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08-18 投稿


dissipate 发音

英:[?d?s?pe?t]  美:[?d?s?pe?t]

英:  美:

dissipate 中文意思翻译




dissipate 同义词

shoot | frivol away | fritter | fritter away | disintegrate | spread | break up | foolishly |scatter | shell | throw away | dissolve | drive away | blow | dispel | fool away | fool | spend | squander | waste | disperse | loosen | spread out

dissipate 反义词


dissipate 短语词组

1、dissipate define ─── 消散定义

2、dissipate definition ─── 消散定义

3、dissipate heat ─── 散热

4、dissipate it ─── 消散它

5、dissipate in ─── 因…而挥霍[浪费]

6、dissipate static electricity ─── 消散静电

7、dissipate meaning ─── 消散意义

8、dissipate means ─── 消散方式

9、dissipate static ─── 消散静电

10、dissipate sb's interest in sth ─── 使(某人)对(某事)变得无兴趣

dissipate 词性/词形变化,dissipate变形


dissipate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't dissipate your efforts. ─── 不要浪费自己的精力。

2、They aimed for a lower than usual region of the atmosphere, about 100 kilometers high, where ions dissipate quickly compared with higher altitudes. ─── 他们瞄准的大气区域比平常低,高度只有100公里,在这个地方,离子的逸散速度较高层来得快。

3、He tried to dissipate the smoke by opening a window. ─── 他打开窗子,试图使房中的烟消散。

4、Dissipate phlegm and remove blood stasis ─── 化痰祛瘀

5、Don' t dissipate your efforts. ─── 不要浪费你的精力。

6、But Jorge is a fascinating guy, who is constantly seeking to improve his performance and evolve his personality. It's not that he wants to dissipate all thought of fear. ─── 不过洛伦佐是一个迷人的家伙,他总是不断的想改进他的表现、优化他的个性。这并不是说他要让恐惧消失。

7、In the suburbs this is less so and in the countryside almost non-problematic as the tress and surrounding countryside will dissipate the microwaves. ─── 在郊区则更少这样;而在乡村,这几乎不成问题,因为树木及乡村的周围物会驱散微波。

8、Do not dissipate your efforts. ─── 不要白费劲了。

9、Was she the pure phantom I loved because I would never touch her, never allow my all too real hands to dissipate the mist? ─── 她是我爱的那个纯洁的幻影吗?因为我从没接触她,从没允许自己真实的双手来拨开那层雾。

10、tending to increase knowledge or dissipate ignorance. ─── 倾向于增加知识或者驱散愚昧。

11、Because iodine starts to dissipate after a few days, the risk isn't as long lasting as with cesium, which remains for decades, he said. ─── 因为碘在几天以后开始消散,其风险不像铯那样能持续很长时间,铯会保持几十年。

12、In pine seedlings it can dissipate 69% diurnal ??assimilation. ─── 在松树实生苗中,它可以消耗每日?滞0化量的69%。

13、Tullock’s insight was that expenditures on lobbying for privileges are costly and that these expenditures, therefore, dissipate some of the gains to the beneficiaries and cause inefficiency. ─── 塔洛克的洞见是:寻求特权的游说支出是相当昂贵的,(游说)受益者获得的好处中的一些部分被耗费在了游说支出上,从而引起了效率的下降。

14、The Ohio State chemists determined that, when excited by ultraviolet light, these three bases dissipate energy through the dark state anywhere from10-50 percent of the time. ─── 俄勒冈州化学家认为,在紫外光刺激下三种碱基在10%50%间内通过”黑暗状态“转移能量到各处。

15、cooling blood to dissipate stasis ─── 凉血散血

16、Your mate may want to pick a fight but if you're persistent with your affections their anger should dissipate. ─── 即使爱人有意挑起“战争”,只要你坚定自己的感情,他/她的愤怒就会立刻烟消云散。

17、It's energy we dissipate as heat primarily through the braking system, and therefore energy which, if we recover, is additional to the total energy. ─── 当热量主要通过刹车系统时,能量与之一起消散,所以如果我们回收它们的话,这个能量就是额外的能量了。

18、You're right when you say you cannot blast it full of light because you will dissipate it. ─── 你是对的当你说你不能够突然打开来完全充满光,因为你将使它消散。

19、releasing lung to dissipate phlegm ─── 宣肺化痰

20、Someone close you can confide in can go a long way to dissipate depression and will provide the strength and support that you need. ─── 一个你亲近并且信赖的人可以帮助你战胜消沉,给你勇气并在你需要的时候给你支持。

