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08-18 投稿


membrane 发音

英:['membre?n]  美:['m?mbren]

英:  美:

membrane 中文意思翻译



membrane 词性/词形变化,membrane变形

形容词: membranal |

membrane 短语词组

1、asymmetric membrane ─── [化] 非对称膜; 各向异性膜

2、anion-exchange membrane ─── [化] 阴离子交换膜

3、anion semipermeable membrane ─── [化] 阴离子半透膜

4、anion-permeable membrane ─── [化] 阴离子透膜

5、basilar membrane ─── 基膜

6、basement membrane ─── 基膜, ─── 基底膜

7、bilayer lipid membrane ─── [化] 双层脂膜

8、Bichat's membrane ─── [医] 比沙氏膜, 内弹性膜(动脉内膜中)

9、amorphous membrane ─── [化] 均质膜; 无定形膜

10、anionic membrane ─── [化] 阴离子膜

11、basement-membrane ─── [医] 基膜

12、arachnoid membrane ─── 蛛网膜

13、artificial membrane ─── [化] 人工膜

14、adiabatic membrane ─── [机] 绝热膜

15、animal membrane ─── [机] 动物膜

16、Ascherson's membrane ─── [医] 阿歇尔森氏乳脂球膜

17、anisotropic membrane ─── [化] 非对称膜; 各向异性膜

18、affinity membrane ─── [化] 亲和膜

19、Beccari's membrane ─── [医] 贝卡里氏膜(突触膜)

membrane 相似词语短语

1、membral ─── membral公司

2、membraneous ─── adj.膜的;膜状的

3、embrace ─── vt.拥抱;欣然采纳;信奉;包含;vi.拥抱;n.拥抱;采纳

4、remembrance ─── n.回想,回忆;纪念品;记忆力

5、membranous ─── adj.膜的;膜性的;膜状的

6、membranes ─── n.细胞膜(membrane的复数);薄膜;膜皮

7、membranal ─── 细胞膜的

8、membraned ─── 细胞膜的;假膜的(membrane的过去分词和过去式)

9、embrave ─── vt.鼓舞;装饰(等于enbrave)

membrane 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A thin membrane of whole life now covers the entire Earth. ─── 如今,整个地球表面覆盖着一层全生命的薄膜。

2、The adsorption process is controlled by membrane diffusion dynamics. ─── 吸附过程受膜扩散动力学控制。

3、Membrane bioreactor is one of the new wastewater treatment systems. ─── 摘要膜生物反应器是一种新型水处理系统。

4、A toy instrument with a membrane that produces a sound when a player hums or sings into the mouthpiece. ─── 卡祖笛一种当吹奏者向吹口处低吟或哼唱时一个膜能够发出声音的玩具乐器

5、The loudness of a sound is evident produced by how much the membrane is cause to move. ─── 而声音的大小则明显的决定于耳膜运动。

6、Polyp:Growth projecting from the wall of a cavity lined with a mucous membrane. ─── 息肉: 具黏膜的腔壁上形成的突起物。

7、Shandong Ideal Membrane Technology Co., Ltd. ─── 山东意迪尔膜技术有限公司。

8、The glandular mucous membrane that linesthe uterus. ─── 子宫内膜排列在子宫上的腺粘膜。

9、The inward flow of a fluid through a permeable membrane toward a fluid of greater concentration. ─── 内渗透一种液体透过可渗透膜流向另一种浓度比它高的液体的内部流动

10、Tianjin Novofangyuan Membrane Separation Technology Co., Ltd. ─── 天津创新芳苑膜分离技术有限公司。

11、A crease or ridge apparently formed by folding,as of a membrane; a plica. ─── 折痕如膜状物等明显由折叠形成的折痕或脊;皱襞。

12、Adaxial surface of seeds with a membrane. ─── 有一层膜的种子的正面。

13、One of two spiral bands of tissue in an egg that connect the yolk to the lining membrane at either end of the shell. ─── 卵黄系带鸡蛋内将蛋黄和蛋壳任一端的内膜连接的两个螺旋的带状组织之一

14、To convert(a membrane or cartilage, for example) into bone. ─── 使骨化使(如细胞膜、软骨等)变为骨头

15、The Use of Spray Membrane Waterproof Layer for Baima Tunnel No. ─── 喷膜防水层在白马一号隧道中的应用。

16、The envelope is derived in most cases from the cytoplasmic membrane. ─── 大多数病毒的囊膜取自宿主细胞膜。

17、Their astonishing conclusion was that all the matter in the universe was connected to one vast structure, a membrane. ─── 他们得出了惊人的结论,即宇宙万物都关联于一个巨大的结构,一张巨大的膜。


19、The connective tissue and its fibers encompassed glassy membrane. ─── 在玻璃膜外为结缔组织及其纤维。

20、Shanghai Megavision Membrane Technology Engineering Co., Ltd. ─── 上海蓝景膜技术工程有限公司。

