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08-18 投稿


compensating 发音

英:[?kɑ?mpense?t??]  美:[?k?mpense?t??]

英:  美:

compensating 中文意思翻译





compensating 常用词组

compensating method ─── 补偿法

compensating mechanism ─── 补偿机制;补偿装置

compensating 词性/词形变化,compensating变形

动词过去式: compensated |动词第三人称单数: compensates |动词过去分词: compensated |动词现在分词: compensating |名词: compensator |形容词: compensative |

compensating 短语词组

1、compensating duty ─── [经] 补偿税

2、compensating filter ─── [电] 补偿滤波器

3、compensating ampere turns ─── [电] 补偿安培匝数

4、compensating gage ─── [化] 补偿片

5、compensating gauge ─── [化] 补偿片

6、compensating emphysema ─── [医] 代偿性气肿

7、compensating controller ─── [建] 互补调节器

8、compensating curve ─── [医] 代偿曲线, 补偿曲线

9、compensating inductance ─── [电] 补偿电感

10、compensating errors ─── [经] 抵销错误

11、compensating circuit ─── [电] 补偿电路

12、compensating cyepiece ─── [建] 补偿目镜

13、compensating expense ─── [法] 赔偿费

14、compensating balance ─── [经] 补偿性余额

15、compensating current ─── [医] 补偿电流

16、compensating capacitor ─── [电] 平衡放大器

17、compensating error ─── [计] 补偿误差 ─── [化] 抵消误差

18、compensating calorimeter ─── [医] 抵偿式测热计

19、adjustable compensating condenser ─── [电] 可调节补偿电容器

compensating 相似词语短语

1、comminating ─── v.诅咒

2、commentating ─── vt.评论;解说;注释;vi.评论时事;实况报道

3、compensation ─── n.补偿;报酬;赔偿金

4、compearing ─── 竞争

5、compensational ─── adj.补偿的;报酬的

6、decompensating ─── v.代谢失调(decompensate的现在分词)

7、compensative ─── adj.补充的;偿还的

8、noncompensating ─── 无偿的

9、compensations ─── 补偿;[会计]补偿金

compensating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、WANG Zhao-an,YANG Jun,LIU Jin-jun.Harmonics restraining and reactive power compensating [M].Beijing:Mechanical Industry Press, 1998. ─── [1]王兆安,杨君,刘进军.谐波抑制和无功功率补偿[M].北京:机械工业出版社,1998.

2、Compensating peasants for appropriated land on the basis of market values, not just minimal agricultural ones, would help too. ─── 以市价为基础而不仅仅是最低农业收入,来对被征用土地的农民进行补偿也会有效。

3、The effect of the turbulence of the fan convection field and the position of the wind compen... ─── 在进行机械排烟时还应考虑风机对流场的扰动、补风口位置的影响。

4、In order to solve this problem, a real-time wavelet de-noising algorithm is researched in compensating for dynamic measurement error. ─── 为了解决该问题,研究了一个采用实时小波滤波算法,消除动态测量误差补偿中噪声干扰的方法。

5、Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is the most effective device for compensating voltage sags. ─── 动态电压恢复器(DVR)是补偿电压凹陷最有效的装置,控制方式是其技术核心。

6、Party B shall be liable for compensating for any damage it caused to the premises and facilities resulting from Party B's fault or negligence. ─── 如因乙方的过失或过错致使房屋及设施受到损坏,乙方应负修复及赔偿责任。

7、Ball presser and Compensating Guide designed for circular and curvy stitching. Ball pressure is adjustable. ─── 压力走珠和傍片有助圆形及弯形缝制。走珠的压力可以调节。

8、However, the company behind the site, Newzbin Ltd, went into administration shortly after the ruling and avoided compensating the studios. ─── 然而,经营这家网站的公司,Newzbin有限公司,在法院裁定后不久就进入管理阶层,避免了对这些工作室的赔偿。

9、Conclusion:The main causes of the disease might be of the retrogressive metamorphosis,compens... ─── 保留脊柱后结构的髓核摘除、椎管扩大减压的手术效果是满意的。

10、P.J Lemaire, L.shepherd and J.D Weld, “Temperature Compensating Device for Fiber Grating”, U. ─── 张鸿淇,“新式光纤光栅被动温度热补偿及主动可调机构之研发,”国立台湾大学应用力学研究所硕士论文,2002.

