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08-18 投稿


comicality 发音

英:[[?k?m?'k?l?t?]]  美:[[?k?m?'k?l?t?]]

英:  美:

comicality 中文意思翻译



comicality 反义词


comicality 词性/词形变化,comicality变形

副词: comically |名词: comicality |

comicality 短语词组

1、comicality forum ─── 喜剧论坛

2、comicality synonym ─── 滑稽同义词

3、comicality library ─── 友谊图书馆

4、comicality gfd images Comility gfd ─── 图像

5、comicality definition ─── 喜剧性定义

6、comicality 2020 ─── 喜剧2020

7、comicality chimera ─── 滑稽奇美拉

comicality 同义词

mirthful | comic | sidesplitting | droll | laughable | hilarious |funny | zany | wacky | entertaining | risible | amusing | humorous

comicality 相似词语短语

1、communality ─── n.公社性;集体性;团结;[数]公因子方差

2、criticality ─── n.[核]临界;危急程度

3、logicality ─── n.逻辑性;合论理性;论法的正确

4、clericality ─── 神职

5、cosmicality ─── n.宇宙状态

6、comically ─── adv.滑稽地;诙谐地

7、topicality ─── n.时事性;时事性话题

8、criminality ─── n.有罪,犯罪;犯罪行为

9、commonality ─── n.公共;共性;平民

comicality 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Van Eyck, 63, said his comic book-style film would be a black comedy. ─── 今年63岁的范·埃克说,这部连环画式的电影将是一部荒诞幽默剧。

2、Do you like reading comic books? ─── 你喜欢读漫画书吗?

3、Clove is Japanese famous comic group CLAMP's classic work. ─── 三叶草是日本著名漫画团体CLAMP经典作品。

4、His flow of comic verse always enlivened festive occasions at the White House. ─── 他信手拈来的打油诗经常为白宫的节日聚会增添不少欢乐气氛。

5、His grandfather was a stand-up comic and children's entertainer. ─── 他的爷爷是儿童节目的喜剧演员。

6、It was comic that a scrubby little Welsh member should look at me like that. ─── 一个微不足道的威尔士小议员竟然这样看着我,真是可笑。

7、Do you have any comic books? ─── 你有漫画书吗?

8、In today's drawing American cartoonist Stuart Carlson portrays a typical Yuletide scene with a comic twist. ─── 在今天的漫画中,美国漫画家斯图尔特-卡尔森描绘了一个典型的圣诞节期间的场面,这一场面带有意想不到的滑稽变化。

9、His accident with the microphone bring some welcome comic relief to a very dull party. ─── 他撞上了话筒,这给极沉闷的聚会带来了些欢乐。

10、Tall men tend to make plays for her, regarding the couple as slightly comic. ─── 一些高个儿男人觉得这样的一对儿未免有点滑稽,会想方设法勾引她。

11、A woman professional entertainer who tells jokes or performs various other comic acts. ─── 喜剧女演员说笑话或进行各种其他滑稽表演的职业女演艺者

12、An incident or a situation having both comic and tragic elements. ─── 同时具有可笑及悲剧成分的事件或局面

13、A noted comic opera comedian was holding forth that week, and the air of distinction and prosperity overawed her. ─── 一个著名的滑稽歌剧演员本周在这里公演,那种赫赫声名和豪华气派把她震住了。

14、The only MEP allowed on the BBC is Ukip's comic turn, Nigel Farage. ─── 唯一接受BBC采访的欧洲议员法拉奇,成为了独立党的笑话。

15、Another one I'm preparing is a huge sci-fi based on a French comic. ─── 另一部我正准备的是部大型科幻片,改编自法国漫画。

16、But in "Comedy Night", which portrays local life, the use of Singlish has contributed much to the comic effect. ─── 但以反映日常生活为主的“搞笑行动”里,“新加坡式英语”的使用加添了节目的喜剧感。