21、Archaeopteryx shows no obvious features of gliders, such as a broad membrane connecting forelimbs and hind limbs. ─── 始祖鸟并没有表现出明显的滑翔机的特征,比如有一层连接前肢和后肢的宽膜。

22、Use as membrane structure for architecture, designed according to DIN standard. ─── 本产品作为建筑膜结构材料使用,按照欧洲DIN标准设计。

23、One outer membrane envelops both amniotic sacs. ─── 两个羊膜囊由一个外膜层包裹。

24、Reis used an animal membrane stretched over a small cone inserted into a bung hole of a barrel. To the membrane was fixed a platinum wire. ─── 莱斯将一种动物薄膜覆盖在一个锥状物上,薄膜上固定了一根铂丝,再将锥状物插入一个木桶的桶孔。

25、The application field of each type of membrane. ─── 各种膜的应用领域

26、This can result in premature failure of sealing membrane. ─── 否则可能导致密封膜过早破坏。

27、No epiretinal membrane of macula was found before the operation. ─── 全部患眼术前均未发现黄斑前膜,手术方法均采用巩膜外手术。

28、Beijing Dingchuanyuan Membrane Technology Development Co., Ltd. ─── 北京鼎创源膜技术开发有限公司。

29、A convoluted invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane in some bacterial cells. ─── 中间体某些细菌细胞中细胞质膜的回旋内陷

30、The glandular mucous membrane that lines the uterus. ─── 子宫内膜排列在子宫上的腺粘膜

31、Spores form a lipid membrane during the process of reproducing. ─── 孢于在生殖过程中形成类脂膜。

32、A coating of fluid separates the two layers of membrane, letting the heart move as it beats, yet still be attached to your body. ─── 一块弹性膜将两层隔膜分开,使得心脏在跳动并产生位移时,依然能够和身体相连。

33、Glutamic acid was extracted and concentrated with liquid membrane. ─── 本文研究了用液膜法提取浓缩谷氨酸。

34、In pterosaurs a greatly elongated fourth finger of each forelimb supported a wing-like membrane. ─── 翼龙的每个前肢都有一根长长的第四指,支撑着像翅膀一样的膜。

35、Plasma membrane swollen, aerosome intact. ─── 原生质膜扩张,顶体完好。

36、They do not have a nuclear membrane and so no discrete nucleus. ─── 原核体细胞没有核膜,因此也没有界限分明的细胞核。

37、Our product is nanosized safe ceramic metal thermal insulation membrane. ─── 我们的产品全称:纳米陶瓷金属安全隔热膜。

38、Includes: infeed table, membrane press, outfeed table, vacuum pump, oil heater. ─── 包括:进料台、薄膜压机、出料台、真空泵、导热油加热系统。

39、D: The mucous membrane of your nose appears markedly pale and edematous. ─── 您鼻粘膜显得特别苍白并且还有些水肿。

40、Why do you want the mucous membrane coated with barium? ─── 为什么要用钡附着在黏膜上呢?

41、Can encroach the skin, mucous membrane to reach any organizations. ─── 可侵犯皮肤、粘膜及任何组织。

42、Appropriate solvent could increase the permeation selectivity of the imprinted membrane for the template. ─── 合适的渗透溶剂可提高印迹膜对模板分子的渗透选择性。

43、A cell membrane or cell wall. ─── 一种细胞膜或细胞壁

44、A plastic membrane serves as selective diffusion barrier. ─── 一层塑料薄膜起着选择性渗透屏障的作用。

45、They also have a double membrane. ─── 它们同样具有双层膜结构。

46、The wall in association with the cytoplasmic membrane also delimits the paramural region. ─── 与细胞质模联在一起的细胞壁也划出了壁旁区。

47、It is from Hemosiderosis genistein deposition from the former elastic membrane. ─── 它是由含铁血黄素沉积于前弹力膜而成。

48、When the tip penetrates the cell membrane, the membrane seals around the glass. ─── 当尖端穿透细胞膜,膜即将玻璃毛细管封

49、This product is mainly used as cover, tent for house and membrane structure. ─── 本产品主要用来制作篷盖布、篷房用布和膜结构用布。

50、The mucilaginous covering often found around the cell membrane in bacteria. ─── 3荚膜:在细菌细胞膜中发现的具有粘性的覆盖物。

51、Defender Aether Membrane can block as though it had flying. ─── 守军乙太护膜能视同具有飞行异能地进行阻挡。

52、ATP is produced by a complex in the mitochondrial membrane called ATP synthase. ─── 三磷酸腺苷是由一个复杂的线粒体膜称为ATP合酶。

53、Sincflex is the earliest manufacturer in making membrane couplings in China. ─── 97年申克公司收到英国米切尔机械学会邀请参加膜片联轴器研讨会。

54、A crease or ridge apparently formed by folding, as of a membrane; a plica. ─── 折痕如膜状物等明显由折叠形成的折痕或脊;皱襞

55、The Na + ,K + ATPase activity of myocardial membrane was measured. ─── 光电比色法测定Na+ 、K+ ATP酶的活性。

56、Can cyst of oral cavity mucous membrane worsen? ─── 口腔粘膜囊肿会不会恶化?

