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08-18 投稿


compaction 发音

英:[k?m'p?k??n]  美:[k?m'p?k??n]

英:  美:

compaction 中文意思翻译



compaction 短语词组

1、compaction behavior ─── 压实特性

2、floating-point compaction ─── [计] 浮点简缩

3、floating-point coding compaction ─── [计] 浮点编码精简法, 浮点编码简缩

4、rear-end compaction ─── [计] 后端压缩

5、microcode compaction ─── [计] 微代码压缩, 微代码紧致

6、curve fitting compaction ─── [计] 曲线拟合压缩法

7、global microcode compaction ─── [计] 全局微代码压缩

8、full compaction ─── [计] 完全压缩

9、text compaction ─── [计] 正文紧缩, 原文紧缩

10、frequency analysis compaction ─── [计] 频率分析精简法

11、compaction behaviour ─── 压实特性

12、file record compaction ─── [计] 文件记录压缩

13、data compaction ─── [计] 数据精简

14、compaction table ─── [计] 压缩表

15、partial compaction ─── [计] 部分压缩

16、microprogram compaction technique ─── [计] 微程序紧致技术, 微程序压缩技术

17、incremental compaction ─── [计] 增量精简法

18、coefficient of compaction ─── 夯实系数;压实率

19、compaction algorithm ─── [计] 压缩算法

compaction 相似词语短语

1、complanation ─── n.平面化;变成平面

2、completion ─── n.完成,结束;实现,竣工

3、impaction ─── n.压紧;装紧;嵌入

4、compactor ─── n.压土机;垃圾捣碎机;夯土机;[建]压实器

5、compacting ─── adj.压实的;v.把……紧压在一起(或压实);(物质)变紧密;紧密地形成;缩短,精简;订立(或签订)(协定)(compact的现在分词)

6、companion ─── n.同伴;朋友;指南;手册;vt.陪伴;n.(Companion)人名;(英)康帕宁

7、compactify ─── v.(在大规模的太空空间内)使坚实的;(在大规模的太空空间内)变坚实的

8、compassion ─── n.同情;怜悯

9、compunction ─── n.悔恨,后悔;内疚

compaction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The writing or document embodying this compact. ─── 合同书,协议书反映这一契约的文字或文件

2、Compaction of wet material, such as clay, in order to make a watertight paste. ─── 和泥将黏土等潮湿的物质捣密以制成防水浆

3、In Triassic-Paleogene Formation, mechanical compaction was as important as pres solution, and the most original pore was preserved. ─── 三叠纪-古近纪拗陷盆地的成岩作用表现为机械压实和化学压实作用并重,原生孔隙多被保留;

4、Do you have a small compact car? ─── 你们有小型的简便车吗?

5、Compact disc drive access optimization. ─── 压缩磁盘存取优化。

6、Comparison of Design Guidelines and Construction Specifications of Highway Embankment Compaction Between China and U.S. ─── 中美路堤压实设计与施工控制标准的比较分析。

7、Compact discs( CDs): Widely used optical disk format. ─── 光盘(光唱碟)广泛使用的光学磁盘格式.

8、His uncle is a man of compact build. ─── 他叔父身体结实。

9、Raised beds also help in situations where compaction is not the only problem. ─── 凸起的种植床也有助于土地压缩不是仅有上的问题的环境。

10、Round and compact with well-arched toes like a cat. ─── 呈圆润结实状,脚趾需充份拱起,有如猫掌.

11、In many sedimentary basins the salinity of the formation water increases with depth or compaction. ─── 在许多沉积盆地中,地层水的含盐量随深度或压实作用而增高。

12、Have you heard about new Compact Discs? ─── 你听说过一种新式坚实的小型薄圆盘吗?

13、Covenant:a binding agreement; a compact. ─── " 盟约,契约:有约束力的协议;合同."

