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08-18 投稿


absenteeism 发音

英:[?bs(?)n'ti??z(?)m]  美:[,?bs?n'ti?z?m]

英:  美:

absenteeism 中文意思翻译



absenteeism 短语词组

1、absenteeism presenteeism ─── 旷工

2、absenteeism rate ─── [机] 缺勤率

3、involuntary absenteeism ─── 非自愿缺勤

absenteeism 相似词语短语

1、absences ─── n.没有;缺乏;缺席;不注意

2、presenteeism ─── n.出勤主义(指员工因害怕被辞退而故意多出勤或延长加班时间的行为)

3、Ibsenism ─── n.易卜生主义

4、absentees ─── n.缺席者;adj.缺席投票的;缺席的

5、abstentionism ─── n.不干涉主义

6、absente reo ─── 被告缺席;在被告缺席的情况下

7、absentee ─── n.缺席者;adj.缺席投票的;缺席的

8、absinthism ─── n.苦艾酒中毒

9、dissenterism ─── 异议主义

absenteeism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You were absent for three lessons last week. ─── 上个星期你缺了三节课。

2、We predict this will dramatically reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces. ─── 我们预计,这将大大减少学校和工作场所的旷工现象。

3、None of the students in the class is absent today. ─── 今天班里的学生一个缺席的也没有。

4、To leave their jobs without any leadership did not consult those who, as absenteeism treatment. ─── 擅自离开工作岗位未向任何领导请示者,视旷工处理。

5、If he were to come, say that i am absent. ─── 他来了,只说我不在家。

6、Be sure not to be absent next time. ─── 下次一定不要缺席。

7、He gave a lame excuse for being absent. ─── 他找了个站不住脚的理由来解释缺席的原因。

8、He was absent for no good reason. ─── 他缺席没有什么正当理由。

9、He is absent because he is ill. ─── 他因病缺席。

10、He was absent from the meeting last Monday. ─── 他上个星期一没有去开会。

11、Do you know why he is absent from school? ─── 你知道他为什么旷课吗?

12、The absent are always in the wrong. ─── 不在场的人总有错。

13、He laid up and was absent from his affairs. ─── 他卧病不能管事。

14、You were absent from class yesterday. ─── 你昨天没来上课。

15、You are really the typical absent minded professor. ─── 你真是典型的心不在焉的教授先生。

16、Right out of the blue, seniors about to graduate suddenly become candidates for the Nobel Prize in Absenteeism. ─── 突然之间,即将毕业的学生忽然变成角逐诺贝尔旷课奖的候选人。

17、Conscientiousness also tends to rise with age: older workers have lower levels of absenteeism than younger colleagues. ─── 随着年龄增长,自觉性也有增加的趋势:高龄员工比年轻职员的旷工率更低。

18、Absenteeism and lateness hurt productivity and, since work was specialized, disrupted the regular factory routine. ─── 旷工和迟到损害了生产力,而且由于工作是专门化的,这便打乱了工厂的正常工作程序。

19、He is cherishing the memory of an absent friend who is far away. ─── 他怀念着一位远方的友人。

20、Official permission to be absent from work or duty, as that granted to military or corporate personnel. ─── 准假能够离开工作或职责的正式许可,如给予军事或公司职员的

21、He was absent a number of days and got his leave. ─── 他好几天没上班,后来被解雇了。

22、You should not be absent from class. ─── 你不应当旷课。

23、He is absent from classes today. ─── 今天上课他缺席。

24、Prejudice is absent from his mind. ─── 他思想上没有成见。

25、Absent or diminished fertility. ─── 不育没有生育力或生育能力减低

26、What is your excuse for being absent? ─── 你缺席的理由是什么呢?

27、J: Was he absent from school last week? ─── 上星期他没上学?

28、They were absent because of sickness. ─── 他们因病缺席.

29、There was no real difference in children's absenteeism among the schools, however. ─── 至于三所小学的学童缺席率,则无明显差异。

30、Cuba does not produce enough and its population is ageing. Theft and absenteeism are rife in workplaces across the island. ─── 古巴生产不足且人口正在高龄化,偷窃和旷职在全国各地职场屡见不鲜。

31、You are just like an absent minded professor. ─── 你真是一个没头没脑的人。

32、It's astonishing to me that he should be absent. ─── 他竟然缺席,这使我感到吃惊。

33、Half the boys were absent with colds. ─── 半数的学生因感冒而缺席。

34、The cause that he is absent is not still clear. ─── 他缺席的原因还不清楚。

35、He was absent from the meeting for one reason or another. ─── 他为某种理由而没有出席会议。

36、He was absent from her work without leave. ─── 他外出去欧洲了。

37、Suppose he is absent, what shall we do? ─── 假使他不在,我们怎么办?

