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08-18 投稿


fisk 发音


英:  美:

fisk 中文意思翻译




fisk 网络释义

n. 国库;罗马皇帝王室财库n. (Fisk)人名;(英、瑞典)菲斯克

fisk 短语词组

1、brosme fisk ─── 布罗姆鱼

2、fisk and gould ─── 菲斯克和古尔德

3、fisk college ─── 鱼类学院

4、fisk university wiki ─── 鱼类大学维基

5、Harlan Fisk Stone ─── [网络] 哈兰·菲斯克石

6、fisk university mascot ─── 菲斯克大学吉祥物

7、fisk university ─── 鱼类大学

fisk 相似词语短语

1、Eisk ─── 埃斯科镇

2、flisk ─── 好的

3、fisks ─── n.公共财库;v.逐一驳斥或批评;n.(Fisk)(美)菲斯克(人名)

4、fink ─── n.卑鄙小人;破坏及反罢工的人;告发人,密告人;织布鸟;v.告发;食言;停止运转;向警方告密,做工贼;n.(Fink)(美、德、波、英、捷、丹)芬克(人名)

5、disk ─── n.[计]磁盘,磁碟片;圆盘,盘状物;唱片

6、Bisk ─── n.浓汤(等于bisque)

7、filk ─── n.叙情民歌(音乐的一种形式)

8、firk ─── 广场

9、frisk ─── v.搜(某人的)身;(动物)蹦跳,欢跃,轻摇;n.搜(某人的)身;(动物)蹦跳,欢跃;嬉戏;转移,消遣;n.(Frisk)(美、瑞典、丹)弗里斯克(人名)

fisk 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、[John Fisk(1993).Introduction to Communication(trans.by Zhang Jinhua).Taibei: Yuan-Liu Publishing Co. ─── [7]约翰?费斯克(1993).传播符号学理论(张锦华译).台北:远流出版有限公司.

2、Fisk, George, , "A Conceptual Model for Studying Customer Image," Journal of Retailing, Vol. 37, No. 4, 1962, pp. 5, Winter. ─── 赖慧敏,硕士论文,电子邮件行销数位商品之研究,国立中正大学资讯管理研究所,民九十年。

3、Bob Fisk warned those present that an unnamed government agency was listening in to their phone conversations. ─── 警告出席者一个不明政府机构正在窃听他们的电话对话。

4、In 1869, thousands of businessmen were ruined in a Wall Street panic after financiers Jay Gould and James Fisk attempted to corner the gold market. ─── 1869年的今天,金融家Jay Gould 和 James Fisk 试图垄断黄金市场,成千上万商人陷入华尔街恐慌。

5、Good morning. -Who says so? irene Fisk. She wants to talk to her husband first. Mrs. Fisk, John Goodhew, regional vice president. ─── 早安,-是哪一位?,艾琳费克她想先跟丈夫商量一下费太太约翰古休地区副总裁。

6、Similarly, says Fisk, it "doesn't make sense" to turn off Ulysses just as the Sun comes to the end of a 22-year magnetic cycle. ─── 与此相似,此时关闭尤利西斯也“毫无意义”,因为太阳正迎来其22年磁周期的终结。

7、On Craig Fisk's Thoughts Upon Chinese Literary Theory ─── 论费维廉的中国文论观

8、After 30 years as partners in the pressure cooker environment of the NYPD, highly decorated Detectives David Fisk and Thomas Cowan should be ready for retirement, but aren't. ─── 然而在摘下警徽前,他们还要处理一件案子,因为从此案的作案手法等相关信息来看,似乎与他们许久之前处理过的一件案子有关。

9、Bob Fisk warned those present that an unnamed government agency was listening in to their phone conversations.。 ─── Bob Fisk警告出席者一个不明政府机构正在窃听他们的电话对话。

10、Fisk proposes that it is a two-way exchanging process for the producer and the receiver of mass culture. ─── 费斯克提出了大众文化的生产与接受是一个双向过程。

11、What seems to be the most likely explanation has been offered by Jim Fisk, author of Clematis, Queen of the Climbers. ─── 吉姆。费斯克,攀援皇后铁线莲的专家,提出了一个看起来最有可能的解释。

12、"I'm sure there were people who didn't know about Fisk that became introduced to us by virtue of his being here, and we are forever grateful for that," associate provost Sheila Peters said. ─── Sheila Peters说:“我敢肯定有些原来不知道Fisk大学的人因为他的到来而关注我校,对此我们将永远感激不尽。”

13、512 by Domenico Scarlatti.Transcribed by Eliot Fisk. ─── 演艺界512关爱行动大汇演 : Sonata K.

