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08-18 投稿


secondarily 发音

英:[?sek?n?der?li]  美:[?sek?ndr?li]

英:  美:

secondarily 中文意思翻译



secondarily 反义词


secondarily 同义词


secondarily 短语词组

1、secondarily means ─── 其次是指

2、secondarily liable ─── 次要责任

3、secondarily pretty girl ─── 第二美女

4、secondarily syn ─── 二次合成

5、secondarily wingless ─── 次要无翼

6、secondarily radial ─── 二次径向

7、party secondarily liable ─── [经] 从属债务人

8、secondarily affected ─── 间接影响

9、secondarily def ─── 二次定义

10、secondarily necrotic ─── 继发性坏死

11、secondarily retroperitoneal ─── 继发性腹膜后

12、secondarily derived ─── 二次衍生

secondarily 词性/词形变化,secondarily变形

名词: second-stringer |

secondarily 相似词语短语

1、secondary cell ─── [电]蓄电池

2、secondly ─── adv.其次;第二

3、secondariness ─── 次要;从属;中等

4、secondary role ─── 次要作用

5、secondaries ─── n.次波;二期梅毒疹;副翼羽;次要的人或物(secondary的复数形式)

6、legendarily ─── adv.传奇性地

7、sedentarily ─── adv.不动地;坐着地

8、secondary ─── adj.第二的;中等的;次要的;中级的;n.副手;代理人

9、pecuniarily ─── adv.在金钱上;在金钱方面

secondarily 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The zygomaticus minor and orbicularis oris secondarily provide lateral wall stability. ─── 颧小肌和和口轮匝肌则辅助维持外侧壁稳定。

2、The intradiscal pressure will also increase after instrumentation secondarily,but appears to be just a minor aspect. ─── 椎间盘内的压力也可因内固定而继发升高,但可能只是一个次要方面。

3、An Investigation on the Quality of Secondarily Supplied Water in Guiyang City ─── 贵阳市二次供水水质调查

4、In this connection, we should make quite sure that the issuing of notes by the state bank is based primarily on the needs of economic development, and only secondarily on purely fiscal needs. ─── 这里必须充分注意:国家银行发行纸币,基本上应该根据国民经济发展的需要,单纯财政的需要只能放在次要的地位。

5、party secondarily liable ─── [经] 从属债务人

6、Secondarily, the process cleans up traces of soap and phosphatides remaining after the refining step and the adsorption of color pigments. ─── 其次脱色去除精炼后残留的痕量皂和磷脂及吸收色素。

7、Applying VB to Develop the Software of Rhino Secondarily ─── 基于vb平台对Rhino进行二次开发的技巧

8、Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for modifications made by others. ─── 其次,本许可证保护文档作者和发布者由他们的工作获得的信誉不会因他人对其文档的修改而受损。

9、Generally it is dlfficult for the concpntration of COD and NH3-N in coke plant effluence to meet the state standard after secondarily treated by ordinary methods. ─── 焦化废水经过常规的二级处理后,COD和NH3-N往往难以达到国家排放标准。

10、Success is primarily determined by making right choices, secondarily by making best effort. ─── 成功的首要因素是选择;奋斗是第二位的。

11、Under the object-oriented programming circumstances(VC++), how to develop secondarily 3D standard part library of steel structure is introduced based on Solidworks software by using COM and ODBC technologies. ─── 介绍了在面向对象的VC++编程环境下,利用组件对象模型(COM)和ODBC技术,以SolidWorks作为平台,进行三维钢结构标准件的二次开发。

12、Its impact will be on projecting corporate marketing messages primarily and secondarily in competitive intelligence, customer support and recruiting. ─── 它的影响将主要投射到企业市场信息,次要才是竞争智慧,客户支持和招聘。

13、Secondarily flush ─── 次高位

14、trioxane is an important chemical used primarily as a monomer for the production of high-molecular weight polyacetals and secondarily as a chemical intermediate. ─── 摘要三聚甲醛是一种重要的化工产品,主要用作生产聚甲醛工程塑料的单体,也用作化工中间体。

15、To me, charity first means the education of the inner; and only secondarily , it means education of other things. ─── 对我而言,慈善首先意味着内在的教育,其次才意味着其他东西的教育。

16、Ask a potenti employ to introduc you to your futur co-work either on the initi or secondari interview. ─── 初次面试或再次面试中请雇佣者给你介绍一下未来的同事。