38、God's biggest problem with labourers in his vineyard is absenteeism. ─── 上帝最头痛的问题莫过于葡萄园的工人常有人缺席。

39、You had an absent look on your face. ─── 你看起来心不在焉。

40、Ten of the workers was absent with flu. ─── 十名工人因患流感而缺勤。

41、He was absent from his own country last year. ─── 他去年不在自己的国家里。

42、Everybody is present and nobody is absent. ─── 人人都出席,没人缺席。

43、He made up a story to explain why he was absent. ─── 他编造了一个故事为他的缺席辩解。

44、Just preparing for tomorrow absenteeism time, rest. ─── 只是准备明天旷课一次,休息休息。

45、You must not be absent from the meetings without cause. ─── 你必须叁加那些会议,不得无故缺席。

46、He looked at me in an absent way. ─── 他茫然地望着我。

47、He was absent, as is often the case. ─── 他没有来,这是常有的事。

48、They were discharged from the company because of habitual absenteeism. ─── 他们常旷工而被解雇。

49、But not even our squad has been able to cope with the absenteeism. ─── 但是,即使我们的球队也无法适应有人缺席的情况。

50、Some few students were absent today. ─── 今天有不少学生缺席。

51、Was he absent from school last week? ─── 他上周没有上学?

52、A country in which morality is absent. ─── 一个缺乏道德的国家

53、How many students are absent today? ─── 今天有多少学生缺席?

54、Why was it that he was absent? ─── 他为什么缺席呢?

55、Can you account for your being absent last Friday? ─── 你能说明上周五缺席的原因吗?

56、Madonna, absent from the list last year, is No. 3. ─── 去年跌出排行的麦当娜今年排名第三。

57、How does the supplier cover for absenteeism? ─── 厂商如何弥补旷工的情况?

58、A mere reduction absenteeism does not provide solid evidence for the proposition that robots would be better than humans for factory work. ─── 纯粹减少旷工现象不足以提供有力的证据,来证明机器人比人类能更好地从事工厂工作这一命题。

59、Love was totally absent from his childhood. ─── 他童年时代没受到丝毫的疼爱。

60、An innovative treatment has come to our attention that promises to significantly reduce absenteeism in our schools and workplaces. ─── 一种创新的治疗方法引起了我们的注意,它有望大大减少我们学校和工作场所的缺勤现象。

61、It is astonishing to me that he should be absent. ─── 他竟然缺席,使我大为惊异。

62、He was absent from the meeting. ─── 他今天开会缺席。

63、He is absent because of illness. ─── 他因病而缺席。

64、Where will not require applicants to deal with absenteeism. ─── 凡未按要求申请者将按缺勤处理。

65、He had a bad cold. That's why he was absent. ─── 他患了重感冒,所以没有到场。

66、He had numerous excuses to offer for being absent from class. ─── 他有无数个借口来为他缺课做解释。

67、Why was he absent from school yesterday? ─── 他昨天为什么不上学?

68、He is absent, as is often the case. ─── 他正如通常那样又缺席了。

69、He was never long absent from my side. ─── 他从未长时间离开过我的身边。

70、Last year absenteeism was 2 per cent as compared with a former 10 per cent. ─── 去年的缺勤率为百分之二,而过去为百分之十。

71、Wang Tao has been absent for three days. ─── 他已经三天没来上课了。

72、He had an absent look on his face. ─── 他脸上露出心不在焉的神色。

73、How many students are absent from class today? ─── 今天有多少学生出席?

74、He is absent from Hong Kong. ─── 他不在香港。

75、You were absent from school two days ago. ─── 两天前你没到校(缺席)。

76、Supposing he is absent, what shall we do? ─── 假使他不在, 我们将怎么办呢?

77、He was busted (to corporal) for being absent without leave. ─── 他因擅离职守而被降级(为下士).

78、He was absent from the meeting last time. ─── 上次他没出席会议。

79、Stay on top of absenteeism and institute programs designed to reduce money spent for time not worked. ─── 保持低缺勤率和制定用于减少非工作时间开支的计划。

80、He was absent from school on the pretext that he was ill. ─── 他借口病了没上学。

81、In schools run by state governments, 13% of all school days were lost owing to absent teachers in 2006.On a bad day in bad schools in bad states, teachers' absenteeism can reach 30%. ─── 2006年,公立学校的老师旷课率占课时的13%,若在一个制度更落后的州,一个更不负责的学校,再赶上坏天气,这个数字高达30%。

82、A number of members are absent . ─── 一些会员没有到会。

83、Calcium is absent from his diet. ─── 他的饮食中缺乏钙质。

84、He's concerned about your absenteeism. ─── 他很关注你旷课的问题。

85、Three members of the class were absent this morning. ─── 今天早晨该班有三人缺席。

86、He was absent from work because he had the flu. ─── 他因流感未能上班。

87、He remarked that he would be absent the next day . ─── 他谈到次日他是不会出席的。

88、He was busted for being absent without leave. ─── 他因擅离职守而被降级.

89、He will have been absent three years next January. ─── 到明年一月止他将三年不在了。

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