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08-18 投稿


cottager 发音

英:[?k?t?d??(r)]  美:[?kɑ?t?d??r]

英:  美:

cottager 中文意思翻译



cottager 词性/词形变化,cottager变形


cottager 短语词组

1、cottager magazine ─── 农舍杂志

2、cottager escape ─── 村舍逃生

3、cottager def ─── 村舍def

4、cottager series mobile home ─── 农家乐系列移动住宅

5、cottager definition ─── 村舍定义

cottager 相似词语短语

1、cottages ─── 村舍

2、potager ─── 菜园

3、cuttage ─── n.[农学]扦插法;插木繁殖法

4、cotter ─── n.制销;栓;佃农;vt.用销固定;n.(Cotter)人名;(西、罗、葡)科特尔;(英)科特

5、cottar ─── n.栓;(苏)农场劳动者;佃农;vt.用栓固定

6、cottier ─── n.佃农;农夫;住小屋者

7、cottage ─── n.小屋;村舍;(农舍式的)小别墅

8、cottagers ─── n.住在乡下房子的人;佃农(等于cotter,cottier)

9、cottagey ─── 农舍

cottager 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A SNAKE, having made his hole close to the porch of a cottage, inflicted a mortal bite on the Cottager’s infant son. ─── 一条毒蛇在农场主的房舍门廊附近打洞藏身。一天,它爬出来咬了农场主的儿子致命一口。

2、however, he was thus disarmed, the cottager was afraid of him no longer, but drove him away with his club. ─── 然而,狮子刚被缴械,农夫就不再惧怕狮子了,反而用棍棒赶走了狮子。

3、After some time the Cottager, afraid that the Snake would bite him also, endeavored to make peace, and placed some bread and salt in the hole. ─── 过了一段时间,农场主害怕毒蛇又会再咬自己,就在蛇的洞口放了些面包和盐,以求和解。

4、A cottager had a hen, which laid everyday a golden egg. ─── 很久以前有一个人。一次他看见人家大门上挂着一个很大的铃铛,就想把它偷来。

5、There were besides, the Cottager and his wife, and three young sturdy children, brown as berries. ─── 此外就是户主和他的老婆,三个壮健结实的孩子,皮肤黝黑,像熟浆果一样。

6、Self-sowing annuals and freely spreading perennials continue to find a place in the modern cottage garden, just as they did in the traditional cottager's garden. ─── 而自播种子的一年生植物以及自由扩散的多年生植物继续在现代的“村舍花园”寻找自己的生存之地,这跟它们在传统“村舍花园”的生存之道没什么两样。

7、A COTTAGER and his wife had a Hen that laid a golden egg every day. ─── 一个农夫和他的妻子有一只能天天下一个金蛋的母鸡。

8、The Snake and the Cottager ─── 毒蛇与农舍主

9、A snake, having made his hole close to the porch of a cottage, inflicted a mortal bite on the Cottager's infant son. ─── 蛇在一间小屋的门廊附近打洞筑巢。小屋主人的幼子被蛇咬了一口,不治去世。

10、We cannot have two Agathas, and we must have one Cottager's wife; ─── 我们不能要两个阿加莎,我们必须有一个村民婆子。

11、During the interval of the cottager's going and coming, she had said to her husband-- ─── 就在那个农户从他们身边走过去和回转来的中间,她曾经对她的丈夫说——

12、Cottager's wife is a very pretty part, I assure you. ─── 你听我说,村民婆子是个很好的角色。

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