17、The residents on the island primarily depend on fishery and secondarily on the economic crops grown on the slopes to make their living. ─── 岛上居民主要以渔业为生,山坡上则间植些许经济作物。

18、For donor sites that were not closed directly, iodoform gauzes were used to cover the defects and the wounds healed secondarily. ─── 不能直接拉拢关闭者,创面减张缝合后,覆以碘仿纱条,任其二期愈合。

19、His solid start to the season would do much to suggest that he's here primarily to win games, and secondarily to entertain the crowd. ─── 这个赛季稳定的开局,暗示着他将是这里赢得联赛的大热门,也将会卫冕联赛。

20、and a third dust separation unit thirdly separating dust from the air secondarily dust-separated by the second dust separation unit. ─── 第三灰尘分离单元,第三次从由第二灰尘分离单元二次灰尘分离的空气中分离灰尘。

21、In English law,a guarantee must usually be in writing; the person making a guarantee is secondarily liable if the person who is primarily liable defaults. Compare indemnity. ─── 按英国法,担保必须是书面的。如果第一债务人不履约,担保人将作为第二债务人承担责任。

22、Secondarily, it was not possible to effectively control the population several hundreds times larger with just ten thousand strong soldiers. ─── 其二,从人口成长的数字,显示出台湾绿营一万馀名的兵力,决不可能单独控制超过它数百倍以上的人口。

23、Reservoir space is mainly secondary fractures and all types of corroded pores, and secondarily matrix pores. ─── 储集空间主要为次生裂缝和各种溶蚀孔隙,其次为基质孔隙。

24、Most of the wild and cultivated strains are secondarily homothallic mating type in life-cycle, but some wild strains are heterothallic. ─── 大部分野生和栽培的双孢蘑菇菌株和品种具有次级同宗配合的性特征,也有少数野生菌株属于异宗配合的类型。

25、Ovary inferior (rarely secondarily superior in some non-Chinese taxa), (1 or)2-10(to many)-carpellate; ─── 子房下位(在少数一些非中国的分类群中上位),心皮(1-)2-10(到多数);

26、Poverty is primarily a cause of illness and only secondarily its effect. ─── 贫穷首先是疾病的原因,其次才是其结果。

27、This forum in view of the North America market's round table symposium, will loan crisis's future influence and the measure secondarily, will become one which of topics the people in attendance cared. ─── 此次论坛针对北美洲市场的圆桌讨论会,次级贷款危机的未来影响和防范措施,将成为与会者关心的话题之一。

28、the pri-mary aerobes was staphylococcus(23.7%),streptococcus(18.6%)and peptostreptco-ceecus(16.9%)secondarily. ─── 后者以葡萄球菌具多,占23.7%,次为链球菌和大肠埃希氏菌(18.6%和16.9%)。

29、Secondarily, they may relate to attendance, or other quantifiable measures which may suit organizations that are non-profit. ─── 其次,它们也可能与出席率、及其他可能适合非盈利组织的量化衡量标准相联系。

30、Between 24 and 72 hours after their appearance vesicles rupture to form superficial shallow painful ulcers which occasionally become secondarily infected. ─── 24至72小时内出现水泡破裂后形成溃疡浅表浅痛苦偶然为辅感染。

31、Secondarily, they may relate to attendance, or other quantifiable measures which may suit organizations that are non-profit. ─── 其次,它们也可能与出席率、及其他可能适合非盈利组织的量化衡量标准相联系。

32、Berry smooth or sulcate [or verrucose or rarely secondarily dehiscent], with leathery to thin exocarp and 1-5 or sometimes more seeds embedded in endocarpic pulp. ─── 浆果平滑的或具槽[或瘤状的或很少二级开裂],具革质到薄的外果皮和1-5或有时更多数种子在内果皮果肉内。

33、Secondarily generalized seizures ─── 继发性全身性癫痫发作

34、In the mineable C3 coal seam at Dazhuba coalfield,macroscopic type mainly consist of semi-bright fine coal,secondarily semi-dull and semi-bright lump coal. ─── 大竹坝井田全区可采煤层C3,宏观煤岩类型主要为半亮型粉煤,其次为半暗型、半亮型块煤。煤种为中灰中高硫特低磷高热值贫煤。

35、The fluid cross-formation flow has made Jurassic sandstone be secondarily dissolved by acidic water and become better reservoir rocks. ─── 流体的跨层流动一方面使侏罗系砂岩发生了受酸性水控制的次生溶蚀作用,从而改善了侏罗系的储集条件;