14、I reserved a compact car for three days. ─── 取车时可以说

15、Having a stout or compact build. ─── 体格粗壮的或敦实的

16、To become compact or solid; cohere. ─── 凝固使坚实或变硬;粘着紧凑

17、As the air space around them is lessened by compaction and melting, the grains become denser. ─── 由于它们周围的空气被压缩、融化而逐渐减少,颗粒变得更加密集了。

18、The Times says its new size is "compact", not tabloid. ─── 《泰晤士报》称改版后的报纸为“紧凑型”,并没有沦为街头小报。

19、Cracking down on smuggling of pirated compact discs. ─── 严厉打击盗版光盘走私活动。

20、A compact is an agreement or binding obligation. ─── 契约是一个协议或具有约束力的义务。

21、A properly executed and legally binding compact. ─── 合同,协议严格被执行的或受法律约束的契约

22、We have a few compact cars available in our lot. ─── 停车场里有几部小型车。

23、The compact guide to microsoft office professional II. ─── 专业版简明指南2。

24、You can get the feel of a compact car in no time. ─── 你很快就能把小型车摸清楚。

25、Compaction: Move objects in memory to remove unused space between them. ─── 压缩:在内存中移动对象,来移除它们之间无用的空间。

26、Hand-held, gasoline-driven rammers are used for compaction close to structures where there is no room for rollers to operate. ─── 当建筑物周围没有空间进行压实操作时,就采用手夯锤和气压锤。

27、The punch diagram displays that the increased compaction force main pressure will be regulated to the set value. ─── 冲杆图表显示主压力增加校准设定值。

28、The compact family design is ideal. ─── 亲密的家系设计是理想的。

29、BD Compact: reliable air supply for work and rescue. ─── BD紧密︰工作的可靠的空气供应和援救。

30、Introducea gate valve which adopt isostatic compaction polyfluortetraethylene lining. ─── 介绍了一种采用聚四氟乙烯等压成型衬里闸阀。

31、An optical disk, especially a compact disk. ─── 光盘,尤指微缩盘

32、Her essay is compact and plain. ─── 她的散文文体紧凑

33、And its compact design saves your office space. ─── 体积小巧的设计为你办公室节省更多的空间。

34、Sediment sorting and compaction influence permeability and porosity. ─── 沉积物的分选和压实作用影响渗透率和孔隙度。

35、Soil compaction may limit horizontal root extension. ─── 土壤的紧密度能限制水平根的扩展。

36、Compact,low profile with low Rdc and large current. ─── 协调,小尺寸,大电流,低直流阻抗。

37、He handed a compact disc to the supervisor. ─── 他把光盘交给管理者了。

38、She inspected her face in a compact. ─── 她对着有镜小粉盒审视自己的面容。

39、So the void ratio method is feasible in compaction control of subbase. ─── 因此,路基压实用空隙率法控制是切实可行的。

40、To make thin, less compact, or less dense. ─── 使稀薄使变瘦,变淡,变得不紧凑,不浓密

41、coefficient of compaction is 1.22 on the mechanical loader. ─── 机械装载机的压实系数为1.22。

42、Paws: Compact, large strong paws. ─── [爪部:紧凑巨大和强壮.

43、A compact disk is a shiny, circular disk that stores information. ─── 一个光盘是一个光亮的、圆形的可以存储信息的盘。

44、Say,a sub compact can run thirty five kilometers one gal on of gas. ─── 例如一部经济型号的车子用一加仑油便可开三十五公里。

45、The compaction process is stopped. ─── 停止压缩过程。

46、The company came up with a new, more compact computer. ─── 公司推出了一种新的更小型的电脑。

47、The revolution average value displays that the compaction force main pressure exceeds the set value. ─── 主压力旋转平均值超过设定值。

48、The active soil compaction target area must be barricaded. ─── 地基处理的工作区域必须设置安全防护栏。

49、Cathy: It looks very compact and stylish but how easy is it to use? ─── 凯西:看来很小巧时髦,但容易使用吗?

