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08-18 投稿


atonable 发音

英:[[e?'t??ne?bl]]  美:[[e?'to?ne?bl]]

英:  美:

atonable 中文意思翻译



atonable 短语词组

1、atonable meaning ─── 可赎义

2、atonable definition ─── 可弥补的定义

atonable 相似词语短语

1、amenable ─── adj.有责任的:顺从的,服从的;有义务的;经得起检验的

2、unatonable ─── 不合适的

3、stonable ─── 可石的

4、atonal ─── adj.(音乐)无调的

5、atonally ─── 无调性的

6、actionable ─── adj.可控告的;可提起诉讼的

7、atoneable ─── 赎罪的

8、detonable ─── adj.可爆炸的,易爆的

9、stoneable ─── 石质的

atonable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Forecasters are keeping a worrywary eye aton the diminishing storm, however, as there is (a) remote chance it could move southward again and pick up strength from coastal waters. ─── 不过,气象预报员对这正在减弱的飓风还保持警惕,因为飓风还有很微小的可能继续向南移并在海湾水面积聚能量。

2、Fujian Aton Innovation Group Co.Ltd. ─── 提供喷雾器和其他产品。

3、In Year 9, it seems that Akhenaton held a further jubilee of himself and Aton ─── 在其即位的第九年,阿赫纳同为了纪念自己即位和纪念太阳神阿托恩,又举办了一次庆典。

4、The wireless surveillance system in this paper can also development manage efficiency, reduce the charge of maintaining AtoN, lighten the working intensity and share AtoN information. ─── 本系统可以提高航标的管理效率,降低航标的维护费用,减轻航标管理人员的劳动强度,并实现航标信息的共享。

5、Erik Herzog, Ph.D., Washington Uniersity associate professor of Biology in Arts &Sciences, Sara Aton, Ph. ─── 哲学博士,华盛顿大学艺术与科学学院生物学副教授;

6、Cost - This module realizes at present only budgeting and verification of part of the cost incurred in the maintenance and service of AtoN, i.e., management of the consumption of paint, fuel oil and lub oil. ─── 成本控制于系统:它上要负贡在航标维护过程中直接成本的使用情况(成本核算)以及预计使用惰况(成本预算)。

7、By this act, Aton became in practice sole recognized god, and his worship a form of monotheism ─── 这样,太阳神阿托恩成为埃及国内惟一得到认可并信奉的神灵。

8、For every aton belonging to me as good belongs to you. ─── 因为属于我的每一个原子也属于你。

9、If AtoN flows away its position the alarm information is flippedautomatically. ─── 如果航标离位,自动弹出报警信息。

10、Pioneer is looking to build a presence in Russia, using its relationship, through Unicredit, with two investment banks, International Moscow Bank and Aton. ─── 未来几年内,预计这一数字将迅速增长。而这些资产中的很大一部分将委托给第三方管理,这引起了西方基金经理的浓厚兴趣。

11、At the aspect of the AtoN AIS technology large numbers of research is made in foreign but there is a few works in our national and data is lack. ─── 国外在航标AIS技术方面己经做了大量的研究工作,而国内在这方面的研究较少,相关资料较缺乏。

12、It presents AtoN presention in ENC and AtoN input mode. Through redesign AtoN database, Realize AtoN Automatic into ENC. ─── 本文详细介绍了助航标志在电子海图中的表示及在电子海图中的输入方式,通过重新设计符合电子海图标准的航标数据库,实现了助航标志信息在电子海图生产中的自动导入。


15、The Application and Research of AtoN Wireless Monitor System Based on AIS ─── 基于AIS的航标无线监控系统的应用研究

16、The method of dual functional calculus is adopted and ground state energy and wave function of helium aton and quasi_helium ion Li +,Be ++ ,B +++ ,C 4+ ,N 5+ ,O 6+ are obtained. ─── 采用二元泛函变分的方法 ,求出了氦原子及类氦离子Li+ ,Be+ + ,B+ + + ,C4 + ,N5+ ,O6+ 的基态能量与波函数 .

17、10. The wireless surveillance system in this paper can also development manage efficiency, reduce the charge of maintaining AtoN, lighten the working intensity and share AtoN information. ─── 本系统可以提高航标的管理效率,降低航标的维护费用,减轻航标管理人员的劳动强度,并实现航标信息的共享。收藏指正

18、Herzog and Aton recorded neuron activity from the SCN using a multielectrode array with 60 electrodes upon which they place SCN cells, a “clock in a dish. ─── Herzog和Aton把SCN细胞放置于有60个电极的多管电极芯片上-一个放在盘子上的钟表-记录SCN区神经元的活动。

19、AtoN must be faced to new challenge and it also be required to meet to the needs of the times. ─── 当上海确立了21世纪建立国际航运中心的发展战略后,航标也必然会面对新的挑战,被要求与国际航运中心的地位和需求相适应。

20、They couldn't have been much worse [before Evraz acquired them]," says Timothy McCutcheon, a metals analyst at investment bank Aton Capital in Moscow. ─── 在后来的几年中,阿布拉莫夫再次将公司的盈利投入到厂房的更新中,并且以债券的形式募集到更多资金,将过时的平炉技术更新为了当时最现代的生产技术。

21、Marketing Diagnosis of Aton Company ─── 亚通公司的营销诊断

22、 双语使用场景

23、For the AtoN of seashore sea-route radar is always the main observation establishment for watching and identifying AtoN. ─── 对于沿海航道的航标,雷达一直作为主要的观测设备,用来监测和识别航标。

24、Hard by were the great open-air temple and sanctuary of Aton, the police and military headquarters , and the records office for the "Foreign Office" archives. ─── 寝宫旁是供奉太阳神阿托恩的露天大庙宇和神殿、军警总部以及专门存放“外事”档案的文档馆。


26、The client inspects the information of AtoN position at intervals and transmits it to sever. ─── 客户端定时产生航标位置信息(AIS 21),通过网络发送到服务器端。

27、This thesis introduce the AIS technology and virtual AtoN,and then introduce the construction and working principle of virtual AtoN based on AIS. ─── 提出基于AIS的虚拟航标信息系统的组成及其工作原理。

28、Tianjin ATON Welding Equipment Co., Ltd. ─── 天津亚通焊接设备有限公司。

29、AtoN is the basic establishment of the sea-route for assisting navigation straightly effecting on the safety of shipping. ─── 航标是航道的基础助航设施,直接影响船舶的航行安全。

30、(SiHmXn, g) in central aton and adjacent atoms. ─── (SiHmXn,g)也有较大的影响。

31、Analysis and Design of Management Information System of AtoN in Shanghai Harbor ─── 上海港航标维护管理信息系统分析与设计

32、2,Using the AIS message 21, AIS AtoN may broadcast own accurate position in existence. ─── 通过AIS信息21,AIS航标可以将浮标的实际位置直接播发出去。

33、He was shot aton his way home. ─── 在回家的路上,有人向他开枪。

34、Every aton in the body was once part of the star! ─── 这么久了还是没人多少人看!!

35、She appears with Akhenaton in reliefs at Tell el-Amarna and followed his new cult of the sun god Aton. ─── 她与埃易克纳唐一起出现在阿马纳的浮雕上,并信奉他的新偶像太阳神阿顿。

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