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08-18 投稿


prognostication 发音

英:[prɑ?ɡ?nɑ?st??ke??n]  美:[pr?ɡ?n?st??ke??n]

英:  美:

prognostication 中文意思翻译



prognostication 网络释义

n. 预测;预言;预兆

prognostication 词性/词形变化,prognostication变形


prognostication 短语词组

1、prognostication neuro ─── 神经预测

2、prognostication defined ─── 预测定义

3、prognostication definition ─── 预测定义

4、prognostication mean ─── 预测均值

5、prognostication scores ─── 预测得分

6、prognostication models ─── 预测模型

7、prognostication define ─── 预测定义

8、prognostication etymology ─── 预测语源

prognostication 相似词语短语

1、prognosticates ─── vt.预言,预测

2、prognosticative ─── 预测的

3、prognosticate ─── vt.预言,预测

4、diagnostication ─── n.诊断

5、prognostications ─── n.预测;预言;预兆

6、prognosticating ─── v.预言,预示(prognosticate的现在分词)

7、procrastination ─── n.耽搁,拖延;拖延症

8、prognosticated ─── vt.预言,预测

9、prognosticator ─── n.预言者

prognostication 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、prognostication of war ─── 战争预测

2、Prognostication and Engineering Application of Electromagnetic Compatibility for Image Processing Equipment ─── 图像处理设备的电磁兼容预测与工程应用

3、Earlier in October, Josh Bell of Parallels wrote on three trends he sees, followed with one dark horse prognostication. ─── 去年十月初,来自Parallels的Josh Bell提到了他所看到的3个趋势,然后是对黑马的预测。

4、The only certain prognostication about the South Pacific is that Admiral Nagano will attack with all the craft of which he is capable. ─── 关于南太平洋战场唯一肯定的预测是,永野元帅将用所有兵力攻击。

5、Aphorism is closely related with mental association, which is also an important means for the prognostication of new words and expressions. ─── 联想是一些文艺作品的线索链和结构方式,格言跟联想有密切关系,联想还是新词语预测的重要途径。

6、Chinese Musical Thoughts and Ancient Musical Prognostication from Weather Observation ─── 中国音乐思想与古代的音乐占候术

7、To study the prognostication of the functional change by Barthel index (BI) in the patients with stroke before and after treatment. ─── 目的 :探讨Barthel指数 (bi)对脑卒中患者治疗前后功能状态改变的预测效果。

8、We also compared the prognostication precision, endow differ power, and established assembled forecast model. ─── 比较各方法预测精度,赋予不同权重,建立组合预测模型。

9、Prognostication of Remote Sensing for Karst Heat Corrosion Subsidence of the Whole Urban Ground of Guilin ─── 桂林城市地面岩溶热蚀沉降遥感预测

10、Keywords Cerebrovascular accident;SEPs;Functional recovery;F M scores;Prognostication; ─── 脑血管意外;体感诱发电位;功能恢复;评定;预后;

11、Studies on Monitoring of Coastal Water Pollution and Prognostication of Red Tide Based on NOAA/AVHRR Data 杨超武,田庆久,张满郎, ─── 中国和韩国渔业现状-着重海洋农牧化(英文)异舜吉,许亨泽,朱明远,季如宝

12、However, the specific therapies and the prognostication of diseases inferred by using the art of mathematics were mostly unreliable. ─── 而以易学的术数推衍具体的治疗方法及疾病预测等则大多不可靠。

13、Chapter 5 is about the landscape prognostication. ─── 第五章是景观的预测篇。

14、Its clinical application could be categorized into diagnosis, prognostication, therapy, and research. ─── 可能的临床用途分诊断、预测预后、治疗、研究四大方面。

15、The hemodynamic factors play an important role in cranial aneurysm's formation, development, rupture and risk prognostication. ─── 血流动力学的状态参数及其变化是认识动脉瘤的发生、发展和破裂以及风险预测的基础。

16、On the Feasibility of Establishing the Mechanisms of Agro-science-innovation and Its Earnings Prognostication ─── 试论建立农业科技创新机制的可行性与收益预测

17、And as much I would like to claim some special gift for prognostication, I can't. ─── 而且,虽然我很想说自己有未卜先知的特异功能,但我不能这样做。

18、coma duration prognostication model can prognosticate the duration of coma. ─── 昏迷时间预测模型可为临床提供昏迷时间预测。

19、LIU Yan-jun,JIN Li-fang,FENG Zhong-kui,et al.Multivariate prognostication of blind ore bodies for Dongping type of gold deposite[J].Remote Sensing for Land &Resources,1994(1):15-22. ─── [5]刘燕君,金丽芳,冯钟葵,等.东坪式金矿盲矿体的多元信息预测研究[J].国土资源遥感,1994(1):15-22.