21、The body must dissipate heat as fast as it produces it. ─── 人体散发热量必须和产生热量一样快。

22、Because as soon as you become involved in something different, the original disassociated feelings will dissipate. ─── 当你重新投入真正的生活,圈子开始回复正常,你会发现自己与社会、人和事物陌生的隔膜会慢慢溶化。

23、Additional vents normally appear on the sidepods to better dissipate the hot air coming from the radiators. ─── 一般会在侧箱上增加通风口,以便更好地散除来自于散热器上的热空气。

24、HENSON Conductive Shoes have SUS fiber mixed PVC outer sole to dissipate static discharge quickly,which is ideal for the environment where ESD issue is the major concerned. ─── HENSON导电鞋(靴)用SUS纤维和PVC混合而成的鞋底能迅速的将产生的静电释放,极适合穿着在静电极为敏感的区域。

25、Once their bodies warm up, they open their mouths in a gape to dissipate excess heat from the tongue. ─── 一旦身体暖和了,便又张开嘴用舌头散发多余的热量。

26、Previous research revealed various sources of bone strength, such as sacrificial bonds between fibers that break and re-form to dissipate stress, but researchers had yet to discover exactly how they all worked. ─── 以前的研究揭示了骨骼力的各种各样不同的来源,例如:破坏和重组在纤维中损失的粘合物去驱散压力,但是研究者必须准确地揭示他们全部是怎样工作的。

27、And the effect was to dissipate the good work done in cutting US government debt during the Clinton era. ─── 减税举措也把克林顿时期削减政府债务的成就一扫而光。

28、As such, she knows that suspicions and misunderstandings are unavoidable, and that time is needed to dissipate these problems. ─── 可是我明白我是个新人,一年间也不见得能让所有人理解,猜疑、误会是难免的,需要时间让他们理解。”

29、In like manner, and for the same reason, we become indifferent to that delicately beautiful or sublimely impressive sky scenery which the clouds form and reform, compose and dissipate, a thousand times on a summer day. ─── 同样,基于相同的原因,我们对于夏日天空的那种由浮云聚散飘忽所形成的一日之间千变万化的纤巧秀丽或壮丽动人的景色,也都漠然置之。

30、Reduce surface resistance and dissipate static electricity effectively, Non-flammable and easy to use. ─── 可减少薄膜及塑料产品表面静电产生及有效排放静电,非燃性、使用方便。

31、Antistatic A material, such as packing material, that is treated to prevent the buildup of static electricity. The static charges gradually dissipate instead of building up a sudden discharge. ─── 一种材料,例如包装材料,可以防止静电的产生。静电电荷逐渐消失而不是产生瞬间放电。

32、A passive element cannot generate energy, but can only dissipate it or store it. ─── 一个无源元素不能产生能量,只能消耗或贮存能量。

33、For those who are used to the "aromatic" or sweetened tobaccos that dominate our market in the United States, it may take some time for the additives remaining in the pipe to dissipate. ─── 对于美国大多数喜欢加味烟草的斗客来说,去除斗钵中的残留气味是需要一些时间的。

34、Utor was unusual in that it took more than 40 hours to dissipate after landfall, breaking the previous record of 30 hours set by Typhoon Hope in 1979. ─── 尤特与其他热带气旋不同,在登陆后超过40小时才消散,打破一九七九年台风荷贝所创的30小时记录。

35、A passivity controller is introduced to dissipate excess energy and thereby grantee the system's stability. ─── 在从端设计了一个无源控制器用来吸收多余能量,以保证从端无源性,从而保证加入预测器后系统稳定。

36、Your feelings will actually reinforce your new behaviours and feelings of weirdness will dissipate. ─── 你的感觉确实会加强你的新动作并消除你别扭的感觉。

37、What the pagoda builders realised was that they could use controlled motion at the joints of a building to help it dissipate sudden stresses imposed on its various members. ─── 宝塔建设者们意识到,他们可以在建筑物的接头部使用控制手段,以帮助其消除在各构件上产生的骤加压力。

38、They form in the day, and dissipate within a few hours. ─── 他们形成在天,和消散在几个小时之内。

39、In Russia, suspicion of products that are discounted has only recently begun to dissipate. ─── 在俄罗斯,人们对打折商品的疑虑直到最近才开始消散。

40、Will phase cannons dissipate if they travel outside influence of pylon matrix? ─── 如果相位炮离开了水晶的能量提供范围,它们是否消失?

