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08-18 投稿


incumbent 发音

英:[?n?k?mb?nt]  美:[?n?k?mb?nt]

英:  美:

incumbent 中文意思翻译




incumbent 词性/词形变化,incumbent变形


incumbent 短语词组

1、be incumbent on ─── 义不容辞, 覆盖在上

2、incumbent wing ─── 平覆翅

3、incumbent president ─── [法] 在职总统

4、incumbent upon sb ─── 对某人负有责任

5、incumbent upon us to ─── 我们有义务

6、incumbent on ─── [网络] 有责任心

7、incumbent firms ─── 在位企业(incumbentfirm的复数)

8、incumbent anther ─── 内曲花药

9、incumbent upon ─── 义不容辞

10、incumbent firm ─── 在位企业

11、incumbent upon us ─── 我们义不容辞

12、incumbent radicle ─── 内曲胚根

13、incumbent cotyledon ─── 背倚子叶

14、incumbent player ─── 现任球员

15、denotes incumbent ─── 表示在职人员

incumbent 习惯用语

1、be incumbent to do sth. ─── 不容某人推辞(做某事的)责任; 对某人(做某事)是责无旁贷的

2、be incumbent upon sb. ─── 不容某人推辞(做某事的)责任; 对某人(做某事)是责无旁贷的

incumbent 相似词语短语

1、incumbency ─── n.义务;任职;责任

2、incurrent ─── adj.流入的;向内流的

3、incumbently ─── 在职

4、incumber ─── vt.阻碍;妨害

5、incumbers ─── vt.阻碍;妨害

6、accumbent ─── adj.横卧的;斜靠着的;依状的

7、decumbent ─── adj.平躺的;(植物或其枝条)外倾的

8、incumbents ─── 在位者(incumbent的名词复数)

9、cumbent ─── 康本特

incumbent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Something incumbent; an obligation. ─── 义务负有义务的东西;义务

2、Thirty-one incumbent NPC members were chosen to enter the final round of balloting. ─── 三十一名现任人大代表全部入选最后一轮选举。

3、Still, it will be hard for the incumbent to point to any evidence that he made the country more "dynamic" , as he had promised. ─── 不过,这位现任首相也很难拿出任何证据表明他真的让日本更具“活力”了——就像他曾经承诺的那样。

4、The future of the world economy depends on how both China and the incumbent powers adapt to their new roles. ─── 世界经济的未来取决于中国以及现有的强权怎样适应它们的新角色。

5、POSITIONS AND EMPLOYEES REPORTING TO INCUMBENT: Engineers, CAD Operators, Administrative Assistants, Lab Superv...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州拓培人力资源顾问有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-4-14

6、It' s incumbent on you to advise your son before he leaves home. ─── 在你儿子离家前给他忠告是你义不容辞的事。

7、He ran an aggressive write-in campaign, beating out a 51-year-old incumbent. ─── 他参加富于挑战性的候补竞选,击败了51岁的在册者。

8、To have a teacher as the incumbent emperor, Yi Erzi naturally became an extremely arrogant dignitary. ─── 他的老师如今可是如日中天,号令天下的皇帝,做学生的当然也是鸡犬升天,不可一世的一方权贵。

9、Hence, in a lot of constituencies, when a long serving incumbent is replaced, there is non-cooperation and what is worst sabotage. ─── 因此,在许多选区,一旦在位已久的原任者被取代,便出现不合作甚至是恶意破坏的局面。

10、In Georgia, a run-off election between Republican incumbent Saxby Chambless and Democratic challenger Jim Martin is underway. ─── 在格鲁吉亚,决胜选举共和党之间Saxby Chambless和民主党挑战者吉姆马丁正在进行。

11、He, as the incumbent, is vulnerable on this. ─── 作为在职者,他在这个问题上易受攻击。

12、They characterize the conditions for the entrant’s innovation versus imitation decision to reveal information about future rewards to the incumbent. ─── 他们对进入者的创新和模仿的决策条件进行了描述,从而显示现有经营者的未来收益信息。

13、Love themselves, love their own lives have become the responsibility incumbent upon you. ─── 关爱自己,珍爱自己的生命已成为你义不容辞的责任了。

14、He needs to ensure a smooth transfer of power from an incumbent who is ideologically and temperamentally his polar opposite. ─── 他需要从一个在意识形态和气质上都和自己截然相反的现任者中平稳的接管权力。

15、The RB5 will be raced by new signing Sebastian Vettel, who replaces the retired David Coulthard, and incumbent Mark Webber. ─── RB5会首先由新签约车手维特尔来驾驶,他取代了已经退役的库特哈德,并代替受伤的韦伯。

