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08-18 投稿


wiggler 发音

英:[?w?ɡl?r]  美:[?w?ɡl?(r)]

英:  美:

wiggler 中文意思翻译



wiggler 短语词组

1、wiggler definition wiggler ─── 定义

2、wiggler ahoy full steam ahead ─── 扭动者,全速前进

3、wiggler usb ─── 摇摆器usb

4、wiggler mhw wiggler mhw ─── 公司

5、wiggler ab wiggler ab ─── 公司

6、wiggler gif ─── 摇摆器gif

7、wiggler head quest ─── 摇摆头任务

8、wiggler mario ─── 摇摆者马里奥

9、wiggler jtag wiggler jtag ─── 公司

10、wiggler mask wiggler ─── 面罩

wiggler 词性/词形变化,wiggler变形


wiggler 相似词语短语

1、giggler ─── 咯咯笑

2、wigglers ─── n.摇摆的人;孑孓;蠕动的东西

3、niggler ─── 小气鬼

4、waggler ─── 摇摆者

5、wriggler ─── n.[昆]孑孓;扭动的人或物

6、wigglier ─── adj.扭动的;左右摇摆的;起波的;蠕动的(wiggly的变形)

7、jiggler ─── n.轻摇;微动(jiggle的变形)

8、higgler ─── n.叫卖商人

9、wigger ─── n.模仿黑人文化的白人青年;n.(Wigger)(美、德、瑞士)维格尔(人名)

wiggler 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Design of sheet beam klystron electron optics system with Wiggler focusing style[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王树忠,王勇,丁耀根,阮存军.

2、Vacuum System of the Front End in Superconducting Wiggler Magnet Beam Lines ─── 超导扭摆磁铁光束线前端真空系统

3、Wiggler focusing style ─── Wiggler聚焦

4、Radiation of the Motion of an Electron in the Multilayer Film Wiggler ─── 电子在多层膜摇摆器中的辐射

5、It is shown that a FEL operation is possible in this wiggler by using higher harmonics. ─── 初步论证了利用该摆动器产生高次谐波相干辐射的可能性。

6、The resonance-based process is analogous to the electron-stimulation effect that occurs in free-electron lasers where a “wiggler” magnet accelerates electrons so that they emit synchrotron radiation. ─── 这种共振现象类似于自由电子雷射中的电子激化效应,以磁铁振荡器加速电子,使电子发出同步辐射。

7、The magnetic field distrabution and the measurement of magnetic field in the narrow cavity of wiggler are discussed.The manufacture technical feasibility is analysed. ─── 文中还讨论了电流扭摆器内腔中的磁场的分布特性,测量方法和电流扭摆器的制造技术的可行性。

8、The Electron Dynamics and the Stabilities in Wiggler Field ─── 摆动场中的电子动力学与系统的稳定性

9、With the condition of wiggler and no wiggler, the result is agreeable with the paper. So the code is proved to be reliable. ─── 在考虑和不考虑摇摆器作用的两种情况下,与文献结果比较一致,从而也证实了程序的可靠性。

10、A toddler who was a real wiggler on plane trips. ─── 学步儿童是飞机旅行中一个真正摆动的人

11、Key words: free-electron laser, electromagnet wiggler, solenoid, double direction focusing. ─── 关键词:自由电子激光;电磁铁摇摆器;螺线圈;双向聚焦

12、Theoretical Analysis of Variable Parameter Free Electron Laser with a Novel Wiggler[J]. ─── 引用该论文 程亚,陈建文,朱佩平,肖体乔,寇雷刚.

13、superconducting wiggler magnet ─── 超导扭摆磁铁

14、The efficiency improvement of free electron laser (FEL) by increasing wiggler magnetic field is investigated. ─── 研究了波荡器磁场增强对提高自由电子激光器(FEL)效率的影响。

15、Under the condition of small amplitude,the operating equations of the wiggler are given,and then,the trajectories of the beam electrons and the angular spectrum of spontaneous emission are derived. ─── 在小振幅条件下,给出了摆动器的工作方程,导出了束电子的运动轨迹和自发辐射谱分布。

16、Spontaneous emission of free electron laser with an electrostatic wiggler ─── 静电摇摆器自由电子激光的自发辐射

17、Optical Klystron Harmonic Free-Electron Laser Using Modified Wiggler[J]. ─── 引用该论文 彭良福,杨中海,刘盛纲.

18、So the effects of self-fields should be considered in designing the Ubitron amplifier. Using wiggler taper, the efficiency is up to 12.3%. ─── 使用摇摆器幅值渐变,器件工作效率从10.9%提高到12.3%。

19、Characteristics of synchrotron radiation and the structure of the permanent magnetic wiggler ─── 永磁扭摆磁铁的同步辐射特性和结构分析

20、The low temperature and magnet systems of a 6T superconducting Wiggler and HLS storage ring induce special vacuum problems of the Wiggler. ─── 6T超导扭摆磁铁的低温和磁铁系统以及HLS的储存环决定了Wiggler的真空问题的特殊性。

21、2. the toddler was a real wiggler on plane trips. ─── 学步的小孩在飞机上是一个摇摆的人。

22、A small-period wiggler free-electron laser simulation and design[J]. ─── 引用该论文 封碧波,王明常,王之江.