57、In bacterial systems transport activities are performed by membrane proteins. ─── 在细菌系统中运输活性是通过膜蛋白实现的。

58、Their initial action is to depolarize the membrane in the same manner as ACh. ─── 他们的始发行为是用与ACh相同的方式,是使膜消退极化。

59、The dialyzer reuse may ameliorate membrane biocompatibility. ─── HE膜和PS膜生物相容性优于CA膜 ,透析器复用可改善透析膜的生物相容性

60、We report three cases of fibrinous membrane formation after cataract surgery. ─── 摘要本文报告三例白内障术后发生纤维素膜形成的病例。

61、HBV does not cross the skin or the mucous membrane barrier. ─── HBV不会穿过皮肤或粘膜进行传播。

62、The endophyte is surrounded by a membrane of apparent host plant origin. ─── 内生植物是明显地被起源于寄生植物的膜包围的。

63、Human anti-liver cell membrane antibody,LMA Elis... ─── 人抗肝细胞膜抗体(LMA)试剂盒;

64、All cells have a cell membrane. ─── 所有细胞都有细胞膜。

65、Ulinastatin was used to stabilize lysosomal membrane. ─── 应用乌司他丁稳定溶酶体膜;

66、The widely different degrees of extractability of the plant membrane lipids indicate the heterogeneous nature of membrane structure . ─── 植物膜类脂的可抽提性的程度有很大差异,这表明了膜结构的异质性。

67、Keywords: membrane separation, pervaporation, membrane preparation. ─── 关键词:膜分离、渗透蒸发、膜材开发。

68、BAP concentration was a key factor influencing membrane fouling. ─── BAP浓度是影响膜污染的关键因素。

69、Nanostructured bilayer lipid membrane and its application[J]. ─── 引用该论文 饶程,杨清林,袁祥辉.

70、ETFE membrane is noninflammable and will go off after burning out. ─── ETFE膜材不易燃。且在燃烧融化后会自行熄灭。

71、Analysis of RO membrane application in reclamation of waste-water. ─── 反渗透膜在污水处理回用中的应用案例分析。

72、They use phem a hydrogel to make the plant membrane. ─── 他们使用phema水凝胶作植物膜。

73、Method: The membrane filtration method. ─── 方法:采用薄膜过滤法操作。

74、The mixture is subsequently passed through a flat membrane filter. ─── 接着让混合物通过一个平板膜滤器。

75、The apical membrane of the epithelial cells is apparently essential. ─── 上皮细胞的顶膜显然是必要的。

76、The PDP plasma screen protection pastes the membrane. ─── PDP等离子屏幕保护贴膜。

77、Surface of paper with non-effect(frosted,ice-flower,membrane etc). ─── 不影响纸张表面(磨砂、冰花、复膜等)。

78、In the MMAS grafted asea, there was formation of fibrous membrane. ─── 无孔MMAS植片表面有纤维膜形成。

79、An enclosing membrane, as that covering the sorus of a fern. ─── 囊群盖一种包裹其它物的膜,如蕨类植物的孢囊群的覆盖膜

80、General Theory of Membrane Stresses in Vessels under Internal Pressure. ─── 内部压力下容器中的膜压力基本原理。

81、There is abrasion of your nasal mucus membrane. ─── 您的鼻粘膜有擦伤。

82、A thin, transparent membrane used over a theatrical light to color it. ─── 彩色透明滤光板舞台灯光照明用的薄而透明的滤光板

83、Spend in: Mucous membrane congests, oedema is apparent. ─── 中度:粘膜充血,水肿明显。

84、Egg membrane reactor is egg quality and coated the CGs reorganization process. ─── 卵质膜反应是卵质与皮质颗粒包膜的重组过程。

85、The living material of a plant or bacterial cell, including the protoplasm and plasma membrane after the cell wall has been removed. ─── 原生质体植物细胞或细菌细胞的有生命的部分,包括原生质和去掉细胞壁后的质膜

86、There is no break but he took a knock to the leg and the membrane covering the bone is swollen. ─── 这不用休息,但是他的腿被碰撞过一次后,骨头的薄膜已经肿胀。

87、These are substances which specifically latch onto the protein on the cell membrane. ─── 这些是专门黏附在细胞膜蛋白质上的物质。

88、Linerless membrane materials is lower the surface tension of BOPP. ─── 无底纸膜所用的材料为低表面张力的BOPP薄膜。

89、A crease or ridge apparently formed by folding,as of a membrane;a plica. ─── 折痕如膜状物等明显由折叠形成的折痕或脊;皱襞

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