41、Smoking in the confines of an elevator, where the smoke cannot easily dissipate, is harmful to others' health. ─── 在电梯密闭的空间里,菸雾不易散失,使空气中的一氧化碳浓度增高,对人体有害。

42、When we no longer want specialness and what it brings, the thoughts willsimply dissipate "into the nothingness from which [they] came" (M.13.1:2). ─── 当我们不再想要特殊性和特殊性所带来的一切,这有关“特殊性”的想法会自动驱散,重归那“它所来自的空性中”。

43、In total, it took about9,000 years for the old polarity to dissipate and for the new polarity to take hold throughout the core. ─── 原来的极性消退、的极性蔓延而至主宰整个地核,整个过程需时约9000年。

44、The Ohio State chemists determined that, when excited by ultraiolet light, these three bases dissipate energy through the dark state anywhere from 10-50 percent of the time. ─── 俄勒冈州化学家认为,在紫外光刺激下三种碱基在10%-50%时间内通过”黑暗状态“转移能量到各处。

45、But these processes would take so long that, according to the standard theory, all matter in the universe would totally dissipate in the meantime. ─── 但这些过程实在太久,因此根据标准理论的话,所有宇宙的物质都会在这期间完全消失。

46、The release of driving very fast would help dissipate what he knew was a dangerous tension. ─── 他先把汽车开得非常快,然后渐渐减速。

47、Airflow helps to dissipate heat. ─── 气流有助于散热。

48、His discourse on the device in dispute is discreet to dissipate others' suspicion. ─── 为了打消别人的疑虑,他做的关于那个有争议的装置的演说很谨慎。

49、relieving chest stiffness to dissipate mass ─── 宽胸散结

50、They dissipate all night and sleep all day. ─── 他们白天睡觉,整夜鬼混。

51、Don't dissipate your efforts. ─── 不要浪费你的精力。

52、In her youth she seemed to dissipate almost compulsively. ─── 在她年轻时她几乎是强迫地行乐。

53、In total, it took about 9,000 years for the old polarity to dissipate and for the new polarity to take hold throughout the core. ─── 原来的极性消退、新的极性蔓延而至主宰整个地核,整个过程需时约9000年。

54、The office boy tried to dissipate the smoke by opening a window of the meeting room. ─── "勤杂工打开窗子,试图使会议室内烟消散。"

55、An upper limit to neutron-star magnetism is about 1017 gauss; beyond this limit, the fluid inside the star would tend to mix and the field would dissipate. ─── 中子星磁性的上限约在1017高斯;超过的话星体内的流体将会混成一团,而使磁场消散。

56、Any large release of NF3 would dissipate before significant concentrations of gas could build up in water. ─── 在有意义的气体浓度在水中能够积累起来之前,任何大量释放的NF3都已经弥散了。

57、The low case presents the alternative outcome if policies dissipate the results of these developments. ─── 低速方案则表明,如果政策勾销这些发展带来的结果,那会产生另一种结局。

58、It had begun to dissipate shortly before the shuttle was to launch, but not in time to meet flight safety rules. ─── 它在航天飞机发射不久前已经慢慢消失了,但最后仍然不能满足飞行安全条例的规定。

59、Rainbow People also perceive the dark forces vying to destroy, and know how to take vibration to command them into subservience or dissipate them into nonexistence. ─── 彩虹人也能觉察到正在努力破坏的黑暗势力,并懂得如何应用振动来指挥它们变得有益,或者将其驱散而不复存在。

60、Fourth, assist him in his licentiousness and indulgence in music in order to dissipate his will. ─── 四是,助长敌国君主过份的享乐行为,扩大他的荒淫意趣。

61、When a bonded pet dies, it turns into a "pet ghost." This ghost can still obey the movement commands (follow, come, etc.).The pet ghost will not dissipate or lose loyalty, and cannot be stabled. ─── 当一个血盟宠物死掉,它将变成“宠物鬼”,这个鬼仍然能够接受主人的指令(follow,come,等等)。

62、People go there to dissipate. ─── 人们都往那里去纵乐。

63、They can dissipate winds and waves to protect the mud coast, ─── 可以防风消浪、保护海堤、

64、That bounce around until they hit something or dissipate. ─── 光球会在四周跳动直至击中某样物体或被驱散。

65、Do you can whatever you like if you are rich enough------to kill to dissipate to debauch.....money is the activator of corruption. ─── 你可以不管你想如果你足够富有------杀死消散到放荡.....金钱是激活的腐败。

66、To dissipate others' suspicion, his discourse on the device in dispute is discreet. ─── 为了消除别人的疑虑,他关于那个有争议的装置的演说很谨严。

67、Is really also ruthlessness, blare . . . . . . if lead son in this case, will the aunt can't accompany her to talk to dissipate sorrows? ─── 真是太残酷了,呜呜……要是过儿在这种情况下,姑姑会不会陪她聊天解闷?