16、U.S. presidential election, 1828: Challenger Andrew Jackson beats incumbent John Quincy Adams and is elected President of the United States. ─── 1828年,美国1828年总统大选:竞争者安德鲁?杰克逊击败了在位的约翰?昆西?亚当而当选美国的总统。

17、It is incumbent on you to give a father's advice before your son leaves home. ─── 在儿子离家之前给他一点忠告,是作父亲应尽的义务。

18、Job Summary:Based in Shanghai, the incumbent will be reporting directly to the Senior Vice President. Has primar...... ... ─── 公司名称:康众(上海)企业咨询服务有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-13

19、But it is not incumbent on him to provide for her Hajj. ─── 但支付朝觐费用并非丈夫义务。

20、That the PP now runs many regions may not help, as some voters may start to see it as an incumbent rather than an opposition. ─── 人民党目前统治了很多地区并不会有所帮助,因为一些选民或许已经开始把它当做执政党,而不是在野党。

21、It is incumbent on me to reclaim him. ─── 劝他改过是我义不容辞的义务。

22、China proform the nine-year incumbent education. ─── 中国实行九年制义务教育。

23、It had been the planned venue for a rally of Mousavi supporters, but those supporting the incumbent president arrived first. ─── 这里原本是穆萨维支持者计划举行集会的地点,但被现任总统的支持者捷足先登。

24、POSITION SUMMARIESThis incumbent shall play a role as the technical expert for DUCS and Application Engineer (Short fib...... ... ─── 公司名称:欧文斯科宁复合材料(杭州)有限公司工作地点:浙江省杭州市发布时间:2009-7-21

25、It is incumbent on us to check our fact before make an accusation. ─── 在控告前,检查事实是我们的责任。

26、Thus, it is incumbent on the government to support and develop the cooperation agencies. ─── 因此,扶持发展合作中介组织是政府义不容辞的责职。

27、She felt it incumbent upon her to answer the letter at once. ─── 她感到立即回信是她义不容辞的责任。

28、Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, formally gave his blessing to incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for a second term on Monday. ─── 伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊举行仪式,向伊朗现任总统艾哈迈迪内贾德再度连任表示祝贺。

29、Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison launched her campaign for governor of Texas, throwing down a strong challenge to Rick Perry, the incumbent. ─── 参议员哈奇森启动了竞选德克萨斯州州长的活动,给现任者派瑞带来了极大的挑战。

30、A college degree in engineering, business or marketing is desirable. The incumbent should possess the following: 2.Exc...... ... ─── 公司名称:科朗设备(苏州)有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-26

31、But instead I see newer photos, of abbots and living Buddha's incumbent, available, and revered by the locals and those who visit. ─── 但是,我看到了新的照片,是高僧们和现在的佛陀的使者,他们可以被看到,而且被当地人和拜访者敬仰。

32、election, Sean Trende constructed a graph comparing the incumbent campaign spending advantages with their eventual margins of victory. ─── 大选后,肖恩?特伦德制作了一张图表,将现任总统的竞选开支优势与他们最终的获胜优势进行比较。

33、Now, it's incumbent on teams to build their brands, to deliver quality. ─── 如今,球队有义务建设自己的品牌,带给球迷们优质产品。”

34、Corona lobes rounded, not higher than gynostegium, inner appendages not incumbent on anther or absent; leaf margin not undulate. ─── 圆形,比比合蕊冠,不现任的内部附属物在花药或无上高的副花冠裂片;叶缘不波状。(11

35、The incumbent party also calls for a recount only of specific ballot boxes. ─── 不仅如此,执政党也只想对特定的票匦重新计票而已。

36、So thin is the ideological divide, for example, that the two main rival presidential candidates could be the incumbent and his deputy. ─── 例如,意识形态的分歧是如此之小以至于两位主要总统候选人很可能就是现任总统与副总统。

37、It was incumbent on them to attend. ─── 他们必须出席。

38、Reformist candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi lost to incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in what Iranian officials say was a landslide victory. ─── 伊朗有争议的选举令奥巴马总统处于尴尬地位。

39、Incumbent officeholders are difficult to defeat at the polls. ─── 现任官员很难在选举中被击败。

40、Job Summary: The incumbent has to give support in respect of developing new electronics for new products, as wel...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海伯格人力资源有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-4-23

41、JOB PURPOSE: The incumbent is expected to manage and develop the commercial growth of the region, sustain long term perf...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州市智才人力资源顾问有限公司工作地点:四川省发布时间:2009-7-30

42、Actually, this matter is only the British out of office conservative party one in order to attack incumbent party Labor Party's pretexts. ─── 其实,这件事只是英国在野的保守党借以攻击执政党工党的口实之一。

43、I will do my best to shoulder my responsibilities based on the remarkable foundation laid by the incumbent LGM James Lin! ─── 在现任推广副总会长林义雄会友所奠下辉煌的基础下,我会尽最大的努力承担责任!

