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anthropometry 发音

英:[??nθr??pɑ?m?tri]  美:[??nθr??p?m?tri]

英:  美:

anthropometry 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 人体测量学


anthropometry 网络释义

n. (使用比较方法的)[人类] 人体测量学

anthropometry 词性/词形变化,anthropometry变形

名词: anthropometrist |副词: anthropometrically |形容词: anthropometric |

anthropometry 短语词组

1、anthropometry method ─── [医] 人体测量法

2、anthropometry measures ─── 人体测量

3、anthropometry mean ─── 人体测量平均值

4、anthropometry kit ─── 人体测量工具

5、anthropometry application ─── 人体测量应用

6、criminal anthropometry ─── [医] 犯罪人体测量 ─── [术]

7、anthropometry definition law ─── 人体测量定义法

8、anthropometry book ─── 人体测量手册

9、anthropometry ppt ─── 人体测量ppt

10、anthropometry chart ─── 人体测量图

anthropometry 相似词语短语

1、anthropometric ─── adj.(与)人体测量学(有关)的

2、anthropopathy ─── 情感似人类说

3、anthropometrical ─── 人体测量的

4、anthropogeny ─── n.人类起源论(等于anthropogenesis)

5、anthropolatry ─── n.人类崇拜

6、anthropometrist ─── n.人体测量学家

7、anthropometer ─── n.[人类]人体测量器;[人类]人体测量仪

8、anthropometrically ─── 人体测量学

9、anthropocentric ─── adj.以人类为中心的;以人类观点解释宇宙万物的

anthropometry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The anthropometry data are the basic data in the design of drivers' controlling space. ─── 人体测量数据是汽车驾驶员操纵空间设计的基础资料。

2、Keywords leptin;adipose tissue;anthropometry;obesity;children; ─── 关键词瘦素;脂肪组织;人体测量学;肥胖;儿童;

3、Keywords Nasus;Anthropometry;Digital photography;Computer; ─── 关键词鼻;测量;数字成像;计算机;

4、This paper describes the importance of anthropometry in industrial design,it emphasizes on the current situations of anthropometry and its application to industrial design. ─── 介绍了人体测量对于工业设计的重要性,重点阐述人体测量技术的现状及在工业设计领域的应用,论证了完善我国人体测量数据库的重要性。

5、Abstract: Cluster analysis and principal component analysis on data of anthropometry from Asian populations showed that Asian populations could be divided into north populations and south populations. ─── 摘 要: 本文通过对亚洲群体体部测量资料的聚类分析与主成分分析,认为亚洲群体可分为北方类群与南方类群。

6、Keywords Tataer nationalities Nasal shape Anthropometry; ─── 塔塔尔族;鼻部形态;人类学测量;

7、Keywords Orbit;Anthropometry;Tomography;X-ray computed; ─── 眼眶;人体测量术;体层摄影术;X线计算机;

8、anthropometry method ─── [医] 人体测量法

9、Keywords anthropometry;cluster analysis;Baiku Yao population/ Yao nationality; ─── 关键词活体测量;聚类分析;白裤瑶/瑶族;

10、Methods A common anthropometry was used to measure tung-shen-tsun length and body height in 731 (361 males and 370 females) primary school students of Zhuang ethnic group in Baise, Guangxi, China. ─── 方法应用我国普遍采用的方法测量了731名(男361名,女370名)广西百色市壮族小学生同身寸和身高。

11、static anthropometry ─── 静态人体测量

12、Evaluation of the nutritional conditions in community retired residents by nutritional assessment questionnaire and anthropometry ─── 营养评定问卷与人体测量学方法评价社区退休居民的营养状况

13、Keywords ear;anthropometry;ethnology minority groups; ─── 关键词人体测量术;人种学;耳;少数民族;

14、Keywords anthropometry;statistics analysis;somatotyping;type and size; ─── 人体测量;统计分析;体型特征;体型差异;