11、She may be using retail therapy, creating their debts, as a way of compensating for her unhappiness and resulting low self esteem. ─── 她也许会使用传播疗法,通过制造更多的债务来补偿她的不开心和受挫的自尊心。

12、Bookings for advertisements are non-cancelable. Otherwise the Advertiser is liable for compensating the Publisher for all financial losses arising from the cancellation. ─── 凡广告合约,一经确认,即作实论,不得取消。否则,广告客户须补偿出版人因取消刊登广告而蒙受之全部金钱损失。

13、If that's not happening to you, you're compensating somewhere else in the foot, knee, or even hip. ─── 如果你(的脚踝)不是这样的,那么在其他部位也将得到修正,比如足部,膝盖甚至臀部。

14、A sophisticated error handling mechanism that includes handling of compensating transactions in cases where a workflow must be "rolled back" to a specific point. ─── 一种成熟的错误处理机制,包括在出现工作流程“回滚”到特定的点这种情况时要处理的补偿事务。

15、"It's all so stolid and humorless, even the scenes in San Francisco,without compensating epic sweep. ─── 全片麻木迟钝、一本正经,甚至是那些还在旧金山时的没有史诗场面的部分.

16、Therefore, it is demonstrated that the shunt or series APF should be used for compensating the current or the voltage harmonic source. ─── 从而说明对电流型或电压型谐波源进行谐波补偿,应该分别使用并联型或串联型APF。

17、The model of information chain lack compensating was established by utilizing the grey theory and orthogonality test design method and the principle of information chain hole... ─── 所给出的具体的补偿实例说明信息链空穴灰色生成与正交试验设计生成是一种极为有效的信息缺失补偿方法。

18、I believe she is over compensating for the mistakes made in her past. ─── 我相信她是在为她过去犯的过错进行过度补偿。

19、The lessee shall be liable for compensating the lessor for losses suffered as a result thereof. ─── 出租人因此所受的损失由承租人负责赔偿。

20、In order to analyze the compensating effects of the cascade hydropower stations, it is necessary to evaluate the compensating regulation schemes. ─── 摘要为了分析梯级水电站的补偿调节效果,有必要对补偿调节方案进行评价。

21、Tom experienced a glow of pride and a renewed sense of the compensating advantages of the kingly office. ─── 汤姆感受到一种强烈的自豪感,也重新体会到做国王所带来的好处。

22、Otherwise insurance company will not be in charge of compensating for. ─── 否则保险公司将不负责赔偿。

23、On Children's Day, kids are entitled to free entry to all city parks. It's a way of compensating them for the long hours they spend in school all year. ─── 孩子们在儿童节有资格免费进入每一个城市公园。这是对他们全年长期呆在学校里的一种补偿。

24、The company applied for formulating the standard of "Non-contact Compensating AC Stabilizer" to the Ministry of Information Industry in 11, 2001. ─── 公司于2001年11月向国家信息产业部提出了制定“无触点补偿式交流稳压器”标准的申请。

25、I am able to set up compensating networks of nerve connections. ─── 我能建立起补偿性的神经联系网。

26、This is now known as the theory of compensating differentials that is often attributed to Adam Smith. ─── 这一点从亚当·斯密提出的差异补偿理论可以看出。

27、Our effort serves the purpose of compensating for unworthiness and fear. ─── 作苦功只是对于我们自我的无价值感和恐惧的弥补而已。

28、Identify failure detection methods. Identify compensating provisions for each failure mode. ─── 找出失效的侦测方法:找出每个失效模式的弥补方式。

29、The principle concept of long life sealing riveting, features of rivet with compensating tip and the special requirements on composite riveting are introduced. ─── 介绍了长寿命密封铆接的基本概念、带补偿头铆钉的特点以及复合材料铆接的特殊要求。

30、In the course of assembling with compensating gauge, It is not an easy job to determine the group number of compensating gauge and dimensions of each group. ─── 在采用调整装配的过程中,固定调节件分组数和各组调节件尺寸的确定不是一个一目了然,容易解答的问题。

31、It is believed that postprandial hypotension is caused by the autonomic nervous system not compensating appropriately, because of ageing or a specific disorder. ─── 一般相信这种形式的低血压是因失调或自主神经系统老化未能作出适当的调节而起的。

32、Upper tool with tension compensating mechanism, in order to guarantee high precision of bending. ─── 上模配有挠度补偿机构,以保证获得较高的折弯精度。

