在下周面世。

66、Ever since your product entered our market two years ago, it has shown a great market potential. ─── 你们产品自从两年以前进入我们市场以来,显示出了很大的潜力。

67、A leading-edge product today could be obsolete next week. ─── 今天的尖端产品过一个星期可能就过时了。

68、To create such an artistic product. ─── 制作拼贴创作这样的艺术品

69、The product of fertilization is the zygote. ─── 受精的产物是杂合子。

70、No product of human society is perfect. ─── 人类社会的产品没有一样是十全十美的。

71、The company gambled all on the new product. ─── 公司将全部赌注都押在新产品上。

72、The marketing campaign was a flop. The product didn't sell. ─── 市场宣传彻底失败,产品卖不出去。

73、Have you got a product of this specification? ─── 不知你们有没有这种规格的?

74、There are variations in prices from store to store for the product. ─── 在不同的店里这个产品的价格也不一样。

75、A salesman explains a new product. ─── 一位售货员说明新产品。

76、But new product sometimes has a few troubles. ─── 但新产品有时会有一些问题。

77、But your product is still new to our market, and we need to do a lot of work and spend a lot of money on sales promotion. ─── 但我们市场对你们产品仍然不太了解,我们在推销过程中需要做很多工作,花很多钱。

78、Product name is trademark or registered trademark of their respective owner. ─── 产品名称为它们各自所有者的商标或注册商标。

79、Scholars of China have widely concerned about productiveness and other related problems with the new curriculum's concerning of "process" . ─── 而随着新课程对“过程”的关注,引起国内学者对生成及其相关问题的广泛重视。

80、Come on. I really want you to try out this new product. ─── 好啦,我真需要你试用这新产品。

81、If you want to sell your product you must advertise it. ─── 如果你要推销自己的产品,你就必须做广告。

82、In software product evaluation, the action of applying a software quality metric to a specific software product. ─── 在软件产品评价技术中,对特定软件产品进行软件质量度量的活动。

83、A unit of electric power equal to the product of one volt and one ampere, equivalent to one watt. ─── 伏安法功率单位,等于一伏特和一安培的乘积,等于一瓦特

84、Any of various devices that apply pressure to a product in manufacturing or canning. ─── 压具,压机在制造或罐装中一种用于对产品加压的设备

85、How does their product stack up against the competition of other firms? ─── 他们的产品同其他公司的相比怎么样?

86、Product properties refer to an entity. ─── 产品性质则是物体的属性。

87、Product buy- back is a prevailing payment term at present. ─── 产品回购是目前流行的一种付款方式。

88、The movement seeking to protect and inform consumers by requiring such practices as honest packaging and advertising, product guarantees, and improved safety standards. ─── 保护消费者利益运动一种通过要求在包装及广告上诚实无欺、产品保证以及更好的安全标准等商业行为从而设法保护消费者并为他们提供信息的运动

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