36、This accident, depending primarily on the skill and virtue of the parties, of which there is every degree, and secondarily on patrimony, falls unequally, and its rights of course are unequal. ─── 每个单元第一项安排了疑难词汇或词组的课前查阅,让学生自己给出它们在上下文中应有的含义。

37、Technique of Applying VC to Develop the Software of Rhino Secondarily ─── 基于vc平台开发Rhino插件的技巧

38、Based on the OMMT, the secondarily intercalated MMT (SMMT) could be obtained from the products of the reaction between the ammonium ion in the OMMT and acrylic acid or maleic anhydride(MAH). ─── 在此基础上,根据有机蒙脱土片层中的铵离子具有可反应性,对有机化的蒙脱土进行二次插层,使其与带有双键的丙烯酸或马来酸酐反应,得到二次插层物。

39、Therefore, our fire should be directed mainly against them and only secondarily against the idle chatter about quick victory. ─── 所以我们的火力,应该主要地向着亡国论和妥协论方面,而以次要的火力,反对空谈主义的速胜论。

40、And FLAC(superscript 3D) is suitable for most mechanical problem of engineering, which is approved and applied widely, and, further more, is easy to develop secondarily with the let-in FISH language. ─── 而FLAC(上标3D)适用于大多数工程力学问题,并得到了国内外广泛认可和应用,而且内嵌有FISH语言,容易进行二次开发。

41、To make an analogy with carpentry, an "object-oriented" carpenter would be mostly concerned with the chair he was building, and secondarily with the tools used to make it; ─── 以木匠为类比,一位“面向对象的”木匠最关心的是他正在制作的椅子,第二关心的是他用来做椅子的工具;

42、Use a bottom-up approach secondarily if existing function needs to be quickly exposed. ─── 如果需要快速地将现有功能公开,请使用自底向上方法作为辅助方法。

43、bristles in 2 rows per rib, yellow-brown, slender, soft, not at base, free, secondarily 2- or 3-forked;apical branches erect, short. ─── 刚毛2排每棱,黄褐色,纤细,柔软,并非在基部,离生,次级2或3分叉;

44、The invention relates to a method and a device thereof for secondarily diluting and feeding coagulant. ─── 本发明涉及一种混凝剂二次稀释投加的方法及其设备。

45、Secondarily Precipitated Phases of a Ni-Based Superalloy During Durable Thermal Treatment ─── 镍基高温合金长期时效过程中第二相的析出

46、In each case, our concern here is primarily analytical and secondarily historical; ─── 在每一个例子中,我们所关心的首先是分析的,其次才是历史的;

47、The Creation of Poetry and Verse Depend Mainly on Reason, and "Qi" Secondarily--Try to talk about the theory of Wu Cheng's literary creation ─── 诗文"以理为主,气为辅"--试论吴澄的文学创作论

48、The reservoir pore types are maily of secondary pores and secondarily of primary pores and mixed pores. ─── 储集空间类型以次生孔隙为主,原生孔隙、混生孔隙次之。

49、Secondarily, a student acts the role of himself.Thirdly, a student acts the role of a learner. ─── “作文”特指学校教育的班级授课制下,以学生的角色学习“写”而展开的非独立活动及其结果。

50、In addition, crystallization property of PP/MMT nanocomposites is determined mainly by MMT nucleation and secondarily by PP grafted MAR. ─── 相容剂使得有机蒙脱土对PP的成核作用更加明显。

51、There are two subclasses: Apterygota (primitive, wingless forms, including silverfish and bristletails) and Pterygota (more advanced, winged or secondarily wingless forms). ─── 许多种已完全变态。

52、And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. ─── 神在教会里所设立的,第一是使徒,第二是先知,第三是教师,其次是行神迹的,再其次是有医病恩赐的,帮助人的,治理事的,说各种方言的。

53、The metallogenetic substance is derived mainly from postmagmatic hydrothermal solution, secondarily bound up with wallrock and dike rock. ─── 成矿物质主要来自岩浆期后热液,其次与围岩、脉岩等关系密切。

54、The most important criterion is the rate of return on investment shops, and secondarily risk and sustainable growth rate. ─── 其中,最主要的标准是所投资商铺的收益率,其次则是风险率和可持续增长能力。

55、Sterilizing Technique for Secondarily Polluted Water ─── 二次水污染的消毒工艺

56、Clinical Application Study of Secondarily Treated Composite Resin onthe Anterior Teeth Restoration ─── 二次热处理光固化复合树脂修复前牙的临床应用研究