50、The count of the objects that were not moved by the garbage collector during a compaction. ─── 不能由垃圾回收器在压缩期间移动的对象的计数。

51、To make more compact by or as if by pressing. ─── 压缩用压力或类似用压力使更紧密

52、Man and wife entered into a solemn compact. ─── 夫妻二人订了一个庄严的契约。

53、The compaction behavior of multi-axial warp knit reinforcement is investigated. ─── 在湿态压缩中讨论了树脂的润湿作用以及润湿后一些织物的反弹行为。

54、Large-scale consolidation and compaction of soil were responsible for a major part of the destruction. ─── 大部分破坏都是由于土壤的大规模固结和压密所造成的。

55、He received a compact package. ─── 他收到一个扎得很紧的包裹。

56、The GC can only contract contiguous blocks of memory from the end of the heap, so a compaction might be required to contract the heap. ─── GC只能收缩从堆末尾开始的连续内存块,因此收缩堆可能需要进行压缩。

57、A compact, cymose cluster of flowers. ─── 团伞花序密集而无柄的聚伞花序

58、They forked up as much of the soil possible,easing compaction. ─── 他们尽可能的挖出泥土,减轻土壤夯实程度。

59、I'd like a compact car that gets good mileage. ─── 一辆省油的小型车。

60、It is light, compact, handy and easy to handel. ─── 她轻便、紧凑、灵巧、好用。

61、Compaction of wet material,such as clay,in order to make a watertight paste. ─── 和泥将黏土等潮湿的物质捣密以制成防水浆。

62、I don't think my dog will like it if I turn our daily one-hour walk into a five-minute compaction. ─── 我想我的狗会很不高兴,它每天1小时的散步被我压缩成5分钟的溜达了。

63、To reshape or make compact by applying steady force; compress. ─── 压缩用施加持续的力量使物重新成形或压缩;压紧

64、Ok. Luxury, mid-size or compact? ─── 好。是要豪华型、中型还是小型车?

65、A new value is entered at punch load that is below the value of compaction force main pressure. ─── 在冲压加载主压力下输入一个新压力值。

66、A compact camera; a compact car. ─── 不占空间的摄像机; 小型汽车

67、Advanced clamp box design, it can compact seal layer. ─── 先进印垫夹盒设计,能很好的压紧印章垫。

68、Aeration porosity is more sensitive than total and capillary porosity to reflect soil compaction degree. ─── 与总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度相比,通气孔隙度在反映土壤压实时更为敏感。

69、I enjoy reading his essays because they are compact and pithy. ─── 他的文章简洁而精辟, 我很喜欢读。

70、The head has a well-developed but compaction of the sarcoma, eyes and mouth within a concave in the sarcoma. ─── 头部有着发达而又紧实的肉瘤,眼睛和嘴凹在肉瘤内。

71、Advantages of Optimized Placement: Circuit Compaction and Power Reduction. ─── 优化布线的优势:电路集成度高,能耗降低。

72、A compact implicit between two or more people or groups. ─── 不成文的规定在两人、更多人或群体之间的默契

73、The diageneses mainly comprise cementation, compaction and dissolition. ─── 主要成岩作用有机械压实作用、胶结作用和溶蚀作用。

74、He had a compact and muscular body. ─── 他个子矮小健壮。

75、The body stores minerals in the hard, compact bone. ─── 人体把矿物质储存在坚实的骨骼中。

76、Never leave clay or very compact soil in the pot. ─── 别把粘土或者非常紧实的泥土留在罐子里。

77、What's the daily rate for a compact car? ─── 一部小型车的每天租金是多少?

78、As writers, they like a structure that is compact. ─── 写文章的时候,他们喜欢采用紧凑的结构。

79、The Loyalists of Thule: Compact. ─── 北国志士:猎团之一。

80、A compact camera;a compact car. ─── 不占空间的摄像机;小型汽车

81、The compaction forces of the other punches are within the tolerance limits. ─── 其他冲杆压力在偏差范围内。

82、What type of compact car do you have? ─── 你们有什么样的小型车?

83、OK . Luxury, mid - size or compact ? ─── 好。 是要豪华型、中型还是小型车?

84、Maintaining this compaction head position tends to break down the memory of the material. ─── 保持该压缩头的位置容易把存储的材料分解。

85、She always keeps a powder compact inher bag,. ─── 她的手提包里总是放着粉盒。

86、A compact sitting-room of the same genre was outside. ─── 外面是间具有同样格调的小小的起居室。

87、Compact design and three functions design saves money and space. ─── 体积小巧,三合一设计可节省成本及空间。

88、These two devices feature compact and eas... ─── 二种装置具有结构紧凑、简单实用的特点。

89、To become thin or less compact or dense. ─── 变稀薄,变得不浓

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