33、Life works upon a compensating balance, and the happiness we gain in one direction we lose in another. ─── 生活总是在补偿性地自我平衡着,在这里得到的幸福,会在那里失去。

34、I shall be compensating you with 25% of the total sum on final conclusion of this project, while the rest shall be for me. ─── 我会补偿的25关于该项目的最终结论,你总金额%,其余应为我。

35、Tang Zhuoyao,Ren Zhen.Hybrid filter connected in series APF with PF and compensating characteristic analysis[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2000,20 (5):25-29 (in Chinese). ─── [2]唐卓尧,任震.并联型混合滤波器及其滤波特性分析[J].中国电机工程学报,2000,20(5):25-29.

36、If the effort brings no compensating gain it is a waste. ─── 如果努力没有带来赔偿,那就是一种徒劳。

37、Provides classes that allow you to use a Compensating Resource Manager (CRM) in managed code. ─── 提供使您可以在托管代码中使用补偿资源管理器(CRM)的类。

38、There were some compensating shifts. ─── 有一些补偿性的转变。

39、The controlling and compensating method for SISO-linear system was introduced,which was based on classical control theory and achieved by SISO design tools package in MATLAB. ─── 介绍了如何以MATLAB中的SISO设计工具箱为计算工具,以经典控制理论为基础对线性系统进行校正和补偿。

40、Second, the design of RF switch is discussed, with the emphasis on the equivalent model of PIN DIODE and the compensating syntonic matched circuit. ─── 为了完成波束切换的功能,本文探讨了射频开关的设计,着重介绍了PIN DIODE高频等效模型和用以补偿的谐振匹配网络;

41、Keywords:extinction coil; compensating pattern; neutral-point sh ift voltage; resonance.? ─── 关键词:补偿方式;中性点位移电压;谐振?

42、The compensating balance increases the effective interest rate to the bank since the net amount loaned is reduced but the interest paid is unchanged. ─── 因为贷款的净金额减少,但所支付的利息没有变,所以,补偿金额增加了银行的有效利息率。

43、But commentators have advanced five rationales to justify government programs compensating crime victims. ─── 但是,理论界对犯罪被害人国家补偿的理论基础却依然存在争论。

44、Crime always be punished as compensating, only punishment can compensate the criminals. ─── 2犯罪总是以惩罚相补偿;只有处罚才能使犯罪得到偿还。

45、From the angle of engineering, some key problems in harmonics detecting and compensating parts are studied, which accumulates much experience for the engineering use of APF. ─── 主要从工程应用角度出发,对检测和补偿两个环节进行了研究和设计,为有源滤波器的工程应用积累了经验。

46、To achieve the accuracy required to pass the IEC and ANSI standards, a technique for compensating large phase mismatch is important to implement in a meter design. ─── 为达到IEC(国际电工委员会)和ANSI(美国国家标准学会)所规定的精确度标准,我们必须在仪表设计过程中采用特殊的技术来补偿较大的相位失配。

47、This allows you to retain messages for auditing purposes, or to perform compensating transactions if an error occurs. ─── 这样就可以保留消息以便审核,也可用于在出现错误时执行补偿事务。

48、If the defect of product causes losses in property of the victims, the party shall be responsible for restoring or compensating for it. ─── 因产品存在缺陷造成受害人财产损失的,侵害人应当恢复原状或者折价赔偿。

49、The vehicular step-track paraboloid antenna,which is stabilized in the inertia space by compensating the disturbance angle,has been widely used to track air targets. ─── 基于捷联式角位移扰动稳定的抛物面天线步进跟踪广泛应用于运动载体对空中目标搜索与跟踪,但却存在跟踪速度慢和精度低的问题。

50、This refers to the system aimed at compensating or commending the special group of people who have rendered meritorious services to the state and society. ─── 优抚安置制度是指对国家和社会有功劳的特殊社会群体给予补偿和褒扬的一种制度。

51、But after years in which courts and states have taken a hard line on prisoners' rights, there are signs of change, at least when it comes to compensating the wrongly convicted. ─── 不过,在法庭和州政府对犯人的权利采取强硬路线多年以后,现在有了一些变通的迹象,至少在赔偿蒙冤犯人的问题上是这样。

