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08-18 投稿


dangler 发音

英:[['d??gl?]]  美:[['d??g?l?]]

英:  美:

dangler 中文意思翻译



dangler 短语词组

1、dangler funeral home boonton nj ─── 丹格尔殡仪馆邦顿新泽西州

2、dangler fh ─── 悬挂式fh

3、dangler on a kite crossword clue ─── 悬垂在风筝纵横字谜线索上

4、dangler funeral ─── 丹格尔葬礼

5、dangler lewis carey funeral home boonton nj ─── 刘易斯·丹格·卡伦托殡仪馆

dangler 词性/词形变化,dangler变形


dangler 相似词语短语

1、mangler ─── n.轧布者;绞肉机;乱砍者;压延机;n.(Mangler)人名;(德)曼格勒

2、jangler ─── n.争吵,吵嚷;刺耳声(jangle的变形)

3、dangled ─── adj.悬挂着的;v.挂;悬荡;吊着(dangle的过去分词)

4、dangle ─── v.(使)摇晃地悬挂着;提着;炫示;用……来诱惑(或激励);n.(Dangle)(美、印、法)当格勒(人名)

5、dangles ─── v.摇晃地悬挂着(dangle的第三人称单数)

6、danger ─── n.危险;危险物,威胁;n.(Danger)人名;(法)当热

7、danglier ─── adj.摆晃的,悬摆的(dangly的变形)

8、dandler ─── 皮屑

9、angler ─── n.钓鱼;琵琶鱼;钓鱼者;用不正当手段谋取好处的人;n.(Angler)人名;(德、意)昂勒尔

dangler 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The dangler clustering form of jungly breath is made moving you. ─── 丛林气息的串式耳环打造动人的你。

2、Movie Optimus Prime Dangler... ─── 我都有..正啊!

3、Chromatic dangler do you dare to try? Provide Boximiya quite style, ethical ability is the world, zhang Ziyi is in deduce this kind of feeling. ─── 彩色耳环你敢于尝试吗?颇具波西米亚风格,民族的才是世界的,章子怡在演绎这种感觉哦。

4、And use more frequent, the ring with more cabinet modelling, dangler, use space more delicate adorn taste a box to find a place for, put in the conveniently on dresser to obtain. ─── 而使用更频繁,造型更小巧的戒指、耳环等,则采用分隔更精致的饰品盒安置,放在梳妆台上随手取得。

5、However, although your dangler did not sell,go out, you also must pay 3 dollars go up a cost. ─── 然而,即使你的耳环没有卖出去,你也必须支付3美元的上架费。

6、My shopping fondness for is in 4 domains, reside things for the home, it is filar towel scarf, wait for small decorations for hand catenary dangler, it is a shoe. ─── 但凡女人或多或少都有购物癖好,但每个人的癖好又多少略有不同。我的购物癖好在四个领域,一为家居用品,一为丝巾围巾,一为手链耳环等小饰物,一为鞋。

7、Occasionally a dangler can let you have a kind of state of mind. ─── 有时候一个耳环可以让你拥有一种心情。

8、The dangler clustering form of jungly breath is made moving you. ─── 丛林气息的串式耳环打造动人的你。

9、Learn window: Mixing the style that build is a magic weapon that dresses up adjacent home girl, chic dangler adds a clever energy of life. ─── 学习亮点:混搭的风格是装扮邻家女孩的法宝,别致的耳环增添一份灵气。

10、MM says inside forum bought dangler becomes walnut, still 4 moon cake that once bought are bitten by each. ─── 有MM在论坛内说买的耳环变成核桃,还有曾经买的4个月饼被各咬一口。

11、Like the child " love " the word is hanged on the mouth, hang like the child have " LOVE " dangler. ─── 象孩子一样的把“爱”字挂在嘴上,象孩子一样挂上有“LOVE”的耳环。

12、Dangl mait diangd diub jid , ─── 等妹回家去,

13、Become known day, a rural woman of 78 years old goes on the way home, auditive unexpectedly by two by motorcycle the teenager tears, a pair of value 700 multivariate gold dangler are reaved; ─── 大白天,一个78岁的农村妇女走在回家的路上,耳朵竟被两名骑摩托车的少年撕破,一对价值700多元的金耳环被抢走;

14、These are perfect the gem that deduced astronomical phenomena theme, include: Deserve to have delicate set the entity that get a bit condole dropping and dangler; ─── 这些完美演绎了天象主题的珠宝,包括:配有精致镶钻星形吊坠和耳环;

15、As the woman, it seems that to headgear, watch these little thing are having inherent infatuation, then necklace, dangler, ring, watch jumps over assemble more. ─── 作为女人,似乎对首饰、手表这些小物件有着与生俱来的迷恋,于是项链、耳环、戒指、手表就越攒越多。

16、Common cross dangler can bring integral aesthetic feeling to you. ─── 常见的十字架耳环能给你带来整体的美感。

17、cute style for you will spiral dangler earrings. ─── 螺旋式耳环给你可爱的风格。

18、30. Common cross dangler can bring integral aesthetic feeling to you. ─── 常见的十字架耳环能给你带来整体的美感。

19、Gem is corollaceous, necklace, bracelet, dangler and ring all without exception are radiative set off figure, fine-looking, elegant the ray with grade. ─── 珠宝花冠、项链、手镯、耳环和戒指无不放射着映衬身材、美貌、优雅和品位的光线。

20、9.Catenary of enough and ablaze dangler, necklace, hand still has ring, the key should dazzle quite, when needing also cannot stage fright. ─── 足够闪亮的耳环、项链、手链还有戒指,关键要够炫,需要的时候一个也不能怯场。

21、Jut xianb ax hneb hlat,njout lol sheit ax peax,dangl end ghab xongb nex yad yad lol doux ndeud xongb! ─── 新年头一天,上来发一贴,欢迎所有的苗族朋友们都来学习苗文!

22、Ring, dangler, necklace, rare dress, be full of without what do not show her family. ─── 她三十多岁,脸蛋皮肤都很美。戒指、耳环、项链、名贵的服装,无一不显示出她家庭的富有。

23、She what do poineering work 5 years, still day of element look out, do not take dangler, do not make up, do not wear high-heeled shoes, in Gong Haiyan's idea, the form is not important. ─── 创业五年的她,依然素面朝天,不带耳环、不化妆、不穿高跟鞋,在龚海燕的观念里,形式并不重要。

24、It looks like you've got weights dangling from your dangler. ─── |看起来就像你老二吊着重物似的。

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