15、Character of Anthropometry Usefulness for Chinese Male Pilot ─── 中国男性飞行员人体尺寸测量实用性特征

16、Keywords Anthropometry;The head and face;Physical character;Dong nationality; ─── 关键词活体测量;头面部;体质特征;侗族;

17、identification by anthropometry ─── 人身测定

18、engineering anthropometry ─── 工程人体测量学

19、Keywords Face;Anthropometry;Mask;Pilot; ─── 面部;人体测量术;面罩;飞行员;

20、The importance and the main methods of anthropometry are described. ─── 描述了人体测量的重要性和主要方法。

21、Keywords laser scanning;facial deformity;three-dimensional reconstruction;anthropometry; ─── 激光扫描;面部畸形;三维重建;测量;

22、A Study on Application of Computer Vision in anthropometry. ─── 计算机视觉技术在人体测量中的应用研究。

23、The Investigation on Somatotype of College Students of Zhuang Nationality by Heath-Carter Method Anthropometry ─── 壮族大学生Heath-Carter法体型研究

24、Methods: Subjective global assessment (SGA), anthropometry and biochemistry parameters were examined in 43 patients with liver cirrhosis. ─── 方法:对43例肝硬化病人进行主观综合性营养评估(SGA)、直接人体测量和生化参数测定。

25、criminal anthropometry ─── [医] 犯罪人体测量[术]

26、At present,the indexes in evaluating maternal nutrition include anthropometry measurements,circulating index,and bioelectrical impedance analysis. ─── 现阶段评价孕妇营养的指标主要有人体测量学、血液学以及生物电阻抗分析,每一种评价手段各有所长。

27、J. A. Roebuck, Jr., K.H.E. Kroemer and W.G. Thomson (1975), “Engineering Anthropometry Method”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Canada ─── 财团法人鞋类设计暨技术研究中心(1995)”日本制鞋工业技术与管理制度”,经济部工业局

28、Keywords phalanges of finers;X-ray measurement;anthropometry; ─── 指骨;X线测量;活体测量;

29、Keywords fit assessment;3-D anthropometry;ready-to-wear sizing systems; ─── 合体性评价;三维人体测量;成衣号型系统;

30、Keywords lumbar vertebrae;intervertebral disk displacement;anthropometry; ─── 腰椎;椎间盘移位;人体测量术;

31、Keywords Sleep apnea;obstructive;Tomography;X-ray computed;Anthropometry; ─── 睡眠呼吸暂停;阻塞性;体层摄影术;X线计算机;人体测量术;

32、This article at the base of the anthropometry has carried on the three-dimensional modeling by using the man-machine project module of the CATIA software; ─── 本文基于人体测量学理论,在CATIA软件的人机工程模块下建立了网球轮椅的三维人体模型;

33、Observation and anthropometry of nose and face of adult residents in Shanghai ─── 上海地区成人鼻面部的观察和测量

34、Method 10 morphological traits in headface of 328 Miao and 320 Dong in Hunan province were investigated by anthropometry. ─── 方法采用活体观测的方法,观测了湖南苗族328例、侗族320例头面部10项形态特征。

35、Keywords FTP;large-scale;filtering;calibration;phase unwrapping;3D-connection;error analysis;anthropometry; ─── FTP大视场;滤波;相位展开;标定;三维拼接;误差分析;人体测量;

36、3-D anthropometry ─── 三维人体测量

37、Analyzing the design idea of the third anthropometry for chinese male pilot we can understand the usefulness character of the anthropometry on a large scale. ─── 通过对第三次中国男性飞行员人体尺寸测量研究过程指导思想的分析,全面了解这次大样本测量工作的实用性特征。

38、Nutritional status of chronic peritoneal dialysis patients: Correlation of biochemical parameters with anthropometry and nutrient intake. ─── 口服补充肉硷对慢性腹膜透析病人营养状况的影响。