20、scientific prognostication ─── 科学预测

21、Lithologic identification of the igneous rock is the base of rock phase dividing,synthetical reservoir evaluation and prognostication,pattern arrangement,development plan preparing. ─── 火成岩岩性识别是岩相划分、储层评价及开发方案编制的基础。

22、Predictive value of crawling ability for prognostication of the functional amelioration of children with cerebral palsy after selective posterior rehizotomy ─── 脑性瘫痪患儿术前爬行能力与选择性脊神经后根切断术后下肢功能改善的相关分析

23、For his own socialism, the prognostication of the inevitability of socialism's coming, he claimed the epithet scientific. ─── 只有对他自己所创立的社会主义,即社会主义的到来不可避免的预言,他才冠之以科学的称呼。

24、The only certain prognostication about the South Pacific is that Admiral Nagano will attack with all the craft of which he is capable. ─── 关于南太平洋战场唯一肯定的预测是,永野元帅将用所有兵力攻击。

25、Keywords the aged chronics;prognostication of terminal chronical ill;nursing; ─── 关键词老年慢性病人;临终预后;护理;

26、Keywords oil and gas operating costs;cost analysis;cost prognostication; ─── 油气操作成本;成本分析;成本预测;

27、We also compared the prognostication precision, endow differ power, and established assembled forecast model. ─── 比较各方法预测精度,赋予不同权重,建立组合预测模型。

28、prognostication of global energy demand ─── 全球能源需求预测

29、This charpter analysises the foreign designer's new prognostication through these ways. ─── 该章节就从这几个方面对一些国外设计师的新预测进行了分析。

30、In this way, the UBHPAC system can work stably and the energy consummation can be minimized as far as it can, while offering the foundation to the design and prognostication of the UBHPAC system. ─── 这样既保证UBHPAC系统的稳定可靠工作,又使能源规模尽可能地缩小,同时为UBHPAC工程设计和预测提供依据。

31、Theoretic prognostication and researching work show that the nanotubes have characteristics in mechanism and electrology and calorifics.which make it great application in these fields. ─── 理论预测和实验研究发现纳米碳管具有独特的机械、电学、热学等性能。


33、We consequently suggest that PASS requires further refinement and validation.We cannot currently recommend its use for clinical prognostication. ─── 由此,我们建议PASS需要进一步改进和验证,现在还不能用它来判断临床预后。

34、Keywords hydrothermal breccia;metallogenic prognostication;Zhuojiazhuang gold deposit; ─── 隐爆角砾岩;成矿预测;卓家庄金矿;

35、Keywords solid minerals;large and super large scale deposit;prognostication from comprehensive information;the southern Shaanxi province; ─── 固体矿产;大型、超大型矿床;综合信息预测;陕南地区;

36、However, the specific therapies and the prognostication of diseases inferred by using the art of mathematics were mostly unreliable. ─── 而以易学的术数推衍具体的治疗方法及疾病预测等则大多不可靠。

37、Keywords old orebody;mathematic characteristics;data processing;deep prognostication; ─── 金矿体;数学特征;数据处理;深部预测;

38、The ideal referring source will also acknowledge help with the treatment plan from the endodontist even if it simply is the prognostication of the individual procedure. ─── 这种理想的参考资源也会提供在牙髓学治疗方案方面的帮助 ,即使它只是个体程序的先头部分。

39、The Prophesy of Divine by Astrology and Prognostication by Dreams in ZUOZHUAN ─── 占梦、占星预言与春秋社会

40、Keywords information;visual extrating;second exploration;Cu-multimetal;hidden disposit;prognostication;Nei Monggol; ─── 信息;可视化提取;二轮找矿;铜多金属;隐伏矿床;预测;内蒙古;

41、Study and Implement of Disaster Prognostication Model and Property Loss Evaluation Model ─── 灾情预测和财产损失评估模型的研究和实现