44、At each parliament parliamentary election for the past 19 years, Bulgarians have voted the incumbent government out of power. ─── 在过去19年来的每次议会选举中,保加利亚人民都选出了有力的政府。

45、He feels the same today and says he stands behind the incumbent but agrees that NUP raises urgent questions. ─── 今天他仍然有同感,称他将支持现任领导人,但是他认为NUP提出了一些紧迫性问题.

46、A congratulation came from Wang Anshun, former SiWu leader, incumbent deputy secretary of municipal. ─── 原四物大队长、现上海市委副书记王安顺在四物建队四十周年之际发来的贺电。

47、Yan Shiduo the incumbent General Administration of Sports trains bureau chief, once published the autobiography "Loyally Regretless". ─── 他炮制的“南北分区制”、“队委会制”、“双头制”等制度也广遭诟病;

48、He defeated the incumbent governor by a large plurality. ─── 他以压倒多数票击败了现任州长。

49、The general feeling is when the incumbent in Bakri was replaced after having served 5 terms, some of the MCA members and supporters were not happy. ─── 一般的印象是,由于蝉联了5届的原任议员被撤换,引起一些党员和支持者不满。

50、To deter entry, an incumbent firm must convince any potential competitor that entry will be unprofitable. ─── 为了阻止进入现有公司必须说服任何一个潜在的竞争者,使他们相信进入无利可图,这可能通过投资来完成。

51、He has plumped for the incumbent. ─── 他一直全面支持现职者。

52、Job Description:-The right incumbent will be responsible to assist the firm in complying with laws and regulations. Dail...... ... ─── 公司名称:中国国际金融有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-7-29

53、JOB : Buyer (Purchaser/Senior Purchaser) INCUMBENT (S) : SUPV. TITLE : Central Kitchen Manager SUPV. NAM...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海唯讯人力资源有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-4-6

54、This cash will either fortify the incumbent players and calcify the energy status quo, or it will facilitate the economic transformation we seek. ─── ”这笔钱或者将帮助那些初生期的企业,去巩固现有的能量,或者就会促进我们孜孜以求的经济转型。

55、In the recent mayoral election in Kiev, her candidate lost to the incumbent, despite her insistence that “he is me without the plait”. ─── 在最近的基辅市长选举中,季莫申科联盟的候选人输给了现任市长,尽管季莫申科一直强调“他就是没有辫子的我。”

56、The incumbent is responsible for ensuring quality service and support and doing so in compliance with national & local laws, and MWV Standard. ─── 主要职责以优质的服务和支持确保公司的日常运营符合当地的法律法规和公司的标准。

57、It is incumbent on you to answer his question. ─── 你有责任回答他的问题。

58、London elects its mayor, pitting the Labour party incumbent, Ken Livingston, against the Conservatives' Boris Johnson. ─── 伦敦市长改选,现任工党市长利文史东将迎战保守党的强森。

59、It may also depend on whether he decides to become president when the incumbent, Ahmet Necdet Sezer, retires in May. ─── 同时,还取决于当现任土耳其总统塞泽尔在明年五月份退休后,埃尔多安能否成为下任总统。

60、It is incumbent on them to pay their own debts. ─── 他们有义务偿还他们自己的债务。

61、He spent much of the campaign on the low road, making scurrilous and unsubstantiated remarks about the incumbent's past. ─── 他的大部分竞选活动都是欺骗下流行为,对在职总统的过去说下流而且没有证据的话

62、The other six are incumbent policy secretaries who will leave the bureaucracy to become political a ointees. ─── 另外六名原为决策局局长,现将离开公务员体系成为政治任命官员。

63、Division agreements should be signed by incumbent district governors or governors elect to comply with R.I. multi-district practice. ─── 分部同意书应该由现任地区总监或总监当选人签署以符合国际扶轮多地区的惯例。

64、Elegant who first gate, is the father Liu Jin-yi from the officials, is a child prodigy at a young age, with the father of the incumbent by reading. ─── 出身书香门第,父亲刘从益是金朝官员,自小就是个神童,随父亲在任所读书。

65、JOB DESCRIPTIONLevel: 5-6 JOB : Senior Purchaser/ Purchaser INCUMBENT (S) : SUPV. TITLE : Central Kitchen Mana...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海唯讯人力资源有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-3-29