14、I was amazed at the language, often spoken in the great films, wonderful songs ... then, decided to start studying at Fisk School when I was 39 years old. ─── 我常常惊讶(佩服)于好的电影和奇妙歌曲中讲的语言。后来当我39岁时,开始决定在Fisk学校学英语。

15、John Hope Franklin studied first at Fisk University then at Harvard University, where he earned master's and doctorate degrees. ─── 约翰·富兰克林希望首先研究在菲斯克大学后,在哈佛大学,在那里他获得硕士和博士学位。

16、"Then you have to find ones who meet Fisk's criteria, and it's a bit selective. We end up having to recruit from a very small pool." ─── ”“然而我们必须找到那些符合菲斯克大学标准的人,这是要进行一些选择的,我们最终不得不在很小的生源中招生。”

17、Fisk's splint ─── 菲斯克(氏)夹板

18、The operations, according to Dr. Swan of Fisk University, were done on black prisoners who were considered politically active. ─── 手术,根据Fisk大学Swan博士的话,被用于那些被认为在政治上活跃的黑人囚犯的身上。

19、John and his wife had gone to Fisk University, a black school in Nashville, Tennessee, in the early sixties, when the civil rights movement was in full flower. ─── 约翰和他的妻子在60年代初期民权运动如火如荼的时候,曾就读于菲斯克大学,那是田纳西州纳什维尔市的一所黑人学校。

20、They would call Jim Fisk Jimmy Fikki, for they will even to violence to a proper name if it grates too harshly in its natural state. ─── 阿罗哈是当地土语,一般解释为欢迎,你好等,表示友好和祝福,每个来到夏威夷的人都学会这句话。

21、The fisk evaluation of a pro-ject is a reasonable choice of any project managers,and it makes-upof the project managenient theory。 ─── 本文在介绍工程项目风险类型的同时,结合实例重点探讨了工程项目风险的概率思维方式和评价方法。

22、Keywords infrared thermal imaging system;measure;fire fisk; ─── 红外热像仪;检测;火灾危险性;

23、Fisk and John Simpson are in their mid-60s. ─── 菲斯克和约翰·辛普森都已60开外。

24、/sbin fisk or /bin fdisk. ─── 加上路径试一下.

25、Similarly, says Fisk , it "doesn't make sense" to turn off Ulysses just as the Sun comes to the end of a 22-year magnetic cycle. ─── 与此相似,此时关闭尤利西斯也“毫无意义”,因为太阳正迎来其22年磁周期的终结。

26、Then you have to find ones who meet Fisk 's criteria, and it's a bit selective. We end up having to recruit from a very small pool. ─── 然而我们必须找到那些符合菲斯克大学标准的人,这是要进行一些选择的,我们最终不得不在很小的生源中招生。

27、Stockholm's Radisson SAS Royal Viking Hotel is right next to Central Station and boasts 459 rooms, as well as the famous Stockholm Fisk restaurant. ─── 斯德哥尔摩图片。斯德哥尔摩的安曼拉迪森皇家维京酒店是恰好次于中央车站和自夸有459房间,以及著名的斯德哥尔摩菲斯克餐馆。

28、Fisk proposes that it is a two-way exchanging process for the producer and the receiver of mass culture. ─── 费斯克提出了大众文化的生产与接受是一个双向过程。

29、What seems to be the most likely explanation has been offered by Jim Fisk, author of Clematis, Queen of the Climbers. ─── 吉姆.费斯克,攀援皇后铁线莲的专家,提出了一个看起来最有可能的解释。

30、Then you have to find ones who meet Fisk's criteria,and it's a bit selective. We end up having to recruit from a very small pool. ─── 然而我们必须找到那些符合菲斯克大学标准的人,这是要进行一些选择的,我们最终不得不在很小的生源中招生。

31、In addition,we were face the global financial crisis and the fisk and chanllenge of economic recession. ─── 更面临着全球金融危机,经济衰退的挑战与考验。

32、Known as “the Barnum of Wall Street,” Fisk produced theatrical shows and dallied with showgirls; ─── 菲斯克制作戏剧节目,还与歌舞女郎胡搞;

33、Fisk, C.S., 1984, “Game Theory and Transportation System Modeling,” Transportation Research, 18(B), pp.301-313. ─── 郑欣蓉,2000,赈灾物资配送系统之最适规划,国立交通大学交通运输研究所硕士论文。

34、Du Bois went on to attend Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, for two years and then went on to earn his B.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University. ─── 杜博斯在田纳西州那什维尔的费斯克大学念了两年大学,然后又在哈佛大学取得他的学士及博士学位。









1 魔鬼恰恰曲是由斯蒂芬·菲斯克(Stephen Fisk)创作的。

2 这首曲子最初是为了1961年的《翻滚吧,基佬》(Come September)电影配乐而创作的,后来逐渐成为了著名的音乐作品。

3 这首曲子在全球范围内都非常受欢迎,被翻译成多种语言并演奏。


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