39、Conclusion Our study seems to be feasible in establishing the estimation standard for skeletal age determination using developmental metaphysis and anthropometry. ─── 结论根据发育等级特征及测量学方法建立骨龄评估标准可行,可望得到推广。

40、The importance and the main methods of anthropometry are described. ─── 描述了人体测量的重要性和主要方法。

41、Keywords Hand shape;Anthropometry;Right-and-lift difference;Correlationship and regression;Adults; ─── 手形态;左右差;相关与回归;活体测量;成人;

42、A Study on Application of Computer Vision in anthropometry. ─── 计算机视觉技术在人体测量中的应用研究。

43、Measures of adiposity were derived from anthropometry and bioelectrical impedance data at baseline and anthropometry repeated 3 years later. ─── 肥胖的测量采用人体测量法和生物电阻抗法相结合,并在开始实验的三年后进行随访。

44、Methods Observed and analysed 42 items of the head and face in Dong people with anthropometry. ─── 方法对湖南侗族头面部4 2项指标进行活体测量分析。

45、Aiming at estimation of photographic object distance from facial photo, the theory of anthropometry statistics in face and projective geometry are adopted to evaluate object distance directly. ─── 5.提出了一种人像摄影物距的直接估算方法,它利用人类面貌测量学的统计知识和射影几何的相关理论,来求解人像的原始摄影距离。

46、industrial anthropometry ─── 工业人体测量

47、Keywords development;health;college students;anthropometry; ─── 发育;健康;大学生;人体测量学;

48、The researches at home were focus on anthropometry,ergonomic evaluation of visual displays and personal protective equipments, measurement of work ability and workload. ─── 国内研究集中在人体测量、视觉显工效学评价、个体防护装备工效学评价、工作能力和工作负荷测量等方面。

49、Research of the Heath-Carter Anthropometry on the Somatotypes of Zhuang Adolescents ─── 壮族青少年体型的Heath-Carter人体测量法研究

50、Methods: Subjective global assessment (SGA), anthropometry and biochemistry parameters were examined in 43 patients with liver cirrhosis. ─── 方法:对43例肝硬化病人进行主观综合性营养评估(SGA)、直接人体测量和生化参数测定。

51、Anthropometry and body composition of 18 year old men according to duration of breast feeding: birth cohort study from Brazil ─── 母乳喂养持续时间对18岁男性个体测量及身体组成的影响:巴西出生人群队列研究

52、Content of body fat of a human being is an important parameter of anthropometry. ─── 人体脂肪含量是人体测量的一个重要指标,合理地控制人体脂肪含量对人体健康有重要意义。

53、The visual analog scale (VAS) for shoulder pain, motor function status, anthropometry, and X-ray assessment were used to evaluate the status of shoulder subluxation before and after treatment. ─── 本研究使用肩痛指数、运动功能,人体测量法及X-光测量来评估治疗前后肩膀半脱位之程度。

54、Keywords anthropometry;hunan;undergraduate student; ─── 形态测量;湖南;大学生;

55、Application of Anthropometry to Industrial Design ─── 人体测量在工业设计领域的应用

56、Keywords anthropometry;ethnology;mouth;minority groups; ─── 人体测量术;人种学;口腔;少数民族;

57、Keywords Bone-Length Measurement;Anthropometry;Points;Extraordinary HN;Point Locating; ─── 骨度法;人体测量术;穴位;头颈部;取穴;

58、An assessment of the somatoscopy and anthropometry of 374 Miao nationality adults(196 males and 178 females) living in Wangka village of Fuquan city in Guizhou was carried out in July 2004. ─── 本文对374名(男196人,女178人)世居在贵州的王卡苗族进行活体观察和测量(观察项目28个,测量项目64个)。

59、Based on ergonomics, this thesis firstly decides the main shape dimension of wheelchair during concept design according to the anthropometry data of the aged. ─── 本论文基于人机工程学原理,首先根据老年人的人体测量数据,进行轮椅的主要外形尺寸的概念设计。