23、wiggler free-electron laser ─── 摆动自由电子激光器

24、According to the characteristic of the wiggler magnetic field in this amplifier, proper magnetic field input method is chosen in the process of PIC simulated research. ─── 针对该放大器中摇摆器磁场的特点,选择了适当的磁场输入形式,顺利实现了对该结构摇摆器自由电子激光放大器的粒子模拟研究。

25、magnetic wiggler ─── 磁摆动器

26、A novel free electron laser with wiggler composed of twoultrashort laser pulses and its gain analysis ─── 一种由强光担任摇摆器的新型自由电子激光器及其增益分析

27、Radiation of the Motion of an Electron in the Multilayer Film Wiggler ─── 电子在多层膜摇摆器中的辐射

28、wiggler magnet ─── 摇束磁体

29、The free electron laser with a linearly polarized wiggler and axial guide field hag been studied. ─── 研究的自由电子激光器具有线性摆动器及轴向引导磁场。

30、The results forms are similar to those in the linear polarized magnet wiggler. ─── 上述结果与平面磁摇摆器有类似的形式。

31、Vacuum System of the Front End in Superconducting Wiggler Magnet Beam Lines ─── 超导扭摆磁铁光束线前端真空系统

32、A pulsed current solenoid wiggler[J]. ─── 引用该论文 严祖祺.

33、ellipti cal wave guide;planar wiggler; ─── 椭圆波导、平板摇摆器;

34、helical wiggler field ─── 螺旋摆动磁场

35、A toddler who was a real wiggler on plane trips. ─── 学步的小孩在飞机上是一个摇摆的人。

36、Non-longitudinal Electric Field Ion Ripple Wiggler for a Free-electron Laser ─── 无纵向电场分量离子波纹摆动器自由电子激光

37、The spontaneous emission spectrum of a novel wiggler with its magnetostatic-fiele indepen dent of the axial (z)coordinate is calculated by means of generalized Bessel functions,and the re sult is analysed. ─── 利用广义Bessel函数计算出了ShlomoPinhas提出的磁场与纵向坐标无关的摆动器的自发辐射谱,并对结果进行了分析。

38、Keywords electron storage ring;lattice;low emittance;high brilliance;close orbit distortion correction;FMA;beam lifetime;insertion device;undulator;wiggler;symplectic integration;generating function; ─── 电子储存环;聚焦结构;低发射度;高亮度;闭轨校正;FMA;束流寿命;插入件;波荡器;扭摆器;辛积分;生成函数;

39、A Tapered Wiggler with Pre}ncreased Magnetic Field[J]. ─── 引用该论文 黄羽,王明常,王之江.

40、Automatic spraying auxiliary equipment: powder for powder concentrate closed system, elevators, robots, wiggler, procedures controller, controller and components interval identification equipment. ─── 自动喷涂辅助设备:粉末闭路集中供粉系统,升降机、机器人、摇摆器、程序控制器、间隔控制器和部件辩认设备等。

41、With the help of MAGIC program, a new coaxial hybrid wiggler FEL amplifier was investigated in this paper. ─── 本文利用MAGIC程序研究了一种新型的同轴混合铁磁摇摆器型自由电子激光放大器。

42、Spontaneous emission of free electron laser with an electrostatic wiggler ─── 静电摇摆器自由电子激光的自发辐射

43、The results show that signal in FEL amplifier with a coaxial hybrid wiggler can get an efficient amplification even at a low voltage of 205 kV. The efficiency of the amplifier is upto 27.5% and the saturation power arrives to a MW level. ─── 粒子模拟结果表明,这种同轴摇摆器结构FEL在工作电压较低(205 kV)的情况下仍可以得到较好的放大输出,效率达到27.3%,饱和功率达到兆瓦级;

44、-This document describes in detail the principle of H-JTAG detailed description of how to use the H-JTAG, including the use of simple JTAG debug board, such as SDT and the Wiggler. ─── 详细说明: 该文档详细地描述了H-JTAG的原理,详细地介绍了如何使用H-JTAG,包括使用简易JTAG调试板,如SDT和Wiggler

45、possible in this wiggler by using higher harmonics. ─── 利用该摆动器产生高次谐波相干辐射的可能性。

46、helical wiggler ─── 螺旋摆动管

47、Electronic Orbit in the Longitudinal Wiggler Magnetic Field ─── 纵向摇摆器磁场中的电子轨道

48、superradiant wiggler interaction ─── 超辐射摇摆互作用

49、Design and Construction of the First In-Vacuum Wiggler ─── 第一台真空内扭摆磁铁的设计与研制

50、The characteristics of spontaneous emission from FEL in the linearly pola-rized Wiggler is studied in this paper. ─── 本文对线性Wiggler FEL自发辐射谱的特性作了研究。

51、Free Electron Laser from Plasma Wave-field Wiggler ─── 等离子体尾波场摇摆器自由电子激光

52、variable wiggler magnet ─── 可变扭动子磁铁

53、Investigation on the image quality of in-line outline X-ray imaging with wiggler source of synchrotron radiation ─── 利用同步辐射扭摆器光源研究X射线同轴轮廓成像质量

54、2.The alignment error and positioning precision of the wiggler are analyzed. ─── 对超导扭摆磁铁准直的误差和精度进行了分析。

55、Oh, you are a shrewd wiggler ─── 噢,你是个刁钻的滑头。

56、50MW saturated output power and gain of 24dB/m have been obtained at 2.4m in wiggler while 950A beam current was input into wiggler of 0.31T magnetic field. ─── 当进入摇摆器的束流为950A,摇摆器磁场为0.31T,在摇摆器长度为2.4m的位置,获得了50MW的饱和功率,经变参数实验后输出功率提高到140MW。

57、With the help of MAGIC program, a new coaxial hybrid wiggler FEL amplifier was investigated in this paper. ─── 本文利用MAGIC程序研究了一种新型的同轴混合铁磁摇摆器型自由电子激光放大器。

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