42、In that five years,both uranium exploration,regional assessment and prognostication for the Mesozoic-Cenozoic basin in North China and resarch on uranium metallogeny theory and prospecting . ─── 5年来,我国北方中新生代盆地的铀矿勘查、区域预测评价及铀成矿理论和勘查方法研究等都取得了较快的进展和重要的成果。

43、The coma duration prognostication model can prognosticate the duration of coma. ─── 结论:昏迷时间预测模型可为临床提供昏迷时间预测。

44、Based on analyses of country highway's layout, the development scale and fund requirement prognostication are given in this paper,aimed at instructing country highway net's layout. ─── 通过对农村公路通达深度的分析,提出了农村公路近期发展规模和资金需求预测,为指导农村路网规划提出参考依据。

45、Predictive value of crawling ability for prognostication of the functional amelioration of children with cerebral palsy after selective posterior rhizotomy ─── 脑瘫儿童选择性脊神经后根切断术术前爬行能力与术后下肢功能改善的关联分析

46、THE OLD MAN AT THE FRONTIER LOSES HIS HORSE Among the people near the frontier, there was one skilled at prognostication. ─── 近塞上之人有善术者,马无故亡而入胡,人皆吊之。其父曰:“此何遽不能为福乎?”

47、Prognostication is by far the riskiest form of punditry. ─── 迄今为止,预言往往是一种最具风险的专家言论。

48、Quadrigeminal Cistern Obliteration on CT Scans as a Prognostication of Spontaneous cerebellar Hematoma ─── 四叠体池改变对自发性小脑血肿预后估计

49、The seventh is view toward divorce of them, and some assumptive prognostication on divorce, as well as the attitude toward out-marriage loving andhomosexuality. ─── 研究生对离婚的看法以及假设性的离婚行为的预测,对婚外恋以及同性恋的态度。

50、The wind field prognostication is on the basis of a non-hydrostatic equilibrium, full compressible dynamics model, in which the initial wind field is provided by di... ─── 风场预报,以质量守恒的风场诊断模式提供的三维风场为初始场,采用非静力平衡、完全可压缩的大气动力学模式。

51、basic prognostication unit ─── 基本预测单元


53、prognostication model ─── 预测模型

54、Keywords sand-obstacle;sand-disaster;prognostication;model; ─── 沙障;沙害;预测预报;模型;


56、The hemodynamic factors play an important role in cranial aneurysm's formation,development,rupture and risk prognostication. ─── 血流动力学的状态参数及其变化是认识动脉瘤的发生、发展和破裂以及风险预测的基础。

57、The purpose of the research: to prepare the system of prognostication and evaluation of the company’s financial position and financial results. ─── 一个类神经网路应用于前馈迴路以补偿主要的位置误差,另一个应用于回馈迴路修正次要的误差。

58、Based upon the distribution features of mercury compounds from a gold deposit, it is possibleto make an effective prognostication of blind ore bodies. ─── 根据金矿床中汞化合物的分布、配特征开展了盲矿预测,取得了较好的效果.

59、Keywords polyolefine;polyethylene;polypropylene;supply and demand;trade balance;market prognostication; ─── 聚烯烃;聚乙烯;聚丙烯;供需;贸易平衡;市场预测;

60、Keywords deep-large fault;hydrological condition;sandstone type uranium deposit;metallogenetic prognostication; ─── 深大断裂;水文地质条件;砂岩型铀矿;成矿预测;

61、The role of human reactions (intervening historical contingencies) points out that the main purpose behind predictions was not prognostication but activation. ─── 人回应(干预性历史偶发)的角色指出,在预言之后的主要目的不是预测未来,而是激励。

62、Chen Ruqing; Yuan Kuirong Institute of Hidden Ore Deposits Prognostication; Guilin College of Geology; ─── 桂林冶金地质学院隐伏矿床预测研究所;

63、strategic prognostication ─── 战略预测

64、Keywords remote sensing;karst;heat corrosion subsidence;prognostication;Guilin; ─── 遥感;岩溶;热蚀沉降;预测;桂林;

65、Prognostication of duplex transcranial Doppler ultrasound in recovering the language function in patients with aphasia ─── 双通道经颅多普勒超声对失语症患者语言功能恢复的预测研究

66、For Liu Bolin, this is no simple prognostication, but a study of humanity's history and our present state. ─── 而作为普通公民,他们前仆后继地充当着无名小兵的角色。

67、Prognostication and Health Management ( PHM ) ─── 预测及健康管理(PHM)

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