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08-18 投稿


chafer 发音

英:[?t?e?f?r]  美:[?t?e?f?(r)]

英:  美:

chafer 中文意思翻译




chafer 网络释义

n. 金龟子;小火炉;[橡胶] 胎圈包布n. (Chafer)人名;(英)蔡弗;(西)查费尔

chafer 短语词组

1、chafer theological seminary ─── 金龟子神学院

2、rose chafer ─── [昆虫](一种危害蔷薇花的)蔷薇刺金龟(Macrodactulus subspinosus) ─── [亦作rose beetle]

3、chafer systematic theology vol 3 pdf ─── 金龟子系统神学第3卷pdf

4、chafer pan ─── 传动盘

5、chafer food ─── 金龟子

6、chafer beetle ─── 金龟子甲虫

7、European chafer 【 ─── 昆虫】欧洲鳃角金龟,欧金龟,欧洲金龟(子)(Amphimallon majalis)

8、chafer grub ─── 幼虫金龟子

9、chafer theological ─── 金龟子神学

chafer 相似词语短语

1、chaser ─── n.驱逐舰;猎人;饮烈酒后喝的饮料;[机]螺纹梳刀

2、chaffer ─── n.讲价;vi.讲价;讨价还价;vt.讲价;讨价还价

3、chaufer ─── 司机

4、chafes ─── vt.擦破;擦热;擦痛;激怒;vi.擦伤;磨擦;激怒;n.擦伤;气恼;n.(Chafe)人名;(尼日利)沙费;(英)蔡菲

5、chafed ─── v.摩擦;激怒(chafe的过去式)

6、chafers ─── n.金龟子;小火炉;[橡胶]胎圈包布;n.(Chafer)人名;(英)蔡弗;(西)查费尔

7、chamfer ─── v.削去直角边(或角形)成均匀斜面,斜切;n.斜削角,倒角

8、chawer ─── n.一口;咀嚼物;咀嚼(chaw的变形)

9、chafe ─── vt.擦破;擦热;擦痛;激怒;vi.擦伤;磨擦;激怒;n.擦伤;气恼;n.(Chafe)人名;(尼日利)沙费;(英)蔡菲

chafer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、While it is noon, we catch the chafer and wire its head or leg then let it fly. ─── 到了在傍晚时分,我会和大伙偷偷地摘几个玉米棒子,用火烤烤就迫不及待地放入嘴中。

2、Microstructure of helicoidal-fiber pipe of chafer cuticle ─── 金龟子外甲壳的螺旋纤维管道微结构

3、The research of abstraction chitosan from leaf chafer ─── 从金龟子中提取壳聚糖的研究

4、Chafer larva ─── 金龟子幼虫

5、1.The influence of anti-scorching agent CTP on blooming from bead chafer of PCR tire was experimentally investigated. ─── 试验研究防焦剂CTP减量对轿车子午线轮胎胎圈护胶喷霜的影响。

6、Keywords Chafer cuticle;Natural biocomposite;Microstructure;Fiber and matrix;Finite element analysis; ─── 金龟子外甲壳;自然生物复合材料;微结构;纤维与基体;有限元分析;

7、Keywords foundational discipline in materials science;chafer cuticle;natural biocomposite;branched fiber structure;force of fiber pull-out; ─── 材料科学基础学科;金龟子外甲壳;自然生物复合材料;分叉纤维结构;拨出力;

8、rose chafer ─── n. 蔷薇鳃金黾子, 一种危害玫瑰花的甲虫(Macrodactulus subspinosus)

9、Determination of adhesion between dipped bead chafer and rubber ─── 浸胶胎圈包布与橡胶粘合强度的测试方法

10、The application of domestic Li low cis polybutadiene rubber (LCBR) in the chafer compound of all steel radial truck tire was investigated by using an imported LCBR as control. ─── 对比国产和进口锂系低顺式聚丁二烯橡胶(LCBR)在全钢载重子午线轮胎胎圈护胶中的应用效果。

11、European chafer ─── 欧洲金龟子

12、Determination of adhesion between dipped bead chafer and rubber ─── 浸胶胎圈包布与橡胶粘合强度的测试方法

13、flat chafer fabric ─── 帘子布

14、It displays the multiple functions such as speed, output, defect spot and so on.It makes the work more concise and clear.It is the finest choice for flat chafer fabric manufacture companies. ─── 并有车速、产量、故障等多种功能显示,使工作更明了便捷,是帘子布生产公司的最佳选择。

15、We prevent chafer larva in nursery with 33% furation pelletized granule and 50% phoxim oil concentrate and get best result. ─── 本文表述了3%呋喃丹颗粒剂,50%辛硫磷乳油防治苗圃金龟子幼虫效果最好。

16、If goes the baby to the maternal family, valuable father and mother may also curl up rest the chafer to go. ─── 如果宝宝到外婆家去,宝爸妈也可以卷起睡垫带着去。