52、Pierson went to bed very excited about the prospect of the tooth fairy financially compensating him for his double loss. ─── 小皮上床睡觉时高兴坏了,一个劲幻想牙仙会怎样弥补他双份的损失。

53、The orienting response is overworked.Viewers still attend to the screen, but they feel tired and worn out, with little compensating psychological reward. ─── 当电视节目过度启动收视者的导向反应时,尽管收视者仍然专心盯著电视萤幕,但是他们却会感到筋疲力竭,无法从中得到什麽心理补偿。

54、TangZhuoyao,RanZhen.Hybrid filter connected in series APF with PF and compensating characteristic analysis[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2000,20(5):25-29(in Chinese). ─── [9]唐卓尧.任震.并联型混合滤波器及其滤波特性分析[J].中国电机工程学报,2000,20(5):25-29.

55、By the use of temperature characteristic of the semiconductor PN junction thermocouple cold end compensating circuit was designed. ─── 利用晶体管PN结温度特性设计出热电偶冷端补偿电路,并对常用热电偶冷端补偿方法进行比较分析。

56、The hardware configuration,flow chart of software,derivation of compensating signal and derivation of PWM wave are analysed. ─── 对该有源滤波器的硬件结构、软件流程、指令电流及PWM波的产生进行了分析和阐述。

57、This paper designes a control system for gyro-stabilized platform based on the state compensating control theory. ─── 基于状态补偿控制理论,设计了陀螺稳定平台的状态补偿控制系统。

58、The energy fl ow and compensating voltage control in DVR are analyzed. ─── 对这类装置中能量流动和补偿电压控制问题进行了分析。

59、Besides, different voltages and fuel pressures working on flow characteristics are compared and compensating measures have been provided.It also gets some modificatory curves. ─── 同时,比较了不同电压和油压对流量特性的影响,得到了部分修正曲线,并提出了相应的补偿措施。

60、Wang Xin,Lu Yu-dong,Zhuang Zhi-qiang.Defect Compensating Mechanism in Undoped Barium Plumbate[J].Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society,2007,35 (6):701-704. ─── [7]王歆,陆裕东,庄志强.未掺杂铅酸钡陶瓷的缺陷补偿机理[J].硅酸盐学报,2007,35(6):701-704.

61、So, must strengthen and raise the finanicial strength, adjust the scheme of compensating, at the same time with specially medical rescu... ─── 因此,必须加大力度,调整补偿方案,同时与特困医疗救助相结合,提高对贫困人群的补助。

62、The basic structure and working principle of the APF are presented, and its methods for detecting the harmonic current and controlling the compensating current are discussed. ─── 介绍了电力有源滤波器的基本结构和原理,讨论了电力有源滤波器的各种谐波电流检测和补偿电流控制方法。

63、Hearing aid is not only a hearing compensating tool, it also has some therapeutic effect as well. ─── 助听器不只是一个听力补偿工具,而且具有一定的治疗作用。

64、ZHANG Peng-fei,LONG Xing-wu.Research on compensating error model of quartzose flexible accelerometer[J].Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators,2006,19(4):1100-1103. ─── [4]张鹏飞,龙兴武.石英挠性加速度计误差补偿模型的研究[J].传感技术学报,2006,19(4):1100-1103.

65、Industrial injury insurance come from the tort system play a significant role in protecting and compensating workers interests, and decentralizing enterprise risk. ─── 工伤保险从民事侵权制度中发展而来,在保障与补偿职工利益、分散企业风险等方面发挥着重大作用。

66、To improve further the dynamic characteristic, the non-linear PI arithmetic with the load-current forward compensating (LCFC) control is also improved. ─── 为了进一步提高系统的动态性能,在非线性PI算法中加入了负载电流前馈补偿控制。

67、He argued and pleaded for compensating emancipation of the slaves. ─── 他恳请实行有补偿的奴隶解放政策。

68、The operation of a Linearizer is by virtue of a serially connected amplifier element and compensating element. ─── 一个线性凭借一个单元串联放大器、补偿元。

69、Telomerase is capable of synthesizing telomeric DNA onto the ends of chromosomes, compensating the telomeric sequences lost and making cell immortal. ─── 但端粒酶的存在却可以维持细胞端粒的长度,使细胞可以逃避凋亡而具有“不死性”。