68、To dissipate one's griefs extensively ─── 大发牢骚

69、Occasionally there would be the days when my depression would dissipate temporarily. ─── 偶尔也有这样的日子,我的沮丧之情会暂时消散。

70、At the exact time that Arafat departs the country, the storm begins to dissipate. ─── 当阿拉法特一离开美国,风暴开始消失。

71、Some of the doubts appeared to dissipate Thursday amid talk of eventual Fed purchases of up to $1 trillion. ─── 周四投资者的上述疑虑有些减弱,市场传言美联储最终将买入多至1万亿美元的资产。

72、But for the past two years, fine soot in the air has failed to dissipate and still hasn't reached acceptable levels. ─── 但是,过去两年中,细小的粉尘仍然没有得到有效清除,仍然没有达到可以接受的程度。

73、It turns out that the storage transistors in these flash-memory devices are prone to being gummed up with electrostatic charge that they cannot dissipate. ─── 原来在这些闪存设备里的存储电晶体易于被"粘“上被它们除不去的静电电荷。

74、At double eight, the kidney energy flourishes, and when the Deca comes, essence and energy will dissipate from overflowing and Yin and Yang become homonious, so he can breed. ─── 二八肾气盛,天癸至,精气溢泻,阴阳和,故能有子。

75、As they dissipate more fully in the coming eight months, the end of the era of the dark will have officially come to be. ─── 当它们在未来8个月更为完全地被驱散时,黑暗时代就将得到正式的终结。

76、It takes several hundred years for this magnetic field to slowly dissipate and shift to another dimension, or be absorbed by some situation or beings, and then fade away. ─── 几百年以后,那个磁场才会自己慢慢消灭,它就换到另外一个地方去,或是被情况或是被别人吸走,然后淡掉。

77、If it is not able to dissipate heat energy equally in all directions, it may cause local overheating and possible failure. ─── 如果在各个方向上不能均匀散热,可能会导致部分区域受热过度甚至失效。

78、The treatment and effectiveness by use of prefabricated drains method to dissipate the excess pore pressure by pile driving are also introduced under the condition without external loads. ─── 在不加外荷载情况下,采用塑料排水板方法消散打桩引起的超静孔隙水压力的处理措施,解决了高孔隙水压力下主厂房的开挖问题。

79、Why would anyone desire to dissipate love? ─── 为什么有人会渴望驱散爱呢?

80、The Ohio State chemists determined that, when excited by ultraviolet light, these three bases dissipate energy through the dark state anywhere from 10-50 percent of the time. ─── 俄勒冈州化学家认为,在紫外光刺激下三种碱基在10%-50%时间内通过”黑暗状态“转移能量到各处。

81、The hyperthermia may be fatal, and steps should be taken to dissipate heat quickly. ─── 体温过高可能致命,故必须迅速采取散热措施。

82、Their purpose is to protect equipment such as transformers and switchgear from damage; the voltage protection level would be of less importance than its ability to dissipate the charge to earth. ─── 其作用是保护诸如变压器及开关器具免遭损坏,因此,其对地泄流的能力要比电压保护水平重要。

83、A craft flying higher will create a less intense sonic boom at ground level, because the shock waves have farther to travel before hitting the ground, and therefore have more time to dissipate. ─── 一个飞机飞行在地面时会产生一个不大的爆音,因为冲击波会在飞行过程中传播开来,然后打击到地面上,它的消失会需要更多的时间。

84、All. Will continue. Or. Will dissipate. ─── 一切,都将延续。或者,都将消逝。

85、If the element is not able to dissipate heat energy equally in all directions, it may cause local overheating and possible failure. ─── 如果硅碳棒不能再各个方向上均匀散热,可能会导致部分区域受热过度乃至失败。

86、A breath of air which made its way in through the open pane, helped to dissipate the smell of the charcoal and to conceal the presence of the brazier. ─── 从那玻璃碎了的窗格里吹进来的阵阵冷气,也有助于驱散煤味并隐蔽那火炉。

87、When you feel tension building, find something fun to do. You'll find that the stress you feel will dissipate and your thoughts will become clearer. ─── 当你感觉到紧张的压力,做一些有乐趣的事吧。你会发现压力在渐渐消逝,你的想法也渐渐明朗了。

88、Despite his repeated apologies, his anger did not seem to dissipate at all. ─── 尽管他一再道歉,他的怒气似乎并没有消除。

89、Pore water pressure does not always dissipate in short time immediately after the excitations, but it may keep on increasing. ─── 震后土中孔隙水压力不一定随振动的停止而立即开始消散,短期内也可能继续增长。

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