17、A clock struck seven, and round the shady lime-tree a chafer or some heavy insect commenced its booming rushes ─── 时钟敲了七下,在那阴暗的菩提树四周,一只金龟子或者几只大昆虫开始嗡嗡地忙碌起来。

18、Experiment on Chemical Prevertion of Chafer Larva In Nursery ─── 对苗圃金龟子幼虫化学防治的实验

19、The microstructures of chafer cuticle are observed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM).It shows that the cuticle is a kind of chitin-fiber-reinforced composite with protein matrix. ─── 摘要运用扫描电镜实验观察了金龟子外甲壳内部的微结构,发现其类似于人造纤维增强复合材料,具有几丁质纤维增强角质化蛋白质基体的结构特征。

20、Microstructure of helicoidal-fiber pipe of chafer cuticle ─── 金龟子外甲壳的螺旋纤维管道微结构

21、Control Techniques Against Chafer Injurious to Fruit Tree in Baicheng City ─── 白城市果树金龟子防治研究报告

22、5A noble chafer beetle which relies on the decaying wood of old fruit trees. ─── 一只相貌尊贵的金龟子甲虫正以老果树的腐木为食。

23、Abstract: Chafer bored fruit trees, especially young fruit trees severely.Damage by Maladera orientalis and Holotrichia diomphalia on young fruit trees and their control techniques were studied. ─── 文章摘要: 金龟子对果树特别是幼龄果树为害相当严重,本项目对白城市幼龄果树所发生的黑绒鳃金龟子和东北大黑鳃金龟的危害及防治措施进行了研究。

24、chafer fabric ─── 胎圈包布

25、European chafer (Amphimallon majalis) ─── 欧洲鳃角金龟

26、Chafer cuticle ─── 金龟子壳

27、Keywords Chafer cuticle;composite;abnormal fiber;stress and strain;finite element; ─── 金龟子壳;复合材料;异型纤维;应力和应变;有限元;

28、smaller velvety chafer ─── 黑绒金龟子

29、A clock struck seven, and round the shady lime-tree a chafer or some heavy insect commenced its booming rushes. ─── 时钟敲了七下,在那阴暗的菩提树四周,一只金龟子或者几只大昆虫开始嗡嗡地忙碌起来。

30、Keywords leaf chafer;chitosan;extraction technique; ─── 金龟子;壳聚糖;提取工艺;

31、A Preliminary Research on Abstracting Chitin from Leaf Chafer ─── 从金龟子体中提取甲壳素的初步研究

32、Keywords low cis polybutadiene rubber;chafer;radial truck tire; ─── 低顺式聚丁二烯橡胶;胎圈;子午线轮胎;载重轮胎;

33、Fiber-reinforced characteristics of chafer cuticle and research on structure of branched fiber ─── 金龟子外甲壳的纤维增强特征和树枝状分叉纤维结构

34、It can prey on many larvae and otherfarming and forestry pests such as locust , chafer etc. ─── 捕食多种鳞翅目幼虫及其它农林害虫如蝗虫、金龟甲等。

35、willow chafer ─── 柳金龟子

36、The results showed that the scorching time of bead chafer compound extended without any adverse effect on curing rate and physical properties as the addition level of CTP increased; ─── 结果表明,随着防焦剂CTP用量的增大,胶料的焦烧时间延长,硫化速率和物理性能变化不大;

37、influence of anti-scorching agent CTP on blooming from bead chafer of PCR tire was experimentally investigated. ─── 试验研究防焦剂CTP减量对轿车子午线轮胎胎圈护胶喷霜的影响。

38、Keywords tubeless tire;dipped nylon 6 bristlelike monofilament;bead chafer;bead flipper; ─── 无内胎轮胎;锦纶6浸胶鬃丝网眼布;胎圈密封胶;胎圈包布;

39、chafer width ─── 胎圈包布宽度

40、Analysis of Abnormal Fiber Shape of Chafer Cuticle ─── 金龟子外甲壳异型纤维结构分析

41、bead chafer ─── 胎圈护胶

42、We prevent chafer larva in nursery with 33% furation pelletized granule and 50% phoxim oil concentrate and get best result. ─── 本文表述了3%呋喃丹颗粒剂,50%辛硫磷乳油防治苗圃金龟子幼虫效果最好。

43、The microstructures of chafer cuticle are observed with a scanning electron microscope(SEM).It shows that the cuticle is a kind of chitin-fiberreinforced composite with protein matrix. ─── 运用扫描电镜实验观察了金龟子外甲壳内部的微结构,发现其类似于人造纤维增强复合材料,具有几丁质纤维增强角质化蛋白质基体的结构特征。

44、scarageid beetle chafer ─── 金龟子

45、Application of anti-scorching agent CTP in bead chafer of PCR tire ─── 防焦剂CTP在轿车子午线轮胎胎圈护胶中的应用

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