17、He collects back numbers of comic magazines. ─── 他收集过期的连环漫画杂志。

18、Don Juan is Byron's masterpiece, a great comic epic of the early 19th century. ─── 他的代表作《唐璜》是19世纪初期的著名讽刺史诗。

19、What are you going to buy? I'm going to buy a comic book. ─── 及购物相关的表达进行购物活动。

20、A professional entertainer who tells jokes or performs various other comic acts. ─── 喜剧演员说笑话或进行各种其他滑稽表演的职业演艺者

21、He underplayed the comic elements of the opera. ─── 他没有把这出歌剧的喜剧成分表演得淋漓尽致。

22、Don't make it comic like some of those comic ones you paint. ─── 别把它画成您画的那些奇异的东西。

23、Bookman Old Style,Comic Sans Ms,Courier New. ─── 中文字型-标楷体,细明体,新细明体.

24、TRB: You have played comic, dramatic and action roles. ─── 你演过喜剧、剧情和武打的角色。

25、But unfortunately, it has to be sold as a comic book movie like Spiderman. ─── 但是不幸的是,它不得已以一部喜剧而出售,就象蜘蛛侠。

26、Soon the distributor arrived and I asked him if we could have the comic books. ─── 书商来了,我问他是否能把那些即将被扔掉的小人书送给我们。

27、The bookstore has just bought some attractive comic books. ─── 书店新进了一批好看的小人儿书。

28、He is looking for his comic book. ─── 他在找他的连环画。

29、She has more than five comic books. ─── 他有超过五本漫画书。

30、Comic and Tragic Spirit in ?The Decameron? ─── 《十日谈》中的喜剧精神与悲剧精神

31、The Italians like soap operas today. Their most successful literary genre is comic. ─── 今天意大利人喜爱看肥皂剧,他们最成功的文学样式是连环漫画。

32、A faintly comic figure, he fears ridicule above all else. ─── 他是个不怎么滑稽的人物,最害怕被人嘲笑。

33、High on the wall a comic mask peers through a small window. ─── 一幅滑稽的面具由高墙上的小窗户透了出来。

34、He prefers to play comic roles. ─── 他更喜欢扮演喜剧角色。

35、The utility had expended thousands of dollars on posters and comic books dev oted to the subject. ─── 公司为了这个问题花了几千元印刷连环画和招贴画。

36、Oh, they are not at the comic book store,either? ─── 噢,它们也不在连环画书店吗?

37、But did you also notice the comic depicting their founders' story? ─── 但是你注意到了漫画描述其创始人的故事了没?

38、Wertham wasn`t the only one down on comic. ─── The United States Senate上议院;某些大学评论会;

39、A short comic piece performed after a play. ─── 余兴节目正剧后加演的短喜剧

40、The assault on manners doesn't just come in the form of comic relief. ─── 其实,粗俗的行为不仅仅以喜剧性调剂的形式出现。

41、Both his younger brothers like comic books. ─── 他的两个弟弟都喜欢漫画书。

42、Oh, by the way, one of my favorite comic books is NANA. ─── 噢,对了,我喜欢的漫画之一是NANA,

43、There was little comic relief in his speech. ─── 他的演讲少有轻松幽默的地方。

44、What did you do this morning? I read comic books. ─── 今天早上你做了什么?我读漫画书。

45、One of the shows, "The Boondocks," is based on a newspaper comic strip. ─── 其中一个节目”荒野“是基于一个报纸的连环画。

46、Nearly all the children like to read comic strip. ─── 几乎所有的孩子们都喜欢读连环画。

47、Because he was a comic actor, he got a laugh. ─── 因为他是喜剧演员,所以他会引我们发笑。

48、I wonder why children like comic books,@ Mrs Easton asked. ─── “我想知道为什么孩子们喜欢滑稽类的书,”伊斯顿夫人问。

49、His words provided some comic relief in what was really a dull speech. ─── 他的话给极沉闷的讲话增添了几分轻松的气氛。

50、The directors have developed a comic routine to hammer home their message. ─── 主管们制定了一套滑稽的惯例,费尽心思地让别人理解他们的意思。

51、He makes a living as a stand-up comic. ─── 他靠说单口相声为生。

52、British singer noted for his comic stage persona, a wry and nostalgic Highlander. ─── 劳德,哈里·麦克伦南1870-1950美国歌唱家,以讽刺怀旧的苏格兰高地人的喜剧舞台形象而著名

53、As a comic actor, Choplin had brought much pleasure to the audience. ─── 作为喜剧演员,卓别林给观众带来许多乐.

