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08-18 投稿


frump 发音


英:  美:

frump 中文意思翻译



frump 网络释义

n. 守旧者;衣著邋遢的女人

frump 短语词组

1、frump nv ─── 水果nv

2、frump fighters ─── 残暴的战士。

3、frump definition frump ─── 定义

4、frump gif ─── 毒药

5、frump twitter ─── 垃圾推特

6、frump day ─── 星期五

frump 词性/词形变化,frump变形

副词: frumpily |形容词: frumpy |名词: frumpiness |

frump 相似词语短语

1、grump ─── n.一阵坏脾气;发火;闹情绪;vi.发牢骚;闹情绪

2、frum ─── 美丽的

3、frumple ─── 温布尔

4、flump ─── v.砰地落下;砰地扔下;n.(下落时)砰的一声

5、Trump ─── n.王牌;法宝;喇叭;vt.胜过;打出王牌赢;vi.出王牌;吹喇叭;n.(Trump)人名;(英)特朗普

6、crump ─── n.炸弹;嘎吱声;vi.发嘎吱嘎吱声;猛烈爆炸;vt.嘎吱作响地嚼;adj.脆的;易碎的;n.(Crump)人名;(英、德)克伦普

7、rump ─── n.(人的)臀部,(动物的)尾部;残余,渣滓;n.(Rump)人名;(法、罗、德)伦普

8、frumps ─── n.守旧者;衣著邋遢的女人

9、frumpy ─── adj.(女子)衣着过时的,傻里傻气的

frump 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、she got a reputation as a frump; she's a real dog. ─── 她落得了个邋遢女人的名声;她真是一个邋遢女人。

2、She was a princess, and a princess could make Jackie Kennedy appear almost a frump. ─── 她是一位公主。一位让洁姬?肯尼迪也相形见绌的公主。

3、No-one woman, and one chattering old frump ! ─── 不,一个女人,一个唠叨老婆子。

4、Well I know I didn’t want to be there but I also didn’t want to look a frump either. ─── 虽然我不喜欢这种场合,但也不愿意看上去邋里邋遢的。

5、because you ' ll never be anything but a common frump ─── 因为你除了是个普通的女人外什么也不是

6、No-one woman, and one chattering old frump!" ─── 不,一个女人,一个唠叨老婆子

7、A dowdy person; a frump. ─── 邋遢的人

8、she got a reputation as a frump; ─── 她落得了个邋遢女人的名声;

9、You don't have to be a frump just because you're becoming a schoolmarm, I scolded myself. ─── 就因为当了女教师,你也没必要就随意穿着吧,我在心里这样责怪自己。

10、In the woman's eyes , he is so romantic and salt and can lead excitement . But she doesn't know he is also a frump or sloppy person , such as his feculentshoes and socks here and there . ─── 在女人眼里,他是如此的风趣浪漫,能给你带来久违的心动,却不知道,他在家中也同样臭鞋子臭袜子满天飞。

11、transparent stockings , stretched to breaking point . not like that frump today. ─── 跟今天那个穿得邋里邋遢的女人可不一样。

12、She got a reputation as a frump. ─── 她落得了个邋遢女人的名声。

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