66、Pursuing this approach gives the incumbent party majority support and deters the entry of potential competitive policies. ─── 在实际中,这一思维定式具有使决策者能获得最大多数人支持和抑制竞争政策获取多数人支持的效应。

67、THE incumbent president claims to have won a walloping 63% of the vote in the disputed presidential election of June 12th. ─── 伊朗现任总统声称,在6月12日充满争议的总统选举中狂揽63%的选票。

68、Four former Presidents joined incumbent President George Bush at the dedication ceremony for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. ─── 四位前总统与现任总统乔治.布什一起参加了里根总统图书馆的开馆典礼。

69、The Democrat heavyweight lost to the DAB incumbent in Shun Tin West by 1650 votes to 1846. ─── 在顺天西选区,民主党巨星李华明得1650票,输给了得1846票的民建联现任议员(郭必铮)。

70、It is incumbent on us to remember that while chocolate and cocoa impart pleasure, they are rich in fat and calories. ─── 在享受巧克力和可可粉给予的快感时,我们有责任记住,它们富含脂肪和热量。

71、But as public protests continued to dwindle without actually ending, the authorities said the incumbent would be sworn in early next month. ─── 但是随着公众抗议范围不断缩小,实际上并没结束,当局称,现任者将在下月初举行宣誓活动。

72、It is incumbent upon the local Party committees to help these enterprises to fulfil their tasks. ─── 地方党委有责任帮助中央在地方所办的事业去完成任务。

73、"It's very tough to roll out a vehicle of any kind with such a significant price premium versus an incumbent, " he said. ─── “要推出任何一种比现有车型贵很多的汽车,都将十分困难,”凯文·施说。

74、It is incumbent upon all user of this equipment to familiarize themselves with the safety procedure. ─── 凡使用这种设备的人都应熟悉安全程序。

75、He has no sense of the duty incumbent upon him. ─── 他对于他所应负之责,没有责任感。

76、The current incumbent Mitt Romney, a Republican, is a vocal opponent of the Cape Wind project. ─── 因此该修正案若通过,无疑的将封杀这个全美第一个离岸再生风能计画。

77、The incumbent will lead project team that conceptualizes and manages the execution of master planning of large scale mixed-use developments. ─── 主要负责带领项目团队对大型多用途城市核心发展项目的总体规划的执行过程提供概念化和管理。

78、So the village school stays open, for the time being at least, and long live our present incumbent. ─── 于是,村办学校继续办下去,至少暂时能这样,让我们为现在的职员高呼万岁!

79、It is incumbent upon you to warn them. ─── 你有责任警告他们。

80、Industry:Beauty Equipment/Personal Care1. Company StrategyAs member of the management team, the incumbent co-def...... ... ─── 公司名称:深圳市快乐人生文化发展有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-6-11

81、But as public protests continued to dwindle without actually ending, the authorities said the incumbent would be sworn in early next month. ─── 但是随着公共抗议声逐渐减少(事实上并未停止),政府官员称,在任者将在下月早期进行宣誓就职。

82、"I concurred with our incumbent in getting up a petition against the Reform Bill" (George Eliot). ─── “我同意我们义不容辞地要组织请愿以反对修正法律” (乔治·爱略特)。

83、She felt it was incumbent on herself to act immediately. ─── 她感到立即采取行动是她义不容辞的责任。

84、Defeated the incumbent in a close election. ─── 在一场势均力敌的选举中击败在职者

85、Earlier, in Iowa Romney talked agriculture, he said the incumbent had done little to grow agriculture related jobs in the last four years. ─── 较早之前,罗姆尼在爱荷华州谈到了农业,他说,过去四年中在增加农业相关的工作方面现任政府所为甚少。

86、It's incumbent on you to warn them. ─── 你有责任告诫他们。

87、"Is it an incumbent that is cannibalizing its own [frame relay base] or is it a competitive provider offering lower-price access? ─── “是现任就是拆自己的[帧中继基地] ,抑或是具有竞争力的供应商提供较低的价格获得” ?

88、Former Chelsea captain and current Leeds incumbent Dennis Wise feels 'a lot of people will miss him. I think the Premiership will miss him'. ─── 前切尔西队长,丹尼怀斯说:许多人都会想念他。整个英超都回想念他。

89、Incumbent Mayor Ray Nagin and Lt.Gov.Mitch Landrieu are the candidates in the run-off election. ─── 在最后一轮选举中,现任市长雷内根和副州长米西兰德鲁都在候选人名单之列。

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