54、Most funny stories are based on comic situations. ─── 多数可笑的故事是基于喜剧情景的。

55、To behave in a playful, comic, or boisterous way; clown. ─── 卖弄,炫耀以开玩笑的、滑稽的或喧闹的方式行动;扮小丑

56、Actors performing traditional comic dialogues generally wear long gowns. ─── 一般表演传统相声的演员都身着长袍。

57、His joke provided some comic relief in what was really a dull speech. ─── 他说的笑话给极沉闷的讲话增加几分轻松气氛。

58、Their segment just aired during the Comic Relief telethon. ─── 他们的采访短片剪辑刚刚于漫画救济电视节目中播出。

59、You really like comic book, do not you? ─── 你很喜欢漫画,对不对?

60、ACG means, animation, comic and game. ─── 动画,C:漫画,G:游戏。

61、Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece. ─── 大自然就像人生舞台的背景,既适合喜剧,也适合悲剧.---爱默生

62、What do you think of the comic actor? ─── 你觉得这个男喜剧演员怎么样?

63、He gets a kick out of a comic book. ─── 他看连环图画书看得津津有味。

64、They whiled away the time singing comic songs. ─── 他们唱着滑稽歌曲消磨时光。

65、Lower-class character are included either as comic butts or faithful forelock-touching adjuncts of the main characters. ─── 下层社会的角色也包括在内,他们要么是充当有喜剧色彩的笑柄,要么是充当对主要角色点头哈腰的从属。

66、Do you really LET your boys read comic books? ─── “你真的让你的孩子们读幽默类的书?

67、He put up a comic countenance. ─── 他摆出一副滑稽的表情。

68、On the Comicality in Joseph Conrad's Novels ─── 论康拉德小说的喜剧性

69、Comic master Steve Martin stars as the clueless detective in The Pink Panther. ─── 喜剧大师史提夫?马丁在《粉红豹》中饰演一位无厘头的侦探。

70、I like read comic books and watch cartoons. ─── 喜欢看漫画,喜欢看动画片,

71、He was a singer really, not much of a comic. ─── 他是一个真正的歌手,却不是一个很好的喜剧演员。

72、Do you think that comic strip will one day give way to handwork? ─── 你认为将来电脑制作的连环漫画会代替手工制作吗?

73、In his hands, comic jargon and dialect became a finished literary weapon. ─── 在他的手里,诙谐的方言,俚语成了完美的文字武器。

74、His comic satires the main people of political world without any sympathy. ─── 他的漫画无情地讽刺了当今的政界要人。

75、On the first day, Chevady eats lots of junk food and reads comic books. ─── 切瓦帝在第一天吃了很多垃圾食物和看漫画书。

76、It was the missed baseball games and not being able to afford to buy a few comic books that got to me. ─── 只是无法参加球赛以及不能再买小人书让我耿耿于怀。

77、Cogency and Comicality of Thesis ─── 论题的说服力和逻辑性

78、Yet, this reunion is not comic, but with a strong tragic feature. ─── 但是这种团圆却又并不属于喜剧范畴,反而带有浓重的悲剧色彩。

79、But we have stand up5 comedy, we have comic dialogue, we have skit. ─── 但是我们有滑稽说笑表演,有幽默对话,有滑稽短剧。

80、EXMP: the comic impact is vitiated by obvious haste. ─── 喜剧效果被显然的匆忙削弱了。

81、How many comic books do you have? ─── 你有多少本漫画书?

82、I take any part you choose to give me, so long as it be comic. ─── 只要是喜剧,你们要我演什么我就演什么。

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