57、The essence of this tool is research and secondarily productive community. ─── 这个工具的精髓在于研究,其次是有效力的社区。

58、5. Basing on this management logos, we keep mainly encouragement,secondarily controlling, control by encouragement with relexed and strict combined, institutionalization and appetency combined. ─── 基于这样的管理理念,在管理手段上以激励为主,控制为辅,以激励实现控制,宽严相济,制度化与亲和力相结合。收藏指正

59、The surgeon should focus primarily on gaining adequate exposure to the knee and only secondarily on a minimally invasive incision. ─── 外科医生应该首先关心的是充分暴露膝盖,其次才是最小的侵入切口。

60、Secondarily, is a challenge of success and progressive. ─── 其次,则是对成功的挑战及不断进步。

61、The paper introduces the theory of using VB to develop the Rhino, then the method of how to secondarily de-velop Rhino by giving examples, at last it illustrates its application. ─── 介绍了用vb开发Rhino的技术机理熏通过举例说明用vb对Rhino进行二次开发的方法。

62、1,3,5-trioxane is an important chemical used primarily as a monomer for the production of high-molecular weight polyacetals and secondarily as a chemical intermediate. ─── 三聚甲醛是一种重要的化工产品,主要用作生产聚甲醛工程塑料的单体,也用作化工中间体。

63、Objective:To explone how to reduce the misdiagnosis and mistheraphy of secondarily peritonitis. ─── 目的:探讨如何避免继发性腹膜炎诊治过程中的失误。

64、Secondarily school is also the period where purpose is defined as fierce competition for university admission. ─── 其次,中学阶段的另一目标就是激烈竞争,升入大学。

65、5.Basing on this management logos, we keep mainly encouragement,secondarily controlling, control by encouragement with relexed and strict combined, institutionalization and appetency combined. ─── 基于这样的管理理念,在管理手段上以激励为主,控制为辅,以激励实现控制,宽严相济,制度化与亲和力相结合。

66、What about secondarily? ─── 其次是什么呢?

67、Sheet-fed offset presses business card printing and membership card making ink drying methods to oxidative polymerization drying as the primary, and secondarily permeability drying. ─── 单张纸胶印机制卡和会员卡制作油不朱的潮燥不圆式以氧化撮合潮燥为主、分泌潮燥为辅。

68、The person makes a guarantee is secondarily liable if the person who is primarily liable defaults. ─── 如果主要承担债务责任的人不履约,作担保的人就是次要债务责任承担人。

69、Their clothing is primarily functional and only secondarily decorative. ─── 他们的衣服首先重实用,其次才讲花式。

70、10. Therefore, our fire should be directed mainly against them and only secondarily against the idle chatter about quick victory. ─── 所以我们的火力,应该主要地向着亡国论和妥协论方面,而以次要的火力,反对空谈主义的速胜论。收藏指正

71、To me, charity first means the education of the inner;and only secondarily, it means education of other things. ─── 对我而言,慈善首先意味着内在的教育,其次才意味着其他东西的教育。

72、Final syllable tone change primarily appears on tone I when it is the final syllable, and secondarily appears on tone III as final syllable.It also occurs on IVB when after IA, IB and IIIA. ─── 后字变调最主要地出现在平声作后字时,其次出现在去声作后字时,阳入位于阴平、阳平、阴去后面时也发生变调。

73、Lubricants may secondarily control corrosion, regulate temperature, electrically insulate, remove contaminants, or damp shock. ─── 润滑剂可间接地控制腐蚀、调节气温、用作电绝缘体、去除污染物或制止振动等。

74、Really, the implementation issue is only secondarily about using a new method. ─── 确实,对使用一个新方法而言如何执行只是一个次要的问题。

75、Non-destructive test for thickness of secondarily metallized nickel coating on ceramics ─── 陶瓷二次金属化镀镍层厚度的无损检测

76、The intradiscal pressure will also increase after instrumentation secondarily , but appears to be just a minor aspect. ─── 椎间盘内的压力也可因内固定而继发升高,但可能只是一个次要方面。

77、The Bible, while mainly a theological document written with the purpose of explaining the nature and moral imperatives of the Christian and Jewish God, is secondarily a book of history and geography. ─── 尽管圣经主要是一份为解释基督教及犹太教上帝的本质和道德训条而写的神学文献,但它同时还是一本历史地理书。



Secondly we're retaining shoppers in the mall longer.


China first learned it mainly from the u.s. and secondarily from europe.


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