60、According to Chinese anthropometry data and ergonomics knowledge, a general 3D parametric Chinese manikin was built. ─── 摘要根据中国人体尺寸和人机工程学知识,建立了通用的三维参数化中国少、体模型。

61、With data analysis of third anthropometry for Chinese male pilots,we can understand features of age,nationality,birthplaces and aircraft type of measurement objects. ─── 通过对第三次中国男性飞行员人体尺寸测量资料的分析,全面了解这次大样本测量对象有关年龄、民族、出生地、飞行机种等资料的特点。

62、The visual analog scale (VAS) for shoulder pain, motor func status, anthropometry, and X-ray assessment were used to evaluate the of shoulder subluxation before and after treatment. ─── 本研究使用肩痛指数、运动功能,人体测量法及X-光测量来评估治疗前后肩膀半脱拉位之程度。

63、measuring instruments for anthropometry ─── 人体测量仪

64、Keywords Anthropometry;Physiognomy;Dong nationality;Hunan province; ─── 人体测量;容貌特征;侗族;湖南;

65、Kinanthropometry and Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual: Tests, Procedures and Data, Third Edition: Volume One: Anthropometry -- 3e. ─── 身体形态测量和运动生理学实验室手册:测试,程序和数据,第三版:第一卷:人体测量。

66、auxological anthropometry ─── 人体测量术

67、Li, C.C., Hwang, S.L. and Wang, MJ., 1990, Static Anthropometry of Civilian ─── 黄雪玲,王茂俊,王明阳,游志云,1984,劳工静态与动态人体计测资料库建


69、Keywords Made to Measure (Garment MTM),Anthropometry,Statistics Analysis,Garment standard and specification,Body Form Discriminant Analysis,Men's garment prototype model; ─── 服装MTM;人体测量;统计分析;服装号型;规格系列;体型判别;男装原型;

70、Measurements of anthropometry and circulating leptin were performed both in AIS and non-AIS girls. ─── 对AIS和非AIS女孩进行人体测量学和外周血瘦素的测量。

71、Methods Observed and analysed 42 items of the head and face in Dong people with anthropometry. ─── 方法对湖南侗族头面部42项指标进行活体测量分析。

72、It optimizes workplace layout design using genetic algorithm according to the anthropometry data so as to achieve the most best effect of human factor. ─── 以人体测量数据为依据,按照人机工效最佳的原则,采用遗传算法进行工作域布局的优化设计。

73、Data Analysis of Anthropometry for Chinese Male Pilots ─── 中国男性飞行员人体尺寸测量资料分析

74、Keywords pilots;head face dimensions;databank;human body measurements;anthropometry; ─── 飞行员;头面部尺寸;数据库;人体测量项目;人体测量学;

75、Keywords body fat rate;body shape feature;anthropometry;BMI;circumference items; ─── 体脂肪率;体型特征;人体测量学;体重指数;躯体围度;

76、Keywords Acetabulum;Imaging;Three-Dimensional;Morphology;Anthropometry; ─── 髋臼;成像;三维;形态学;人体测量术;

77、Because the design and method of the anthropometry this time are scientific and objective than before, the results are therefore practical and reliable. ─── 由于本测量的设计与方法较从前更为科学与客观,故可认定其结果实用可信。

78、Keywords pilot;anthropometry;data analysis; ─── 飞行员;人体测量;资料分析;

79、When the skeleton of a character is given, these radii on joints are obtained according to length of bones in Anthropometry. ─── 给定人物角色骨架后,依据人体测量学根据骨骼长度计算出关节点处的半径。

80、Keywords dietary survey;anthropometry;hemoglobin;serum vitamin A;serum zinc; ─── 膳食调查;体质指数;血红蛋白;血清维生素A;血清锌;

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