70、The hard ware and soft ware of three phase DC resistance welding micro controller is introduced in this paper.The theory of voltage auto compensating is specified too. ─── 介绍了三相次级整流阻焊微机控制器的硬件结构及设计、软件设计及流程,并对网压补偿原理作了较详细的介绍。

71、Refers to subsidies paid to staff and workers for compensating special or extra labor and allowances paid to staff and workers to offset the impact of inflation on real wages. ─── 指为了补贴职工特殊或额外的劳动消耗和因其他特殊原因支付给职工的津贴,以及为保证职工工资水平不受物价影响支付给职工的物价补贴。

72、Evolved characteristics that limit life span in the absence of some individually beneficial compensating effect violate the generally understood classical rules of evolution. ─── 在缺乏个体受益补偿作用时进化形成限制寿命的特性,违反了被普遍接受的进化论经典规则。

73、The academic circles resolve this problem by compensating witness and reprimanding witness, while not paying much attention to the witness protection. ─── 因此,在我国目前建立并完善证人保护制度,不仅具有现实意义,同时也可以丰富证人制度的理论研究。

74、We decrease the temperature influence on the SPW by compensating the temperature change of the environment medium according to the effect. ─── 利用了这一效应来补偿环境介质的温度变化,可以克服环境温度对测试所带来的影响。

75、The mortgagor shall be held responsible for compensating for the losses caused upon the mortgagee. ─── 承押人因此所受的损失由抵押人赔偿。

76、This paper expounds the characteristics,important conditions,types and compensating limits to understand and apply the fault duty of signing a treaty correctly. ─── 拟从缔约过失责任的特点、构成要件、类型以及赔偿范围等方面予以阐述,以便更好地理解和运用缔约过失责任。

77、Also a method to dynamically compensating the thermal lensing is discussed. ─── 提出一种动态补偿热透镜效应的方法,分析了其可行性。

78、In China,MBO takes on special meanings including compensating for enterpriser's human capital etc. ─── 企业家人力资本补偿使MBO具有在中国的特殊含义。

79、The adult is less than 1 milligram from the iron of eduction of mucky make water everyday, get easily compensating from inside food commonly. ─── 成人每天从粪尿排出的铁不到1毫克,一般容易从食物中得到补偿。

80、Even if the compensating element differs from the active amplifier element, a similar effect may be expected. ─── 即使反馈的分子不同于放大器单元,可预期效果相同。

81、Are there compensating or complementary controls which reduce? its intrinsic importance? ─── 存在补充性或替代性的控制来降低其内在的重要性吗?

82、Although the compensating value of the dowry no longer exists in modern America, the father of the bride mirrors the ancient system of marital payback by paying for the wedding. ─── 尽管在当代美国社会,嫁妆的这种补偿价值不再存在,但是新娘的父母仍然通过支付举办婚礼的费用反映出古代夫妻间的偿还制度。

83、The methods for pitch errors compensating of CNC lathe were used to correct the errors caused by quenching when turning the precision long-screws. ─── 在数控车削长丝杠时,采用螺距误差补偿的方法来补偿后面淬火工序所引起的螺距误差。

84、But they say the agency, instead of compensating them when prices on the ground fall as is happening now, has been investing in projects that unions never approved. ─── 但是他们说代理处不是给他们提供补偿现在所发生的价格狂落的时候,而是不断投资那些协会并没有同意的工程。

85、Pierson went to bed very excited about the prospect of the tooth fairy financially compensating him for his double loss. ─── 小皮上床睡觉时高兴坏了,一个劲幻想牙仙会怎样弥补他双份的损失。

86、The SPL centralized INCONEL cone springs which distribute uniformly loading on both seats as well as compensating for irregular expansion of seats and seat wear. ─── SPL弹簧加压型为了消除阀座的不规则膨胀和阀座磨损,将使两个阀座受均衡的载荷,把因科内尔镍合金锥形弹簧设置在中心。

87、Ceaseless silting and compensating in adjacent two rivers,extra-thick coal seams formed in depressed topographic lows annularly,and the main control f... ─── 在今后的找煤与勘探工作中,采用综合勘探技术对厚煤层变薄及缺失和基底构造形态予以精确控制,是满足高产高效矿井对地质条件精度要求的必要。

88、According to requirement of aim temperature to implement compen... ─── 按目标温度要求,进行补偿措施,有效地控制钢水温度。

89、An inadequacy often calls forth compensating forces. ─── 一种缺陷往往会产生补偿的力量。

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